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Editor's Note: In Grutter v. Bollinger, __ U.S. ___ ; 123 S. Ct. 2325; 156 L. Ed. 2d 304 (2003), the Supreme Court rendered a landmark decision approving the use of race as one factor in admissions decisions at the University of Michigan Law School. The opinion of the Court discussed an expert opinion of Kent D. Syverud, Dean of the Vanderbilt Law School, concerning the educational benefits of diversity, noting that "when a critical mass of underrepresented minority students is present, racial stereotypes lose their force because non-minority students learn there is no 'minority viewpoint' but rather a variety of viewpoints among minority students." The expert report to which the Court referred was prepared at the Vanderbilt Law School in 1999 and attached as an Exhibit (in Volume 3 of the Appendix) to the Defendant University of Michigan Law School's Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, May 3, 1999, Grutter v. Bollinger, C.A. No. 97-75928, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The report was also referenced in the appendix to the Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States at 215a. What follows is the original expert report as submitted to the Court.  相似文献   

This article revisits the University of Michigan's 2003 affirmative action cases, Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger. Through the aid of critical textual analysis and critical race theory, the author looks back at the predominant narratives that framed the challenge to, and defense of, race-conscious affirmative action policy in the University of Michigan cases. In the wake of Fisher v. University of Texas Austin, the third affirmative action case to be heard before the United States Supreme Court within the last decade, the author suggests that revisiting Grutter and Gratz may be helpful to understand the evolution of arguments for and against affirmative action.  相似文献   

李·C·鲍林格是美国哥伦比亚大学的第十九任校长.他在任期内致力于通过全球化与地方性相结合的治校方略,把哥伦比亚大学建设成为一个融合国际化战略与地方性品质于一身的世界一流大学,显著地促进了哥伦比亚大学的发展.鲍林格校长的办学理念和治校方略可资新时期大学改革借鉴,对当前的世界一流大学建设具有不菲的参考价值.  相似文献   

动词重叠V1V1V2V2式的性质,有动词和形容词之说。通过对近代汉语明清时期的十部小说中所有用例语法功能的考察,发现将其看作动词才是合理的。  相似文献   

在由字母表 {u ,v}所生成的自由单式半群上定义了两类特殊的Fibonacci语言Fu ,v={u ,v ,uv ,vuv,… }和F0u ,v={u ,v,vu ,vuv,… } ,其中u ,v是两个定义在一个有限的字母表X上的非空字 .在这篇文章中 ,作者探讨了F1u ,v和F0u ,v中的具有相同的长度的字是一对共轭对 .当u ,v不是X+ 上同一个字母的方幂时 ,F1u ,v\{ {u ,v ,uv ,vuv}是一个本原字集 .一个非空的语言L是一个密码 ,若x1,x2 ,… ,xn,y1,y2 ,… ,ym ∈L ,x1,x2 …xn=y1,y2 …ym 成立就意味着n =m和xi=yi,i=1 ,2 ,… ,n .当k 2时 ,语言Fk={ωnk\{u ,v,uv,vuv|n 1 }是一个密码 ,其中ωnk指的是第nk -th个Fibonacci字  相似文献   

本文讨论了<诗经>中的"v之v之"句式,并对前人认为不属于"v之v之"句式的"左之左之"、"右之右之"和"神之听之"等三句作了重点探讨,认为它们也应属于"v之v之"句式.  相似文献   

Separation of fluoxetine enantiomers on five chiral stationary phases (chiralcel OD-H, chiralcel OJ-H, chiralpak AD-H, cyclobond 1 2000 DM and kromasil CHI-TBB) was investigated. The optimal mobile phase compositions of fluoxetine separation on each column were hexane/isopropanol/diethyl amine (98/2/0.2, v/v/v), hexane/isopropanol/diethyl amine (99/1/0. l, v/v/v), hexane/isopropanol/diethyl amine (98/2/0.2, v/v/v), methanol/0.2% triethylamine acetic acid (TEAA) (25/75, v/v; pH 3.8) and hexane/isopropanol/diethyl amine (98/2/0.2, v/v/v), respectively. Experimental results demonstrated that baseline separation (Rs〉1.5) of fluoxetine enantiomers was obtained on chiralcel OD-H, chiralpak AD-H, and cyclobond I 2000 DM while the best separation was obtained on the last one. The eluate orders of fluoxetine enantiomers on the columns were determined. The first eluate by chiralcel OJ-H and kromasil CHI-TBB is the S-enantiomer, while by chiralpak AD-H and cyclobond 12000 DM is the R-enantiomer.  相似文献   

设图G=G(V,E),令函数f:V→{-1,1},f的权w(f)=∑v∈Vf[v],对v∈V,定义f[v]=∑u∈N[v]f(u),这里N[v]表示V中顶点v及其邻点的集合。图G的符号控制函数为f:V→{-1,1}满足对所有的v∈V有f[v]≥1,图G的符号控制数γs(G)就是图G上符号控制数的最小权,称其f为图G的γs-函数。研究了C2n图,通过给出它的一个γs-函数得到了其符号控制数。  相似文献   

Methods developed by Newman and Casey for analyzing errors made by children attempting verbal arithmetic problems are described, with particular emphasis being given to Newman's hierarchy of error causes. Data obtained by Newman, Casey, and Clements are presented. These show that a large proportion of errors made by children in grades 5–7 in Victoria on verbal arithmetic problems are in the Newman categories Comprehension, Transformation, Process Skills, and Carelessness.  相似文献   

