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We present quantitative and qualitative evidence on the relative productivity of university technology transfer offices (TTOs). Our empirical results suggest that TTO activity is characterized by constant returns to scale and that environmental and institutional factors explain some of the variation in performance. Productivity may also depend on organizational practices. Unfortunately, there are no quantitative measures available on such practices, so we rely on inductive, qualitative methods to identify them. Based on 55 interviews of 98 entrepreneurs, scientists, and administrators at five research universities, we conclude that the most critical organizational factors are faculty reward systems, TTO staffing/compensation practices, and cultural barriers between universities and firms.  相似文献   

本文利用incoPat专利信息平台检索42所"双一流建设"高校与企业间专利转让数据,采用社会网络分析方法,构建校企专利技术转移网络,探究整体和个体网络结构特征、热门技术领域及动态演化情况。研究发现:(1)校企专利技术转让关系主要呈现"一对一"的形式,网络逐渐由"一枝独秀"向"遍地开花"的格局演变。(2)综合类和理工类高校表现突出,大部分高校技术转移能力亟需提升;重要能源型企业和战略性新兴技术企业的技术受让广度和深度较高,大部分企业从"双一流建设"高校获取专利技术数量有待提高。(3)G01N(借助于测定材料的化学或物理性质来测试或分析材料)、H01L(半导体器件)、A61K(医用、牙科用或梳妆用的配制品)、G06F(电数字数据处理)和H04L(数字信息的传输)一直是校企专利技术转移中的热门技术领域,理工类重点高校技术转移涉及技术领域较为广泛。最后,从政府、高校以及企业三个层面提出我国校企专利技术转移的对策建议。  相似文献   

杨阳  刘文飞  丁堃 《科研管理》2022,43(7):189-199
基于我国高校已转移的发明专利,筛选出与本研究直接相关的17500条数据,这些发明专利作为高校技术转移活动中专利技术的载体,是分析高校专利技术转移产出的直接数据来源。以知识转移理论为基础,从转移方、接收方、技术知识特性及技术转移路径四个层面对绩效指标体系进行构建,弥补了现有指标中收益指标过多,评价指标不易获取且分散,实证操作困难等不足。同时应用该指标体系,对我国238所高校专利技术转移绩效进行了综合评价,上海交通大学,清华大学,东南大学位于第一梯队,哈尔滨工业大学、江南大学等高校位于第二梯队,重庆大学、武汉大学等高校位于第三梯队,属于同一梯队的高校,虽综合得分相近,但其绩效表现形式并不相同。  相似文献   

裴秋亚  龚轶  王峥 《科技管理研究》2020,40(22):104-111
运用熵权TOPSIS法对京沪粤72所高校参与科技创新中心绩效进行静态测度。以静态结果构建数据时序矩阵,引用物理学原理建立动态评价模型,跟踪分析各时段内高校参与科技创新中心建设绩效的速度、加速度等变化趋势。研究发现:京沪粤高校对于科技创新中心建设的静态参与绩效整体偏低,在沪高校参与水平整体优于京、粤两地,且自科技创新中心战略提出以来,上海高校创新动能实现了大幅跃升;北京高校虽发展基础较好,但近年来却增长乏力、特别是部分市属高校绩效水平呈现出轻微的衰退迹象;广东高校发展动力稳步增强,省属高校动态结果增长较快,显著优于京沪同类高校。  相似文献   

高校科技成果使用权、处置权和收益权下放改革是促进高校专利技术转移的重要举措。采用65所高校2009~2017年的科技统计数据,基于倾向得分匹配-双重差分方法(PSM-DID)评估“三权下放”改革试点政策促进高校专利技术转移的效果。研究发现:(1)“三权下放”改革试点政策对高校专利转让数量和转让收入都具有显著正向影响;(2)试点政策对专利转让数量存在时间滞后效应,对专利转让收入存在动态效应;(3)试点政策效果存在异质性,主要促进了双一流高校、东部高校和理工类高校的专利技术转移;(4)专利申请对于试点政策促进专利技术转移具有中介作用,试点政策通过减少专利申请提高了专利技术转移绩效。  相似文献   

This study empirically tests a model of a university's selectivity and support policy orientation for technology licensing and its interaction with the external environment for entrepreneurship. Using a sample of 134 US research universities, we investigate main, two-way and three-way interaction effects for two measures of technology transfer performance—licenses with companies that subsequently go public and product royalties. Results indicate both main and moderating effects for both measures of performance. Implications for practice and policy are offered, with special attention to public universities.  相似文献   

