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本文采用文献资料、数理统计、调查等研究方法,以黑龙江省雪上项目注册运动员为研究对象,对雪上项目不同年度注册运动员发展状况进行研究.研究结果发现,越野滑雪、高山滑雪继续保持运动员数量上的优势;单板滑雪成为黑龙江省雪上项目的新亮点.年龄结构分析得知,雪上项目运动员的最佳训练阶段为15~18岁之间;黑龙江省雪上项目队伍梯队建设还不合理,高山滑雪运动员梯队比例形成“U”字形现象;单板滑雪和自由式滑雪项目二线运动员不足,形成了人才梯队培养体系的断裂.  相似文献   

目的:研究优秀女子速度滑冰运动员在2018-2019赛季心脏损伤变化特点,用于评价运动员心脏机能状况。方法:选取16名吉林省队女子速度滑冰运动员为研究对象,共采集四次指标,分别在实验前、准备期后、比赛期后、恢复期后次日清晨七点采集运动员心脏损伤标志物(CK、CK-MB、LDH、AST、cTnI)以及心电图∑T/R。结果:准备期后与实验前相比血清CK、CK-MB、LDH出现极显著升高(P<0.01),比赛期后与实验前相比运动员血清CK、CK-MB、LDH均超出正常范围且出现极显著升高(P<0.01),血清AST和cTnI出现显著性升高(P<0.05),心电图∑T/R出现显著性下降(P<0.05)。恢复期后无统计学意义。结论:心脏损伤标志物在比赛期结束后升高,经过调整恢复后下降到正常范围内,说明这是一种生理适应,而不是病理反应。心脏损伤标志物结合心电图可作为训练中心脏损伤监控的一种手段。  相似文献   

雪上项目运动员的心理训练   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
阐述了我国雪上项目运动员的心理训练现状。从心理训练的研究和应用方面指出了现有的不足:研究论文整体数量较少;研究类型比例分配不均;涉及的心理训练手段少;缺乏对增强运动员心理能力、树立正确的比赛观等以及赛中和赛后心理训练的重视;训练效果的评价指标单一。雪上项目运动员的心理训练发展对策是:注重优秀运动员的个性化和专门化培养;注重运动员心理能力的提高;更多地采用现代化仪器;加强跨文化研究与本土化研究。  相似文献   

对陕西省不同运动水平网球运动员常见运动损伤的特征、部位、种类以及损伤原因进行了调查,结果发现,高水平网球运动员损伤常发生在腰部、核心区和下肢区域,易出现严重性创伤,低水平网球运动员损伤则更易发生在上肢部位。造成这种结果的原因主要是高水平运动员过度训练、重视程度不够、自我保护意识差,而低水平运动员损伤则和训练负荷过大、恢复时间不合理导致旧伤未愈等因素有关。  相似文献   

从运动训练学的理论视角,分析了我国单板滑雪U型场地技巧项目的周期训练计划的规律和训练时间段的划分。对于单板滑雪U型场地技巧项目的训练年度大周期进行了初步的归纳。探讨了我国在本项目上现阶段的训练周期划分的结构,并且对于冬季雪上季节性较强的项目周期训练方式总结,提出如何使运动员的身体状态在比赛期得到良好的调整以及更好的使陆上训练和雪上训练进行对接。  相似文献   

通过对我国自由式滑雪雪上技巧队运动员运动损伤情况的调查,了解该项目运动员损伤的现状,探究损伤的特点,进而分析主要致因,提出相应的预防措施及建议,旨在为教练员和运动员提供参考,使运动员尽量减少和避免运动损伤的发生,提高训练效果。  相似文献   

本文使用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、现场调查法、数理统计法等方法,调查了阿克苏地区青少年排球运动员的运动损伤情况,通过分析回收问卷,研究发现不同等级运动员的损伤发生率具有显著性差异;排球运动员的运动损伤在病程上多属于急性损伤,损伤的轻重程度上多属于轻度损伤和中度损伤;运动员损伤主要发生在比赛和技术训练时期,身体训练时期运动损伤的发生率相对较少;运动损伤以软组织挫裂伤、关节韧带损伤、肌肉损伤为主等特点。分析了排球运动员的致伤因素为潜在因素和直接因素两大部分。探讨了运动员的预防对策。  相似文献   

