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全国人大六届五次会议期间举行的记者招待会,次数之多,是我国解放以来所少有的。据笔者粗略统计,由大会秘书长,新闻发言人曾涛主持的中外记者招待会就有六次;再加上彭真会见港澳记者,赵紫阳会见港澳代表(其中有新闻界人士),马烽、张贤亮等作家会见港澳记者,以及全国记协组织各界代表与中外记者对话等,各种形式的记者招待会约有十余次。在这些记者招待会上,中外记者提出了有关我国政治、经济、外交、国防以及国内外舆论所关心的很  相似文献   

第11届亚运会就要在北京开幕。预计将有5000名中外记者云集北京进行采访报道。到目前为止,已经有50多家国内外通讯社、报纸和广播电台在主新闻中心内租设自己的编辑部办公室。在中国举办这么大的国际性运动会是第一次,有这么多的中外记者在中国一地进行采访也是第一次。他们应该怎样进行采访?组委会对记者采访又作了哪些规定,以保证国内外新闻界同仁采访报道顺利进行?和过去在国内举办过的任何国际比赛、国内比赛不同,本届亚运  相似文献   

3月15日,九届全国人大三次会议闭幕,同往常一样,由国务院总理举行中外记者招待会,朱镕基总理在答记者问时,纵横捭,畅谈国家大事,其机智风趣的谈锋博得了阵阵掌声。600多名中外记者参加了本次记者招待会,从电视直播节目可以看出,会场上,各记者踊跃提问,气氛热烈,凭着会前的充分准备、高度的新闻敏感、高超的提问艺术,被点中的提问者都很好地把握了这一难得的采访机会。  相似文献   

各种形式的记者招待会开始盛行迄来。最引人注目的要算是十三大期间举行的一系列中外记者招待会,特别是赵紫阳等中央领导同志面对中外记者的提问,侃侃而谈、妙趣横生的情景,给人留下了深刻难忘的印象。与此同时,在京、津、沪、穗等地方政府的政治、经济、外事、文化等活动中,记者招待会、新闻发布会也日趋增多,从而大大丰富了报  相似文献   

陶祎佳 《报刊之友》2014,(4):133-134
在当前的新闻传播中,大量“公民记者”的出现,打破了新闻传播主体由传统媒体专业记者独家垄断的局面,专业记者的职业优势正在逐渐失去。本文通过从“‘公民记者’群体在新闻传播中的异军突起”、“‘公民记者’与媒体专业记者的现实区别”、“‘公民记者’与媒体专业记者的角色互补”三个层面的论述,提出了传统媒体专业记者必须在正确引导舆论中扮演权威角色、实行有效公共传播的观点。  相似文献   

中央对外宣传办公室于2010年6月30日(星期三)上午10时在京举行了中共中央部门新闻发言人中外记者见而会,中纪委、中组部、中宣部等11位新闻发言人首次集体亮相,介绍有关情况,并回答了记者提问。  相似文献   

“机器人记者”最早源于美国,是指利用算法对数据展开收集、加工、生成的一套新闻报道程序,使新闻生产主体完全机器化、自动化和智能化.近年来,我国也在此方面做出了一系列有益探索与尝试,继腾讯推出“Dream Writer”的自动化新闻写作机器人之后,新华社在2015年11月17日正式启用写稿机器人——“快笔小新”.在2016年的里约奥运会上,《华盛顿邮报》大胆创新,采用“机器人记者”与传统记者联手展开新闻报道.而由北京大学和今日头条合作研发的“机器人记者”小明(Xiaoming bot)也在里约奥运会上大显身手,新闻生产效率高,成功发稿450多篇,单篇浏览阅读量突破10万,赢得广泛反响与好评.全媒体时代,这无疑为新闻传播改革提供了全新方向与思路,不仅为传统媒体转型创造了巨大机遇,而且为网络媒体发展拓展了生存空间.但客观来讲,“机器人记者”本身也存在着一定局限,并带来了许多现实问题,不仅对传统新闻生产机制产生了影响,而且对传统新闻传播理念和媒体人的职业方向产生了影响.  相似文献   

