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白兆德  安全  王大斌 《数学教学研究》2010,29(10):66-67,F0004
加强数学应用意识和能力的培养是数学教学的一个重要课题,本文就加强数学应用意识和能力的意义。当前中学生数学应用意识和能力的现状,如何培养学生的数学应用意识和能力做一些探索.  相似文献   

培养学生的数学应用意识和能力是中职数学教学的主要目标之一,笔者从教学实践入手,探究了怎样培养中职学生的数学应用的能力和意识,阐述了数学在专业中的应用。并通过课堂教学活动、开展数学建模、改革中职数学课程评估方式等方面培养学生的应用意识和能力。  相似文献   

秦红光 《学周刊C版》2013,(22):106-107
高中数学教学的目的是培养学生运用所学知识解决问题的能力,即培养学生应用数学的意识和能力。本文力求找到导致中学生数学应用意识和能力差的原因以及培养学生数学应用意识和能力的方法。  相似文献   

注重学生数学应用意识和实践能力的培养,是当前数学课程改革的重点之一.学习数学的目的不仅仅是为了领会或理解数学,更主要的是为了应用数学.同时,为了培养具有数学文化素养的人才,现今的数学教学正在从以传授知识、技能和培养运算能力、逻辑思维能力、空间想象能力为主要目的,转变到以培养数学观念,培养运用数学的意识,培养创造精神和培养广泛的数学能力为主要教学目的.可见,培养学生数学应用意识是数学教育的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

我们在数学教学中,要更新观念,注重培养学生应用数学的意识和能力。本文试图从教学实践出发,探讨几种培养学生应用数学的意识和能力的方式。具体从转变教学观念,增强应用意识、指导学生掌握应用方法、开展课外活动、考核措施等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

谭姗姗 《教师》2010,(20):47-47
随着新课程改革的深入发展,加强数学的应用意识与能力已成为当前数学教育改革的一个明显特点。数学教育是现实的教育,应该源于现实、寓于现实、用于现实,要求学习者会运用数学知识或数学思想去解释生产、生活中的数学问题。因此,我们的数学教学必须加强学生数学应用意识的能力的培养。另外,加强中学生数学应用意识和能力的培养也是我国高考的需要。下面就如何培养学生的数学应用意识和能力,谈谈本人的教学体会。  相似文献   

冯洁 《广西教育》2013,(13):22-22
《义务教育数学课程标准》(2011年版)指出:“为了适应时代发展对人才培养的需要,数学课程还要特别注重发展学生的应用意识和创新意识。”培养学生的应用意识不仅是数学课程的重要目标,也是培养学生数学应用能力的前提。但是长期以来,在实际数学教学中,多数教师对学生运算能力、推理能力的培养关注较多,对于学生的应用能力的培养没有提到应有的高度,致使学生的数学应用意识比较淡薄,实际应用数学的能力还比较低,所以在小学数学教学中应该采取有效措施培养学生的数学应用意识,形成数学应用能力。  相似文献   

加强数学应用意识的培养是时代发展与教育改革的需要,实施素质教育重在培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。当前数学教学中普遍存在数学应用意识淡薄,要充分认识培养学生数学应用意识的意义,并通过课堂教学和课外活动等途径着力培养这一意识。  相似文献   

在中职学校的实际教学中,重视数学与生活的衔接,培养学生的数学应用意识,锻炼学生的数学应用能力,是社会发展和学生自身发展的需要,是对现代数学教学提出的严峻挑战。本文谈谈中职生数学应用意识和能力的培养。  相似文献   

数学是一门应用广泛的学科,加强学生应用意识培养是当前数学课程改革的重点之一.在教学过程中,应重视知识应用过程,提高学生学习数学的兴趣;通过"数学建模"活动和教学,培养学生运用数学的能力;实施"问题解决"形式教学,培养学生应用意识和解决应用问题的能力.同时,要注意课内课外相结合,培养学生实践能力,使学生真正学会在解决实际问题中学习,逐步形成良好的数学思维习惯,提高数学素养.  相似文献   

Laser welding is an established manufacturing technology for a large variety of automotive applications due to its attractive properties such as low heat input, high precision and fast welding speed. Especially when welding high strength steels, which are dominantly used in today's car body construction, the low heat input by laser welding bears significant advantages with regard to the properties of the weld seam. The exploitation of the full application potential of laser welding in mass production requires an appropriate manufacturing concept and corresponding auxiliary technologies. The present paper demonstrates the integration of laser welding into the surrounding manu- facturing concepts by a modular setup with different levels of automation. This approach offers flexible solutions for individual needs thereby optimizing investment cost, labor cost and productivity. Recently available laser sources enable exceptionally high welding speed on thin gauged sheet metals but require efficient material handling con- cepts to utilize the full speed potential. Industrial concepts are presented offering efficient material handling and high process robustness for mass production welding.  相似文献   

