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考勤作为一个单位的基础管理,越来越受到重视,传统的考勤模式为人工考勤,人工考勤靠专人书面登记,存在许多主观、人为因素,往往最终不能令管理层取得真实的考勤结果资料,甚至不能起到基本的约束作用。因此,人事管理系统结合具有专业性、安全性、独立性、实用性、完善性的彩屏指纹考勤机,对员工上下班的刷卡记录进行管理保存,形成员工真实的考勤数据,考勤管理人员将考勤数据下载到人事管理系统软件后,结合员工的基础信息进行匹配和处理,最后形成员工的考勤管理表。对人事管理系统结合考勤机实现考勤管理进行了研究,并对系统考勤管理功能模块进行了分析与设计。人事管理系统与考勤机接口的实现,有利于人事管理中考勤管理的正确性、公正性和公开性,并解决了传统手工签到管理中所存在的问题。  相似文献   

莫仲心 《广西教育》2012,(11):188-189
介绍指纹考勤机和考勤软件对接的实现方式,对系统方案设计和功能进行详细分析,提高学校管理效率和管理的规范性。  相似文献   

介绍指纹考勤机和考勤软件对接的实现方式,对系统方案设计和功能进行详细分析,提高学校管理效率和管理的规范性.  相似文献   

单位管理各有各的招,而考勤却几乎是每个单位必备的管理项目,做好考勤的登记对单位的管理和职工利益的维护都很重要,在众多考勤方式中,指纹考勤无疑是相对廉价和有效的,所谓"上班按一按轻轻松松,下班按一按踏踏实实",给考勤工作带来极大的便利。但在指纹考勤机的使用过程中也会碰到各种问题,学会解决这些问题,做好日常维  相似文献   

近日,北京奋斗小学大门前新增了4台感应考勤机,学生将手中的考勤卡放到考勤机上一秒,即可完成考勤登记。该校学生在刷卡的同时,家长的手机就会收到一条“您的孩子已安全到校”的  相似文献   

一、管理制度健全 东营市二中成立五年来,学校在深化内部改革,加强全方位管理的同时,从学校实际出发,先后制定和健全了二十多项规章制度和管理办法。其中,教职工考勤管理是学校工作规范运行的最基本要素,是加强教职工管理的先决条件,为把好教职工考勤管理关,学校安排了专职考勤员,购置了指纹考勤机,人机并轨、并用,堵塞了考勤管理中可能出现的漏洞,确保正常的教学和工作秩序。  相似文献   

近日.北京奋斗小学大门前新增了4台感应考勤机,学生将手中的考勤卡放到考勤机上一秒,即可完成考勤登记。该校学生在刷卡的同时,家长的手机就会收到一条“您的孩子已安全到校”的短信,这不仅保障每位学生在校期间的安全状况,还更好地加强了学校与家庭之间的联系。  相似文献   

正案例甲校以严格管理著称,教师上班实行四考勤,采取头像扫描签到,考勤结果作为教师绩效考核的重要依据,对于迟到、早退或者请假的老师一律从严处理。教师们对此怨声载道,特别是一些家庭有老人与孩子的教师更是苦不堪言。学校的严格管理也在一定程度上影响了教师工作的积极性,教师与管理者的矛盾也因此而激化,没过多久便出现教师肆意破坏考勤机的  相似文献   

案例 甲校以严格管理著称,教师上班实行四考勤,采取头像扫描签到,考勤结果作为教师绩效考核的重要依据,对于迟到、早退或者请假的老师一律从严处理。教师们对此怨声载道,特别是一些家庭有老人与孩子的教师更是苦不堪言。学校的严格管理也在一定程度上影响了教师工作的积极性,教师与管理者的矛盾也因此而激化,没过多久便出现教师肆意破坏考勤机的现象。  相似文献   

梁好 《河北教育》2014,(3):35-35
【案例】甲校以严格管理著称,教师上班实行“四考勤”,采取头像扫描签到,考勤结果作为教师绩效考核的重要依据,对于迟到、早退或者请假的老师一律从严处理,教师对此怨声载道,教师与管理者的矛盾也因此而激化。没过多久,便出现教师肆意破坏考勤机现象。  相似文献   

利用人体特征指纹进行身份识别的技术日益成熟,应用越来越广泛。教师和行政管理人员是高校组织中的两个重要群体,分析高校教师与行政人员之间的职业差异,有利于提出科学的应对政策,创造和谐的高校工作环境,提高高校管理的效能。文章设计并实现了基于指纹识别技术的考勤系统。  相似文献   

针对传统学生考勤工作费时费力的现状,以学生一卡通为基础,研究和设计了一种基于RFID技术的学生考勤系统。该系统通过RFID标签的惟一标识特性判断持卡人是否出勤,并且利用计算机对考勤信息进行保存和处理形成学生考勤记录表。实现了学生课堂考勤管理的信息化,提高了学校的教学管理效率。  相似文献   

