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英国:原教学署更名为国家教学和领导学院据英国教育部官方网站近日报道,英国教育大臣迈克尔·戈夫日前宣布原教学署和国家学校领导学院合并,并更名为国家教学和领导学院。英国原教学署主要负责新教师的招聘、为学校提供新教师的培训以及在职教师的培训工作,也为招聘和培训早教人员、保育人员提供支持,该机构还帮助学校提供教  相似文献   

学徒制一直是欧盟职业教育发展的重要组成部分,欧盟学徒培训融资主要涉及欧盟学徒培训的成本、资金流动和资助方式。鉴于欧盟学徒制发展面临的困境,欧盟委员会构建了欧盟学徒培训融资基础流模型,基于此模型将欧盟学徒培训融资模式分为三种:国家和雇主主导模式、培训基金主导模式、单一模式,并分析了这三种模式的特点。借鉴欧盟学徒培训融资经验,提出构建我国学徒培训融资模式的建议:政府应在学徒培训融资中占主导作用;企业应是学徒培训的融资主体;完善我国学徒培训的资助方式。  相似文献   

英国提供800万英镑财政资助鼓励辍学青少年回归教育。英国儿童、学校和家庭部事务大臣日前宣布,英国在2010年开始实施一项针对18岁以下青少年的教育和培训计划,以使英国所有青少年能够在18岁以前接受不间断的教育和培训。该计划将选择11个地区进行试点,提供100万英镑的财政资助。  相似文献   

学校课程治理是学校课程利益相关者在政府主导下以学校为主体,通过主动协商,对学校课程决策、研发、实施、评价、改革等活动要素和人、财、物等条件建立机制并发挥影响力,达成学校共同育人目标的过程;学校课程治理现代化是指学校课程治理从传统的国家统治、行政治理和经验治理走向科学化、民主化、法治化、规范化和程序化的过程;学校课程治理现代化旨在为学校课程优质公平发展提供制度保障;学校课程治理现代化的实现需要确立优质、尊重、包容和差异的课程发展理念,理顺、建立与健全学校课程发展的内外部机制,加强学校课程治理的领导力、研发力和协商沟通力培训.  相似文献   

英国教育历史悠长,其教育宗旨在于帮助学生尽量发展个人才能,并将这些才能加以培训,进而贡献社会。英国犬学及学院对其教育质量深感自豪,大部分院校与各国有广泛联系,其中也包括了一些中国学院。在同中国学院的联系中,他们了解到许多中国学生对学习的需要和期望,为中国学生提供了许多赴英学习的机会,促进了中英两国教育及经济多方面的发展。现将英国教育制度作一简单介绍: 英国法律规定家长必须确保年龄在五至十六岁的子女接受全日教育。英国约有百分之九十三的儿童在公费资助的学校读书,即国立学校:其余的儿童则就读不受公费资助的学校(有时指公立或私立学校)。  相似文献   

英国学校发展计划的发展历程和运行模式(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
起源于英国的学校发展计划在中国是一个全新的管理理念,在其十几年的发展历程中,为许多国家所借鉴、应用。作为一种高效和先进的学校管理理念,学校发展计划越来越受到教育管理部门、学校和校长的青睐。20世纪90年代末,学校发展计划引入上海,又通过英国国际发展部资助的中英甘肃基础教育项目在甘肃省实验推广,产生了积极的效果和深远的影响。本文意在通过整理和探索英国学校发展计划的发展历程和运行模式,为进一步完善和寻找适合我们自身的“学校发展计划”提供一些启示。学校发展计划的产生和发展过程20世纪80年代末和90年代初,学校发展计划…  相似文献   

李霞 《比较教育研究》2018,40(3):39-45,53
为化解教师工作量重的危机、提高学校领导力,以促进学校教育质量的提升,学校业务管理职业在英国出现,近二十年来越来越受到重视.学校业务管理胜任特征框架和学校业务管理专业标准的颁布,明确了对学校业务管理职业的专业要求.为促进其专业发展,英国国家学院、领导与管理学会等部门与组织为其提供了多样化、系统性的培训项目.对设立学校业务管理职业的学校进行调查发现,其对学校效益提升具有非常大的现实意义.  相似文献   

安真真  匡瑛 《职教论坛》2012,(31):87-90
为了促进经济发展,提高就业率,保持技术水平的国际竞争力,英国就业与技术委员会针对目前政府主导的职业教育体系难以跟上技术发展的需求等种种挑战,提出了政府直接资助企业参与学徒制、营造有利的政策环境等一系列改革措施,旨在建立一个由企业主导整个培训过程的职教体系,为企业提供发展所需要的技术,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

从20世纪初到1956年,英国成人教育领域的发展和演变呈现出各种思想观念、组织机构和不同力量之间的斗争,而这种斗争主要集中在劳动学院、工人教育协会和大学三者之间。劳动学院主导了早期的独立工人阶级教育,但它在二战后蜕变为工会领导层的培训手段;工人教育协会主导的自由成人教育受到了大学成人教育的挑战,逐渐由工人阶级教育转变为大众成人教育,并融入其潮流;大学主导的普通高等成人教育不断与工人教育协会竞争并完成体系化进程,最终开始兴盛。这三股力量之间的斗争勾勒出了20世纪上半叶英国成人教育发展的重要线索,并对后来在英国兴起的"文化研究"产生了重要影响。可以说,20世纪上半叶英国成人教育发展的历史,就是一部工人阶级教育逐渐衰落,大众成人教育逐渐兴起的历史。  相似文献   

