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王长庚  何霞 《新闻记者》2002,(11):28-29
近 几年新创刊的体育类报刊或综合类报刊 ,在体育新闻的报道上 ,开始走上娱乐化道路。新闻学者李良荣指出 :“现在不少体育报纸、体育频道往这方面走 ,广州的《南方体育》和上海电视台体育频道的《体育快评》是其中的典型。他们嬉笑怒骂 ,非常诙谐 ,彻底把体育当作娱乐来做 ,这是一股新的潮流。”①所谓“体育新闻娱乐化” ,是指在报道体育新闻时 ,报道重点不是放在体育赛事本身上 ,而是将更多的版面留给运动员和跟赛事有关的人、事、物的小道消息上 ,尤其是热衷于报道运动员的私生活和花边新闻。将体育新闻娱乐化的报台 ,把自己的目标受众…  相似文献   

任志萍 《新闻界》2006,(3):52-53
很长的一段时期在我国,体育新闻报道星现着一种“大足球”倾向,各类体育新闻媒体都不约而同将比较大的报道空间和报道重点放在了足球项目的报道上,除此之外,互联网的体育新闻报道、都市报、晚报等,都给“足球新闻”留出了相当的版面。本文将研究对象限定为足球赛事新闻语篇,语料主要来自《体坛周报》、《足球》《足球周报》等报刊以及搜狐体育等网络的文字报道,不包括照片、图表、图像、声音等符号表现形式。  相似文献   

体育报道的新特点阎乃华改革开放以来,市场经济大潮对许多方面都产生了很大的冲击,体育新闻报道也出现了一些新的特点,研究和总结这些新特点和新情况,对我们改进体育新闻报道、办好体育报刊、搞好体育宣传工作是大有好处的。体育宣传量迅速增加,体育记者队伍不断壮大...  相似文献   

刘泓 《新闻窗》2013,(5):40-41
体育新闻报道不仅旨在传播体育信息,更在于娱乐大众,供人们丰富业余生活之用。故而,在体育新闻报道中,体育竞赛的冲突性、刺激性、戏剧性和新奇性得以重点凸现,而体育竞赛的主角体育明星更是占据了体育报道的较大篇幅。究其原因,是体育新闻使用了英雄原型这一报道策略,体育明星被描绘为无所不能的英雄,在赛场大显身手,关键时刻屡屡制胜对手,  相似文献   

在市场经济及泛娱乐化发展背景的影响下,体育领域部分新闻报道也呈现一定的娱乐化倾向,不仅体现在文字语言方面,也表现在内容倾向上。而过度、一味的娱乐化体育新闻报道方式容易导致新闻报道的庸俗化,影响体育及新闻报道领域优良文化、崇高体育精神氛围的形成。基于此,本文结合目前部分体育新闻报道娱乐化实例,分析体育新闻娱乐化倾向的主要表现形式、危害,在此基础上,提出几点解决对策,促进体育新闻报道更好地发展。  相似文献   

体育新闻无论是对报刊这样的传统媒体,还是对电视、互联网这样的现代媒介,越来越成为不可或缺的报道内容。比如,体育新闻一直是晚报两大报道重点之一,现在不少日报也辟出了每日都有的体育专版,中央电视台除了有体育节目外,还有体育频道。人们常说:赛场是没有硝烟的战场。这也从侧面表明,体育与军事有着天然的亲密性。作为军事媒体的军报,搞好体育报道责无旁贷,而如何强化体育报道的“军味”,则需要我们在办报的实践中进一步探讨和创新。  相似文献   

体育新闻报道应把握“四性”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自80年代以来,我国兴起过各种各样的“热”,但能引起各阶层关注而又经久不衰的恐怕要数体育热。体育热为体育新闻的发展营造了广阔的空间,也使体育新闻越来越成为媒体争相报道的话题。根据本人近年来阅读大量报刊的体育版和在地方晚报编辑文体版的体验,窃以为地方报纸的体育版面在报道中要注意把握“四性”。  相似文献   

