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The purpose of the study was to investigate relationships between student ratings of college teaching using four types of student rating instruments and pre- vs. post-student achievement gains in 36 sections of an undergraduate analytic geometry and calculus course. Student rating instruments used varied according to type of items (high vs. low inference) and focus (students rating their own perceived growth vs. rating the instructor). Data were collected on 799 students (66% freshmen; 16% sophomore; and 15% juniors) at the University of Florida, and relationships were analyzed using the Pearson product-moment correlation technique. Significant relationships were not found between student ratings and student achievement.  相似文献   

Behavior rating scales are indirect measures of emotional and social functioning used for assessment purposes. Rater bias is systematic error that may compromise the validity of behavior rating scale scores. Teacher bias in ratings of behavior has been investigated in multiple studies, but not yet assessed in a research synthesis that focuses on the role of ethnicity and culture. Teacher bias in ratings of student behavior was investigated through a comprehensive literature review that only included studies with a defensible criterion of true behavior against which to compare rating scores. A final total of 13 studies of teacher bias suggested mixed evidence for bias due to student ethnicity and strong evidence of bias due to teacher culture, particularly when positive stereotypes were violated. Limitations and future directions of research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assesses the validity of instructor ratings as measures of instructional effectiveness. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between ratings of classroom practices, instructor characteristics and student commitment to the course and an overall rating of the instructor. Sixty-four percent of the variance in instructor ratings could be explained by variance in students' ratings for eleven course-related items. It was concluded that variance in instructor ratings reflected variance in classroom and instructional practices.  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning students' ratings of instruction have traditionally used the class as the unit of analysis and the ratings have been analyzed in one of two ways: (1) regression analysis, wherein the amount of variability in instructor ratings can be attributed to a set of variables; or (2) analysis of variance, wherein the effect of some selected independent variable on instructor ratings is measured. While both approaches have provided valuable information about the evaluation of instruction, little attention has been given to the interactions among the variables selected. In order to determine how situational variables influence the student at the time an evaluation is performed, the present study used the individual student as the unit of analysis and focused principally on the interactions between three variables related to the class (type, level, and size) and three variables related to the instructor (reputation, rank, and sex). The data were analyzed through 15 two-way factorial analyses of variance, with 23 main effects and 12 interactions reaching significance. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of their effect on the student rating process.  相似文献   

This study addressed patterns and influence of instructor communication in American (US) and in French classrooms. Significant differences were found for instructor use of power bases, affinity-seeking strategies, and nonverbal immediacy. Significant differences were found in student affective learning, cognitive learning, affect toward instructor, and ratings of instruction between the two cultures. In both cultures, however, student affect toward instructor, cognitive learning, and rating of instruction were significantly correlated with instructor affinity-seeking and instructor nonverbal immediacy. Likewise, instructor use of expert power was significantly correlated with student cognitive learning and ratings of instruction in both cultures.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have used generalizability theory to examine the dependability of student ratings of instruction. This study extends this line of research by examining the consistency of ratings between different sections of a course taught in a given semester by the same instructor, and by comparing the performance of global- and attribute-type instructor rating items. Five samples of physics instructors, varying in size from 5 to 12 instructors, were rated by their students on a form containing two global and eight attribute items. Each instructor taught two sections of a course. The study found that the section effect was small (ratings of instructors were consistent across different sections of the same course), and that the generalizability of ratings was substantially influenced by item specificity. For summary purposes, one global item seemed sufficient.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of age of instructor on student ratings of teaching performance after individual consultation. Instructors self-presented over an 11-year period at a large Canadian university teaching service, where each received one of three interventions. End of term student ratings of the teaching of younger and older instructors are compared before consultation, immediately post consultation, and 1–3 years after year of consultation. Younger faculty obtained significantly improved ratings immediately after consultation, while older faculty achieved significant rating increases 1–3 years post consultation. Results from an earlier study on the impact of individual consultation on teacher ratings are reevaluated using this larger sample of faculty. Generally, results in this analysis parallel the original research. Consultation produced changes in student ratings both immediately after consultation as well as longitudinally, thus confirming the utility of intervention in producing enduring pedagogical improvements. Control analyses ensured that improvements were a result of the interventions and not an artefact of time.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of an assessment training module on student assessment skills and task performance in a technology-facilitated peer assessment. Seventy-eight undergraduate students participated in the study. The participants completed an assessment training exercise, prior to engaging in peer-assessment activities. During the training, students reviewed learning concepts, discussed marking criteria, graded example projects and compared their evaluations with the instructor’s evaluation. Data were collected in the form of initial and final versions of students’ projects, students’ scoring of example projects before and after the assessment training, and written feedback that students provided on peer projects. Results of data analysis indicate that the assessment training led to a significant decrease in the discrepancy between student ratings and instructor rating of example projects. In addition, the degree of student vs. instructor discrepancy was highly predictive of the quality of feedback that students provided to their peers and the effectiveness of revisions that they made to their own projects upon receiving peer feedback. Smaller discrepancies in ratings were associated with provision of higher quality peer feedback during peer assessment, as well as better revision of initial projects after peer assessment.  相似文献   


