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公共图书馆服务弱势群体的人文关怀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弱势群体需要更多的社会关怀,公共图书馆应为弱势群体提供更多的服务以体现社会公平。但目前图书馆对弱势群体的人文关怀仅停留在基础层面上,图书馆应在服务制度、服务手段、服务方式上加强研究,推动和谐社会的基本建设。  相似文献   

政府要通过公共政策调整关注弱势群体就业问题,保护弱势群体利益,实现社会富裕文明,保证社会公平公正。  相似文献   

党的十六届四中全会提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的目标。社会中强势群体与弱势群体之间的利益均衡是建立和谐社会的关键。现阶段我国弱势群体的大量存在以及产生的诸多原因。制度保证是实现社会公平、建设社会主义和谐社会的根本举措。社会弱势群体是任何社会和时代都普遍存在的现象,它成为我国当前社会的一个突出矛盾。因此,关注和解决弱势群体问题对于促进社会经济增长和维护社会稳定及和谐社会构建,对于全面落实科学发展观,推动"人的全面发展"和整个社会的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

一、教育公平的内涵 教育公平蕴含着人对自己、对他人乃至对整个人类意义的关怀。孔子提倡的“有教无类”思想就很好地体现了教育的公平。我们讲教育的公平,其目的就在于“为了一切人的发展和人的全面发展”,使每一个人得到应有的平等的教育权利和均等的教育机会。教育公平反映着教育利益在人们之间的分配关系。实用主义教育家杜威认为教育应给人提供公平竞争,帮助弱势群体向上流动的机会,以减少社会的不公平。所以,教育公平应更多地关注弱势群体的教育,以改善弱势群体的教育状况。  相似文献   

教育政策应能够促进分配的正义,推动公平的实现,公平的实现又与弱势群体关怀密不可分。罗尔斯差别理论揭示了对弱势群体进行补偿是实现关怀的途径。教育政策上的弱势群体补偿能够充分发挥教育政策的作用,推动教育公平。论文以北京市"异地高考"政策为分析样本,探究了"异地高考"政策与弱势群体关怀理念之间的矛盾,以期促进"异地高考"政策实现弱势群体关怀,达到教育公平的追求目标。  相似文献   

一、教育公平的内涵教育公平蕴含着人对自己、对他人乃至对整个人类意义的关怀。孔子提倡的“有教无类”思想就很好地体现了教育的公平。我们讲教育的公平,其目的就在于“为了一切人的发展和人的全面发展”,使每一个人得到应有的平等的教育权利和均等的教育机会。教育公平反映着教育利益在人们之间的分配关系。实用主义教育家杜威认为教育应给人提供公平竞争,帮助弱势群体向上流动的机会,以减少社会的不公平。所以,教育公平应更多地关注弱势群体的教育,以改善弱势群体的教育状况。二、民办高等教育所体现的教育公平高等教育并不是纯公共产品…  相似文献   

现阶段弱势群体成为国家、社会亟待关注的群体,并有发展为一种潜在的社会问题的趋势,对社会弱势群体的关怀维持了社会稳定,保障了经济发展,也体现了制度的优越性,但对于弱势群体的生存始终缺乏一种人文关怀的理念。而在以构建和谐社会的当下,从伦理学研究弱势群体,使其全面、和谐、自由的发展融入主流社会,或者促进一种良性互动,对弱势群体进行伦理关怀非常重要。  相似文献   

现阶段弱势群体成为国家、社会亟待关注的群体,并有发展为一种潜在的社会问题的趋势,对社会弱势群体的关怀维持了社会稳定,保障了经济发展,也体现了制度的优越性,但对于弱势群体的生存始终缺乏一种人文关怀的理念。而在以构建和谐社会的当下,从伦理学研究弱势群体,使其全面、和谐、自由的发展融入主流社会,或者促进一种良性互动,对弱势群体进行伦理关怀非常重要。  相似文献   

作为公益伦理原则的公平应当强调机会均等和对弱势群体的伦理关怀,因为公益伦理的基本精神就是要关注和关心社会弱者的生活状况,使他们能够具有各种参与社会活动的机会,并最终使他们能够生活在比较公平合理的贫富差距限度之内。  相似文献   