自从1984年第23届运会中国获得第一块奥运金牌以来,中国的体育事业突飞猛进,竞技体育成绩斐然,体育新闻报道也火爆起来,各类专门从事体育新闻报道的专业报、杂志、栏目、频道层出不穷.我们也应该看到,如今.体育新闻趋向娱乐化的倾向比较明显,这其中有其积极的效用,一方面拓宽了报道领域,增强了对受众的吸引力,另一方面也使体育新闻变得更丰富多彩、更受欢迎、更好看,也为纸质媒体的体育版在与电视等电子媒介的竞争中找到了空档.但不必讳言的是,由于过分追求"眼球经济"和市场效应,加上记者自身专业精神和理性思考力的欠缺,一些媒体在报道体育新闻中也存在着不少偏差,体育新闻娱乐化带来的一些弊端不得不令业内人士深刻反思.  相似文献   

体育新闻无论是对报刊这样的传统媒体,还是对电视、互联网这样的现代媒介,越来越成为不可或缺的报道内容。比如,体育新闻一直是晚报两大报道重点之一,现在不少日报也辟出了每日都有的体育专版,中央电视台除了有体育节目外,还有体育频道。人们常说:赛场是没有硝烟的战场。这也从侧面表明,体育与军事有着天然的亲密性。作为军事媒体的军报,搞好体育报道责无旁贷,而如何强化体育报道的“军味”,则需要我们在办报的实践中进一步探讨和创新。一、认识体育在军事中的作用要把体育报道搞得军味很浓,首先就得认识体育在军事工作和生活中…  相似文献   

现代生活中,体育报道已成为媒体报道内容的一个重要组成部分。从受众的角度说,人们在阅读体育新闻报道,了解体育信息的同时,也期望体育新闻呈现给他们的文字或图像如体育本身一样具有挑战性和娱乐性。体育新闻的纪实性和娱乐性并存的特征,在足球新闻报道中体现得最为透彻。各种形式的媒体在足球新闻报道中都呈现出一种共性,那就是  相似文献   

In the second half of the twentieth century, the volume, content and appearance of arts journalism in Western daily newspapers have changed significantly in accordance with wider transformations in the arts and journalism. Previous studies have focused on (1) which culture receives attention, (2) the way culture gets attention, and (3) economic pressures underlying transformations. In this article we aim to bring these strands together by analyzing how changes in the packaging of arts journalism have evolved in relation to the cultural content which is discussed and the volume of (cultural) advertising that is featured in newspapers. We conduct a content analysis of the coverage given to both “highbrow” and “popular” art forms in French, German, Dutch and US elite newspapers for four sample years: 1955, 1975, 1995 and 2005. The results show that newspapers all seem to converge into a balance between news reporting and reviewing. We find evidence for an increased catering for the needs and interests of audiences in some aspects (e.g. more popular culture) but not in others (e.g. no more human interest). Finally, most newspapers show an increase in cultural advertising, although the European newspapers in our sample contain much less advertising than the American ones. A stronger presence of advertising is positively related to both a lifestyle orientation of newspapers and a focus on popular culture.  相似文献   

Still the Same?     
《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):373-389
This article analyses whether a specific news event is reported differently online compared to print newspapers. The question is hardly new but has increased in importance as more readers pass from print newspapers to online news. The conditions of news selection and production are discussed departing from the theories of market-driven journalism and media logic, and are related to aspects of audience needs and gratifications, as well as professional norms and standards. A content analysis of news reporting during the 2010 Swedish election campaign reveals no significant differences between how major newspapers reported the aspects, issues and actors online compared to in print. Individuals using online news received the same information about the election campaign as those reading the print paper, which indicates a displacing rather than complementary effect of online journalism on print journalism.  相似文献   

外国媒体的涉华报道 ,既折射出中国在国际舞台上的形象 ,又为中国政府的对外关系决策提供参照。鉴于此 ,本文作者跟踪分析了近期美、俄、日、德权威报纸的涉华报道。其共同点是 ,四国的涉华报道均从各自的国家利益出发来报道和评价中国及其与中国的关系 ;不同的是 ,各国报道又明显地带有各自的特点或倾向性———美国的冷战思维 ,日本的防范心理 ,俄罗斯民族骨子里的大国沙文主义的傲慢态度  相似文献   

