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上世纪八十年以来,中国适应世界遗产保护和中国特色社会主义法律体系化建设的需要大力开展了世界遗产的法律制度建设工作,取得显著成效。一系列世界文化和自然遗产与非物质文化遗产专门保护法的制定是其中的亮点。中国世界遗产法制建设中急待解决的问题尚多,法律体系化建设工作亟待加强。  相似文献   

Since the start of the twenty-first century, university rankings have become internationalized. Global rankings have a variety of uses, levels of popularity and rationales and they are here to stay. An examination of the results of the current global ranking reveals that well-reputed world-class universities are amongst the top ranked ones. A major concern for university administrators in many parts of the world is how to use the global rankings wisely in their mid-term and long-term strategic planning for building their institutions into world-class universities. Four major global rankings have been developed: the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the World University Rankings, the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities and the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the most influential indicators in these global university rankings that will affect the rank mobility of an institution. Based on an analysis of correlation coefficients and K-means clustering, a model of strategic institutional planning for building a world-class university is proposed.  相似文献   

本文以深圳大运会中的深圳高校教师志愿者对世界英语及世界英语教学的态度为背景,发现他们的语言态度总体趋于保守,内圈英语的辨识度普遍高于外圈英语。大运后的教师访谈显示教师志愿者对世界英语的语言态度呈现多元化趋势,且在语言偏见和文化定型上显示出一定的矛盾性。多数受访教师志愿者认为有必要在今后的教学中融入各种英语变体的认知,以增强高校学生的跨文化交际能力,也为职业外语教学改革提供具有跨文化参考价值的实证和依据。  相似文献   

Student political activism remains a key issue in the Third World despite its decline in the industrialized nations. Students continue to be active in politics and frequently have an impact on societal events. The historical development of student politics and student involvement in independence struggles, the role of students as incipient elites, and the fragility of the political structures of many Third World nations all contribute to the efficacy of student politics. Universities, as key intellectual institutions in their societies, also play an important role in Third World societies. Students, especially those in the social sciences, are fairly easy to mobilize and they often have a basic interest in political and social issues. It is argued that student movements emerge from their social and political environment and it is not surprising that activism continues as a powerful force in the Third World.  相似文献   

对《世界遗产名录》中海洋遗产采用数理统计和构建最邻近距离模型的方法,得出目前45项海洋世界遗产以栖息地价值、生态价值与自然美景作为主要录入标准;9个国家的海洋世界遗产数量占到遗产总量的一半以上,表现出明显的集中性;海洋世界遗产的空间结构类型为凝聚型。中国作为世界遗产大国,海岸线漫长,遗产资源丰富多样,在当前申遗的大背景下,应对海洋世界遗产的申报引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

世界客家运动是一种国际移民族群权利运动。世界客家运动包括三个阶段:"宣言"阶段的生存权运动、"正名"阶段的话语权运动和制度化阶段的发展权运动。世界客属恳亲大会是一种新客家运动。  相似文献   

This article contrasts the official, largely silent, role of the World Bank as an agent of global markets with its professed role as agent of the poor. The failure to make explicit its role as global market advocate creates a policy environment that can be destructive of both global markets and the long-term survival of the world’s poor. The article examines the World Bank’s Education Sector Strategy in this light. The article begins by outlining the institutional, policy and education frameworks that emerge from the conflicts of the World Bank’s dual role in markets and poverty. It then shows that the implementation and outcome analyses in The Strategy grow out of these frameworks and are, therefore, limited in scope and effectiveness. An approach that explicitly acknowledges the market roles of the World Bank would have led to a more effective policy document.  相似文献   

佛朗哥当政时期的西班牙是第二次世界大战爆发后唯一未正式参战的法西斯国家。佛朗哥法西斯政权在二战中保持中立的原因主要是:一、从历史上看,西班牙法西斯政权缺乏深厚的法西斯主义基础;从现实看,西班牙缺乏对外发动侵略战争的物质基础;二战爆发后,扑朔迷离的国际形势制约着佛朗哥政权的对外政策的走向。  相似文献   

This article sketches the significance of aurality in hypermedia, notes that the field of English studies is constructing the World Wide Web as a verbal and visual medium, and proposes a transtextual framework to aid technical communicators in designing musical hypermedia. Because the study of music on the World Wide Web is nascent, this article includes references to art and film music, whose theories and practices are substantially developed.  相似文献   

It is Only in recent years that the systematic study of Jewish educational systems, particularly in a global context, has become a subject of serious concern. Since 1945 a succession of education conferences and surveys provides evidence of an awareness that the future of World Jewry—in Israel as well as the Diaspora—is inextricably linked with the future of its educational institutions. The World Conference on Jewish Education in Jerusalem in 1962 and the subsequent formation two years later of the World Council on Jewish Education are but two examples of this awareness. The establishment of a Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem marks a further practical step toward attaining some form of coordination on the part of world Jewry.  相似文献   