我国雪上项目发展缓慢、运动成绩滞后的主要瓶颈为我国雪上项目运动员的雪上训练时间不足,而协调和缓解这一主要矛盾的有效方法就是有效地提高我国雪上项目运动员的夏季训练即无雪期训练的训练质量。笔者详实地回顾我国雪上项目夏季训练的发展历程,认真总结经验,继续发展一些好的做法,为更好地提高运动员的夏季训练质量和增加运动员的全年训练的时间,提供有价值的理论参考和训练经验的总结。  相似文献   

为探讨心理干预对自由式滑雪空中技巧国家队女运动员比赛动作操作表现的影响,采取共时性、双基线水平单个被试试验设计,使用流畅状 态量表(FSS)和比赛评分法测定运动员水池训练、雪上训练、心理干预介入、撤掉心理干预后参加比赛4阶段流畅心理状态和动作质量得分,并辅以 心理技能测试和质性研究效度评价来综合反映运动员的操作表现。2次基线测定结果显示,3名运动员流畅状态得分在水池训练与雪上训练变化不 大。3名运动员动作质量得分方面,雪上训练得分明显低于水池训练,介入心理干预后,3名运动员流畅状态均有所改善,2名运动员动作质量得分均 增加,第3名运动员动作质量得分略有降低;撤除心理干预后,3名运动员流畅心理状态得分均有所降低,动作质量得分均降低但略高于基线1和基 线2。结论:经过心理干预训练,运动员操作表现得以提升。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法等,对自由体操项目和自由式滑雪雪上技巧项目的特点进行了研究,目的是通过研究找出两个技巧性项目间的共同点,以期利用我国竞技体操项目的优势为雪上技巧项目提供借势发展.研究表明:雪上技巧项目和体操项目都属于技能主导类表现难美性项群的项目.在比赛中,雪上技巧和体操类似,运动员需要完成较高难度和较高质量的动作才能获得高分.在训练中,雪上技巧的高难动作可以像体操高难动作,采用分解练习法、诱导练习法、辅助练习法等进行训练.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of in-season national team duty on injury rates and player availability in a professional soccer club. Time-loss injuries and exposure time during club and national team duties were recorded prospectively over 5 seasons (2009–2014). A time-loss injury was sustained by 37.7% of squad members participating in national duty, all injuries occurring in match-play. The incidence (per 1000 h exposure) for national team player match-play injuries did not differ (P = 0.608) to that for all players in club competitions: 48.0 (95% CI 20.9–75.5) vs. 41.9 (95% CI 36.5–47.4), incidence rate ratio = 1.2 (CI: 0.8–2.4). The majority (58%) of national team injuries resulted in a layoff ≤1 week. Of all working days lost to injury generally, 5.2% were lost through injury on national duty. Injury incidence in the week following national duty was comparable (P = 0.818) in players participating or not: 7.8 (95% CI 3.6–12.0) vs. 7.1 (95% CI: 4.6–9.6), incidence rate ratio = 1.1 (CI: 0.7–2.7). While approximately 40% of participating players incurred a time-loss injury on national duty, no training injuries were sustained and injuries made up a negligible part of overall club working days lost to injury. Following duty, players had a similar injury risk to peers without national obligations.  相似文献   


Overuse injuries are predominant in sports involving the repetition of similar movements patterns, such as in volleyball or beach volleyball, and they may represent as much a problem as do acute injuries. This review discusses the prevalence of two of the most common overuse-related injuries in volleyball: shoulder and back/spine injuries. Risk factors and the aetiology of these injuries are illustrated in order to make possible to initiate preventive programme or post-injuries solutions. Data collected from literature showed a moderately higher injury rate for overuse shoulder injuries compared to the back/spine (19.0±11.2% and 16.8±9.7%, respectively). These data could be underestimated, and future epidemiological studies should consider overuse injuries separately from the others, with new methodological approaches. In addition to age, biomechanical and anatomical features of a volleyball technique utilised in game and the amount of hours played are considered as the main risk factors for overuse upper limb injuries, both for professional and recreational athletes. Together with post-injuries solutions, great importance has to be placed on preventive programmes, such as preventive rehabilitation, stretching, adequate warm up, strength-power exercises, etc. Furthermore, it is particularly suggested that coaches and players work together in order to develop new game/training techniques that minimise stresses and range of motion of the principal anatomical structures involved, while maintaining athletes performance.  相似文献   

