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依恋在发展精神病理学方面的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了依恋在发展精神病理学领域的研究情况。依恋的最初的研究就是看到了它在发展精神病理学上的危险性,在后来的陌生情境测验中,人们发现了两种重要的不安全依恋类型,探讨了不安全依恋的成因、不安全依恋与后期发展的关系。近几年,人们又发现了一种新的依恋类型,混乱型不安全依恋,这是一种最不安全的依恋类型。在依恋的高危儿童中,研究最多的是被虐待的儿童和母亲患有抑郁症的儿童,与正常儿童相比,他们更容易形成不安全依恋,尤其是混乱型不安全依恋。除了依恋本身的障碍,许多精神病理症状都与依恋方面的问题有关。从发展精神病理学的角度研究依恋,具有重要的意义,它可以揭示异常的经验与精神病理过程对儿童发展过程中阶段性的突出问题的影响,有助于人们回答有关正常发展的重要问题,也有益于对依恋问题的干预和指导。  相似文献   

早期安全依恋对儿童心理发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早期依恋对一个人的一生都将产生深远的影响,本文主人探讨了早期安全依恋对儿童的智力,性格,情绪及人际关系等方面的影响,以期引起父母及幼教工作者对儿童依恋的关注,培养儿童的安全依恋感,帮助儿童络生向更好的适应生存方向发展。  相似文献   

依恋作为儿童早期最主要的社会关系,不仅对儿童社会性发展造成重大影响,也会直接影响其认知发展。相对于不安全型依恋而言,安全型依恋的儿童在理解能力、智力、语言能力等方面均发展较好。家长应尽可能与儿童建立安全的依恋关系,促进其认知能力的发展。  相似文献   

包华 《教育探索》2022,(2):90-93
婴幼儿天生有亲近行为,会对照料者产生依恋。不同依恋类型对人的影响会一直持续到成年,不安全型依恋对个体和群体都有一定影响和危害,依恋干预势在必行。安全圈干预方案是依恋干预的集大成者,能有效促进不安全依恋向安全依恋转变。安全圈干预包括对父母进行安全依恋知识的教育、提高父母养育技能、对不安全依恋的家庭进行团体心理治疗等三个步骤。安全圈干预对家庭教育的启示包括:家庭教育的关键是开展针对父母的教育;家庭教育工作的重点是确定亲子依恋类型并加以辅导和干预;家庭教育的保障是拓展儿童安全圈的半径,强化儿童与大家庭(家族)和社区的联结。  相似文献   

依恋研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以依恋研究史为线索综述了依恋概念的提出、依恋形成发展理论、依恋评估方法的发展、依恋与个体心理及行为发展的关系等几方面的内容,并提出了在依恋研究领域中有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

依恋类型 我国心理学家研究发现.在我国.孩子在0~3岁期间和妈妈之间形成的依恋关系有四种类型:安全依恋型、淡漠依恋型、缠人依恋型和混乱依恋型。安全依恋型的孩子喜欢与妈妈接触,但不需要紧随妈妈身边;他们喜欢活动、却不要妈妈参与;  相似文献   

依恋是一个个体与另一个个体在长期的交往中形成的一种强烈的、持久的情感联结。研究表明,早期依恋的性质深刻地影响着成年之后的人际关系和精神健康。本文主要以依恋的研究历史为线索综述依恋概念的提出、依恋形成发展理论等几个方面的内容,并简单提出在依恋研究领域有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

超生寄养儿童是指违反国家计划生育政策出生的曾经被安置在祖辈、亲戚等家里抚养的儿童。寄养经历影响其亲子依恋关系。依恋是儿童和主要照料者之间的一种亲密情感联结,早期依恋的性质深刻地影响着成年之后的人际关系和精神健康。本文通过描述儿童依恋类型及依恋形成的影响因素,分析了寄养儿童的心理问题形成的内部原因。  相似文献   

喜欢你,有道理!依恋是婴幼儿与母亲或亲人之间的一种特殊的、持久的感情联结,一般在婴儿出生后半年开始形成。依恋对孩子的身心健康乃至对他一生的发展都有着重要的影响。鲍尔比(Bowlby)认为:“儿童心理健康的关键是婴幼儿与母亲(或稳定的代理母亲)之间建立一种温暖、亲密、稳定的关系,在这种关系中婴幼儿既获得了满足,也感到愉悦。”更为重要的是,宝宝把与母亲的依恋作为“定位的灯塔”,向外辐射到与其他人的人际交往中。有着安全依恋的宝宝,容易与周围的人形成良好的人际关系,而没有形成安全依恋的宝宝,会对周围的人产生不信任,缺乏安全…  相似文献   

