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高等院校博物馆是高等院校开展教学科研工作中作为固定资产的组成部分,在高等院校人才培养过程中对文化传承与创新发挥着极其重要的作用。高等院校建博物馆旨在通过收集、保护、展示各种重要文物、标本,书画和民间艺术品服务于教学和科研工作,合理有效地保护管理好这些文物,并使高等院校博物馆能真正起到为教学和学术研究服务的作用是本文所研究的重点内容。  相似文献   

阿瑟·姆·赛克勒博士是美国知名的医药学家、慈善事业家和艺术品收藏家。20世纪30年代,他曾募捐支持白求恩大夫在中国救治抗日将士的工作。因为热爱中国传统文化,为了透彻理解中国文化,他搜集了大量的古代文物。并且慷慨资助研究和保护中国古代文物的工作,赞助建造了三座亚洲艺术博物馆:美国首都华盛顿特区的赛克勒美术馆、美国哈佛大学的赛克勒博物馆和中国北京大学赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆。其中北京大学赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆是中国高等院校中第一所考古专题博物馆。博物馆积极致力于教学、科研和为社会服务,不仅为学习中国考古学和博物…  相似文献   

随着我国文化事业不断发展,民族类文物保护、管理工作逐渐得到地方和国家博物馆管理人员高度重视。民族类博物馆作为我国民族文物的主要保护机构和典藏场所,其在古代文物收藏与保管、开发方面起着重要作用。但是,受制度以及技术等诸多因素影响,我国民族类博物馆文物典藏工作依然存在不足,比如文物征集渠道复杂、行业标准不规范、技术水平不高等,使博物馆文物典藏工作受到很大影响。故地方各类博物馆等文物典藏机构应加大技术投入力度,设立行业管理标准,制定一套与地方民族类博物馆保管现状相符的文物馆藏技术模式,从而使现代民族类博物馆文物典藏技术水平不断提高,使国家重要文物真正得到保护。  相似文献   

博物馆作为一个专门收藏、研究和展示人类环境见证物的公益机构,对于保护人类共同遗产发挥着重要的作用.随着遗产概念的不断扩大,博物馆保护的遗产内容也正在日益增加.在今天博物馆的职责不仅局限于保护有形的文化遗产(可移动文物和不可移动文物),还应当扩大到整个的遗产家族,这就包括自然遗产和非物质文化遗产.特别是没有物质形态的非物质文化遗产,它与博物馆有着及其密切的联系.  相似文献   

国家文物局《文物事业“十五”发展规划和 2 0 1 5年远景目标纲要》指出“充分发挥中国文物博物馆学院 (北京大学文博院 )等高等院校力量 ,培养急需的各类专门人才” ,为西北地区培养急需的高级文物保护专门人才 ,经过几年的多方努力 ,敦煌研究院和兰州大学合作 ,共同创办了我国第一个文物保护研究中心。兰州大学是国家重点大学 ,又是教育部敦煌学教学与研究基地 ,又有以胡之德教授为首的分析化学研究室 ,具有雄厚的科研和教学力量。敦煌研究院保护研究所是我国最早从事石窟文物保护的专门机构 ,是对石窟、土遗址文物保护研究的科研实体。近…  相似文献   

郑舒恬  高歌 《英语广场》2022,(34):11-15
博物馆是承载人类文明历史的重要载体。文物翻译作为中国对外交流的窗口,其重要性不可小觑。本文以我国某地方博物馆文物翻译为研究对象,搜集了其中部分文物展品名称及其介绍的英译文,通过研究翻译现状,发现翻译中有代表性的问题,分析出博物馆文物翻译具有民族性、信息性、简洁性和统一性等特点,进而提出切实可行的文物英译策略,以期发挥博物馆在跨文化传播中的重要作用。  相似文献   

博物馆数字化对有效保护和利用馆藏资源有着重要作用。介绍了数字博物馆及元数据的相关知识,给出了数字博物馆文物元数据的描述。元数据是数据的数据,可为各种形态的数字化信息单元和资源集合提供规范、普遍的描述方法和检索工具。数字博物馆的元数据研究对于数字博物馆数字化具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

文物资源是博物馆可持续发展的依托性资源储备。对现有馆藏文物资源进行必要的可行性分析,在掌握藏品总量的前提下,对文物资源进行科学化的管理与整合,并以此为依托,保护和利用文物资源,是博物馆事业复兴与发展之要务。基于此,就吉林省博物院文物资源的现状进行分析,进而得出结论:储备文物资源,关注保护无形文化遗产,应该成为专业基础工作努力的方向。  相似文献   

李荣学 《考试周刊》2015,(32):17-18
本文较为简要地探究文物种类和保护利用措施。文物保护体系分为可移动文物保护和不可移动文物保护,负责文物保护工作的核心机构是各级文物局。可移动文物主要实行以博物馆为主的保护,不可移动文物的保护主体主要是各级文物保护单位。对文物的保护必须高度重视,措施必须得力有效,必须依法保护。  相似文献   

