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在中国现代文学史上,冰心用她那女性特有的清丽而“满蕴着温柔”的文笔,构建了一个以歌颂母爱、童真、自然之爱、人类之爱为主要内容的文学世界;在这温柔的爱的文学世界里,人们情不自禁地深深为之陶醉。冰心不愧为独树一帜的作家,她的作品堪称美文的典范。 冰心是开中国现代女性文学创作之先河的作家。她的创作充满热情和进取精神。因为她“是被五四震上文坛的”(冰心语)。她的创作带有鲜明的反传统气息。同时,她又在中西合璧的基础上开拓了一片传统文化的新天地。  相似文献   

(一) 渴望已久的温馨又芬芳的春天终于到来了,使我们生活的这个世界又复苏吐翠,携着一股蓬勃向上的生气,还有一些浪漫.她光彩照人地出现在我的小屋,让我把窗户打开.我不敢怠慢.随着窗扉的开启,我那如烟如雨的思绪和千奇百怪的幻想飞向浩渺的天空……  相似文献   

记得多年前的某一天,当我走近故乡那条曾经承载过自己欢乐童年时光的银江时,竟非常痛心地看到一位如花似玉的小姑娘再次将一袋垃圾轻轻松松地扔进河里.说是再次,那是因为在这之前,她肯定不止一次地向这条曾经十分秀美的小河倾倒过污秽和肮脏,否则.她的动作不会那样娴熟和无所顾忌,这让我看到她的无知与心灵的荒芜.我想,也许是她的父母和他人教会了她不计任何后果的行为,才使得一个尚未成年天真烂漫的小姑娘,面对一条美丽的河流时,不懂得爱护与保护,而是随意污染…………  相似文献   

"下雪啦!下雪啦!……"先是听到楼上的同学在喊,还没等我反立过来,整个校园都沸腾了.我下意识地扭头往窗外一看,"啊!真……的……雪……"我激动得连话都说不清了. 雪,对于我们南方,尤其是终年火热的宾川来说,那可是稀客中的稀客.  相似文献   

张虹 《世界文化》2023,(2):49-52
<正>曾经有一次在伦敦,因为时差的原因我起了个大早,不到7点钟就跑进一家咖啡馆。正在做咖啡的姑娘听到门响,扭头对我莞尔一笑。我注意到吧台隔板上写着“No Coffee, No Smile”(“没有咖啡,没有微笑”),还贴着两幅涂鸦,画的是爱因斯坦在喝咖啡前后的困顿与兴奋,那一幕让我对伦敦记忆深刻……从第一次到北京国贸的星巴克喝咖啡,到二十几年间在世界各地旅行,“去咖啡馆”似乎已成为我生活的一部分。  相似文献   

母性的呼唤 诗意的咏唱──访女画家孔紫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我与孔紫的相识,是在1995年全国八届美展期间。她的那一幅名曰《秋风》的中国画令我久久驻足。这幅画不仅仅让我感受到胜似火焰的秋光扑面而来,仿佛让我听到了那纷被枝头的金黄的玉米叶一阵阵温柔的喧响;它还让我感受到了丰收之秋在掌声和笑容后的一种凋零的美丽——崇高的生命之株的辉煌,从而领略到大地母性的宽厚和大自然创造的殷殷期待之情,进而理解枯萎也是一种美丽,一种庄严的回归;秋风飒飒之处,听到一种宛若人类哲理的思索和饱含诗意的咏唱。感叹之后,禁不住追问:这新鲜的“歌者”是谁?何以有如此的魁力2那年元旦刚过,我…  相似文献   

妈妈凶巴巴地瞪着我,“这事没什么好笑的。”她说道,声音干得像一块裂了缝的木头。我花了整整一个小时想哄她,让她别那么固执,可她翻来覆去就是那一句话:“扶我上床去!”护士早就说过很多次了,一天有几小时要坐起来,才不会得褥疮或什么更厉害的病。  相似文献   

又是一个雨夜,雨线密密地交织着。在马路的转角,一个路灯的下面,有一个公共汽车站。而我,一个人,在这里,撑着伞。凄冷的雨夜,再加上孤零零的我,就更加觉得雨夜的凄凉、冷漠。雨越下越大,我的心也好像注满了这雨水,越发地沉重了。车子就是迟迟不见。焦急的等待中,糟糕的天气下,心情变得很坏。“嗒、嗒、嗒、嗒……”忽然一阵急促的声音从身后传来。我转身一看,我的身边已多了一个等车的女孩。上身一件白色的衬衫,下身一条黑色的短裙。在夜色的掩映下,黑与白显得更加分明。我不由多看了她几眼,而她显然也注意到了我,我们对视,但谁也没有开口,…  相似文献   