给出了有限域IFq上的2v l维仿射奇异辛空间ASG(2v l,IFq)和2v l次仿射奇异辛群ASP2v l,v(IFq)的概念,然后讨论了ASP2v l,v(IFq)作用在ASG(2v l,IFq)上的可迁性及一些相关的计数定理,最后给出应用仿射奇异辛空问构作结合方案和认证码的例子.  相似文献   

The application of basic cybernetic laws and information processing principles to the classroom situation suggests that traditional and modern teaching methods, regarded as control systems, are equivalent in terms of efficiency. As control structures, they embody different principles and are not decomposable. Examination of these principles reveals that the two methods are radically incompatible, in the sense that techniques developed in the one cannot be transferred to the other without dislocation of the system as a whole. Attempts to modernize the traditional method, or to formalize the modern method are ill-conceived. Such mixed methods violate basic laws of information and control, and cannot work. It is suggested that many of the problems underlying the Great Education Debate are a consequence of the impossible state of affairs created by the widespread introduction of mixed methods.  相似文献   

本文对薄荷—醇—水系统的降温效果在模拟环境条件中作了实验研究。确定出有效的组份配比。并获得明显效果。  相似文献   

在CCL语料库中检索"V不V"结构,借助黄廖本《现代汉语》8大类动词分类,对检索到的语料进行详细分析。结果发现,有7大类动词的单个动词形式可进入"V不V"结构中,其分布很不均衡;有6类动词性词组可进入该结构并存在形式上的变化;表示判断的动词在"V不V"结构中的分布最广,其次是表示能愿的动词,两者共占该结构总数的约4/5。  相似文献   

比较了有机溶剂提取法、酸热法和超声波提取法对于裂殖壶菌油脂的提取能力.酸热法和超声波提取法的提取得率高于有机溶剂提取法.当氯仿和甲醇以1:1的体积比混合时,油脂提取得率最高.当氯仿和甲醇以2:1的体积比混合时,提取所得油脂中的DHA含量最高.但总提取得率还是以氯仿和甲醇的体积混合比为1:1时为最佳.  相似文献   

A graph is called claw-free if it does not contain a claw as its induced subgraph. In this paper, we prove the following results : 1 ) If G is a 2-connected claw-free graph on n vertices, then for any vertex υ and any two distinct vertices x and y in V(G) - |υ| , G has a path containing v and all neighbors of v and connecting x and y;2) Let C be the longest cycle in a 3-connected claw-free graph G and H a component of G - C,and if H is connected but not 2-connected, then there exist nonadjacent vertices u and v in H such that |V(C)| ≥3(d(u) d(u)) -2.  相似文献   

V(Cm·Sn)={ui|i=1,2,L,m}∪{vij|i=1,2,L,m;j=1,2,L,n}, E(Cm?Sn)={v11v21,v21v31,Lv(m?1)1vm1,vm1v11}∪{uivij|i=1,2,L,m;j=1,2,L,n}.本文给出了的邻点可区别的边色数。  相似文献   

设x,y,w,v是Abel范畴Α的子范畴,其中w?x且v?y.本文研究当w是x的余生成子,v是y的生成子时,x与w以及y与v在正合列中的若干联系和性质.  相似文献   

两个图G1和G2的笛卡尔积图G1×G2定义为如下的图:V(G1×G2)=V(G1)×V(G2),E(G1×G2)={(u1,u2)(v1,v2)|u1=v1且u2v2∈E(G2),或者u2=v2且u1v1∈E(G1)}.图的交叉数是图论中的一个重要拓扑参数,而确定图的交叉数是一个完全胛一问题.本文确定了若干树Tn(n≤4)与圈Cm的笛卡尔积图的交叉数.  相似文献   

对图G(V,E),μ(G)称为G的Mycielski图,V(μ(G))=V(G)∪{v′|v∈V(G)}∪{w},且w■V(G),而E(μ(G))=E(G)∪{uv′|u∈V(G)v′∈V′,且uv∈E(G)}∪{wv′|v′∈V′}其中w■V(G),V′={v′|v∈V(G)}.  相似文献   

A development progression is outlined which dovetails with and expands the life-span theory of Erik H. Erikson and the type conceptions of W. Harold Grant into six stages, the span in years of each of which is roughly divisible by seven: Early Childhood (Birth to Seven), which includes Erikson's Trust v. Mistrust, Autonomy v. Shame/Doubt, and Initiative v. Guilt, and in which the child established Extraversion or Introversion; Late Childhood (Seven to Fourteen), Erikson's Industry v. Inferiority and the establishment of the Dominant function; Adolescent (Fourteen to Twenty-One), including Erikson's Identify v. Role Confusion and the raising into consciousness of the Auxillary function; Young Adulthood (Twenty-one to Thirty-Five), Intimacy v. Isolation, and the practice of the Tertiary; Mid-Life (Thirty-Five to Forty-Nine) Generativity v. Stagnation, and the bringing under some control of the usually unconscious Inferior; and finally, Mature Adulthood (Forty-Nine to Seveny) Erikson's Integrity v. Despair in which the conscious and differential use of all functions allows approaching the ideal of individuation.  相似文献   

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