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中国现代第一位女作家陈衡哲,以其时代知识女性的独特视角,感受自然景物之美,书写奋斗不息的人生观,表现关怀现实人生的人道主义精神,先于鲁迅的《狂人日记》发表了现代文学史上第一部白话文小说,她是早巳超越了男女两性的差异而以一位知识精荚的姿态步入“五四”文坛的,因而使现代女性文学有了一个独特的开端。  相似文献   

曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中表现的最重要的思想就是他的先进的“女性观”。他以独特的视角,全方位的描写,成功地塑造了一群栩栩如生的突破传统观念束缚的女性艺术典型,充分展示了封建时代中国女性的精神世界和文化品格,表现了她们觉醒了的自主意识和叛逆精神,阐释了作者独特而进步的女性观。  相似文献   

新疆哈萨克女作家的多元文化视野和开放的多元文化心态,使得她们的精神旨趣与中国女性文学有着许多共性;使她们的创作富有独特而鲜明的女性文化特征。或表现出独特而鲜明的女性意识、女性视角、女性关怀;或表现出以女性文化为主体的新疆少数民族文化审美特征;或表现出女性意识与生命意识、与人性真善美的融合。  相似文献   

作为中国现代最早的、为数不多的著名女性学者,袁昌英的学术背景和学者气质深刻地影响了她的文学创作,使她在中国现代女性书写里程中展现一种别样的风采。她在戏剧创作中自觉地运用现代西方艺术创作方法表现女性生命体验,取得了较大成功;在散文创作中,她在表现女性独特和细腻的感受时,也呈现出一种智慧和从容的学者气度。  相似文献   

徐小斌的小说创作以其神秘的文化背景、独特的叙事方式以及对当代女性深层精神生活的关注,成为当代文坛一道独特的风景。与同时代的女性作家相比,她的创作更多的是借女性在现实中的人生体验走向形而上的感悟;与“新理想主义”作家鲜明的启蒙意识和激情宣言相比,她更多地将笔触深入到现代人精神世界每一个细小的角落,以内省和反思的方式默默地关注着现代人的生存环境与精神状况。  相似文献   

《金色笔记》是莱辛最著名的一部小说,不少评论家认为它是当代最佳作品之一。这部作品的独特之处在于表现了安娜这位已经获得解放的女性的理想追求,解读小说主人公及其好友这两个典型的自由女性形象,通过她们从破碎到完整,从束缚到自由的人生经历,展现了现代女性渴望自由的理想和为之奋斗的精神,以及自我救赎的勇气和智慧。  相似文献   

《金色笔记》是莱辛最著名的一部小说,不少评论家认为它是当代最佳作品之一。这部作品的独特之处在于表现了安娜这位已经获得解放的女性的理想追求,解读小说主人公及其好友这两个典型的自由女性形象,通过她们从破碎到完整,从束缚到自由的人生经历,展现了现代女性渴望自由的理想和为之奋斗的精神,以及自我救赎的勇气和智慧。  相似文献   

以转型初期的中国小城镇社会为背景,现代小说塑造了一系列小城镇女性知识分子形象,表现了现代知识女性独特的智性美和人格魅力,揭示了困顿的经济状态、封建世俗观念和自我意识的沉沦对20世纪上半叶中国中下层知识女性命运的巨大影响。  相似文献   

李莉 《培训与研究》2008,25(4):10-12
以转型初期的中国小城镇社会为背景,现代小说塑造了一系列小城镇女性知识分子形象,表现了现代知识女性独特的智性美和人格魅力,揭示了困顿的经济状态、封建世俗观念和自我意识的沉沦对20世纪上半叶中国中下层知识女性命运的巨大影响。  相似文献   

竹山县区域性女娲信仰是源自于远古的一种女神崇拜,以她为核心的独特的女神崇拜形成了当地具有特色的女性文化,对当地女性的精神和日常生活起到了巨大的影响作用.女娲的女性形象在历史长河中塑造了女性的性别形象,现代女性的性别形象是女娲精神的再造,是先进的性别文化和两性和谐发展的又一启示.  相似文献   

This article presents the experiences of women academics of management in the UK, who have used informal, collective strategies to move on, to mainstream their experiences and to challenge existing boundaries of management and their organisations. Having identified the repeating patterns of inequalities in management and management education as women academics, researchers and managers, the authors had to turn to action, to progress and to work on some solutions. This article explores the moving on process by presenting the experiences of women academics of management from two perspectives. Firstly, women academics' stories of their careers and their experience of management are outlined as an emancipatory consciousness-raising process. Secondly, the issues of moving on, taking action and challenging existing boundaries are discussed by means of a case study of a group of women academics who have chosen to question the confines of their working lives whilst gaining credibility in a changing context and driving some of the change for themselves. We offer the process we have engaged in as a strategy to support academic women to move on through critical reflection and action.  相似文献   

