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soft drink软软料(不含酒精)green tea绿茶jasmine tea茉莉花茶brick tea砖茶  相似文献   

Tea Drinking Historyea drinking started in England in the 17th century and the tradition of afternoon tea dates back to the early 1800s.Afternoon tea began as a chance for women to meet together without men. The hostess would always pour the tea and would often serve the tea with sandwiches, crumpets, scones, cakes and pastries.  相似文献   

It can1that tea is the most popular beverage in the world,apartfrom just plain water.Even the word for“tea”in many languages aroundthe world2from different variations of the Chinese word cha(茶).Chinese tea can be classified3five categories.Green tea(绿茶)is perhaps the most natural,with no fermentation or processing of theleaves.Longjing(龙井),maofeng(毛峰)and biluochun(碧螺春)are themost famous varieties.Black tea,known in China4hongcha(红茶),is fermented before being baked.This is the k…  相似文献   

中国(China)是tea的故乡,有着十分悠久的历史.同为各国人民所喜爱。茶(tea)己经成为当今世界主要饮料(drink)之一。在英语中有许多包含tea的词语,你想学学吗?  相似文献   

tea与coffee,cocoa(可可)并称世界三大饮料,其中以茶为最。tea原产于中国。据考,我国饮茶的历史已有4000多年,而传到英国是在1650—1655年间,英国人把绿茶叫作green tea,红  相似文献   

茶的英语名称“tea”,你知道“tea”这个单词从何而来吗?最流行的说法是:鸦片战争以后,  相似文献   

The different types of tea depend upon the region in which it is grown,harvesting time and the procedure of processing.Basically,there are four major classes of tea:white,oolong,green and black tea. The white tea has very low content of caffeine and appears a light color,as the name also indicates and a mild flavor.Due to the presence of high amount of healthy chemicals,it is helpful in fighting skin-related health problems and in getting a fair color of skin.  相似文献   

王冰  姜欣 《海外英语》2011,(2):148-149
From the methodological perspective, the thesis summarized leisure tea act, judging-time tea act to map translator’s style. Through investigations on all these, the thesis succeeded in confirming the translator’s styles and pinpointing cultural identity as essential factors influencing their styles. Hopefully, this could help to provide a new angle of view to make research on translator’s style. Moreover, the thesis wishes that with analysis of tea culture in Hong Lou Meng the translation of tea relevant acts receive greater priority in the Chinese Classics Translation.  相似文献   

We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲)did not know anything about tea.Once an English doctor came back from China for Christmas holiday. He gave his mother some tea as a present. He told her friends about  相似文献   

Five cups of tea keep the doctor away. Scientists at Harvand university have found a way to boost your immune system:a small cup of tea,five times a day.  相似文献   

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