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作文教学作为语文教学的一个重要组成部分,历来受到教师的重视。多媒体网络技术作为传播图像、声音、文字多种信息传输的实体,把抽象的知识具体化,把枯燥的概念形象化,把复杂的问题简单明了化,这符合小学生年龄特征。而多媒体网络技术整合于作文教学就可以发挥这样的作用。  相似文献   

解析高水平大学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从高水平大学的概念视角和实体视角阐释高水平大学的本质。基于概念的视角,高水平大学的本质特征表现为比较性、模糊性、精神性和建设性四个维度;基于实体的视角,高水平大学的本质特征分为精神层、制度层和技术层三个层次。高水平大学的概念特征和实体特征具有同一性。  相似文献   

本文在阐述三维人机交互技术的概念和三维几何变换、坐标变换及三维观察的虚拟三维实体操纵图形学原理基础上,分析了虚拟培训系统中三维物体选择和操纵技术、漫游技术,设计并实现了燃气热水锅炉虚拟培训演练交互系统.  相似文献   

现代远程教育中教师的职能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着单向传输的广播、电视、录音、录像向多媒体计算机网络双向交互通信技术的发展,单一模式的远程教育机构向单一模式、双重模式、混合模式并存的多元化教学实体发展,目前我国现代远程教育进入了一个新的发展阶段。现代信息传播技术在给人们的学习和教育方式带来了深刻变革的同时,对现代远程教育工作者提出了新的挑战。一、现代远程教育对教师的要求 1.多种现代信息传播技术的协同运用现代信息传播技术日新月异。现代远程教育以计算机多媒体技术(能提供图文并茂、声形兼备的  相似文献   

21世纪是信息化的时代.人们的工作、学习和生活愈来愈依赖于计算机多媒体技术和网络技术的发展.数学对于实现教育信息的传播具有其他学科无法比拟的优势.而数学概念作为数学学科的奠基石,则是数学教学过程中的重中之重.学生对数学概念的理解、掌握和运用是数学教学的重点.本文拟对掌握数学概念的教学方法陈一孔之见.  相似文献   

一、理想模型的分类和特点 多年的教学经验说明,特别是高中一、二年级的物理教学,教师只有真正弄清每一个物理概念,经过科学地传授才能使学生容易接受和理解该概念,所以理想模型的建立,教师必须明白该概念的分类和特点. 理想模型一般可分为三种: 1.实体理想模型这种模型是建立在客观实体的基础上,根据所讨论问题的性质和需要把客观实体理想化,例如中学物理中最简单、最重要的质点、理想  相似文献   

斯宾诺莎通过引入“神”的定义,实体不仅被规定为自因且能思维的主体,而且最终被理解为绝对的“一”.这既可以说是以犹太教的一神教精神来理解来自希腊的“实体”概念,也可以说是以希腊的“实体”概念来理解一神教信仰的绝对之一神.由于实体是绝对的一,人与万物都只不过是分有这一实体的样式物,这意味着,正如每一具体物一样,每个人都是“神”这一实体的角色性存在,而作为神的一种存在,每个人的存在就是目的本身.  相似文献   

受新武教育崛起、西方农业技术传播和农政管理改革等多种因素的影响,中国近代农业教育于清末产生并形成初步的办学体系和一定的办学规模.农业教育体现着新式教育的诸多特点,表现出教育目的的实用性、教学内容的系统性和先进性、师资队伍的专业性.清末农业教育影响至深,为数不少的办学实体延续至今,一批在近代农业生产和农业教育彪炳史册的农业人才得到培养,农业学堂的开放武办学直接促进了当时的农业生产和农业技术传播.  相似文献   

单启成 《中国考试》2001,(6):117-120
套 第一部分:选择题一、单项选择皿1.DBS是采用了数据库技术的计算机系统。DBS是一 个集合体,包含数据库、计算机硬件、软件和 A.系统分析员B,程序员 C.数据库管理员D.操作员2.模型是对现实世界的抽象,在数据库技术中,用模型的概念描述数据库的结构与语义,对现实世界进 行抽象。表示实体类型及实体间联系的模型称为 A.数据模型B.实体模型 C.逻辑模型D.物理模型3.关系模型概念中,不含有多余属性的超键称为 A.候选键B.对键 C.内键D.主键4.设R、S为两个关系,R的元数为4,S的元数为5,则与R卜司S等价的操作是 3<吕 A.的<一(RXS)B.内心…  相似文献   