In the context of an action-research project on young women in non-traditional occupations, a variety of barriers as well as chances to build up a career as skilled workers have been identified. Although the women are motivated and competent craft workers, their abilities and aptitudes are measured against what women in industry ‘normally’ do. As a consequence, they find themselves in an unstable in-between position between unskilled women workers and their skilled male colleagues. This unequal situation (which becomes visible in specific work assignments and on the pay slip) restricts opportunity for promotion and makes many women behave as if they were locked in low income, dead-end positions. Still, the women have developed pride in their skills. They identify strongly with craft work and use their technical competence successfully in their private struggle for recognition and independence.  相似文献   

The UK engineering and technology (E&T) sector is male-dominated, with women facing various cultural and structural barriers in entering and developing their careers within it. Existing research in this area has focused on women’s recruitment or retaining women in employment, but little has addressed women’s transition to industry through the higher education (HE) system. This paper therefore explores women’s experiences of HE in E&T, focusing particularly on the gendered help and support women were found to receive, as well as possible causes and consequences of this behaviour. The research adopts a qualitative design, using semi-structured interviews with women E&T students. The gendered help women received is shown to be something of a ‘poisoned chalice’; although there are sometimes short-term benefits, this is likely to hinder women from progressing in their careers at the same rate as their male peers.  相似文献   

The industrial and occupational distribution of women is such that women are concentrated predominately in a few occupations, mostly in the service sector, such as banking, finance, insurance, public administration, hotel, and catering. Men and women are equal in their capabilities in almost every respect, provided that women are given the same opportunities as men for training, employment, and promotion. There is a lack of research studies on women in the construction industry; therefore this field needs special consideration. The purpose of the current study is to find out working conditions of the Palestinian women civil and architect engineers in the construction industry in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. In addition, it attempts to examine their career prospects and to understand problems experienced by these women throughout their academic years as well as in their careers. Discrimination against women is still present in today's construction industry as well as in other traditional engineering cultures. In order to minimise or cope with this problem, attitudinal change by both men and women is strongly suggested.  相似文献   

This paper explores Indian women’s views on arranged marriages in the United Kingdom. It is based on research carried out with 32 Indian women studying at a university in the South East of England, UK. The article draws on Wenger’s social theory of learning to explore how Indian women’s participation in communities of practice in higher education contributes to their participation in arranged marriages. The concept of ‘social capital’ is used to discuss how women are able to negotiate their participation in arranged marriages, It is used to examine the knowledge and identity resources that women develop through their participation in higher education, which provides them with the means from which to develop the necessary ‘bridging ties’ leading to their active participation in the wider South Asian community.  相似文献   

美国著名黑人女作家托妮·莫里森在其第二部小说《秀拉》中探讨了美国黑人女性所面临的因境:一方面作为个体,黑人女性渴望超越种族局限获得真正的个体自由;可另一方面作为黑人女性,她们在探求自由的旅途上却面临更多的阻力。《秀拉》通过对同名主人公秀拉命运的关注,为黑人女性摆脱因境提出了一条出路,那就是在黑人族群中找到发展自我的空间,从而储备力量,为争取更大的自由而努力。  相似文献   

非洲裔美国男性的性别歧视和野蛮的家庭暴力践踏了非洲裔美国女性的人权和女权,直接导致她们在美国黑人社区的隐形性。瑟莉的个人遭遇是非洲裔美国妇女生存状况的典型体现,她的不屈抗争为黑人女性同胞指出了一条新路:妇女只有在经济上摆脱对男人的依靠,在宗教上不迷信上帝,才能改变自己的苦难命运,最终获得人格和个性的解放。  相似文献   

新疆妇女协会是盛世才统治时期成立的社会团体,妇女协会的成立,使新疆妇女第一次有了自己的组织。该协会在提倡男女平等、促进妇女解放、提高妇女政治地位及文化水平等方面起了重要作用,促进了新疆妇女运动的兴起,对当时的新疆社会产生了很大影响。  相似文献   

从王建诗歌题材的摄取来审视,王建可谓是中唐写作妇女题材的独擅胜场者,他以优柔之性善观妇女之事,善体妇女之情,秉持一颗平等之心称颂她们的人格品性、灵心慧质,并善借妇女诗作映射若干社会问题。王建的诸多妇女题作以格幽思远的品质独具史料的文化价值。王建对女性的可贵态度源于道家思想的滋养,恢复大雅精神的文学主张以及“跋涉畏途”的人生阅历。  相似文献   

目前的商业包装、商业炒作和文本接受者中男性的“误读”和女性的“白眼”,作为一种暗示有意或无意地使私人化女性作家走进“无物之阵”,面临“镜城困境”;女性作家通过解构夫 (父 )权、逃避母性、返归“私人生活”、“姐妹情结”,使得女性霸权极度膨胀 ,陷入“女尊男卑”的二元对立模式。私人化写作要突破重围 ,走出困境 ,首先社会应具备一种“人的行为”的审美心理 ;其次应公正客观地评判女性作家的私人话语 ,这是女性意识的诗意表达 ;再次女性作家也应重新审视自己的写作目的和责任 ,用爱心和审美的标准去控制情与理、灵与肉的关系 ,力求表现和谐的人性 ,建立一种理性的女性文化价值体系。  相似文献   

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