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本文从平衡计分卡理论入手,介绍了体系的组成内容。通过对平衡计分卡运用于高校行政管理部门绩效考评的意义分析,阐述了目前国内外应用的现状,通过对其适用性、有效性及可行性分析给出了平衡计分卡高校行政管理部门绩效考评实施中的建议。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡被誉为"75年来最具影响力的战略管理工具"。但是关于该方法应用于医院后勤部门绩效管理的研究仍较为缺乏。本文首先对该方法在医院绩效管理中的应用背景进行概述,并对我国公立医院后勤管理部门的事业特点进行分析,进而探讨了平衡计分卡理论在医院后勤管理绩效考评中的应用要点和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

一个企业的发展取决于员工的绩效,而员工绩效管理的好坏取决于企业人力资源管理部门的绩效管理,因而企业人力资源管理部门绩效管理对企业的发展有着重要的意义,但目前很多企业在对人力资源管理部门的绩效管理上存在着很大的改善空间。从平衡计分卡入手来探讨人力资源管理部门的绩效指标设置,对改善企业部门绩效管理做出有益探索。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡近几年普遍被各大高校应用于绩效管理中,但是真正成功应用平衡计分卡进行绩效管理并达到理想效果的高校占很少一部分,如何才能更有效的将平衡计分卡应用于绩效管理中,高校首先应考虑自身是否具备使用平衡计分卡的条件。本文在前人研究的基础上对平衡计分卡在高校运用中的适用性进行探讨,希望对高校引入平衡计分卡进行绩效管理起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

平衡记分卡(the Balanced Scorecard,简称BSC)作为一种前沿的组织绩效管理方法,已在全世界引起广泛的关注.在企业界得到成功推广后,又被迅速引入公共部门.而在我国,平衡计分卡在公共部门的运用还处于初步尝试阶段.从我国公共部门绩效管理存在的问题入手,结合我国公共部门的特殊性,对平衡计分卡引入我国公共部门的可行性进行分析,以公共环境管理部门为例,探讨将平衡计分卡引入公共部门绩效管理的思路以及在目前实施中遇到的困难,具有指导意义.  相似文献   

将平衡计分卡引入政府部门,建构合理、有效的指标体系来评估政府绩效,有利于提高政府绩效评估质量。本文从平衡计分卡的理论出发,探讨平衡计分卡在地方政府绩效管理实施的可行性,以三门峡市为例探讨在地方政府的绩效评估中如何设置平衡计分卡四个方面维度的战略主题和政府使命的关键绩效指标和要求,最后利用平衡计分理念对卡三门峡市政府绩效管理目标重构。  相似文献   

从平衡计分卡的理论出发,探讨平衡计分卡在中国党政机关实施的可能性,进一步研究如何运用平衡计分卡原理对党政机关整体战略的使命、价值观、愿景与战略主体进行诠释、转换和落实,以青岛市为例探讨在党政机关的绩效评估中如何设置平衡计分卡四个方面(维度)的关键绩效指标和要求,最后总结平衡计分卡对政府部门的绩效管理带来的意义。  相似文献   

平衡记分卡是一种行之有效的绩效评价方法,但在我国目前高校特别是高职院校对平衡记分卡的理论研究和实际应用基本上还是空白。本文着眼于高职院校的战略发展要求,提出要依据平衡计分卡的设计思想构建绩效管理评价指标,并阐述基于平衡计分卡的高职院校教师绩效管理指标体系的基本思路和内容设计。  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡的地方政府绩效评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府在绩效管理中引入平衡计分卡是可行的,这是由平衡计分卡的核心思想与地方政府绩效评估中的平衡理念的一致性决定的,也是由它自身的特点决定的.地方政府绩效评估中平衡计分卡的构成要素包括政府工作业绩指标,行政成本指标、政府内部管理流程指标以及学习与创新指标.地方政府在运用平衡计分卡进行绩效管理的过程中主要遇到以下障碍:地方政府的战略确定存在难点、绩效评估指标难以设置、地方政府部门的预算和会计制度不配套以及平衡计分卡运用的成本高.解决问题的对策有:树立科学的战略发展观念并提高管理者的管理水平、建立完善的信息系统,建立完善而透明的政府预算和会计制度以及加强成本控制.  相似文献   

平衡记分卡是一种行之有效的绩效评价方法,但在我国目前高校特别是高职院校对平衡记分卡的理论研究和实际应用基本上还是空白.本文着眼于高职院校的战略发展要求,提出要依据平衡计分卡的设计思想构建绩效管理评价指标,并阐述基于平衡计分卡的高职院校教师绩效管理指标体系的基本思路和内容设计.  相似文献   

酒店业是劳动密集型的行业,对其员工实施科学的绩效管理是提高酒店服务质量的重要保证,是酒店企业保持竞争优势的重要源泉。文章将戴明循环引入员工绩效管理流程中,提出了绩效目标计划制定、绩效目标实施辅导、绩效考核评定以及绩效考评结果应用四个持续循环的酒店业员工绩效管理流程,对于国内酒店业调整企业绩效管理模式、提升绩效管理水平具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

问题与改进:我国公共部门人力资源绩效考核分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共部门人力资源绩效考核是提高公共组织管理效率的重要手段,也是部门成员改善工作及谋求发展的重要途径,它对公共部门人力资源管理起着十分重要的作用。当前我国公共部门人力资源绩效考核实践存在的问题,主要有考核制度上的职位分类不到位,标准缺乏具体化、责任不完善,考核过程缺乏公平、监督,考核方法简单化的问题。应针对这些问题作出相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