马荣康  金鹤 《科研管理》2020,41(5):278-288
技术转移作为高校社会服务职能的重要体现形式,对高校科研活动究竟产生了何种影响是学术界关注的热点问题。本文以2008-2014年中国106所“211”及省部共建高校为样本,研究了高校技术转移对其论文产出和专利产出的影响效应,并对不同来源的科研资助(政府资助和企业资助)在高校技术转移与科研产出关系中的中介作用和调节作用分别进行了实证检验。结果表明:(1)高校技术转移对论文产出的影响不显著,而对专利产出具有显著正向影响;(2)高校技术转移对其获取政府资助和企业资助均具有显著的正向影响,政府资助和企业资助在高校技术转移与专利产出关系中发挥积极的中介作用;(3)政府资助对高校技术转移与论文产出的关系具有显著的负向调节作用,而企业资助对高校技术转移与专利产出的关系具有显著的负向调节作用。  相似文献   

Japan is developing a national strategy for biotechnology, which it sees as a transformative technology of strategic importance. Significant institutional transformation has occurred, including changes to the legal structure of universities, partly in an effort to enhance technology transfer. These and other institutional changes are proving conducive to entrepreneurship, and have developed alongside an increase in the number of biotechnology venture firms. This paper presents an overview of these institutional transformations, in the light of recent deregulation and legislative changes. It posits that the emergence of bioventure firms, the increase in their number and, arguably, their changing nature are manifestations of the coevolution of organizations with changes to the institutional framework. Finally, it gives examples of several bioventures, based on interviews conducted with the founders and chief scientists in Japan, and reveals some of the salient characteristics of these firms.  相似文献   

The commercialization of university research has become an increasingly important issue, given concerns regarding licensing and the university's desire to maximize the returns to intellectual property (IP). In this paper, we assess the impact of university resources and routines/capabilities on the creation of spin-out companies. We find that both the number of spin-out companies created and the number of spin-out companies created with equity investment are significantly positively associated with expenditure on intellectual property protection, the business development capabilities of technology transfer offices and the royalty regime of the university. These results highlight the importance not just of resource stocks, but also of developing appropriate capabilities of technology transfer officers in spinning-out companies. The results suggest that universities and policy-makers need to devote attention to the training and recruitment of technology officers with the broad base of commercial skills.  相似文献   

中国高校技术转移制度体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
技术转移使得高校和企业之间能够进行深入的专业科技信息交流,也使得高新科技成果得以更好地服务于社会。本文对新中国建立以来的技术转移法律体系进行了系统的整理,以此为基础进一步分析了与高校紧密联系的四类技术转移模式,探讨各种模式的优点、缺点和适用范围,探讨了当前法律体系的主要不足。本文研究为高校技术转移在模式选择上提供了参考,也为立法着眼点提供了更明确的思路。  相似文献   

从社会规范、社会网络和社会信任3个维度构建社会资本测度指标,运用2008—2015年我国30个省(区市)的面板数据,探究社会资本对技术转移绩效的关系。研究结果表明:地区社会规范水平越高,技术转移绩效越好;地区社会网络通达度越高,技术转移绩效越好;同时,地区社会信任程度越高,技术转移绩效也越好。从社会资本角度提出进一步提升我国各地区技术转移绩效的建议,从而提高我国整体的技术创新水平。  相似文献   

In this study, the determinants of private R&D investment are examined at the level of firms in the Turkish manufacturing industry. We focus our attention on the effect of public R&D support programs. Our findings indicate that public R&D support significantly and positively affects private R&D investment. There seems to be even an “acceleration effect” on firm-financed R&D expenditures. Smaller R&D performers benefit more from R&D support and perform more R&D. In addition, technology transfer from abroad and domestic R&D activity show up as complementary processes. Given the scarcity of studies on R&D support in technologically weaker economies, our hope is that the less-developed countries can exploit these findings in constructing socially beneficial technology policies.  相似文献   

美国大学技术转移体系概述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 美国的大学在我国经常被作为技术转移的成功典范。然而,人们的注意力往往集中在美国的几个最好的大学上,对普遍情况缺乏全面的了解。对美国大学的技术转移体系做了一个系统的概述,既提供了历史和法律知识的背景介绍、强调了其中一些主要趋势,也提供了某些特定机构在技术转移方面的具体运作和相关政策的例子。可以看到,美国大学的技术转移各自为政,彼此差异很大。专利收入对大多数研究型大学来说,并不是一个可靠的财政来源。竞争力议程的兴起对美国大学的商业活动曾产生巨大影响,但近年来也开始了对传统价值和使命的回归。  相似文献   

