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回顾梳理调节定向理论、解释水平理论以及心理距离理论的国内外文献,以理论分析结合现实问题,提出研究假设。通过SPSS软件对问卷调查收集的数据进行验证,结果发现线上评论对不同类型网络消费者的影响为:高解释评论对促进定向消费者购买意愿的影响更强,低解释评论对预防定向消费者购买意愿的影响更强;心理距离感知近时,高解释评论对促进定向消费者、低解释评论对预防定向消费者的购买意愿均呈现更显著的影响。  相似文献   

建设学习型社会离不开社会成员的普遍化参与。成长于社会发展和转型时期的90后,学习已成为一些人的生活方式。分析发现,越多接触新媒体、受教育程度高、未婚的个体行动者,越倾向于在可自由支配的时间里学习;是否居住在城市、父辈的受教育水平,以及对社会公平认知等因素并不显著影响90后群体的学习意愿。鉴于此,建设学习型社会应注意社会个体特征差异,针对差异性提出激发社会成员学习意愿的优化策略。  相似文献   

在线评论是潜在学习者评估平台的重要依据,有关在线评论与用户使用意愿关系的研究对促进平台的普及和推广有着重要的现实意义。本研究首先基于双重加工理论构建在线评论对在线学习平台用户使用意愿影响的概念模型,然后通过调查发现,双面评论、评论来源可信度、评论来源专业性、受欢迎程度以及第三方推荐正向显著影响在线评论有用性。在线评论有用性正向显著影响学习者的在线学习平台使用意愿,并在一定程度上调节评论来源专业性、受欢迎程度与使用意愿之间的关系。因此,保证在线评论的真实性、秉持在线评论应“有用”的理念、管理和完善在线评论内容、提升和优化服务水平,有助于提高潜在学习者的使用意愿。  相似文献   

留学生心理健康探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
影响来华留学生的心理状况主要在于文化适应的问题,其因素包括与中国文化接触的时间长度,母语文化与中国文化的距离,同胞和当地社会文化成员的社会支持程度,留学生自身的认知方式、知识、技能、应对策略和期望,留学生性别、年龄、受教育程度等。为来华留学生维持良好心理健康,应营造多元文化环境社会支持网络,开展多元文化交流,心理援助,以及多元文化的教学改革。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,电子商务的规模不断扩大,电子商务的贸易模式便利快捷,与传统贸易有很大的区别,电商的发展改变了传统市场的格局,同时为零售业带来了新的机遇和挑战。目前网上购物成为了人们采购的重要渠道之一,网络在线商品交易量越来越大,各大购物网站的优惠政策激发了消费者的购买需求,消费者的心理和行为与以往传统购物方式比较更加复杂,消费者选购商品时受很多因素影响,例如地理位置、空间距离、社交网络、信息了解程度都会造成顾客与电商之间的心理距离,心理距离对于消费者的购买意愿有着至关重要的影响,是消费者购买决策的依据。在当前网络购物市场繁荣的大背景下,研究网络环境下消费者的心理距离和其对网购意愿的影响,对于促进网络商家营销策略改革、提高商品销售量、提高消费者满意度都有着重要作用。本文对心理距离的内涵进行了阐述,对心理距离多种因素对消费者购买意愿的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

农民工与市民通婚意愿的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通婚意愿是检验群体关系及社会距离状况敏感化的变量。统计数据显示,我国大城市农民工与市民在通婚意愿上,表现出非常大的社会距离。大部分农民工不愿意与城市人谈恋爱和结婚,大部分城市市民对子女与农民工谈恋爱或结婚表示出强烈的不赞成态度。究其原因,制度歧视和文化差异是深层次的原因,而经济地位悬殊、空间隔离、偏见歧视态度、缺乏交往机会是影响通婚意愿和产生巨大社会距离的直接原因。  相似文献   

当今时代是信息时代,互联网已成为大学生传递信息、表达意愿、评论时政的重要渠道,但大学生网络政治参与存在着不够理性、不够科学等问题,对高校和社会稳定形成了正反两个方面的影响,需要社会、政府和高校共同努力,对大学生网络政治参与进行积极引导,使其发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