陈学娟 《文教资料》2010,(17):125-127
依恋风格对儿童的发展有着重要的影响。本文分别从父母、家庭氛围、儿童自身气质和社会文化环境四个方面具体分析了儿童安全型依恋形成的影响因素,接着针对这些影响因素提出了相应的培养策略,希望对儿童安全型依恋的形成有所帮助。  相似文献   

Objective. To study the development of attachment in very low-birthweight preterm infants with respect to neurological development and maternal attachment representations. Design. Emotional development in a high-risk sample (N = 79) of very low-birthweight preterm infants (≤ 1,500 g) is reported. The quality of attachment in preterm infants was classified using the Strange Situation Procedure at 14 postnatal months (corrected for prematurity) and was associated with maternal attachment representation assessed with the Adult Attachment Interview at 6 postnatal months. Neurological development at 14 months was taken into account. Results. The distribution of the quality of attachment in preterm infants (60.3% secure, 23.5% insecure - avoidant, 2.9% insecure - ambivalent, 10.3% insecure - disorganized, and 2.9% not classifiable) was comparable with results of studies of term infants. There was no correspondence between maternal representations of attachment and infant quality of attachment. However, neurologically impaired infants were more often insecurely than securely attached. Conclusions. Very low-birthweight preterm infants more often develop an insecure quality of attachment if their neurological outcome is impaired. Therefore, minimizing risk factors for the development of neurological deficits may have a preventive effect both on the somatic and on the emotional development of high-risk infants.  相似文献   

Relations between maternal mind‐mindedness (appropriate and nonattuned mind‐related comments), children's age‐2 perspective‐taking abilities, and attachment security at 44 (= 165) and 51 (= 128) months were investigated. Nonattuned comments predicted insecure preschool attachment, via insecure 15‐month attachment security (44‐month attachment) and poorer age‐2 perspective‐taking abilities (51‐month attachment). With regard to attachment stability, higher perspective‐taking abilities distinguished the stable secure groups from (a) the stable insecure groups and (b) children who changed from secure to insecure (at trend level). These effects were independent of child gender, stressful life events, and socioeconomic status (SES). The contribution of these findings to our understanding of stability and change in attachment security from infancy to the preschool years is discussed.  相似文献   

The Insecure/Ambivalent Pattern of Attachment: Theory and Research   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Relatively little has been written about one group of infants identified with Ainsworth's "Strange Situation" assessment of infant-parent attachment, those classified insecure/ambivalent. Although virtually all samples contain some insecure/ambivalent infants, these infants are uncommon, comprising 7%–15% of most American samples. Recently developed assessments of attachment in children and adults have identified attachment groups of older individuals thought to parallel the insecure/ambivalent infant group. Empirical work in which insecure/ambivalent individuals are examined as a separate group is reviewed within the context of attachment theory, and a coherent picture emerges of the antecedents (relatively low or inconsistent maternal availability; biological vulnerability) and sequelae (limited exploratory competence) of this group. This picture is used as the basis for additional theoretical proposals, and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Insecure attachment and behavioral inhibition (BI) increase risk for internalizing problems, but few longitudinal studies have examined their interaction in predicting adolescent anxiety. This study included 165 adolescents (ages 14–17 years) selected based on their reactivity to novelty at 4 months. Infant attachment was assessed with the Strange Situation. Multimethod BI assessments were conducted across childhood. Adolescents and their parents independently reported on anxiety. The interaction of attachment and BI significantly predicted adolescent anxiety symptoms, such that BI and anxiety were only associated among adolescents with histories of insecure attachment. Exploratory analyses revealed that this effect was driven by insecure‐resistant attachment and that the association between BI and social anxiety was significant only for insecure males. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The implications of the attachment relationship between children and their preschool teachers was investigated. Sixty-two preschool-age children and their teachers were studied to assess relations between the quality of attachment relationships and social competence. Results indicate that attachment security with teacher is related to prosocial behavior and teacher-rated social competence in the preschool. In addition, evidence suggests that when the child-mother attachment relationship is insecure, a secure attachment relationship with a preschool teacher may partially compensate for the insecure relationship. Children who were insecurely attached to mother but securely attached to teacher had higher teacher-rated social competence, were more prosocial, and were more positive emotionally than children who were insecurely attached to both mother and teacher.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) and isolated cleft palate (CP) have elevated risk for a variety of psychosocial problems, but the origins of such problems are unclear, We excted that early medical and other stressors during infancy—including feeding problems and facial disfigurement—would have adverse effects on the infant, his or her caregivers, and the family environment, leading to a higher than expected rate of insecure attachments among infants with clefts. Twelve-month attachment classifications of CLP, CP, and comparision group infants were examined. No significant group differences in attachment status were found. When 3-month infant, maternal, and social/family characteristics were examined as potential predictors of insecure attachment, predictors interacted with diagnostic status. For the cleft group, infant and maternal characteristics, but not family characteristics, significantly predicted insecure attachment. For the comparison group, maternal and family characteristics, but not factors associated with the infant, were predictive. Infants with clefts despite their special needs and caregiving requirements, seem not to have elevated risk for insecure attachments at the end of their first year. Contrary to social-psychological formulations, the facial appearance of infants with CLP had no adverse effect on the quality of their maternal attachment.  相似文献   

