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劝返作为引渡的替代性措施之一,早在2007年的胡星案中就成功使用过。劝返较引渡和引渡的其他替代性措施,确实存在一系列优势,但它的困境也是显而易见的:其前提性条件的具备何其艰难;其是否像有的学者所说的那样应认定为自首;为何杨湘洪至今未被劝返。总之,充分比较劝返的利弊之后,我们是否继续不遗余力地对劝返措施进行提倡,如果提倡的话,如何提倡,则是不得不面对的问题。  相似文献   

颜回是孔子最得意的弟子。孔子曾说过"回也非助我者也"的话,但实际情况并非如此。与孔、颜同时代的人也不这样认为。颜回在道德修养、传道、守道、弘道,团结门人及思想方法等方面对孔子多所助益。孔子也曾说过颜回在"仁"、"信"方面要强于自己,又径直称之为"圣人",这些都说明"回也非助我者也"这一句并不能概括孔颜之间的关系。  相似文献   

现代社会的信息化使得学校德育处于一个完全开放的社会环境中。在各种不同的意识形态、价值观、道德观的冲击下,学校德育面临许多困境。只有变“强迫服从”为“教会选择”才能使学校德育摆脱困境,为社会培养更多的人才。  相似文献   

Why are so many teachers reluctant to make talking to parents a priority? In the Warnock Report, the 1981 Education Act and, more recently, the Fish Report teachers were urged to form 'partnerships' with parents. Yet very little progress has been made in this direction with the parents of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Neil Dawson and Brenda McHugh are two ILEA teachers who have been using a family systems approach in the Marlborongh Family Service Education Unit for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in north west London. In this article they explore the question, 'Why is it so difficult?' and share their ideas and experiences of possible solutions.  相似文献   

“幼儿园教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段。”幼儿园要实施素质教育,为幼儿一生的发展打好基础。能否实现如上目标,作为幼儿园内部来说,关键是教师在自己的工作中能否将教育观念转化为教育行为,在教与学的过程中能否从关注文本转化到关注儿童。所谓关注文本,是指教师只重视参阅,选用已有的教学参考、教师用书、课程方案等资料制定教育教学计划,并按预先的计划来检查教的效果。所谓关注儿童,是指教师在教育教学的各个时期、空间时间均能了解儿童的原有基础、兴趣爱好、特点、智慧策略等,追求科学…  相似文献   

大学对于学生最主要的意义是扩大眼界、提高见识,使人拥有更丰富的内心世界和更高洁的人生境界,有丰富的不断超越自我的内在动力。因此,大学首先要带给学生的是现代文明的教养;其次是发展学生的洞察力、鉴赏力和批判性的思考力;第三才是专业知识和专业技能;最终,要帮助学生获得作为知识分子的品格。为此,大学应该是思想最活跃、最富有创造力的学术殿堂,是新思想、新知识和新文化的策源地。  相似文献   

从中学英语到大学英语是一个新的转折 ,而许多新生却无法适应。在整个学习过程中仍沿用着中学英语的学习方法和习惯 ,因而出现了许多问题。作为教师 ,应积极引导并帮助他们尽快适应大学英语的学习 ,从而达到大学英语的教学目的。  相似文献   

This article attempts to characterize the general problem of selecting methods for decision-making. The traditional rational approach to choice is from economics, which offers expected-value maximization. The task environment of decision method selection, however, does not seem to provide the data necessary for carrying out the expected-value calculations. Our approach uses methods from the field of cognitive science. We develop the notion of domain size in fields such as chess, borrowing the concept of a chunk from human memory. We then develop a heuristic rule for choiceamongmethods. We propose this rule as one of many possible rules.  相似文献   

Working within the framework of a Wittgensteinian view of number, I exp the learning of English speaking and Yoruba speaking children as they work towards mean ful use of number names. I find that English speaking children and Yoruba speaking child appropriate different types of concepts in their development towards number use. The conc differ because the types of material objects that English speakers and Yoruba speakers tal differ. It seems that monolingual Yoruba speaking village children might be slower in apprc ating concepts associated with number use in Yoruba than their bilingual compatriots monolingual English speaking children, and that the bilingual children's learning is enhance their bilingualism.  相似文献   

Diversity programs are common in the American workplace. Most organizations, either formally or informally, have facilitated diversity interventions designed to educate employees about cultural differences, to recruit a diverse workforce, to enhance career opportunities, or to improve cross‐cultural interactions. Unfortunately, many of these programs have failed to deliver the desired results. One reason for this lack of success is the failure to connect diversity programs to organizational performance systems. This article offers a five‐step process to use in systematically developing performance‐focused diversity interventions and evaluating their impact on individual and organizational success.  相似文献   

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