论教育关怀的制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为现代社会必要的教育理念,教育关怀更多的关注教育的均衡发展和弱势群体的教育问题。为每个人提供一个公平竞争的起点,以改变所有人的生存状况,是教育关怀的应有之义。而教育关怀是一种政府责任,只有政府才能相对公平地配置教育资源,在教育制度层面保障教育关怀。政府在资源配置中的各种不公平现象大多数与规则和制度的不公有关。无论是保障起点与过程的平等还是保障每个人具有平等学业成功机会,都有赖于建立和完善相对公平的制度安排原则。可选择性、以人为本、机会均等和差别对待是教育关怀在制度安排方面的有效原则。  相似文献   

Articulation agreements have been part of the American educational scene for well over 100 years. Initially implemented as a tool for more effectively and efficiently delivering liberal educations, they became more common as the numbers of community colleges grew during the 1960s and 1970s. During the mid-1980s, the universal education promise of open enrollment was seen by many as a way of “dead-ending” minority students. This perception attracted much scholarly attention and foundation funding. It also resulted in many efforts to improve minority transfer, including negotiated articulation agreements. The past decade has seen higher education expenses increase more rapidly than other state expenses. Articulation agreements are attractive during such periods because of their cost savings potential. Scholars and administrators involved in developing these agreements can prepare themselves for discussions and negotiations by understanding some of the reasons why they have varied in popularity and utility. This literature review analyzed the sociocultural and historical contexts affecting articulation. It also sought answers to research questions addressing the chronological progression and prevalent trends in the development of the processes of articulation, the relationship these trends have to the historical and regional variations in support for articulation agreements, and the levels of student success in articulated programs of study.  相似文献   

In this article, I use the idea of dyschrony to describe the multiple disjunctures experienced in a Hispanic woman's life as she struggled to gain full membership in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) community. Despite having earned a doctoral degree in chemistry and a teaching position in a STEM school, she was cognizant of how gender and race had marginalized her and her minority female students, making them feel like border members of the STEM community. She had formed a solidarity group within the STEM school. As I apply the construct of dyschrony to analyze the in-depth interviews with the teacher, I illuminate tensions in the STEM pipeline and suggest that one should be critical about the promise of social mobility. The forming of solidarity groups may contribute to positive experiences of minority girls in STEM schools. Dyschrony may be used as a helpful analytic construct to unpack the forces contributing to minority women's struggles in STEM fields and understand why they might leave.  相似文献   

For many underrepresented minority students, the path to the baccalaureate degree begins with initial enrollment at a community college. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of students interested in transferring actually do transfer to a 4-year institution. Of these transfers, few graduate with a baccalaureate degree within 6 years of initial matriculation at their community college. This study was completed to see if the graduation rates for underrepresented minority community college transfer students vary depending on the type of receiving institution. In addition, an analysis was conducted to determine if the factors that best predict timely graduation for these transfers vary by ethnicity. Results from a suite of logistic regression models indicated that the factors that predict timely graduation for underrepresented minority transfers were not the same for each ethnicity. The most predictive factor for African-American transfers was enrollment in a 4-year transfer program at the community college. For Hispanic transfers, obtaining some type of credential before transferring was most predictive of timely graduating with a baccalaureate degree. On the other hand, the Grade Point Average (GPA) at the receiving 4-year institution was most predictive of timely graduation for Asian transfer students. The study was not able to conclusively determine the types of institutions that were the most successful graduating minority community college transfers.  相似文献   

Universities and colleges have developed many new courses concerned with race relations. Objectives of these courses have been far-reaching and it has been particularly difficult to evaluate their effectiveness. Out-comes are often not clearly described. This study examined student experiences with minority groups before, during, and after taking an experimental course in race relations. We observed differences in the experiences with minority groups of open-minded, moderate, and closed-minded students who took the course, and differences in the experiences with minority groups of students who were more or less satisfied with the course. The sample was made up of 69 percent (N = 66) of the students who completed the course. Students said they had first heard of more of the well known minority individuals and had had more interpersonal relations with members of minority groups before taking the course. Most had visited or heard of more of the community agencies and councils while taking the course. At the conclusion of the course, a large number still had not read most of the books, magazines, and newspapers. Open-minded students had had more experiences with minority groups than had moderates before taking the course. The degree to which students were open or closed minded was also related to their number of non-experiences with both minority group people and minority literature at the conclusion of the course. Surprisingly, closed minded students were more satisfied with the course. More satisfied students read less about minority groups after the course was completed. Finally, the results indicated no significant differences in the experiences before, during, and after the course of students who were more and less satisfied with the course.  相似文献   