“两会”记者抢新闻速写万京华/方小翔又是一年3月,北京人民大会堂再次成为世界舆论关注的焦点。据报道,今年参加“两会”报道的中外记者共计2100余名,人数超过往届。有关媒体曾经做过一个对比,1992年3月采访“两会”的中外记者不到1000人,1993年...  相似文献   

“根本没有(事先审查记者的问题)这种事。即使有这个想法,也是很愚蠢的。” 全世界的焦点早已锁定了这一天:2013年3月17日,在中国北京的人民大会堂,第十二届全旧人大一次会议新闻发言人傅莹,将邀请新任同务院总理和副总理,与中外记者见面。“傅莹是‘婉约派’的。”在位于北京外交部街的家中,傅莹的前辈、第八届全国人大新闻发言人间觉笑着对《中国新闻周刊》点评道  相似文献   

时代需要名记者。而真正够得上名记者的,在中外记者队伍中却属凤毛麟角。因此,探察记者的成材之路,就成为新闻界的共同要求。记者,应是报告时代信息的战士,这就要求他应具有纵论时代风云的才智和善于驾驭新闻武器引导社会舆论的能量。现在我们所处的时代是发展的时代,是信息的时代,对传播信息的新闻事业,不断地提出新的更高要求。因此,培养名记者,提高新闻队伍的素质,是新闻战线迫在眉睫的一项战略任务。有名望的记者,在读者中有着巨大的吸引力量。人们一看到他的署名,就想看他的文章。这是  相似文献   

China plays an increasing role in the wars and conflicts around the world with its expanding political and economic interests overseas and its diplomatic role in international affairs. More and more Chinese journalists go to the frontlines overseas to cover distant conflicts for domestic audiences. Based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 Chinese correspondents who have covered conflicts outside China, this study examines Chinese journalists' perceptions and reflections on objectivity in the war zones. The author adopts a term of Chinese-style pragmatic objectivity to mean that objectivity is a convenient approach for Chinese journalists to do war journalism in the field. At the level of objectivity-as-a-value, objectivity is defined as a pragmatic value and a practical ritual for Chinese journalists to do news within the scope they can reach, to protect themselves from criticisms, and to justify their version of the truth. It promotes allegiance and patriotism. At the level of objectivity-as-a-practice, objectivity in war coverage is compromised by China's foreign policies, military constraints, the press's political orientations and editorial polices, and journalists' personal experiences and values. Chinese journalists use Chinese-style objectivity to negotiate their roles in the power struggle with the state, foreign militaries, the newsroom, and journalists.  相似文献   

This article analyses the transnational production processes of foreign correspondence in the Cold War. It examines the double role of foreign correspondents as reporters and Cold War political agents. Recent scholarship has explored the activities of Western correspondents reporting from the Communist world. Little is known, however, about Eastern bloc correspondents in the West. Drawing on the rarely studied files on East German foreign correspondents held by the Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, the article problematizes the image of GDR journalists as obedient intelligence officers and highlights the dilemmas of journalists deployed to defend national interests. Focusing on the Nordic countries in the mid1970s, the article provides detailed insights into the politics and practices of East German foreign correspondence before the digital revolution. The article thus shows the benefits of going beyond the traditional focus on media content to analyse the daily practices as well as the political and symbolic significance of journalism. It contributes to the growing historical research on foreign correspondents and the media in East Germany and beyond.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):688-703
Social media allow everyone to show off their personalities and to publicly express opinions and engage in discussions on politicised matters, and as political news journalists engage in social media practices, one might ask if all political news journalists will finally end up as self-promoting political pundits. This study examines the way political news journalists use social media and how these practices might challenge journalistic norms related to professional distance and neutrality. The study uses cluster analysis and detects five user types among political news journalists: the sceptics, the networkers, the two-faced, the opiners, and the sparks. The study finds, among other things, a sharp divide between the way political reporters and political commentators use social media. Very few reporters are comfortable sharing political opinions or blurring the boundaries between the personal and the professional, indicating that traditional journalistic norms still stand in political news journalism.  相似文献   