遗址博物馆是在不可移动的遗迹和考古发掘现场建造的保护建筑,有保护、展示、科普等多种功能,代表了遗址文物预防性保护技术的发展趋势。针对遗址博物馆环境调控面临环境需求复杂、环境介质多样化、现场测试限制多等问题,开发了一种开放式土遗址博物馆模拟试验系统,该系统既能够完全模拟土遗址内部土壤-空气原位环境,可以开展局部环境调控和文物保存环境评估等多项实验,为研究和开发土遗址文物保存环境调控技术提供了一个综合实验平台。  相似文献   

科教融合是当代大学的重要理念和一项基本原则,科教融合包括科研与教学互动、科研与教学之间的成果转化及学生参与科研活动等,新西兰坎特伯雷大学在这方面的经验值得借鉴。受教育法律和学术审核等制度的影响,坎特伯雷大学建构了创新性的科教融合制度,如在章程和战略规划等重大制度中确立科教融合,通过师资管理、机构改革等核心制度推进科教融合。除此以外,还形成了全组织、多形式、重视外显化的实践策略体系。同世界许多大学一样,坎特伯雷大学在科教融合方面也遭遇了不小的挑战,但无论怎样,科教融合这一理念都是高等教育一个基本原则之一。  相似文献   

南京大学国际化野外实践教学从2006年开始启动,4年来开展了贝加尔湖综合科考、阿尔卑斯科学考察以及南京大学-加州理工学院天山联合野外实习等教学项目,实习地点都是世界著名的典型实习场地,实践教学指导教师师资力量雄厚,整个实习过程突出体现"研究性"教学和学科交叉。通过开展国际化野外实践教学,提高了南京大学的国际声誉,培养了学生的创新能力、实践能力以及团队协作精神,锻炼了学生与不同文化背景、不同学科领域研究者的合作能力。  相似文献   

大学功能的发展绝非由单一功能走向多元功能的线性过程,而是有其内在逻辑可资遵循。在大学视域中,教学、学术研究、传承文化与服务社会等概念蕴含着丰富的内容,存在着较大的解释和理解空间。如果不在一个逻辑框架下进行解读就会造成对这些概念理解上的歧义、偏差与泛化,最终误读了"大学"。学术性教学与学术研究是大学之"体",传承文化与服务社会是大学之"用",体用不二、有机融合,是大学功能延伸的内在逻辑。大学应专注于提高学术性教学与学术研究的品质,通过学术性教学与学术研究培养具有高深学问、品德高尚和批判精神的专业人才,同时实现文化的传承与创新、选择与批判,以服务社会的发展。  相似文献   

开放大学建设是实现电大发展转型升级的重要契机。教学质量保证体系的建设对于开放大学办学目标实现和学校声誉提升具有重要作用。对开放大学的前身-广播电视大学的教学质量保证体系进行重新审视,借鉴国外开放大学教学质量保证体系的经验,对开放大学教学质量保证体系的架构进行探索性研究。  相似文献   

学习中心是开放大学办学体系的重要组成部分,其建设水平和功能作用的发挥直接关系到开放大学系统的整体发展乃至终身学习型社会建设的深入推进。作为开放大学的基层单位和办学终端,学习中心由基本要素和核心要素构成,具有远程教学和学习支持、社会服务、"教学的学术"和终身学习文化宣传等功能,并随着经济、社会和科技的发展而扩展功能。  相似文献   

We discuss the eight papers in this issue of Cultural Studies of Science Education focusing on the debate over conceptual change in science education and explore the issues that have emerged for us as we consider how conceptual change research relates to our practice as science educators. In presenting our interpretations of this research, we consider the role of participants in the research process and contextual factors in conducting research on science conceptions, and draw implications for the teaching of science.
Christina SiryEmail:

Christina Siry   is a PhD student in the Urban Education program of the City University of New York, and an instructor at Manhattanville College. Her research interests focus on pre-service and in-service preparation for the teaching of science and she is currently researching the use of coteaching and cogenerative dialogue in elementary teacher preparation for the teaching of science. In particular, she is exploring the role that shared, supported teaching experiences can have in the construction of new teacher identity and solidarity. She has worked as an elementary science specialist teaching children in grades K-5, and in museum settings developing science programs for teachers and children. In addition to the position at Manhattanville College, Chris is a lecturer in the University of Pennsylvania’s Science Teacher Institute where she teaches science pedagogy to middle school teachers. Gail Horowitz   is an instructor of chemistry at Yeshiva University, and a doctoral candidate in science education at Teachers College. For many years, she has been involved in research and curricular design within the organic chemistry laboratory setting, focusing specifically on the design of discovery or puzzle based experiments. Her doctoral research focuses on the intrinsic motivation of pre-med students. She is interested in trying to characterize and describe the academic goal orientations of pre-med students, and is interested in exploring how the curricular elements embedded in project based laboratory curricula may or may not serve to enhance their intrinsic motivation. Femi S. Otulaja   is currently a PhD student and an adjunct professor of science teacher education at Queens College of the City University of New York. As a science teacher educator, his research interests focus on the use of cogenerative dialoguing and its residuals, such as coteaching, distributed leadership, culturally responsive pedagogy, as research and pedagogical tools for engaging, training and apprenticing urban middle and high schools pre- and in-service science teachers as legitimate peripheral participants. He also encourages the use of these modalities as assessment, evaluation and professional development tools for teaching and learning science and for realigning cultural misalignments in urban classrooms. His theoretical framework consists of a bricolage of participatory action research, constructivism, critical ethnography, cultural sociology, sociology of emotions, indigenous epistemology, culturally responsive pedagogy, critical pedagogy and conversation analyses. In addition, he advocates the use of technologies as assistive tools in teaching science. Nicole Gillespie   is a Senior Program Officer at the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF). She is a former naval officer and high school physics teacher. Nicole received her PhD in science education from the University of California, Berkeley in 2004 where she was supported by a Spencer Dissertation Fellowship. She worked with the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington and conducted research on students’ intuitive ideas about force and model-based reasoning and argumentation among undergraduate physics students at Berkeley. In addition to her work at KSTF, Nicole is an instructor in the University of Pennsylvania’s Science Teacher Institute. Ashraf Shady   is a PhD candidate in the Urban Education program at the City University of New York Graduate Center; his strand of concentration is science, math, and technology. In his research he is currently using theoretical frameworks from cultural sociology and the sociology of emotion to examine how learning and teaching of science are enacted when students and their teachers are able to co-participate in culturally adaptive ways and use their social and symbolic capital successfully. His research interests focus on the use of cogenerative dialogues as a methodology to navigate cultural fields in urban education. Central to his philosophy as a science educator is the notion that teaching is a form of cultural enactment. As such, teaching, and learning are regarded as cultural production, reproduction, and transformation. This triple dialectic affirms that elements of culture are associated with the sociocultural backgrounds of participating stakeholders. Line A. Augustin   received her doctorate degree in Chemistry (with a chapter of her dissertation on a case study of enactment of chemical knowledge of a high school student) and did a post-doc on Science Education at the Graduate Center, CUNY. She is currently teaching science content and methods courses in the Elementary and Early Childhood Education Department of Queens College, CUNY. She is interesting in investigating how racial, cultural, class and gender issues affect the ways that teaching and learning occurs in elementary classrooms, in understanding these issues and developing mechanism by which they can be utilized to promote better teaching and learning environment and greater dispositions towards science. She is also interested in what influences science teachers to change and/or to improve their teaching practices.  相似文献   

建构与地方经济社会发展接轨的教学和科研体系,是提高地方高校服务地方经济建设水平和能力的一项重要任务。钦州学院以挖掘特色历史文化底蕴为出发点,进行历史文化资源调查、课程建设、科学研究和文化宣传,逐步建构接轨广西北部湾经济区社会发展的历史教学与科研体系。从提升科研层次,理顺课程体系及科研体系的相互关系出发,构建多层次产学研合作,把打造地方文化品牌作为教学与科研体系构建的落脚点。  相似文献   

This reflective paper began with a discussion of the online program design and delivery experiences of three senior faculty members at the University of Calgary (Canada) and Deakin University (Australia), which was recorded at Deakin University. After drawing on this recording in their research and practice, one faculty member from each institution decided to review and expanded upon their intervening experiences in terms of issues of quality program design, delivery, and support issues when teaching, and learning in different cultural contexts. The authors discovered that these issues are as important today as they were when they met to record the interview, and have concluded their discussion here with thoughts about the teaching, student, and administrative supports that institutions engaged in online program delivery cross‐culturally must address in order to successfully deliver quality online programs worldwide.  相似文献   

以特色历史文化资源为载体进行《中国近现代史纲要》课的教学活动有其实践依据,也有其理论依据;同时开展这样的教学活动也具备了可能性与条件;进行这类教学可以通过实践教学法和研究型教学展开。这一探索可以作为具有行业特色院校进行思想政治理论课教学的一个重要思路。  相似文献   

文化的发展本身是在前人创造的文化成果基础上不断创新的过程.大学作为一个独特的文化组织,承担着文化传承创新的任务.儒家“有教无类”、“和而不同”、“君子不器”等教育理念对于形成大学文化自觉、文化创新和提升大学品味具有重要的意义.我们在接受西方先进的大学理念的同时,更应该充分利用民族文化资源并进行创造性转化,实现大学文化的传承创新.  相似文献   

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