By empirically investigating the political orientations of three conservative and two progressive newspapers in Korea, this study examined the source usage of these papers regarding the US beef imports issue. Results showed that while progressive newspapers took a more negative stance in reporting US beef imports than conservative ones, both papers together used sources that are more transparent more frequently compared to less transparent sources in order to build their political perspectives. At the same time, the information from more transparent sources was generally provided by more credible source categories in terms of source affiliations. These results imply that, regardless of political stances, Korean newspapers might have followed the journalistic norms that suggest using more transparent and credible sources than less transparent and credible ones. However, the authors also stress that conservative and progressive papers would have framed the story by purposely selecting favorable informants for their respective political stances, even if they originate from more transparent and credible sources, as ways of pushing for their own viewpoints.  相似文献   

This study examines how news producers determine content that particularly interests women readers, along with how community- and organizational-level factors may influence those depictions. A Web survey of 145 newspaper editors and reporters found that newspapers that focus on enterprise reporting also subscribe to the importance of content for women, as do newspapers with editors who believe that women's topics are important to readers. Implications for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

国家图书馆已经有百年历史,在其丰富的馆藏文献中,国内出版的中文报纸占据相当重要的位置.通过对1949年建国前后国内出版的中文报纸馆藏情况的分析发现,国家图书馆收藏的国内出版的中文报纸品种仅占全国公开发行报纸品种的一半,形成这种状况的原因包括无法掌握报纸的全部出版信息及受采选条例的制约等.限于各方面条件的制约,全面收藏国内正式出版发行的中文报纸难度很大,国家图书馆应将其作为一项长远目标循序渐进地实现,并有条不紊地推进国内出版的中文报纸的馆藏建设.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):62-81
Court reporting is a regular feature of German daily newspapers and is widely read by a third of German newspaper readers. However, only a modest number of the daily trials find their way into the press. The aim of the present study is to identify the process and criteria for selecting local court cases for press coverage. The study is based on four Dresden daily newspapers whose reporting is examined initially by means of content analysis. The results signal a focus on criminal, rather than civil, law matters as well as trials conducted in the place of publication. A second element of the research involved observation of the selection of criminal law matters at Dresden county court by reporters of the four newspapers. It was possible to identify a multi-step selection process as a result of which only a fraction of the trials were reported. Thirdly, selection factors were identified using guided interviews with court reporters and their editors. Significant factors steering selection included the seriousness of the deed, the editorial requirement for diversity of reporting, the degree to which the readers are directly affected by the event, the prominence of the participants as well as the possibility for simple presentation and illustration.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how major U.S. print and broadcast news media framed depression causal and problem-solving responsibilities at individual and societal levels over the past three decades. Results from the content analysis showed that the media placed more causal and problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than the society. However, references to societal solutions increased moderately over time. Organizational differences emerged in news attribution of responsibilities, as print media presented more individual-level causes while broadcast media focused more on solutions at both individual and societal levels. Additionally, local newspapers put more problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than national newspapers, while a cable news channel allocated more time to the discussion of overall depression responsibilities than network TV. Findings are discussed in the context of cultural orientations, organizational constraints, changing practice and trends in health news reporting, and the broader political/social environment in which the news media operate. Practical implications for health journalism, mental health communication and advocacy, and public health policy-making are discussed.  相似文献   

在美国报业史中,党派报纸在19世纪的大部分时间里占据着主导地位。本论文试图分析美国党派报纸的报道方式,并从美国十九世纪下半叶国家政治的变化导致的政党角色的变化中解析美国的党派报纸如何因政党功能的变化而在报道方式上发生改变。  相似文献   

This study examined the coverage of China in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times between 1992 and 2001. Across time comparison were made both within and between the two newspapers in terms of total number of stories, media frames used and favourability differences. Findings show that coverage of China has increased significantly over time, but the overall tone remained negative. Stories presented in political frames and ideological frames were more likely to be unfavourable. No significant differences were found between the two newspapers.  相似文献   

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