探讨我国单板U型滑雪运动员人格和赛前情绪类型的基本特点及其关系,采用卡特尔16种人格因素量表和赛前情绪量表–T,对我国43名运动员进行调查,结果显示:(1)运动员的人格类型主要有普通型、兴奋敢为型和敏感紧张型。运动员的赛前情绪类型主要有混合型、自信型和淡漠型。地方队的混合型和淡漠型运动员显著多于国家队。赛前情绪为混合型的运动员没有取得过国际名次,自信型运动员取得的国际名次最多。(2)普通型和敏感紧张型运动员的个体失败焦虑显著高于兴奋敢为型运动员;敏感紧张型运动员的社会期待焦虑显著高于兴奋敢为型运动员。(3)从个案看:该项目优秀运动员大多属于兴奋敢为型和自信型运动员。结论:兴奋敢为型和自信型的单板滑雪U型项目运动员焦虑更少、成绩更好、更易成功。  相似文献   

通过对全国第11届冬季运动会单板U型场地滑雪比赛的现场观察,以及对教练员、裁判员、运动员和相关人员的访谈、调研,试图发现我国单板U型场地滑雪运动发展现状和制约我国单板U型场地滑雪发展的主要因素。结果显示:尖子选手实力突出,后备新秀技术水平偏弱,出现“两级”分化;比赛场地、器材、服装等条件相对较差;整体教练员水平和运动员技、战术及心理素质有待提高;科研保障和医疗保障力度不足等问题是制约我国单板U型场地滑雪运动发展的主要因素;在训练体制上没有形成“网”或“龙”的队伍衔接结构。从队伍建设、科学化训练、运动技术改进、后备人才培养等多方面提出进一步发展单板U型场地滑雪项目的对策。  相似文献   

Alpine ski racing is one of the most popular sports in many countries; nevertheless, selection disadvantages and severe injuries result in high dropout rates. In this review we summarize existing knowledge about the specific challenges associated with selection bias and injuries, and their effects on talent development in ski racing.

The relative age effect (RAE) appears in all age categories of national Austrian and international alpine ski racing. Relatively younger athletes seem to only have a chance for selection if they are early maturing. Talent selection processes should consider both the biological maturity status as well as the relative age; additionally, a competition system based on a rotating cut-off date might contribute to a reduction of RAE. Youth and adolescent ski racers report lower injury rates compared to World Cup athletes. The knee was the most affected body part in relation to traumatic injuries. The most frequently reported overuse injuries were knee pain (youth) and low back pain (adolescent level). Athlete-related modifiable risk factors were core strength, neuromuscular control, leg extension strength and limb asymmetries. Based on these findings, prevention measures should be expanded to contribute to long-term injury prevention. In future research more multi-disciplinary, longitudinal studies should be performed.  相似文献   

我国U型场地单板雪上技巧教练员队伍建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教练员是运动队伍的组织者和领导者,是运动项目发展的人力基础,由于现代竞技运动水平的不断提高,对于教练员的知识结构、能力结构、心理品质等方面的要求也越来越高。研究表明,教练员的素质、教学及训练水平,是影响运动员竞技水平提高的一个重要因素,因此,建立一只高水平的U型场地单板雪上技巧教练员队伍已成为推动项目整体发展的关键。对我国U型场地单板雪上技巧教练员队伍的分布、年龄、学历结构及执教年限等方面进行了分析,力求找出项目发展初期在教练员队伍建设方面所存在的问题,并提出相应的建议,以期对该项目在我国的发展起到促进作用。  相似文献   


