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成就目标理论作为解释成就动机行为的社会认知模式之一,一直受到国内外心理研究的极大重视。本文在详尽介绍当代成就动机研究中三个重要的概念:成就目标理论、潜在能力理论和能力自我知觉以及最近提出的2×2成就目标结构的基础上,进一步引入了一个把成就目标与8种完全分离的成就情绪联系起来的理论模型,从而深化了成就目标理论的研究。  相似文献   

语文教学是一个动态变化的过程性活动,教学目标功能导向也应体现在变化中。以语文课改指向为依据,从目标确立、目标发展的过程性、目标关联之间的原则与突出点以及目标的模糊与清晰之间的关系进行新的审视与思考,为教学实践提供参考。  相似文献   

高校实验教学目标探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设定合适的实验教学目标,对于提升实验教学的有效性具有基础性作用。围绕现代大学人才培养的目标,我们可以从实验方法、实验能力、科学态度三个维度来设定本科实验教学目标。这三个维度的目标相互关联,相互促进。而且,实验方法与实验能力所具有的层次结构,决定了实验教学是一个多目标、多层次的系统。基础型实验只能达到低层次实验教学目标,设计型实验和探究型实验是实现高层次实验教学目标所必需的实验类型。  相似文献   

高校德育是一个目标实现的管理过程,可以引入目标管理。引入目标管理,可以在明确德育方向,调动师生的德育积极性,充分利用资源和丰富德育载体等方面起到积极作用,有利于我们加强和改进高校德育,要在高校中运用目标管理,首先要调查研究,确定德育目标,其次要在各方面的配合下落实目标,最后要建立起有效的评价体系,这样才能在高校中充分目标管理。  相似文献   

曲宁 《文教资料》2008,(31):220-221
本研究将成就目标定向理论引入到音乐领域,在已有研究基础上采用自编量表对北京267名音乐专业大学生进行成就目标的主导目标和性别方面初步研究.  相似文献   

利用卡尔曼算法对运动目标跟踪展开研究,提出了一种基于卡尔曼预测的轨迹片段关联目标跟踪算法。首先利用卡尔曼预测缩小搜索区域,对检测结果进行匹配关联,生成可信的短轨迹片段;然后对每个轨迹片段通过卡尔曼预测迭代关联,形成单个目标的跟踪轨迹集合。实验证明该方法可有效提高轨迹片段关联跟踪算法效率,解决目标相互遮挡问题,实现对目标的稳定跟踪。  相似文献   

论思想政治教育的目标管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目标管理是一种科学的管理方法,在管理领域具有普遍推广的价值。把目标管理引入到思想政治教育,是因为它的特点符合思想政治教育规律,并体现思想政治教育的主体性。思想政治教育是一个复杂的系统工程,实施思想政治教育目标管理必须构建科学的目标管理体系,并组织实施、科学管理、科学评价。  相似文献   

抓教学目标建设,加强教学管理的针对性为了突出教学工作的中心地位,我校十分注重教学目标系统的构建。1.抓年级教学目标的构建,突出年级教学工作的中心。学校教导处负责根据学校总体工作目标制定教学工作目标。各年级根据本年级工作的重点,依托学校教学工作目标制定本年级工作目标。七年级以强化基础为核心,注重知识的衔接和过渡,激发并保持学生学  相似文献   

动态目标监测在军事、航空等领域起着重要的作用,但由于实际情况相当复杂,使单传感器难以捕捉和跟踪检测目标。采用多传感器数据融合技术对运动目标进行监测,该技术采用优化的最邻近数据关联算法判断各离散点是否来自于同一个目标,实现了目标轨迹提取;然后采用样条插值法把离散的观测轨迹连续化,并对各监测点的轨迹进行了时间配准,最后采用修正系数模型来消除监测系统的偏差。实验表明,采用该算法在识别精度及稳定性上具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

本文提出一种传感器网络目标定位系统的系统模型,然后利用PtolemyⅡ建模仿真平台完成该传感器网络目标定位系统的系统级行为描述,并根据系统级建模方法学对该目标定位系统进行建模与仿真,分析了传感器网络目标定位系统的诸多影响因素.测试结果表明:传感器网络目标定位系统对于传感器节点的功耗及信息时间同步窗口具有敏感性,符合传感器网络目标定位系统应用特性,验证了Ptolemy嵌入式系统级设计方法学对于指导传感器网络系统设计的正确性和可行性.  相似文献   

大学英语分级教学现存问题的调查与分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用描述性统计和定量分析的方法,对大学英语分级教学中存在的问题进行了初步的探讨和分析,得到了一些有益的启示:①广大学生对分级教学是认可和支持的;②分级教学中确实存在一些不可回避的问题;③分级和动态管理使学生产生了强烈的心理反差;④分级教学的测试和管理还不能很好地与分级教学配套,使分级教学成果大打折扣;⑤分级教学还有待完善。  相似文献   