教育是个体形成社会认知的重要途径,在教育情境下群际知觉偏差的典型表现之一是刻板印象的内-外群体效应。它筑造了群际交往的壁垒,影响了群际关系的和谐与稳定。本文认为,可以从消除归因偏差、增进群际接触、抑制类别化认知、调节社会期待、树立无偏信念等多个视角,消除这一群际认知偏差。  相似文献   

在线评论存在初始评论与追加评论前后态度不一致的现象。基于SOR模型,加入感知有用性作为中介变量构建理论模型,以问卷调研形式获取数据,用结构方程验证假设以探讨这种不一致性的各维度与消费者购买意愿的关系。研究结果:矛盾性评论的内容特征、内容质量、时效性、时间间隔和评论者资信度均对消费者的购买意愿有负向影响;矛盾性评论内容特征、内容质量、时效性和评论者资信度均对感知有用性有正向影响,时间间隔对感知有用性的影响并不显著;矛盾性评论的感知有用性对消费者的购买意愿有负向影响  相似文献   

中国是一个统一的多民族国家,跨民族友谊在民族团结、人民生活满意度等方面起着重要作用。为了考察跨民族友谊的影响因素及其对生活满意度、心理健康的影响,采用跨民族友谊量表、民族心理距离量表、边界通透性量表、外群体认同量表、生活满意度量表、简易心理状况评定量表,对广西壮族自治区的中学生进行调查。结果表明:民族心理距离通过边界通透性、外群体认同的链式中介作用正向影响跨民族友谊;跨民族友谊通过生活满意度的中介作用正向影响中学生的心理健康,有助于提升中学生的生活满意度和心理健康水平。研究结果对提高中学生的生活满意度、心理健康水平,铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有重要启示。  相似文献   

The contact hypothesis (Allport, 1954) states that cooperative contact with individual members of an out-group can lead to a general more positive attitude toward the out-group as a whole. The research reported in this article investigated the validity of the contact hypothesis within the context of interage interactions. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between young adults' contact with older adults and their attitudes toward the elderly in general. Previous research has emphasized that various factors related to contact quality strongly influence the formation of positive attitudes. In accordance with this assertion, we hypothesized that a single factor, participants' self-reported quality of contact with older individuals, would be related to their attitudes toward the elderly as measured by an implicit attitude scale. Participants' self-reported frequency of contact with older adults was expected to have no effect on their attitudes. College-aged participants were given a single questionnaire that assessed (a) the frequency and quality of their contact with elderly men and women and (b) their implicit attitudes toward the elderly. The results confirmed that self-reported favorable quality, but not frequency, of contact was significantly related to more positive attitudes toward the elderly.  相似文献   

A developmental model of subjective group dynamics suggests that social identity is sustained first by intergroup biases and later by intragroup biases. In this study 476 English children 5 to 11 years old evaluated the English and German soccer teams, and judged in-group or out-group members whose attitudes toward the teams was normative versus antinormative. Children of all ages expressed intergroup bias. Differential evaluation against in-group deviants and in favor of out-group deviants strengthened with age. Understanding of targets' relative acceptability (differential inclusion) among in-group and out-group members mediated the effects of age and intergroup bias on intragroup bias. Identification with the in-group moderated the effects only among older children.  相似文献   

Using a between-groups design and random assignment, this study examined 214 Turkish children's (= 11.66 years) mindreading and general reasoning about in-group members (Turks), similar out-group members (Syrians within Turkey) and dissimilar out-group members (Northern Europeans). Children heard four mindreading and four general reasoning stories with in-group or out-group members as targets. Whereas children's general reasoning about three groups was equivalent, accuracy of mental state inferences differed by target with more accurate mindreading of in-group targets compared to both sets of out-group targets. In this Turkish sample, mindreading of Syrian targets was the least accurate. Prejudice and perceived realistic threat predicted lower mindreading. These findings have important implications for understanding how similarity and intergroup processes play a role in children's mindreading.  相似文献   