我是被高亢的雄鸡叫声唤醒的,醒来后才觉察到整个山寨都已沉浸在此起彼伏、远近交替、高低错落的雄鸡音乐会里。我的心被震撼了,因为我觉得这阵势好象来自几个世纪以前,因为我已久久没有听到清晨的鸡鸣了──而且不受一点污染的清亮、不受一点干扰的自在。同伴都还在梦中,可能是他们在昨天晚上的歌声中喝得太多了。昨晚为我们一行设的晚宴让我领略了苗家的盛情,单说那两位苗家少女以歌劝酒就让人难以却情。一位姑娘告诉我,她唱的歌“还不够100首”。幸好有老支书保护我,每次我只是沾沾唇而已,就象入寨门之前一样,否则,我在10分钟…  相似文献   

日前,荣获2001年“世界小姐”桂冠的尼日利亚黑人姑娘阿芭妮·达蕾格,在世界选美组织者莫华女士的陪同下,踏上了中国的土地。举世瞩目的黑美人与荣获本届“世界小姐”选美大赛第四名的中国姑娘李冰,联袂为中国观众做了精彩的表演秀。当阿芭妮小姐在T型台上身着一袭白色旗袍浮云般地翩然而至时,她那独到的容貌与气质,让中国观众获得了一次近距离欣赏这位尼日利亚姑娘才貌的难得机会。2001年“世界小姐”选美大赛评比结果,是在2001年11月16日于南非太阳城揭晓的。当来自全球的近百名绝色佳丽,屏心静气地等待着最终名次时,一个几乎令…  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(4):231-255
In this article, I present an analysis of Steven Soderbergh's The Limey that is informed by auteurism and an effort to unpack the film's antinomies. Although it was not as high profile as subsequent Soderbergh films, The Limey presents an interesting entry in the director's corpus for its stylistic signature and its "liberal" politics; a political posture that, nonetheless, only extends so far in entertaining a critical discourse about the society that produced it. I begin the investigation by filling in the background. First, I unpack the newer formulations of auteur theory and emphasize themes, stylistic signature, and social determinations in constituting auteurs. Second, I characterize the independent sector of U.S. film production and its relation to the major studios while positioning Soderbergh as a chimerical case between an independent and a studio director. Thereafter, I orient to the film and its place within Soderbergh's corpus. I analyze Soderbergh's striking and acclaimed stylistic signature (notably with respect to editing). Proceeding to the themes embedded in the film, I examine some of the antinomies in The Limey and their political valence. In particular, I discuss The Limey's class antinomies, its presentation of the United Kingdom in contrast with that of its former colony, the US, and the tropes of femininity that circulate within the film. On the view developed here, Soderbergh's The Limey entertains some fundamental criticisms of the United States, class striation, masculinity and femininity, before making a partial and uneven retreat.  相似文献   

The journey toward becoming a multicultural person is not easy and is never finished. As an educational administrator in a tri-cultural state, I felt comfortable that I was proficient in dealing with diversity. Only when I began a doctoral program at a major Texas university was my naivety exposed. I quickly learned that experience in working with diverse populations and the ability to relate effectively to people of different ethnic backgrounds were vastly different. The two years I spent deeply immersed in a multiculturally rich cohort of doctoral students changed me. My eyes were opened to injustices that I had never before seen as I vicariously experienced life through the eyes of the “other.” Today, I am a professor at a regional university. My experiences, focused through the lens of theory, are the basis for the message to my students. I have traveled the road before and can now point the way toward a broader definition of acceptance and tolerance.  相似文献   

下夜班回家,我要经过一条长长的没有路灯的小巷。虽然怕,也只得提心吊胆地走下去。后来,巷口有了一家小小的杂货亭。再到夜深时,经过巷口,杂货亭虽然早已关门,灯却是亮着,明晃晃的,一直到巷尾,也还有隐约的光亮。  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(4):239-264
I argue that Calvin Schrag's performative notion of the "self after postmodernity" provides an innovative, multidisciplinary approach to the investigation of the rhetorical functions of spectacular subcultures. Focusing my discussion on the discourse, fashion, and demeanor of goth subculturalists, I argue that active human agents through their choices, decisions, and actions, rhetorically coauthor a degree of self-constancy. The rhetorical nature of self-identity, group identity, and subcultural ideology is the focal point of my work.  相似文献   