“参照语料库可以是多种文体的混合语料,而且越大越好。……”(Mike Scott,2016:112)。本文以BaREnloB 为参考语料对比探析了中国英语专业学生语料库WECCL(1.0)四个年级大学生议论文中情态序列使用的年级趋向。研究发现:1)方差分析与稳健性检验表明,BIS、LOG_L 与LOG_R 各指标基本呈现显著的年级差异,类认知序列除外。2)方差分析均值图发现:就认知序列而言,BIS 与LOG_L 随年级上升而上升,在三年级达到高峰值,四年级跌入低谷;而LOG_R 随年级上升而缓步上升,四年级达到高峰值;就义务序列而言,BIS 与LOG_L 随年级上升而逐步下降,但在二年级有些反复,出现高值;而LOG_R 随年级上升稳步向下,时急时缓;而在类认知序列方面,尽管BIS、LOG_L 与LOG_R 的变化趋势基本趋于一致,随着年级的上升基本平缓不动,稍有波动,只在四年级时达到最好,但并不存在显著的年级区别。3)参数检验与非参数检验结论基本不相同,有些结论完全相反。  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data on a nationally representative U.S. cohort, this study investigated the relationship between socioeconomic status and students?? reading growth between kindergarten and eighth grade. Piecewise latent growth modeling was used to describe nonlinear growth trajectories in reading during three developmental periods: kindergarten through first grade, first grade through third grade, and third grade through eighth grade. Results indicated that lower child SES was associated with faster rates of reading growth in the primary grades, but with slower rates of growth after third grade. Higher school concentration of students from low-SES backgrounds was also associated with slower rates of growth between third and eighth grade. Findings support increased attention from researchers and educators to reading achievement gaps after third grade.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编的《初中生自主性发展自陈问卷》,对257名初中生的自主性从三个维度进行研究,结果表明:(1)初中生自主性发展具有独特的年级特点。在自主性发展水平上,初一与初二、初三学生之间存在显著的年级差异,并且初一水平好于初二、初三;初二与初三学生之间不存在显著的年级差异。初二是自主性发展水平下降最为明显的阶段。到了初三,除自我控制维度继续呈下降趋势外,其余维度及总体发展水平不再下降。(2)初中生在自主性的总体发展水平及自我依靠和自我主张两个维度上均不存在显著的性别差异,但在自我控制维度上存在显著的性别差异,并且女生水平好于男生。初一学生在自我控制维度上、初二学生在总体发展水平上存在显著性别差异,而且均表现为女生水平好于男生。初三学生中不存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

初中生集合概念发展特点的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初中生集合概念的发展水平特点主要表现为:初中3个年级学生集合概念的发展并非是上升的趋势,而是在初二有所下降;性别差异不显著;虽然年级、学校单独作用,或者是性别与年级交互作用时,对学生集合概念的发展具有显著影响.采用多重比较分析进行年级间的差异检验结果表明,只在初二与初三之间存在显著差异(P<0.05),初一与初二之间不存在显著差异;学生所受教育的质量,直接影响初中生集合概念的发展状况.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation of language arts instruction to students' letter-word reading skill growth from the beginning of 1st grade to the end of 2nd grade using cross-classified random effects models. Amounts of teacher-managed, code-focused instruction in 1st and 2nd grade each uniquely predicted students' letter-word reading skill growth; plus, there were child-by-instruction interactions. Students with weaker fall 1st grade letter-word reading scores demonstrated stronger letter-word reading at the end of 2nd grade when they spent more time in 1st-and 2nd-grade teacher-managed, code-focused instruction. Students with stronger initial reading skills demonstrated higher 2nd-grade reading scores when they spent less time in 1st grade but more time in 2nd-grade teacher-managed, code-focused instruction. Students who participated in optimally effective 1st-grade and 2nd-grade classroom instruction demonstrated greater letter-word reading growth from the beginning of 1st grade to the end of 2nd grade than did students who participated in less effective instruction in either 1st or 2nd grade, or both. Still, for children who entered 1st grade with weaker reading skills, results indicate that effective 2nd-grade instruction might offer a 2nd chance to achieve grade appropriate reading skills.  相似文献   

分析了目前高校成绩管理落后于教育教学改革发展的现状,结合清华大学成绩管理系统的研究与实践,提出在教育理念的指导下,运用先进的信息技术,构建研究型大学科学的成绩管理体系。文章在成绩管理系统的体系结构、安全体系以及成绩录入等方面进行了深入的探讨,对于研究型大学学生成绩管理的具体需求、稳定教学秩序、提高教学质量和学习质量、提高拔尖创新人才培养质量起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

In this article we report data from a longitudinal study of one–to–one tutoring for students at risk for reading disabilities. Participants were at–risk students who received phonics–based tutoring in first grade, students who were tutored in comprehension skills in second grade, and students tutored in both grades 1 and 2. At second–grade posttest, there were significant differences in word identification and word attack between students who were tutored in first grade only compared to students who were also tutored in second grade, favoring students who were tutored in first grade only. Overall, there were no advantages to a second year of tutoring. For students tutored in second grade only, there were no differences at second–grade posttest compared to controls. Schools may have selected students who did not respond to first–grade tutoring for continued tutoring in second grade. Findings are discussed in light of decisions schools make when using tutors to supplement reading instruction for students with reading difficulties.  相似文献   

Two questions were investigated. First, are children with reading problems in first grade more likely to experience behavior problems in third grade? Second, are children with behavior problems in first grade more likely to experience reading problems in third grade? The authors explored both questions by using multilevel logistic regression modeling to analyze data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Class (ECLS-K). After statistically controlling for a wide range of potential confounds, they found that children with reading problems in first grade were significantly more likely to display poor task engagement, poor self-control, externalizing behavior problems, and internalizing behavior problems in third grade. They also found that children displaying poor task engagement in first grade were more likely to experience reading problems in third grade. Collectively, these findings suggest that the most effective types of interventions are likely to be those that target problems with reading and task-focused behaviors simultaneously.  相似文献   

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