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Numerous studies have documented the decoding difficulties of adult basic education (ABE) students in the United States. However, the native speakers of English (NSE) and nonnative speakers of English (NNSE) in ABE classes present different reading behaviors. To explore this, 90 low-intermediate readers (45 NSE and 45 NNSE) were matched on pseudoword reading (Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-Revised; Woodcock, 1987). Their substitution errors in word recognition (Diagnostic Assessments of Reading; Roswell & Chall, 1992) were then classified as phonetically plausible, phonetically implausible, or real words. Both groups made similar numbers of phonetically implausible errors. However, although both possessed comparable pseudoword decoding skills, NSE made more real-word substitutions than NNSE, and NNSE made more phonetically plausible substitutions than NSE. This suggests that ABE teachers should not only be aware of how much decoding students know but also to what extent they actually use that knowledge when reading.  相似文献   

This article centres on the narrative of Thuli, a 62-year-old black South African domestic worker taking English language literacy classes outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. For Thuli, English literacy is of vital importance because, as she claims, “if you don’t have English, you’re just as good as a dead person”. Drawing primarily on the methodology of narrative inquiry, this article employs human narratives to expose the links between individual, social and political histories. Specifically, it centres on the life narratives of Thuli and the ways in which her stories are integrated into the complex history of language learning and adult education within South Africa. Utilising these coexisting histories and HERstories, the author of this article seeks to understand the multiple forces that impact a learner such as Thuli to become literate in English. By highlighting Thuli’s narrative as well as demonstrating the roles that both the author as the researcher and Thuli as the narrator play in the creation of her narrative, the author attempts to exhibit the power of the narrative in further understanding nuances of language, power and identity. Moreover, the author ventures to expose the ways in which the links between these concepts continue to affect adult learners in postcolonial South African adult basic education (ABE) and language learning. Finally, the author links Thuli’s experience to two of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely Quality education (SDG4) and Gender equality (SDG5). In addition, the author attempts to reveal how the links between both goals are missing in policy documents. Using this narrative as an example of the complexity of English within South African ABE, what becomes apparent are the ways in which the desire to learn English is both individually nuanced and laden with historically (re)produced ideologies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify subgroups of adult basic education (ABE) learners with different profiles of skills in the core reading components of decoding, word recognition, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. The analysis uses factor scores of those 5 reading components from on a prior investigation of the reliability and construct validity of measures of reading component skills (MacArthur, Konold, Glutting, & Alamprese, 2010). In that investigation, confirmatory factor analysis found that a model with those 5 factors fit the data best and fit equally well for native and non-native English speakers. The study included 486 students, 334 born or educated in the United States (native) and 152 not born nor educated in the US (non-native) but who spoke English well enough to participate in English reading classes. The cluster analysis found an 8-cluster solution with good internal cohesion, external isolation, and replicability across subsamples. Of the 8 subgroups, 4 had relatively flat profiles (range of mean scores across factors <0.5 SD), 2 had higher comprehension than decoding, and 2 had higher decoding than comprehension. Profiles were consistent with expectations regarding demographic factors. Non-native speakers were overrepresented in subgroups with relatively higher decoding and underrepresented in subgroups with relatively higher comprehension. Adults with self-reported learning disabilities were overrepresented in the lowest performing subgroup. Older adults and men were overrepresented in subgroups with lower performance. The study adds to the limited research on the reading skills of ABE learners and, from the perspective of practice, supports the importance of assessing component skills to plan instruction.  相似文献   

Hugo Kerr 《Literacy》2001,35(2):82-85
A survey into attitudes towards and beliefs about dyslexia among ABE teachers and providers is reported. This research appears to reveal doubt, uncertainty and confusion about dyslexia and considerable misgiving as a consequence. A marked degree of learned helplessness was apparently induced in respondents when faced with a student with a diagnosis of dyslexia. Tuition was greatly simplified and expectations lowered. Attribution theory and learned helplessness are discussed in the context of ABE. It is argued that a diagnosis of dyslexia may be a maladaptive attribution and so inevitably induce learned helplessness. Increased scepticism towards dyslexia in ABE is recommended.  相似文献   


This study examines previous studies concerned with Adult Basic Education (ABE) teacher competencies to corroborate their findings and to discuss the competencies in relation to their implications for ABE teacher training where the community college is the agency responsible for the administration of ABE programs.