The validity of student evaluation of teaching (SET) scores depends on minimum effect of extraneous response processes or biases. A bias may increase or decrease scores and change the relationship with other variables. In contrast, SET literature defines bias as an irrelevant variable correlated with SET scores, and among many, a relevant biasing factor in literature is the instructor’s gender. The study examines the extent to which acquiescence, the tendency to endorse the highest response option across items and bias in the first sense affects students’ responses to a SET rating scale. The study also explores how acquiescence affects the difference in teaching quality (TQ) by instructor’s gender, a bias in the latter sense. SET data collected at a faculty of education in Ontario, Canada were analysed using the Rasch rating scale model. Findings provide empirical support for acquiescence affecting students’ responses. Latent regression analyses show how acquiescence reduces the difference in TQ by instructor’s gender. Findings encourage greater attention to the response process quality as a way to better defend the utility of SET and prevent potentially misleading conclusions from the analysis of SET data.  相似文献   


Evaluation of college instructors often centers on course ratings; however, there is little evidence that these ratings only reflect teaching. The purpose of this study was to assess the relative importance of three facets of course ratings: instructor, course and occasion. We sampled 2,459 fully-crossed dyads from a large university where two instructors taught the same two courses at least twice in a 3-year period. Generalizability theory was used to estimate unconfounded variance components for instructor, course and occasion, as well as their interactions. Meta-analysis was used to summarize those estimates. Results indicated that a three-way interaction between instructor, course and occasion that includes measurement error accounted for the most variance in student ratings (24%), with instructor accounting for the second largest amount (22%). While instructor - and presumably teaching - accounted for substantial variance in student course ratings, factors other than instructor quality had a larger influence on student ratings.  相似文献   

人类的大多数认知活动都发生意识觉察或意识控制之外。部分内隐加工会影响社会知觉、判断和行为。基于大量的内隐测量程序被开发、应用,以及更多使用内隐测量程序研究社会认知的报告的事实,内隐社会认知的最近15年可以被称为"测量时代(Age of Measurement)"。内隐测量的内容、结果与外显测量的既有区别也有联系,在关于社会认知的内容、加工过程及预测行为等方面各有优势。今后内隐测量的研究方向是探索内隐测量背手的心理机制,以及内隐测量到的心理构念影响行为的过程。  相似文献   

A diversity of student questionnaires are used by colleges and universities to provide data on faculty teaching performance. Yet the purposes for collecting this data are frequently unclear, and at times superficial. Rarely is student rating data used as a tool to improve faculty teaching. A more relevant approach incorporates a variety of types of student ratings into a model for improving university teaching. One type of student rating data is used to identify broad instructional problem areas. Another type pinpoints probable causes and solutions for the instructional problems. Instructional improvement procedures are designed on the basis of this data. A third type of student rating data evaluates the instructional improvement procedures and indicates when modifications are needed. In addition to these three types of student ratings, and the generation of appropriate questionnaires, this paper presents an overview of the teaching improvement model and discusses its effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study explores the challenges of assessing student workplace performance during work-integrated learning. It highlights the need for, yet difficulties with, combining positivist and constructivist assessments where workplace supervisors make evaluative judgements on performance yet students are also agents in their own assessment. It examines the ratings awarded by 163 workplace supervisors for 213 business undergraduates completing a work placement as part of their degree program in Western Australia. Students were rated on 17 capabilities associated with employability and results indicate, in alignment with previous studies, a tendency among supervisors to assign inflated marks across capabilities. The mean capability rating awarded to each student was significantly higher than their weighted course average, suggesting workplace supervisors mark more highly than academics in coursework units. To identify solutions to manage leniency bias, the study examined variations in supervisor ratings for a range of personal and contextual variables such as gender, organisation size, work area and sector. Although supervisor ratings were inflated, they were consistent across the sample with variations recorded for only four capabilities in certain work areas. Reasons for leniency bias among workplace supervisors are explored in light of the findings and alternative approaches to evaluating student workplace performance are presented.  相似文献   

