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目前,我国非常重视环境保护工作,采取了多种环境管理手段,但环境问题依然突出。为了找到解决我国当前突出环境问题的办法,笔者通过对比鲁迅弃医从文的事实,提出解决我国的环境问题迫在眉睫,且必须将工作重心从行政、法律、技术、经济等手段转移到教育手段上的观点。认为只有加大环境教育力度,切实提高人们的环境保护意识,才能更好地保护环境。  相似文献   

非环境类专业大学生的环境教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面向非环境专业大学生的环境教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分,对我国实现可持续发展、全面建设小康社会和改善生态环境具有重大意义,有必要加强和改善环境教育,为新世纪中华民族的伟大复兴和我国环境的全面好转打下坚实的人才基础。  相似文献   

我国环境伦理学的进展与反思   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国环境伦理学在短暂的时间里虽然发展迅速,但是在实践基础和理论准备不充分的情况下起步的;虽然密切关注国外理论动向,但是缺少自己的话语和理论基点;虽然重视理论体系的自洽和逻辑的圆通,但却失之于对实践向度的关注。我国环境伦理学的未来发展所要解决的问题是:应当具备“大环境伦理学”与“小环境伦理学”的双重视野,着力构建环境伦理学的社会价值支持系统,寻找从理论走向实践的路径和机制。  相似文献   

近年来,由于旅游业快速发展,人类旅游活动对环境的破坏不断加剧,对从事旅游专业的群体进行环境教育就显得非常重要了。尤其是对接受旅游职业教育的学生进行旅游环境保护教育更是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

随着环保事业的发展和深化,环境保护与相关行业相互渗透,产生了环保边缘产业和环保边缘科学。本文以此为基础,分析了我国环保产业的现状和环保边缘产业的潜在商机,指出目前我国环保边缘产业的若干空白。  相似文献   

环境问题是制约区域发展可持续性的关键因素之一,城镇发展面临的主要问题是资源和环境基础薄弱,经济发展的可持续性较差。为协调好城镇发展和环境保护、环境建设之间的关系,亟须采取行之有效的环境对策。即从河南省环境功能带保护、城镇环境保护、生态环境建设和人历史环境保护四个方面解决环境问题。  相似文献   

环境保护与社会环境污染   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
环境保护往往只偏重对自然环境破坏和污染的治理,这是片面的,必须强调社会环境条件对解决环保问题的重大作用。长期以来忽视对社会环境及其污染的研究和治理,不仅对环保问题的解决,而且对社会的发展是不利的,应予重视和强调。  相似文献   

The present study was based on the premise that environmental knowledge can drive environmental behavior only if it arouses environmental emotions. Using a structural equations modeling approach, we tested the direct, as well as the indirect (mediated) effects of knowledge on behavior and assessed the mediating role of environmental emotions. We found that knowledge is an important but distal variable, whose significant effect is fully mediated by emotions. The high explanatory power and good fit indices of the model supported and validated the important role of emotions in the learning process.  相似文献   

This century will be one of continued global population growth, technological advancement, and subsequent burdens on the natural world from consumer demands. A citizenry capable of understanding the complexity of environmental issues and actively participating in their resolutions is vital. The ultimate goal of environmental educators should be to facilitate the creation of this active citizenry. The means by which educators achieve this goal are equally important. Student autonomy in issue investigations and action planning should supplant coercive, advocacy programs if a new generation of critical thinkers is to solve new environmental problems and maintain or improve environmental quality on both the local and global scales. To date, nearly all evaluations of environmental education (EE) have focused on educational outcomes. Evaluations of impacts to environmental quality linked to actions resulting from EE efforts will be necessary if this discipline is to remain relevant in a world facing a century of great challenge in protecting environmental integrity while meeting the needs of our growing and increasingly consumptive population.  相似文献   

论环境管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对环境管理政策的概念、特征及体系进行初步探讨,分析我国现阶段的环境管理政策及环境管理政策体系,以期对我国环境管理政策体系的建立和完善提供参考.  相似文献   