Adult Basic Education teachers and administrators in five New England states were asked to rate 17 areas of teacher competency as derived from Mocker (1974). Five exploratory hypotheses of no difference between the two groups were postulated and analyzed using t tests. A sixth hypothesis of no difference in ranking of the competencies was also postulated and analyzed via the Spearman Rho.

No significant differences were revealed in analysis, thus supporting Mocker's findings. Implications of the findings for training community college teachers of ABE are then discussed in the context of relating training objectives to validated competencies.  相似文献   

This article reports the results from a randomized control field trial that investigated the impact of an enhanced decoding and spelling curriculum on the development of adult basic education (ABE) learners' reading skills. Sixteen ABE programs that offered class-based instruction to Low-Intermediate level learners were randomly assigned to either the treatment group or the control group. Reading instructors in the 8 treatment programs taught decoding and spelling using the study-developed curriculum, Making Sense of Decoding and Spelling (MSDS), and instructors in the 8 control programs used their existing reading instruction. A comparison group of 7 ABE programs whose instructors used K-3 structured curricula adapted for use with ABE learners were included for supplemental analyses. Seventy-one reading classes, 34 instructors, and 349 adult learners with pre- and posttests participated in the study. The study found a small but significant effect on one measure of decoding skills, which was the proximal target of the curriculum. No overall significant effects were found for word recognition, spelling, fluency, or comprehension. Pretest to posttest gains for word recognition were small to moderate, but not significantly better than the control classes. Adult learners who were born and educated outside of the U.S. made larger gains on 7 of the 11 reading measures than learners who were born and educated within the U.S. However, participation in the treatment curriculum was more beneficial for learners who were born and educated in the U.S. in developing their word recognition skills.  相似文献   

Research indicates that about a quarter of adult students separate from formal adult basic and secondary education (ABE/ASE) programs before completing one educational level. This retrospective study explores individual dispositional factors that affect motivation during learning, particularly students’ goals, goal-directed thinking and action based on hope theory and attendance behaviors, and self-perceptions of competency based on affective domain attributions about external and internal obstacles to learning and employment, and demographic factors. Among 274 ABE/ASE students, those learners who made an education gain in 1 year significantly differed from those who did not in only a few dispositional or demographic variables; and by educational level they significantly differed in a wide variety of dispositional and demographic variables. These findings suggest researchable questions and programmatic considerations that may lead to future innovations that improve learner persistence.  相似文献   

英语是一种国际通用语,它的内涵与外延已从原本作为母语的定义范围延伸并涵盖到作为非母语的范围——英语出现了地域变体。亚洲英语是世界英语的地域变体之一,而印度英语又是亚洲英语的重要地域变体之一。印度英语的形成具有特殊的历史背景,经过不断演变,标准英语与印度本地语言逐渐融合,使得印度英语在语音、语法和词汇等方面都有自身独有的特点。  相似文献   

高文芳 《海外英语》2012,(9):210-211
经过一百多年的发展,澳大利亚英语以其独特的风格在全球化英语体系中形成了有别于美式英语和英式英语的一种语言变体。即便是来自英语国家的人们初到澳大利亚都需要对澳式英语有一个熟悉的过程。澳大利亚虽然在地理位置上邻近亚太地区,但却是一个传统意义上的西方国家,澳大利亚曾作为英国殖民地的历史意义也使得其英语具有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

文章从语言学多个领域出发,烈用多种理论就中国英语的存在和发展以及对英语学习的影响进行了阐述争说明。文章肯定中国英语的影响,认为在英语本土化环境目前所处的状态和发展态势中目的不同的英语学习者应在不同阶段进行偏重式地学习,加强学科英语和专门英语的学习。  相似文献   