Instructors whose teaching was evaluated by students were given the opportunity to rate how applicable the evaluation items were to their classes. This study examined the kinds of items which instructors felt to be applicable or inapplicable, the relationships between the student ratings and the instructor applicability ratings, and the effect on an overall evaluation score of using the instructor applicability judgments as weights.Results generally support the consensus procedure of establishing rating forms; they suggest that the common criticism that faculty judgments of item applicability are influenced by anticipation of student ratings may be true for specific items and that while weighting composite evaluation scores by means of faculty applicability judgments does not affect those overall scores, the distributions of certain items may be altered.  相似文献   

In the USA, student ratings of their instructors are routinely used by administrators in higher education in making decisions regarding instructors' salary adjustments, tenure and promotion. However, when the rating qualifications of amateur student raters and novice public school teachers who have received training that should have enabled them to become qualified raters are examined closely, there are good reasons for believing that both groups of raters are not qualified to give reliable ratings on most high‐inference questionnaire items.  相似文献   

Instructor evaluations are influenced by implicit age and gender bias, with lower ratings and negative feedback given to instructors believed to stray from stereotypical age and gender norms. Female instructors exhibiting typically male-associated qualities such as leadership and authority, are often negatively impacted. Implicit bias also influences evaluation of digital resources and instructors, regardless of students' positive learning outcomes. As digital learning resources become the norm in education, it is crucial to explore the impact of implicit bias at various educational levels. In this study, undergraduate and graduate students were randomly exposed to one of five digital tutorials; four experimental tutorials presenting identical anatomy content with narrators of different gender and age, and a control tutorial featuring origami (paper folding) instructions without audio. Learning outcomes were measured by pre-quiz vs. post-quiz comparisons using repeated measures MANOVA. Implicit bias was analyzed by evaluation response comparisons using repeated measures MANOVA and three-way MANOVA. Post-quiz scores increased significantly in the four experimental groups (P < 0.05) but not in the control (P = 0.99). The increased performance was not statistically different across the four experimental groups (P > 0.26), suggesting that learning occurred irrespective of the instructor gender and age. Students' evaluations were consistently higher for the experimental resources than the control. There was no significant difference in evaluations across the four experimental groups but compared to the control, younger male and younger female narrators received significantly higher ratings for approachability, acceptance, inclusivity, and care for student learning. The study highlights important considerations for digital resources development and interpretation of student evaluations.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between student perceptions of teaching behavior and learning outcomes in college biology. One-hundred one students who enrolled in an introductory college biology course reported the frequencies of 20 overt, in-class teaching behaviors exhibited by the instructor and rated the instructor on 12 measures of teaching effectiveness. Achievement tests were administered periodically throughout the two-semester time interval. A series of simple correlations between teaching behavior factors and both achievement and student ratings revealed a complex pattern of relationships. Moderately strong relationships were found between student perceptions of “information-transmitting” behaviors and achievement, while generally stronger relationships linked behavior factors with student ratings of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

With the use of surveys of instructional effectiveness that use Likert rating scales, bias is a potential threat to the validity of interpretations. Simple summation of ratings or the use of larger samples are not methods for removing bias. In this study, a new model for scaling ratings is examined. The method both identifies and corrects for bias. Working with a database of student ratings of college instruction, the model was tested in terms of a variety of criteria. Results indicated that bias was detected and that it was large enough to warrant our concern. The statistical corrections were significant both in terms of order and magnitude of class means. Implications for future studies include the specification of more potential sources of bias, the interaction of some of these factors, and the development of more systematic evidence supporting the need to be attentive to bias. The many-faceted Rasch model used in this study needs more evaluation before we are convinced of its utility to study and correct for bias, but preliminary evidence is encouraging. Recommendations were offered for a theoretical rationale for studying bias in student ratings of instructional effectiveness and a program of research leading to the use of this model for reporting results for use in improving instruction and for promotion, tenure, and merit decisions. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta April 1993.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the association between instructor reputation, as perceived by students, and student evaluations of the instructor and course. A total of 754 students from 39 classes participated in the study. Based on what students claimed to have heard about the instructor prior to enrolling in the course, they were classified into one of three groups: positive reputation, no information, and negative reputation. Using these groupings, two analyses were performed. In the first, mean overall ratings for the instructor and course were calculated and presented by class. In the second, both instructor and course ratings were modeled using multilevel regression. Results show large mean differences in both instructor and course ratings between the positive and negative reputation groups. More specifically, students who heard positive information regarding the instructor's reputation rated both the instructor and course higher than students who heard negative information about the instructor.  相似文献   

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