技术实体理论包含于西方哲学传统中,并以常识化的技术工具论渗透于技术决策、实践和文化发展中。对西方哲学与技术相关联的实体概念历史进行考察表明,从亚里士多德、笛卡儿到黑格尔和卡普,西方哲学传统维系着一种对技术的实体理论解释或描述,并从自然摹写达到了身体摹写的高度。进一步分析,我们看到,技术实体理论的主要原则在于,技术作为独立的实体存在,采取理性模式,不仅要求自身的价值中立,而且能够确保技术进步具有可预测性。以此来看待后人类主义,所谓后人类的"技术奇点"预测,不过是设想了超人类智能的"技术实体"。当然这仅仅是就技术的积极社会影响而言的,如果考虑其负面价值,技术实体理论便不得不面临科林格里奇的"控制困境":一项技术的社会结果无法在其生命早期预测,等到发现其消极后果时,对它的控制又极端困难。为了摆脱这种困境,需要突破技术实体理论为科学、技术与社会设置的各种传统边界,进而提出新的技术哲学理论方向,此即对技术实体理论进行归置的意义所在。  相似文献   

This article explores the ways that the discourse of usability might support a socially oriented pedagogy within technical communication. Specifically, it explores two approaches to usability—user-centered design and distributed usability—and suggests that the conversation between these approaches can ground socially responsive discussions of technology and technical communication. As such, the discourse of usability provides a field-specific means to address increasing calls for socially situated pedagogies within the field of technical communication.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways that the discourse of usability might support a socially oriented pedagogy within technical communication. Specifically, it explores two approaches to usability—user-centered design and distributed usability—and suggests that the conversation between these approaches can ground socially responsive discussions of technology and technical communication. As such, the discourse of usability provides a field-specific means to address increasing calls for socially situated pedagogies within the field of technical communication.  相似文献   

This article brings to light a topic that surfaces regularly among technical writing practitioners and theorists but is rarely addressed in the literature of the field. Stuart Selber deals with it in his 1997 essay “Hypertext Spheres of Influence” (see especially page 30), but a check of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) Bibliography for the last two years produced only one recent article obviously devoted to it (see Mitra). The topic centers around this question: Is teaching technology problematic for technical writing instructors? Voices are heard here of 64 ATTW members who were queried on their roles as teachers of technical writing in relation to the demands made upon them to also be teachers of technology skills. Answers are presented and examined in terms of “teacher lore”, the informal sharing of teacher experiences and opinion/feeling about those experiences. The article concludes with a call for more research to clarify the roles teachers of technical writing should be playing in an age where technological determinism—shown by a tendency to turn a technical communication course into a software tools course—can be seen as a threat to effective teaching of complex workplace rhetoric.  相似文献   

基于WebGIS强降雨防汛减灾地理信息系统设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合强降雨的特征,借助3S技术以及网络通信等高新技术,可以提前预报降雨强度,确定受灾区域.利用GIS技术进行综合分析,借助因特网可以浏览WebGIS站点中的空间数据,制作专题图.同时对数据进行空间检索和空间分析,不断完善预警机制,为相关部门提供决策依据、技术支持及制定抢险救灾紧急预案.  相似文献   

Issues related to technological literacy can provide a useful frame for thinking critically about computer-based instruction in technical communication. This article identifies issues of technological literacy related to performance, contextual factors, and linguistic activities. When considered collectively, these issues provide technical communication students with a mechanism to identify and analyze a range of perspectives associated with technology and communication.  相似文献   

Issues related to technological literacy can provide a useful frame for thinking critically about computer-based instruction in technical communication. This article identifies issues of technological literacy related to performance, contextual factors, and linguistic activities. When considered collectively, these issues provide technical communication students with a mechanism to identify and analyze a range of perspectives associated with technology and communication.  相似文献   

Gender, Technology, and the History of Technical Communication   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This article considers why women have been absent from the history of technical communication. It discusses research from the history of technology suggesting that notions of technology, work, and workplace may be gendered terns. The piece concludes with several suggestions for defining technical communication so the significant works of women will not be excluded from the discipline's history.  相似文献   

This article considers why women have been absent from the history of technical communication. It discusses research from the history of technology suggesting that notions of technology, work, and workplace may be gendered terns. The piece concludes with several suggestions for defining technical communication so the significant works of women will not be excluded from the discipline's history.  相似文献   

科技人才是今后发展的重要战略资源,也是推动科学技术发展的核心力量。科技人才队伍整体创新能力的大小制约着科技发展的水平,从而影响着科技传播的速度与广度。加速培养和发现大批掌握先进思想和科学技术的高素质人才,就成为当今世界上经济竞争、综合国力竞争的一个关键性问题。  相似文献   

体育教学由于其特殊的身体运动属性而在进行网络教学中存在技术上的瓶颈,尤其体现在教师的即时指导与考核中,而3G技术的快速发展则推动了体育网络教学理论与技术上的完善.本文通过研究后得出如下结论:3G技术在体育网络教学的应用中能提供师生之间“面-面”信息交流平台;改进了体育网络教学中学生技能考核的方法;但3G技术在网络教学中...  相似文献   

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