张俊  刘敏 《培训与研究》2009,26(5):32-34
英语是目前世界上使用人数最多的语言之一,是人们用于进行科技、商贸、文化交流的国际语言。英语的产生以及发展经历了古英语、中古英语、早期现代英语及现代英语几个阶段。在每一个阶段英语的词形、句法和语法上都有不同的特点。本文通过分析英国文学史上第一部史诗Beowulf(《贝奥武甫》)节选中的单词和句型探讨了古英语句法中的词序,并说明了其词序的灵活性和多样性。  相似文献   

由于独特的地理位置和殖民文化特色,新西兰英语与英国英语、澳大利亚英语和毛利语(毛利语是新西兰当地土著毛利居民的语言)有着千丝万缕的联系,在语音、词汇、习语等方面都具有鲜明的特色。新西兰英语有着浓厚的地方语言特色和文化特点,是英语语言中的一个重要的区域变体。本文主要论述新西兰英语产生的历史背景及其语言特点。  相似文献   

Medical English is relatively more difficult than general English,especially its vocabulary.Those medical English words are long and complex,making it hard to remember.But medical English vocabulary has its own features,which would help us in learning vocabulary.On the basis of many medical English materials,the paper explores the features of etymology,affixes and roots of medical English.  相似文献   

航运专业英语教学属于专门用途英语(ESP)教学的范畴,是将航运专业知识与英语语言技能训练相融合的一种教学方式。航运专业英语有其自身的特点,在课程教学中必须根据其词汇和翻译特点进行有针对性的教学实践。  相似文献   

综观英语学科的发展历程和英语培养模式的变迁,英语专业进行的复合型人才培养模式改革顺应了我国经济发展对外语人才多元化的需求和英语学科自身发展的要求,但具体教学实践表明,英语专业的学科定位界定模糊,削弱了其学科本质属性,凸显了英语学科的工具性,忽视了其人文性。文章对英语专业复合型人才培养模式改革过程中强化其学科人文性的途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

英语已经成为世界通用语,英语的全球化导致英语的本土化,中国英语就是英语与中国本土文化和思维方式结合产生的英语变体.中国英语在语音、词汇、句法、语篇等层面呈现出自身的特点.基于此,从思维与语言的关系出发,探讨中国四种特殊的思维模式,即形象思维、主体中心思维、整体综合思维及螺旋式思维对中国英语语篇特征的影响,从而得出相应的...  相似文献   

以建构主义为理论基础的大学英语网络教学实践研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学英语传统教学模式亟待改革,而以建构主义为理论基础的英语网络教学因其强大的自身优势成为大学英语教学模式改革的方向.然而,网络教学模式的先天性缺陷和我国大学生英语自主学习能力的现状决定了网络自主学习不能完全取代传统的课堂教学.当前,切实可行的大学英语网络教学模式应该将网络自主学习与课堂面授相结合,最大程度地扬长避短,以取得大学英语教学的最佳效果.  相似文献   

英语教学的最终目的是帮助学习者习得英语语言知识和学会使用英语,学习者对语言学习材料的体验和认知是习得英语的根本路径。体认语言观强调语言兼具体验性和认知性,体验是基础,认知是对体验的高级加工。鉴于小学、初中和高中不同学段学生的体认能力和特点存在差异,中小学英语教学要依此安排教学内容和运用教学方法。小学英语教学要让学生更多地体验语言本体和语言使用,获得对英语的感性认识;初中英语教学要基于对英语语言本体和语言使用的体验,帮助学生形成语言知识,学会使用英语;高中英语教学要加强学生对英语语言本体和使用的认知,探索其中的理据性。  相似文献   

中国英语不同于属于语用错误的“中式英语”,它是英语在中国使用过程中符合英语规范的一种使用型变体,是英语本土化的产物,其存在有客观合理性。基于中国英语的研究现状与前景,应着手进行中国英语语料库的规划与建设。  相似文献   

生存英语是一种比较特殊的口语语体,平时很少引起人们的关注,但是它的实用性是有目共睹的,尤其是在当今全球经济一体化的过程中,它所扮演的角色日趋重要。本文尝试对生存英语下了定义,列举了它的种类,阐述了它的特征及交际功能等。  相似文献   

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