With the loss of population and industry, public school systems in Midwestern cities such as Cincinnati and Kansas City now face increasing demands while suffering severe fiscal constraints. Rising educational costs, declining revenues and enrollments, and rising proportions of minority students, along with increased programmatic demands and pressures related to desegregation litigation, conspire to make school systems recaptive to community involvement and assistance. This paper explores the development of three types of community-based groups which show promise of enhancing the democratic governance of the schools, as well as increasing the school system's resource base.  相似文献   

张源洁 《毕节学院学报》2012,30(5):18-22,119
彝族的人生礼仪有诞生礼、成年礼、婚姻礼和丧葬礼等不同的礼仪,而"满月"就是诞生礼中十分重要的礼仪。昙华的满月礼有着丰富的文化功能内涵,反映了当地彝族丰富多彩和别具特色民俗风情文化。满月礼在昙华彝族的生存和发展中占有十分重要的地位,它不仅仅是一种人生礼仪形式,更重要的是它作为一种具备多重文化功能的民族文化事项,在昙华彝族的物质生活和精神生活中占有其他礼仪形式不可替代的作用和地位。  相似文献   

激励机制在民族社区管理中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区是社会结构的中观层次,作为纽带和桥梁,将宏现社会与微观的个体紧密联系在一起。少数民族地区的社会发展应当建立在社区发展之上,社区的发展则依赖于外源和内源两种动力的整合,目前我国民族社区的发展更多表现为外力推动型,社区内源动力激发明显不足,而内源动力的激发,科学的社区管理是决定性因素。现代社区管理更加注重用人的价值观来阐释各种管理,以适应多变的环境因素,主张以激励方式为主,促发人的创造潜力,已从传统简单的人机效率满足转向社会效益和社区效力的取得以及对人价值的尊重、人的需要的满足和人潜力的发挥。因而,激励机制已成为当代社区管理中最重要的方法之一。在民族社区的管理中,综合借鉴相关学科的成熟理论,讨论有效的激励的形成,对于激发民族社区内源动力,体现以人为本,实现民族社区的全面、协调和可持续发展有着重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

The achievement gap is the single most critical issue in American education. This study illustrates the difference in academic performance between low-income children and their peers, between minority children and their classmates, and between those schools that serve a majority of children from low-income families and those that serve a more advantaged population. Using a research framework, the author identifies and examines Golden Spike schools-Illinois schools that have a sustained record of closing the achievement gap. Quantitative and qualitative analyses reveal that the Golden Spike schools have distinct commonalities in leadership, literacy, teacher qualities, and community engagement, while characteristics such as school size, class size, and alignment with state standards make little, if any, difference in their ability to close the achievement gap. The study concludes with state and local policy recommendations that will enable high-poverty schools to make substantial progress in bridging the gap.  相似文献   

Transfer education is one of the most important, most criticized, and most difficult to measure of the functions performed by community colleges. If the performance of community colleges is to be properly assessed, problems of measuring and analyzing the transfer function must be solved. This paper seeks to answer several basic questions about community colleges' transfer performance, using California as a case example, and to show that useful conclusions may be reached even in the absence of perfect information. Many criticisms of the transfer function focus on the decline in numbers of students transferring from community colleges to four-year institutions that began in the late 1970s. This paper suggests that criticism about the transfer function, insofar as it stems from the number or rate of students transferring (as most of the criticism does), is unfounded. Until there is more precise information on students, research on particular problems like minority underrepresentation, students' course selection and outside employment, and the reverse transfer should prove more fruitful than looking simply at transfer numbers.  相似文献   

在民族地区发展经济比其他地区面临更多的困难,在这些困难中最突出的是人才缺乏.它制约着经济的快速发展.要解决这一难题,一个重要的途径是发展高职教育.同时,只有民族地区的经济得到快速发展,民族地区的高职教育的发展才有良好的基础.因此,必须使民族地区的高职教育与当地的经济建设形成良性互动,才能实现两者的持续、稳定发展.  相似文献   

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