A framework, termed the RSP, is proposed. It is mainly for analyzing and explaining how learning occurs. This framework is grounded in the social-cultural perspective, in particular, in the thinking of both Vygotsky and Popper. Although the thinking of Popper is generally not referred to as having a social-cultural orientation, mostly due to misunderstanding, he and Vygotsky are defensibly complementary. In a nutshell, Vygotsky’s social-cultural (inter-psychological) plane is enriched by Popper’s distinction between physical and conceptual-abstract worlds, while Popper’s mental world is enhanced by Vygotskian and post-Vygotskian work emphasizing personality, that is, the whole self. Integrating and expanding on both Vygotsky and Popper, the RSP framework further unpacks how learning occurs as dialectical interactions between the Worlds of reifications (R), selves (S), and phenomena (P). The World of Reifications (R) extends Popper’s World 3 by emphasizing the developmental nature of conjectures to theories. The World of Selves (S) now extends Popper’s World 2 from cognitive dimensions to the whole individual. And the World of Phenomena (P) extends Popper’s World 1 to include the relationships between objects forming phenomena, including the physical, social, and spiritual dimensions. The interactions among the three Worlds result in five learning outcomes: cognition, metacognition, action, reflective action, and epistemic cognition. It is contended that these five outcomes are necessary criteria for holistic learning. The framework is then applied to analyzing various issues such as resolving lethal mutations, identity, and learning as becoming.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战爆发的一个突出特点是它离第一次世界大战的结束只有20年,它的爆发与一战结局必然有着深刻联系,而一战的结局则直接体现为凡尔赛-华盛顿体系,因此,谈二战起源就不能不从凡尔赛-华盛顿体系说起。凡尔赛-华盛顿体系的内在矛盾是新的大战爆发之根本原因。  相似文献   

2011年学科目录调整后,世界史上升为历史学门类下的一级学科,其升格经历了漫漫长路。升格后有利于人们进一步了解世界,会促进世界史学科研究的深入和全面发展,世界史学科的老师和学生将大有作为。同时,世界史学界在顶层设计、专业期刊建设、二级学科划分、院系教研室调整、师资力量和学生就业等方面面临着亟待解决的问题。两年来,为了抓住机遇、迎接挑战,世界史学界召开多次会议,组织多次笔谈,就世界史学科建设等问题展开深入讨论。  相似文献   

2011年初,世界银行正式公布了其未来10年的教育战略——《全民学习:投资于人民的知识和技能以促进发展——世界银行2020教育战略》。世界银行指出,实现"全民学习"(Learning for All)的新愿景是促进发展中国家长期经济增长和减贫的关键。未来10年,世界银行将重点支持两大教育优先事项,通过三大主要途径给予实施,并开发了8项性能指标和5项影响指标进行评价考核。此外,与世界银行以往出台的一系列教育战略相比,本次教育战略在目标、理念、重点事项等方面都呈现出不同以往的新特征。  相似文献   

Begomoviruses are single-stranded DNA viruses and cause severe diseases in major crop plants worldwide. Based on current gcnomc sequcncc analyses, we found that synonymous codon usagc variations in the protein-coding genes of begomoviruses arc mainly influenced by mutation bias. Base composition analysis suggested that the codon usage bias of AV1 and BV1 genes is significant and their expressions are high. Fourteen codons were determined as translational optimal ones according to the comparison of codon usage pattcms bctwccn highly and lowly expressed genes. Interestingly the codon usagcs bctwccn bego moviruses from thc Old and the New Worlds are apparently different, which supports the idea that the bipartite bcgomoviruses of the New World might originate from bipartite ones of the Old World, whereas the latter evolve from the Old World monopartite begomoviruses.  相似文献   

民族主义自18世纪末形成以来曾出现过三次高潮,无论哪一次高潮,民族主义都成为政府动员,民众参加战争最常用,也是最有效的意识形态,拿破仑战争,第一次世界大战,第二次世界大战都是如此。民族主义是一种最强烈的感情,在它面前,“国际主义”、“共产主义”都黯然失色,当民族主义成为政府发动战争,动员民众参与战争的工具以后,战争的深度和广度也随之发生变化。  相似文献   

商务英语中的合同与书信文体,与国际贸易、国际金融等学科专业等密切相关,各有其用词特点和词汇特征。合同中出现的词汇并不一定在书信中出现,反之,在商务书仿中很少会出现有合同特色的词汇。分析比较其异同有助于商务英语的学习和准确运用。  相似文献   

和谐世界思想的提出是马克思主义中国化进程中的一个有机组成部分.在溯本求源、开拓致思的基础上,胡锦涛提出了"和谐世界"思想.从和平崛起战略的提出到追求和谐的愿景,从和谐社会的建设到和谐世界的吁求,和谐世界思想层层推进,充分体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品格.  相似文献   

本文讨论了明代《世说新语》的研究情况及主要的研究形式。作者认为,明代《世说新语》的代表为王世懋和何良俊。他们的身份、地位以及他们对《世说新语》的研究观点,确立了《世说新语》三十六门类叙事的体例规范;使正文与注的相互响应与补充成为《世说新语》类拟、续之作的典范;提出了对叙述文辞与所叙内容合乎社会规范的统一的关注。对《世说新语》的传播和明清的《世说新语》拟续之作产生重大的影响。  相似文献   

随着全球化的进展 ,世界人民越来越渴望拥有世界共同语 ,越来越多的共同词汇将被全世界人民采用。拓展国际词的领域并形成大量的世界词是很必要的 ,某些来自东西方语言的复合词将会形成 ;某些中、日、韩共同使用的汉语字词应被纳入世界共用词的词汇中去。  相似文献   

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