我国的证人出庭制度似乎变成了证人不出庭制度:被告人认罪的案件实行简化审理,证人很少出庭;即使在普通程序中,法律也不要求所有证人一律出庭。对于仅剩的需要证人出庭的案件,却存在着无法强制证人作证的问题:由于律师无法对尚不存在的证人证言提出异议,启动法院强制证人出庭的权力变得不切实际;而特定近亲属享有免于出庭作证的特权,法院无法强制其出庭。需要肯定证人出庭制度的价值,并在此基础上实行机制改革,赋予被告人审前充分的质证机会、扩大适用认罪案件程序、将证言分为尚未取得和已经取得两种情形以及将特定近亲属的免于出庭作证特权改为拒绝作证特权。  相似文献   

针对当前高校纯手工的实验室管理模式,采用RFID技术完成实验室门禁考勤系统,通过门禁、电源、考勤3个管理模块,实现对师生出勤管理、实验数据统计、在线管理等功能,形成新的高校自动化实验室管理模式.该模式以简单、直接、低耗的劳动力与自动化系统相结合,实现实验室门禁管理上的快速、高效、准确、实时,在高校实验室管理中具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

This is the first article to focus specifically on an evaluation of the existing strategic policies and related professional development needs on attendance within an LEA. Such evaluations are becoming more important as LEAs respond to their first ever OFSTED and prepare for follow-up visits and/or second inspections. Recent evidence suggests that attendance issues are becoming central to overall outcomes in OFSTED visits and in their subsequent reports to LEAs.
This paper outlines the evidence from recent international and British research, considers the national scene and role of the education welfare service and then examines existing practice on attendance within an LEA. The findings of an in-depth investigation into attendance issues within the LEA are then presented followed by key recommendations, an analysis of professional training needs as well as providing evidence on the LEA's progress since these training needs have been fulfilled.  相似文献   

为规范学生宿舍管理,保障学生人身安全,采用人脸识别技术,结合目前通用的软件开发方式与数据库技术,基于云服务器数据处理和移动设备终端,设计开发一套智能化学生宿舍考勤系统。该系统可有效解决现阶段高校学生宿舍考勤难的问题,相较传统考勤管理方式,新方法将考勤效率提升约 50%。基于人脸识别的学生宿舍考勤系统可有效提升学生宿舍考勤管理效率。  相似文献   

以往的乡约研究大多偏重"论",相关历史事实的铺陈却不甚清晰。鉴于此,本文以清代《南部县档案》为主要参考资料,对该县乡约的设置、职能、任充与辞革、点卯等诸多史实进行了重新建构,期望能为研究者提供经初步逻辑梳理后的历史素材。  相似文献   

考勤管理是人事管理工作中比较重要的一个环节,是计发工资奖金、劳保福利等待遇的主要依据。从考勤管理的角度出发,我们使用的数据集中库是将几乎所有与考勤相关的数据统一管理起来,形成了集成的信息源。且友好的用户界面,强有力的报表生成工具、分析工具和信息的共享使得学校考勤管理人员得以摆脱繁重的日常工作,他考勤管理工作更加科学化、规范化、智能化。  相似文献   

In November 1994, the Hertfordshire School Attendance Project, an initiative set up by the local authority's Education Welfare Service with the purpose of promoting regular school attendance, conducted a survey on school attendance in which 12 secondary schools participated. The survey was intended to establish how pupils responded to coming to school; to identify levels of truancy, including post‐registration truancy; to determine the reasons for such truancy; and to assist schools in developing appropriate and effective responses. The survey found that the overwhelming majority of pupils mostly liked school, attended regularly and were mostly happy with the curriculum which they were offered. The truancy that was located was confined mainly to Years 9, 10 and 11; it was neither widespread nor habitual in character, and appeared to be caused primarily by what might be termed ‘lesson difficulty’. That is, the pupil involved either did not like or could not do a particular lesson and/or had a poor relationship with a particular teacher. Post‐registration truancy (PRT) ‐ when the pupil comes to school, registers and then proceeds to miss certain or all lessons ‐ was found to be slightly more prevalent than blanket truancy (BT) ‐ when the child fails to attend school altogether and lacks authorization for failing to do so (these categories of truancy are based on the work of Stoll and O'Keeffe, 1989 and O'Keeffe, 1994). The survey strongly suggested the need for schools to engage in a debate on the nature of some aspects of the curriculum and to develop coherent and consistent whole‐school attendance policies.  相似文献   

This paper provides new empirical evidence on primary pupils’ views on school attendance in Wales at Key Stage 2. The research was conducted as part of the specific evidence commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) for the National Behaviour and Attendance Review (NBAR) in Wales which was chaired by the lead author. The findings indicate that nearly every child and young person who participated in the specially convened focus groups, in practically every setting, had a good awareness of the benefits of attending school regularly. They were all acutely aware of the potential consequences of non‐attendance both within their current setting and as it could potentially affect their later chances in life. They also understood the law regarding school attendance. They were clear about the attendance regulations within their own school settings. They were however, particularly concerned about bullying in all its forms, the use of supply teachers and “boring” teaching styles. Rewards for good attendance were generally appreciated. The implications of the findings are considered. This paper is the first of its kind to be undertaken in Wales and in the field of school attendance and opens up considerable possibilities for further research.  相似文献   

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