Employees in technical firms, like garages, need more and more formations. Due to the very fast innovation in technology, lifelong learning is a real need for these labour forces. On the other hand, there are the needed formations very specialized and expensive. Another problem employers faced in these economical sectors in Western Europe is the lack of candidates. Also in secondary education schools, the wide interest for these formations is decreasing. One of the factors causes this problem is that schools don't have enough money for investing in new and high-tech machines. Therefore two interreg projects were submitted and approved for financing. Interreg is an initiative of the European Union meant for the permanent development of the "European Space". The third phase of interreg means enhancing the economic and social cohesion within the European Union. In this paper, we describe two successful projects, namely Autoweb and V@K, which try to help employers, employees, schools and students to keep up with the high-tech innovations with a workplace-based e-learning program.  相似文献   

Movement activities can be used to integrate with any other curriculum in childhood education. The movements can inspire the sense of rhythmic concepts for children. This study aims at investigating how children can be motivated and inspired rhythmically by body movement through Dalcroze approach. In this research, the author revealed how physical movements can motivate children's potential sense of rhythm and inspire children's interest of musical rhythmic concepts learning. The study was conducted with 1000 primary school 6th grade students from twenty primary schools in Taipei, Taiwan. These 1000 6th grade students have the same age, same music syllabus and have equally same music training at their schools. The 1000 students were divided into two equal groups, one having different activities of body movements at school, and the other without. The different activities included tapping, swinging, clapping, turning, and stamping simple rhythms. The experiments consisted two parts which were rhythm dictation and improvisational skills. All the participants were equally given the pre-test and post-test as evidences of progress of the experiment, and the researcher then compared with the differences of the two tests of the two groups before and after the experiment to see if there were any progress in their learning of musical rhythms. The study lasted 6 months and consisted of three stages: observation, comparison, and analysis. The author observed and compared the two groups of students, analyzed the results and found out that the two groups demonstrated obvious differences in their degree of progress on learning of musical rhythms.  相似文献   

由于基础设施的限制,农村中学学生视野较窄,但他们所处的生活环境中生物资源丰富多彩.农村中学生物教学可利用得天独厚的自然资源,促进教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生更好地学习生物,认识生物资源与人们生活的密切关系,促进学生的资源保护意识,培养高尚的情操。  相似文献   

The inclusion of students with disabilities at the university is a relatively new occurrence in the field of special education. Although legislation in the United States has supported the acceptance of students with disabilities at the post-secondary level, it has only provided minimal support with the emphasis on the learner rather than the curriculum. Now we are looking for multiple ways for students to access learning and demonstrate mastery. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is currently seen as a means to reconceptionalize curriculum. This study examines the experience of four professors and their effort to use a Classroom Performance System (CPS) as part of reformatting their courses using UDL. The Center for Applied Special Technology, CAST (2001) states that the goal of Universal Design for Learning is to develop teaching methods that enable all students with diverse learning needs, including those with disabilities and cultural differences, to have equal access to classroom curriculum. This paradigm shift echoes the move in special education from a deficit model to a minority rights model put forward by Hahn (1989), and which is the basis of inclusive educational philosophy. Together inclusion and UDL create learning environments that strive to serve all students. This research describes the implementation of clickers as part of the CPS program in college courses in a special education teacher preparation program. The case study demonstrates how technology can provide access for all learners with positive outcomes such as increased participation and application of knowledge. It also illustrates some of the difficulties in making this pedagogical paradigm shift particularly in the use of technology, and the value of overcoming the existing barriers in place.  相似文献   

Intuition usually is defined as the capability to act or decide appropriately without deliberately and consciously balancing alternatives, without following a certain rule or routine, and possibly without awareness (Gigerenzer, 2007; Hogarth, 2001; Klein, 2003; Myers, 2002). It allows action which is quick (e.g. reaction to a challenging situation) and surprising, in the sense that it is extraordinary in performance level or shape. This paper reports theories of intuition and their empirical evidence in the field of professional work. It aims at reporting the state of research on intuition, discussing the relevance of different approaches for analyzing work performance, and describing challenges for future empirical research in the domain of professional working life.  相似文献   

概念图在高中生物复习总结中应用的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中生物复习课教学是师生双方从新的视角对所学知识进行系统梳理、深化、拓宽及灵活应用的教与学的过程.应用概念图可以有效地组织课程内容,激发学生自主构建生物学知识体系,使知识概括化、网络化,并能灵活地迁移.  相似文献   

The study was to investigate the vague words measurement across native and non-native English speakers and gender differences. Ninety-two students from the University of Oklahoma participated in this study by filling out an internet-based questionnaire on the vague words. The researchers put each of the thirty-two vague words in a context, or the same word put into different contexts. The participants were asked to rate the degree or the numerical value that they thought was the most appropriate in the context of the vague word. It was found that ten out of the thirty-two words had a significant difference across the native and non-native English speakers, and two of thirty-two words had a significant difference across genders. The word "fairly" showed the most significant difference interactions of language speaking by gender.  相似文献   

当今,大学生利用假期来到教学资源相对贫乏的偏远山区进行支教已成为大学生回报社会的途径之一。在支教逐渐被大众广泛接受的社会背景之下,提升支教项目的系统性和专业性就成为了更多支教团队追求的目标。本文将以中国地质大学(北京)学生英语专业支教实践为实例,从团队建设、前期备课、宣传工作、教学实践四个方面分析支教规范性建设的新思路,为大学生支教项目的进一步发展提出更好的实施方案。  相似文献   

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