This article focuses on teachers’ experiences of supporting looked after and adopted children in one case study primary school in England. Children who are looked after and adopted may have a disrupted attachment with their primary carer which has resulted in an insecure attachment. Children with insecure attachments can feel anxious, uncertain and have low self-worth which can result in a struggle to adapt to school as they are unable to articulate their feelings. This article draws on qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with teaching staff in order to illuminate strategies, subsidised through Pupil Premium Plus funding, to support such children. A key outcome was the creation of a school-based model consisting of six main components that can be developed to support children with insecure attachments.  相似文献   

Continuity in attachment classification from infancy to late adolescence was examined and related to autobiographical memories of childhood, divorce, and maladjustment. Eighty-four White middle-class children (48 girls) were seen in a modified Strange Situation at 12 months and given the Adult Attachment Interview at 18 years. In addition, data were collected on 13-year-olds' childhood recollections as well as adolescent, mother, and teacher ratings of maladjustment at 13 and 18 years of age. Divorce status of parents also was obtained. Results indicated no continuity in attachment classification from 1 to 18 years of age and no relation between infant attachment status and adolescent maladjustment. Divorce was related to 13-year-olds' childhood recollections as well as to insecure attachment status at 18 years. Eighteen-year-olds with insecure attachment classification were more likely to rate themselves as maladjusted. The results support the idea of attachment as an evolving representation dependent upon the nature of the family environment as indexed by divorce.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relations among infant temperament, attachment, and behavioral inhibition. 52 infants were seen at 2 days, 5, 14, and 24 months of age. Assessments were made of temperament at 2 days and 5 months of age, and attachment and behavioral inhibition were assessed at 14 and 24 months, respectively. EKG was recorded at each assessment, and measures of heart period and vagal tone were computed. Distress to pacifier withdrawal at 2 days of age was related to insecure attachment at 14 months. 2 types of distress reactivity at 5 months, reactivity to frustration and reactivity to novelty, were identified and related to high vagal tone. Attachment classification at 14 months was directly related to inhibited behavior at 24 months. Infants classified as insecure/resistant were more inhibited than those classified as insecure/avoidant. In addition, an interaction of infant reactivity to frustration and attachment classification was found to predict inhibition at 24 months. Infants classified as insecure/resistant and who had not cried to the arm restraint procedure at 5 months were the most inhibited at 24 months. These findings are discussed in terms of hypotheses regarding multiple modes of distress reactivity and regulation in early infancy and their different social and behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

75 infants (mean age 15 months) were observed 3 times in the Strange Situation with their professional caregivers, mothers, and fathers. Sensitivity of these attachment figures to the infant's signals during free play, as well as a number of day-care characteristics, were assessed. Attachment classification distribution of infant-caregiver dyads did not differ significantly from infant-mother or infant-father attachment classification distributions. The quality of infant-caregiver attachment was independent of both infant-mother and infant-father attachments. About 10% of the infants had 3 insecure attachments. Professional caregivers observed with more than 1 infant did not have similar types of attachment classifications to all infants with whom they were observed. Infants who were securely attached to their professional caregivers spent more hours per week in day-care, and came from a middle-class background. Their caregivers appeared to be younger and more sensitive during free play than caregivers with whom the infants developed an insecure relationship.  相似文献   

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