A common criticism of charter schools is that they systematically remove or “counsel out” their lowest performing students. However, relatively little is currently known about whether low-performing students are in fact more likely to exit charter schools than surrounding traditional public schools. We use longitudinal student-level data from two large urban school systems that prior research has found to have effective charter school sectors–New York City and Denver, Colorado–to evaluate whether there is a differential relationship between low-performance on standardized test scores and the probability that students exit their schools by sector attended. We find no evidence of a differential relationship between prior performance and the likelihood of exiting a school by sector. Low-performing students in both cities are either equally likely or less likely to exit their schools than are student in traditional public schools.  相似文献   

Faced with changing times, disability-based organisations are evolving from church groups running shelters for "retarded" people to providing business services to "jobseekers." This evolution has meant that the management function in the disability sector has become a much more complex and multidimensional one, requiring managers to balance the social and commercial realities of the marketplace. This study aimed to explore the effects of strategic planning intensity in disability-based agencies on the organisational performance of those agencies. The study found that there were statistically significant correlations between the strategic planning intensity levels of disability-based agencies and their respective organisations' performance on two out of the five measures of organisational performance used in the research. The study provides some justification and impetus for managers, agencies, and peak bodies to further engage in the systematic development and implementation of strategic planning systems and processes. Further, in view of the many environmental changes experienced by the disability sector, such justification may provide the various stakeholders, particularly funding bodies and people with a disability, with a means of ensuring that the best possible efficiency and effectiveness outcomes for stakeholders are achieved.  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的公共部门绩效评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从介绍和分析公共部门的特性入手,分析了公共部门和私有部门管理者行为模式的不同,从而引入了三种公共部门绩效评估的标准、效率、效果或生产率变动量。进而介绍了DEA方法在不同的绩效评估标准下的应用。  相似文献   

Research into the international competitiveness of the higher education sector has shown that the approaches which management literature has introduced into the business sphere during the last half-century are being more and more frequently applied by successful universities as well. The authors extend the theory of export market orientation to the higher education sector, and explore the association between export coordination, export experience, export market orientation, export performance and the competitive environment in the context of the Hungarian higher education sector. The aforementioned relations are analysed on two subsamples (universities with a top performance vs. higher education institutions with a lower performance in regard to internationalization and scientific research). Based on the results, the authors conclude that export experience is a significant predictor of export performance in both groups of institutions, while export coordination can only explain changes in export market orientation for the group comprising the universities that lag behind in terms of internationalization. They observe, moreover, that the influence of export market orientation on export performance is stronger in the case of top-performing Hungarian universities, and that for the same group, the intensity of competition in international markets improves international orientation.  相似文献   

Continuous improvement initiatives are of increasing importance due to the high operating risks of engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) firms in the oil and gas sector ($188 billion worth of oil and gas projects in 2008). This article describes a continuous improvement framework that translates performance problems into an action plan and helps to prevent their recurrence.  相似文献   

Young people in Africa encounter many difficulties in entering the labour market and in searching for decent and productive jobs. Research on the links between formal education and vocational training and their economic returns are especially crucial in understanding the inadequate demand for their labour. This article presents evidence based on the 1-2-3 Surveys conducted in seven West African countries; the surveys provide a consistent and comparable picture of the urban youth employment situation in these countries. The analysis also indicates that vocational education could be helpful in integrating the formal sector and that it often offers better earnings and better firm performance than general education, especially at higher levels of schooling. Overall, young workers with no formal vocational education and training face poorer working conditions, while those who have had a traditional apprenticeship in a small firm occupy an intermediate position. Finally, on-the-job training plays a crucial role in the informal sector of the West African cities.  相似文献   

One of the more persuasive arguments for school sector differences in students' educational performance is the role of the senior school curriculum, which is stratified, socially selective, and has an important bearing on educational outcomes. In addition, the stratified curriculum may also contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in education by directing students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds to the most beneficial aspects of the curriculum. This paper finds that course taken has strong effects on university entrance performance and participation, but its effects are largely independent of school sector and socioeconomic background. Only about 10% of the effect of attending an independent school on tertiary entrance performance can be attributed to course type (net of other factors) and about 14% of the effect of socioeconomic background. This suggests that curriculum stratification plays only a minor role in mediating the influences of school sector and socioeconomic background on educational outcomes.  相似文献   


Trends towards the marketisation of the schooling sector have led to suggestions that state-funded schools in England will soon be allowed to operate on a for-profit basis. This article has two aims: to contribute to understanding of the regulation and characterisation of existing for-profit schools in England; and to assess the claim that for-profit schools ‘significantly outperform’ all independent schools by exploring the use of large scale databases including the National Pupil Database (NPD). This study highlights the growth of the for-profit sector, and the scarcity of legislation detailing the financial governance, educational oversight and staffing requirements of schools in the for-profit schooling sector. The for-profit schooling sector is found to be underperforming in terms of school inspection ratings at a level of statistical significance in comparison to the state funded schooling sector. Furthermore, performance indicators relating to GCSE and A level results suggest that the for-profit sector is underperforming compared to the not-for-profit independent sector. As such, the findings of this research have implications in undermining the neoliberal argument that has driven significant change in the schooling landscape in recent times.  相似文献   

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