The denial of Taiwan's status as a nation by international communities has long-served as a catalyst for Taiwanese theatre practitioners’ pursuit of an expressive body that responds to complex national identities. Taking Taiwanese society as the basis for considering the irreducible complexity of postcolonial struggles vis-à-vis the power relations of neoliberal cultural production, in the theoretical framework of this paper, I propose a biopolitical reading of modern Taiwanese theatre. In particular, to reveal the constructedness of the idea of the body, I foreground the embeddedness of theatre in local society and scrutinize the interplay between an imagined body and the theatre through Taiwanese practitioner Tian Chi-Yuan's (1964–1996) White Water (or Baishui, 1993). Using this work as a case study, I focus on his experiment of intercultural bodily gestures through which the fabrication of national identity is both revealed and questioned. I consider Tian's practice of integrating cultural traditions expressive of the dynamics of decolonization with the experiment in reconfiguring the local body—a practice that positions the theatre in Taiwan as an experimental and cathartic site for pursuing an epistemological change in identity formation. Thus, the theatre constitutes a performance of a necessary identity-burdened space between history and memory, struggling to renew itself in distinctive contexts.  相似文献   


Using a memoir written decades later, I examine key features of the religious scene in Knock, County Mayo, in the 1830s and 1840s. I address the nature of the writer's memory, embodied as it was in orally transmitted stories, and show how these narratives provide maps of the cultural terrain. Then, after briefly considering the class dimension of poor Catholic resentment of powerful Protestants, I focus on the sectarian feeling by and towards other poor people. I analyse the complex ideological work through which local Catholics who converted to Protestantism were socially constructed as ‘not-Knock’ people.  相似文献   

This paper was originally written as a keynote speech for a specific occasion, an international forum that was held by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) in Taipei in February 2001, to discuss Taiwan's international status in the post-Cold War era. The PCT is known as a strong advocate of Taiwan independence and democratization, and I had this specific audience in mind in organizing this paper. My concern was that the independence advocacy that had aptly expressed people's aspirations in the democratization movement under the iron-fist rule of KMT was being subsumed, as Taiwan polity was Taiwanized and democratized, into a banal statist discourse. This discourse, I am afraid, has distanced itself from its original popular source and become the elite politicians' discourse, indifferent to the everyday life and security of the people in Taiwan. I approached this problematic from the perspective of 'people's security', which I discussed in my previous essay on the topic in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies , vol. 2, no. 1. As the mutual relationships between East Asian countries had to be shaped overwhelming by the US Cold War rhetoric and material influences, discussing Taiwan with regard to the transition to the post-Cold War era required me to go, albeit in outline, into the basics of these relationships as well as the modes of US hegemony in this region both in the Cold War and post-Cold War settings. I felt that characterization of these diverse elements, if sketchy, was indispensable to discussing the topic, Taiwan today. At my friends' suggestion, I tried to revise the original paper to fit into the concerns of the general readership, with the different aspects mentioned more fully explained. However, I have found this difficult as it would require me to write a completely new article, or maybe a whole book. So I present this paper almost as it was written for the original PCT audience.  相似文献   


In this article, I combine theorizations of the selfie as an aesthetic and technological practice of digital self-representation with a theatrical conception of spectatorship, inspired by Adam Smith, in order to argue that the selfie has the potential to operate as a significant ethico-political spectacle in the spaces of Western publicity. I exemplify my argument by using the remediation of migrant and refugee selfies in mainstream news as a case study of “symbolic bordering”—as a technology of power that couples the geopolitical bordering of migrants in the outskirts of Europe with practices of “symbolic bordering” that appropriate, marginalize, or displace their digital testimonies in Western news media.  相似文献   

The White Water Terrace, located in a valley in Shangri-La County, Yunnan Province, forms the second largest natural limestone terrace in the world. When I arrived at the White Water Terrace-one of the destinations for my trekking adventure, I lodged in a resort featuring Dongba Culture. The resort is set against green-covered mountains and faces the terrace. The resort gate is decorated with Dongba pictographic characters. I walked through a winding alley and in its end are rows of woo…  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(3):203-211
Risk-adverse producers and investors seek to capitalize on marketing by co-launching concepts through multiple media: the game, film, novel, animated movie, T-shirt, action figure, perfume, amusement park ride, and so on. In this article, I explore the relation between such media content and cross-media production. Furthermore, I critically discuss the implications for cultural theory and present a model of cross-media content transfer. The model shows what must be left behind in content–concept migrations across media, and presents the role and importance of games as a nexus in this exchange. I conclude that cross-media transfer happens relatively smoothly between forms that are alike, such as books and films, but less so between forms that have strong structural differences.  相似文献   

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