王楚君  许治  陈丽玉 《科研管理》2020,41(3):183-193
定量分析和衡量科技成果转化过程对制定改进策略十分重要。本文基于价值链视角将高校科技成果转化分解为研发创造和价值创造两阶段生产框架,运用网络DEA模型从过程效率视角比较中国28所研究型大学科技成果转化整体阶段和分阶段效率。基于此结果,进一步应用基于网络的排序方法比较各研究型大学的转化优势和单个因素对效率的贡献。与目前科技成果转化效率研究相比,本文提供了一个从系统内部寻求效率改进的方法,并且可直观识别每个阶段以及每个因素的标杆大学,比较每个大学的“独特属性”,为大学管理者提供效率改进信息以及向谁学习经验的信息。  相似文献   

This paper adopts a resource-based perspective to understand why some universities are more successful than others at generating technology-based spinoff companies. In this respect, we derive eight hypotheses that link attributes of resources and capabilities, institutional, financial, commercial and human capital, to university spinoff outcomes. Using panel data from 1980 to 2001, our econometric estimators reveal evidence of history dependence for successful technology transfer to occur although faculty quality, size and orientation of science and engineering funding and commercial capability were also found to be predictors of university spinoff activity. We conclude by drawing implications for policy makers and university heads.  相似文献   

高校技术转移:从营销视角考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从市场营销的视角考察我国高校的技术转移。探究我国高校技术转移中心的市场营销属性,讨论高校技术转移的战略营销要素的内容,给出了在高校技术转移中应用市场营销学概念和原理的管理理论和实践涵义。  相似文献   

为探究中国创业型大学的现状,探索更有效的大学“知识与技术溢出”途径,本文对我国高校院系的创业导向及其环境影响因素和创业绩效进行了实证研究。通过对343份样本数据的实证分析发现:(1)中国高校院系的创业导向受到学科、国家资助情况、技术转移人员和机构支持环境因素的显著影响,而经济区域和大学声誉无显著影响;(2)高校的创业导向将显著激发师生参加创业活动,主要体现为专利发明、衍生企业创办、产业合作、毕业生创业和博士生校外择业方面的创业绩效。研究结果在丰富创业型大学研究和产学研合作研究的同时,也提出了相应的政策建议,对我国构建创业型大学提供了有价值的启示。  相似文献   

基于Web of Science数据库,运用文献计量分析和共词分析对国外高校技术转移研究进行可视化,在此基础上梳理国外高校技术转移的研究重点,为提高我国高校技术转移绩效提供借鉴,打造经济发展新动能,真正发挥高校在国家科技创新体系中的支撑性作用。  相似文献   

C. Annique Un 《Research Policy》2008,37(10):1812-1828
Despite the growing involvement of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in foreign-based research and development (R&D), there has been little research comparing R&D investments of subsidiaries of foreign MNEs to domestic firms. Subsidiaries of foreign MNEs enjoy advantages that help them compete against domestic firms. However, when deciding on R&D investments, these advantages exert competing influences on their R&D investment decision. On the one hand, better access to and transfer of knowledge and technologies from the MNE and other subsidiaries and centers of excellence may encourage the subsidiary of a foreign MNE to invest less in R&D relative to a domestic firm. On the other hand, better access to sources of capital through the MNE and other subsidiaries may induce the subsidiary to invest more in R&D in comparison to domestic firms. We find that subsidiaries of foreign MNEs invest less in total R&D than domestic firms. The reason is that they invest less in external R&D than domestic firms; however, they have similar internal R&D investments compared to domestic firms. These findings support the notion that the transfer of technology and knowledge from other parts of the MNE acts as a substitute for the purchase of external R&D while internal R&D acts as a complement to the technology and knowledge transferred from other parts of the MNE.  相似文献   

This paper examines the various methods through which firms benefit from interactions with universities, arguing that such benefits are instrumental in nurturing the multiple facets of a firm's absorptive capacity. We bring together data collected from a survey of UK firms that collaborated with universities, and firm-level data on past partnerships with universities. The results show that benefits from interactions with universities are multifaceted, including enhancement of the firm's explorative and exploitative capabilities. Results also indicate that firms’ R&D commitments, geographical proximity to and research quality of university partners have a distinct impact on the different types of benefits from interactions with universities. We find geographical proximity is crucial for assessing problem-solving as an important benefit, while interactions with top quality universities have a positive influence on the benefits associated with firms’ downstream activities. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and policy.  相似文献   

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