环境法教育的本土化是对环境法教育方向的回答,从环境人类学审视,环境法教育的本土化有环境人类学综合性、批判性、参与性、地方性的特定意蕴。环境法教育的本土化应以本土生态法律文化的构建为内核,弘扬与利用本土优秀传统环境习惯法,秉持环境法律人才培养目标的区域化协同和环境法学科研课题的本土化。  相似文献   

从普遍设定义务的角度谈环境权的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于环境权的保障和实现问题的探讨,学者们"仁者见仁,智者见智"。主要有两类代表性的观点:一类观点认为环境权应该通过立法确认宪法环境权,并将其具体化为法律规定的各项权利,同时建立和完善环境保护诉讼、环境纠纷解决机制等措施来实现;另一类观点则认为:环境权的实现,需要在法律上普遍设定义务,依靠各义务主体主动履行义务现。本文就是对第二类的观点深入探析,希望就如何具体分配义务主体的义务,并如何监督其履行义务提出自己的一些初步建议。  相似文献   

弘扬环境伦理促进环境教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了环境伦理观的由来和发展,阐述了环境伦理教育在环境教育中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

高校环境法律素质教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分。以共生进化理论和替代转换理论为基础,着重分析我国高校环境法律素质教育存在的主要问题,提出必须尽快完善环境法律知识教育、突出环境法律意识教育、重视环境法律行为教育等对策,以此帮助大学生正确认识人与自然之间的关系,并正确行使环境权利,认真履行环境义务。  相似文献   

走向实用是环境美德伦理学的本质规定与必然归宿,其实现方式是通过第一性的环境美德指导人类的环境行为.由环境美德伦理学概念的合理性、自洽性可以确证环境美德伦理学何以可能.由于环境伦理语境下人伦美德的局限性,环境美德应实现对人伦美德的改造与扩充.环境美德教育的目的是通过环境美德影响环境行为,从行为者的角度解决环境问题.  相似文献   

Objective: Young people’s environmental views are typically conflicted, with little recognition of the links between environmental issues or between environmental responsibility and action. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether young people’s understanding of the environment is in conflict or whether they are forming interconnections between issues, responsibility and action that have not yet been identified. Methods: Data relating to environmental attitudes, responsibility, issues and action was collected from 305 high school students in south east Queensland. Regression analyses were used to identify variables that influenced the importance young people placed on environmental issues and actions. Results: Young people’s ideas about environmental responsibility influenced the level of importance they placed on global warming and resource consumption. Young people’s sense of hope and hopelessness were the main drivers of their endorsement of individualistic and political actions for the environment. Conclusions: The unifying factor that influenced young people’s ideas about the environment was a sense of hope. Thus, while young people may already be intuiting their own sense of environmental interconnectedness, it is essential that this is expanded so that young people recognise the links between environmental issues, and the logical pathways that lead from environmental responsibility to action.  相似文献   

美国环境管理体系的构建与其历史上的三次大的环保运动密不可分.首先,环保运动促使美国环境管理机构由最初单一的管理机构过渡到了由国家环保局、国家环保局下属的十大分局、州和其他地方环保机构所组成的环境管理机构体系.其次,它们推动美国的环境法律由最初的保护资源和荒野发展到保护资源、预防和治理污染的全方位的法律体系.再次,它们极...  相似文献   

中国作为新兴经济体,在过去的三十年中,凭借自然资源与人力资源禀赋,实现了本国经济的巨大发展。随着工业化进程的持续和人均收入的日益提高,环境状况的恶化逐渐引起人们的重视。为环境保护提供物质基础和技术保障的环保产业,正是在人们环保意识觉醒后,在世界上众多国家兴起与发展起来的。本文以中国的环保产业为研究对象,在分析研究我国环保产业发展现状的基础上,提出我国当前环保产业面临的问题,并就加快发展环保产业提出了较为可行的政策建议。  相似文献   

The authors discuss environmental literacy in the United States and present a brief summary of the results of a major national study designed to attain a baseline measure of environmental literacy among middle school students in the United States The authors include events that led up to the study and desctibe future directions for environmental literacy assessment.  相似文献   

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