The effects of social group norms (inclusion vs. exclusion vs. exclusion-plus-relational aggression) and school norms (inclusion vs. no norm) on 7- and 10-year-old children's intergroup attitudes were examined. Children (n = 383) were randomly assigned to a group with an inclusion or exclusion norm, and to 1 of the school norm conditions. Findings indicated that children's out-group attitudes reflected their group's norm but, with increasing age, they liked their in-group less, and the out-group more, if the group had an exclusion norm. The school inclusion norm instigated more positive attitudes toward out-group members, but it did not moderate or extinguish contrary group norms. The use of school norms to counteract the effects of children's social group norms is discussed.  相似文献   

以40名大学生为被试,通过控制对象和自我的社会距离(内群/外群)及人际情绪的效价(积极/消极)考察对象-自我关系对他心理解中具身模拟强度的影响规律.结果表明:(1)社会距离的主效应显著,社会距离越近,具身模拟的强度越高;(2)情绪效价的主效应显著,自我对客体的情绪知觉越积极,具身模拟的强度越高;(3)社会距离和情绪效价的交互作用显示,自我对客体具有积极的情绪知觉时,社会距离越近,具身模拟程度越强,自我对客体具有消极的情绪知觉时,社会距离对具身模拟程度没有显著影响.该结果表明,情绪效价和社会距离对具身模拟的影响可能存在层次性,即个体首先依据情绪线索再依据认知线索调整其具身模拟的强度.  相似文献   

Intergroup Attitudes among Ethnic Minority Adolescents: A Causal Model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To examine the influence of ethnic idenilty and intergroup contact on adolescents' attitudes toward other ethnic groups, we studied eighth and eleventh graders from 2 predominantly non-white school districts. Surveys completed by 547 adolescents from 3 ethnic groups (133 African Americans, 219 Latinos, and 195 Asian Americans) assessed in-group and out-group attitudes, out-group interaction, out-group contact, and ethnic identity. A causal model suggested 2 pathways leading to positive out-group attitudes. In one pathway, ethnic identity increased with age and predicted positive in-group attitudes; these attitudes contributed to positive out-group attitudes. In a separate pathway, ethnic diversity outside of schcool led to more out-group interaction in school, which in turn predicted positive out-group attitudes. The results support developmental and multiculturalism views of intergroup relations.  相似文献   

Young children view social category members as morally obligated toward one another, and expect these obligations to shape people's social behavior. The present work investigates how children specify which behaviors are constrained by social categories in this way. In two studies (= 128), 4- and 5-year-old children predicted that morally positive behaviors would be directed toward in-group members, and that morally negative behaviors would be directed toward out-group members, but did not hold equally strong expectations about behaviors described as positive or negative for reasons irrelevant to morality. Thus, notions of morality are embedded within children's representations of social categories, such that when learning about novel moral norms, children immediately expect those obligations to uniquely hold within social groups.  相似文献   

Societies are rife with out-group discrimination and mistreatment. One way that children might acquire social biases that lead to such outcomes is by overhearing derogatory or disparaging comments about social groups. Children (n = 121) overheard a video call between a researcher and an adult or child caller who made negative claims (or no claims) about a novel social group. Immediately and following a 2-week delay, older children (7–9 years) who overheard the message demonstrated stronger negative attitudes toward the group than children who heard no message. Younger children’s (4- to 5-year-olds’) attitudes were generally unaffected by these claims. Thus, overhearing brief, indirect messages from children or adults had robust and lasting effects on the social biases of children 7 years and older.  相似文献   

Feedback can play a vital role in fostering teacher self-efficacy. Social comparisons and feedback valence (positive vs. negative feedback) are assumed to have a large impact on self-efficacy. Therefore, how pre-service teachers perceive social comparisons and feedback valence in peer feedback and the extent to which pre-service teachers (bachelor/master students) and teacher trainers incorporate comments that can have an impact on self-efficacy into their peer feedback merit investigation. Two studies were conducted. The first showed that peer feedback consisting of a social comparison and with positive feedback valence resulted in greater willingness to improve and positive affect. The second study revealed that teacher trainers’ feedback was more specific, whereas bachelor students’ feedback contained more social comparisons than did master students’ and teacher trainers’. Future research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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