The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of an exercise-based warm-up programme (“VolleyVeilig”) on the one-season occurrence of musculoskeletal injuries among recreational adult volleyball players. A prospective randomised controlled trial was conducted over the 2017–2018 volleyball season. Recreational adult volleyball players were allocated either to an intervention or control group. The Dutch version of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre questionnaire was used to register and monitor acute and overuse injuries. A total of 672 volleyball players were enrolled: 348 in the intervention group (mean age: 30) and 324 in the control group (mean age: 27). The incidence rate of acute injury was 21% lower in the intervention group, namely 8.9 versus 11.3 per 1,000 h in the control group (Cox mixed effects crude model: hazard ratio = 0.82 [95%CI: 0.69–0.98]; Cox mixed effects adjusted model: 0.85 [95%CI: 0.71–1.02]). No significant difference in mean prevalence of overuse injury was found between the intervention (4.8%) and control (4.2%) groups. The severity of injuries was not significantly different between groups, while injury burden was slightly lower in the intervention group. The exercise-based warm-up programme led to a trend in less acute injuries among recreational adult volleyball players.  相似文献   

为助力“三亿人参与冰雪运动”的目标实现,研究对大众滑雪损伤发生、损伤特征、损伤程度进行考察,旨在提高对滑雪安全的科学认知。研究发现,大众滑雪损伤发生率有三种常用评价方法,与竞技滑雪损伤评价率略有差异;损伤特征显示高山滑雪以下肢损伤居多,单板滑雪以上肢肩、肘、腕部损伤居多;骨折一直是较严重的损伤类型,且多年来骨折发生率没有明显下降;AIS和ISS是评价大众滑雪损伤程度常用方法,双板滑雪损伤严重程度高于单板。建议未来参照国际通用评价标准对大众滑雪损伤进行研究,并从安全预警、监管、教育、法规、救援、保险等层面促进我国大众滑雪安全管理和行业健康发展。  相似文献   

This study’s objective was to collect items from experienced sports physicians, relating to the presence and severity of overuse wrist injuries in young athletes, for developing a measurement instrument for signals of overuse wrist injury. Seven Dutch elite sports physicians involved in guidance and treatment of young athletes in wrist-loading sports (gymnastics, tennis, judo, field hockey, volleyball and rowing) participated in a focus group. They discussed signals and limitations related to overuse wrist injuries in young athletes. Data were coded and categorised into signals and limitations with subcategories, using an inductive approach. Of the resulting 61 signals and limitations in nineteen (sub)categories, 20 were considered important, forming a comprehensive item set for identifying overuse wrist injury in young athletes. Signals such as pain, “click”, crepitations, swelling and limited range of motion were marked useful for early identification of overuse wrist injury. Limitations in movement and performance were considered indicative of severe overuse injury but less relevant for initial injury identification. The focus group provided 17 important signals and 3 important limitations indicative of overuse wrist injury. These provide the basis for a valid measurement instrument for identifying overuse wrist injury in young athletes, with equal emphasis on pain and on other symptoms.  相似文献   

All traumatic and overuse injuries occurring during an average period of 4 years (2002/09) in a group of 51 currently active road top-level cyclists were retrospectively registered through clinical interviews. Average age was 25.8 years. Average training and competition period was 28.3 ± 2.4 h a week. Only 8 cyclists (15.6%) were completely free from lesions during the period of study. The remaining 43 cyclists suffered a total of 112 lesions; however, 9 out of these were unrelated to their cycling practice. These 103 cycling-related injuries include 50 (48.5%) traumatic and 53 (51.5%) overuse injuries. Twenty-eight fractures were reported, the clavicle being the most frequently affected bone (11 cases). The 68.5% of overuse injuries were located in the lower limbs. Most overuse injuries (89.6%) occurred during the training period. According to the injury abbreviated scale (AIS), severe lesions were only found in 4 cases (8% of traumatic injuries). Overall injury rates were 0.50 per racer/year, 2.02 per studied racer, and 0.007 per 1000 km of training and competition. Active professional top-level cyclists are exposed to a high injury risk. According to the scarce previously published data the current study provides relevant information on the injury occurrence of still active top-level road cycling.  相似文献   

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