This study uses qualitative interviews with 66 women journalists from print, broadcast, and online media in India, to understand how women political reporters assigned to the political beat negotiate gender issues and organizational and news routines while being effective journalists entrusted to cover matters of policy and enhance political awareness among audiences. Using Shoemaker and Reese’s hierarchy-of-influences model that introduces five levels of influence on news content, this study explores how institutional, news gathering, societal procedures, and professional practices influence the functions of women journalists on the political beat and percolate into the content they produce. The results show that in India’s growing media market, organizational and news routines, as well as the contentious issue of gender, control access to beats, especially the political beat, and percolate into news content produced by women political reporters.  相似文献   

This content analysis reveals that men and women network news correspondents differed in how they covered 4 presidential elections (1992–2004). There were fewer women than men reporters involved in election coverage, but on average, women reported more stories than men and were tonally tougher watchdogs than men. In terms of framing candidates, male reporters were strongly associated with a masculine approach that emphasized the competitiveness of campaigns. By contrast, women correspondents employed both more feminine and gender-neutral frames than their male colleagues. These findings were interpreted against the backdrop of information derived from in-depth interviews with 5 women reporters who appeared in the sampled content.  相似文献   

本文就针对目前我国目前庞大的电视新闻出镜记者群的现状进行分析,指出了其中存在的一些主要问题,并对如何提高出镜记者素养提出了一些建议和对策。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):404-420
This article examines the impact of technology on Australian conflict reporting using the experiences and insights of the practitioners themselves. There is a prevailing belief that war and foreign correspondents are more liberated and the audience better informed as technology permits immediate communication from the frontline. The article considers the challenges faced by previous generations of war correspondents and the contrasting experiences of reporting in Iraq, analysing how technology has impacted on newsgathering, military management and reporting. I argue that the magnitude of the technological changes has been considerable, and in some cases immensely positive, but in other ways technology has not mitigated past challenges in the realm of censorship, syndication, resources and competition. At the same time the journalists articulate new difficulties with instant deadlines, 24-hour news, increased syndication, and editorial expectations caused by the imperatives of infotainment and compounded by technological advancement.  相似文献   

随着新闻传播国际化进程的迅速发展 ,我们的新闻从业人员越来越需要加强对外国新闻事业的了解和研究。但是 ,目前这门课程的建设还相对滞后 ,这门课程的教学还不能很好地适应形势发展的需要。本文就课程设置和内容范围、中外新闻史的分与合、教材体例安排以及教学方法的改革等基本问题谈了自己的看法  相似文献   

Local television news remains a primary news source for Americans and is a key source of consumer health information. This study explores why local television health journalists cover particular topics and assesses why health journalism newsgathering practices often differ from the normative newsgathering practices of general assignment reporters. Fifteen in-depth telephone interviews were conducted with health journalists from varying geographical regions and media markets. Influence from local hospitals and personal interest in a health topic often determined the health content the journalists produced. Journalists said it was difficult to cover health issues in addition to other newsroom responsibilities.  相似文献   

Existing literature on community journalism suggests it is worthwhile to theoretically and conceptually examine journalists in small towns. These reporters and editors always wear multiple hats, including news worker, community member, and booster. Therefore, drawing on newsroom observations and interviews, and applying the interpretive lenses of sociology and identity theory, this study examines the self-perceived identities of weekly newspaper news workers, and how those identities influence their news production. Findings across three organizations show that for these journalists, professional identity is intertwined with personal identity as a church member or baseball coach. Simply put, these journalists see themselves as members of the community that their newspaper covers. Their interactions with friends and neighbors are also interactions with sources – and with advertisers. This sense of personal connection further serves as a key motivation to produce meaningful news for their communities, which the author suggests has served as a safeguard to declines in readership for many small-town weekly newspapers.  相似文献   

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