学校治理对教育治理体系的臻善和学校发展的完满具有关键意义.依据新公共治理理论,国外的学校治理模式可以被划分为网络化治理模式、分布化治理模式、准市场化治理模式和管制化治理模式.通过对四种模式的比较分析,发现国外学校治理正在不断的调和中走向现代化,其中治理逻辑在计划与市场间趋于中和,突显出公平与质量的价值本位;治理工具日益...  相似文献   

科技创新是国家发展的关键驱动力,高校是科技创新的主力军。21世纪以来,英国政府根据国家创新战略部署,大力推进高校科技治理体系创新,激发其创新活力。为了完善高校科技创新治理体系,提高其创新成果转化与人才培养能力,英国政府持续出台系列支持科技创新的政策。其中,调整战略布局、加强经费支持、优化体制机制等举措,反映出英国高校科技创新治理体系改革的新动向。英国高校科技创新治理体系变革取得了明显成效,体现出英国高等教育体制演进中传承与创新兼顾的特色。英国高校在为高新产业发展赋能的同时,提升了自身的创新能力与办学竞争力。  相似文献   

This study examined the development of community involvement in a place-based high school program for at-risk youth. Teachers and community members founded the program to address concerns about low achievement and high dropout rates among Native Hawaiians. In addition to funding, community members provided program development, supervision of students' service-learning, cultural consultation, political support, and teacher and curriculum development. Collaborations were sustained by open communication, the development of a common set of values among a diverse group of people, and flexibility of community members' schedules. Challenges to community involvement included a lack of support from school leadership, teacher burnout, and occasional interpersonal conflicts.  相似文献   

The study examines the role of the Head of Department in UK secondary schools in terms of its potential for school improvement. Thirty-two heads of department in secondary schools in Birmingham and Manchester were shadowed and interviewed in order to identify: (1) their leadership and management styles; (2) the sense of empowerment felt by each; (3) initiatives for improving teaching, learning and achievement in their departments; and (4) obstacles to improving teaching, learning and achievement. Four deputy head teachers in the sample schools were also interviewed with the purpose of eliciting their views on the role of the head of department in facilitating school improvement. The findings support the prediction that distributed leadership (or shared power) among senior and middle managers in UK schools still remains rhetoric rather than practice and that there is a growing need for current middle management development and training provision to change radically if middle managers are to be supported as curriculum leaders and managers  相似文献   

高风险考试和严厉的问责制对美国的中小学校长提出了严峻的挑战。在这一背景下,美国南部地区教育委员会启动了"以学习为中心"的领导者发展项目,协助各州对传统的教育领导者培训和专业发展项目进行改造,提高校长培训和专业成长的质量。该项目提炼出13个成功校长的关键因素,开发了一整套基于学校领导发展最新研究成果的课程模块,并通过发行出版物、组织论坛为各州的学校领导发展实践提供资源和帮助。  相似文献   

Lessons Learned     
In the current context of standards-based reform and heightened accountability for school performance, state education agencies (SEAs) have an important, but not yet well-articulated, role to play in local school improvement efforts. This article starts to articulate such a role by examining the variety of approaches and strategies used by 7 SEAs to support schools and districts applying for and ultimately implementing the federal Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) program. Building from the assertion that SEAs can and do make choices about how to best implement federal programs, we explore the choices that the studied SEAs have made around (a) the integration of the CSR program with other state and federal initiatives, (b) the different levels of funding provided to schools, (c) the continuity of SEA leadership around CSR, and (d) the variety of support strategies provided to participating schools. Although these SEAs have supported CSR in different ways, we conclude that the most important state strategy for leveraging systemic advantage from CSR involves the extent to which SEA staff have stayed with the program and thus gained in-depth knowledge of the program necessary to improve CSR in their states.  相似文献   

This paper examines developments in the provision of continuing professional development (CPD) for school teachers, nurses and radiographers in the UK. The focus is on current developments which are located in the context of models of professional development. Three major issues are identified: funding/resourcing, curriculum coherence and the relationship to practice. The latter raised further issues for consideration including the accreditation of practice, the development of reflective practice and the moves towards research‐based and evidence‐based practice. The paper concludes that CPD is a comparatively under‐researched activity and that the approaches to CPD in the three occupational groups have significant similarities. Furthermore the existing literature has not located CPD in the context of current thinking regarding learning organizations and post‐technocratic models of professional development.  相似文献   

Using survey responses from a national sample of US teachers, this paper provides insight into 2 questions: (1) Do 3 specific attributes of leadership behavior – the sharing of leadership with teachers, the development of trust relationships among professionals, and the provision of support for instructional improvement – affect teachers' work with each other and their classroom practices? and (2) Do the behaviors of school leaders contribute to student achievement? We tie this investigation of school leader behaviors to 2 additional factors that have also received increasing attention in research because they have been shown to be related to student achievement: professional community and the quality of classroom instruction. Our analysis provides an empirical test of the notion that leadership variables are positively related to student learning. It also suggests that both shared and instructionally focused leadership are complementary approaches for improving schools.  相似文献   

This paper scrutinises organisational change in Japanese and UK universities which are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The study focuses on recent changes in governance, management, leadership, and funding in these universities. The paper argues there are convergent trends between Japanese and UK universities in terms of increasing entrepreneurial activities, a review of institutional strategies, a review of the organisation, the application of market-oriented institutional policy, links with the industrial sector, the notion of a public financial crisis and changing external environment, strong leadership of the university President or Vice-Chancellor, and the notion of the accountability of the university to society as a whole. However, the application of particular institutional strategies, entrepreneurial culture, and the way in which an institution relates itself to the private sector significantly differs among institutions. The paper suggests that those differences are related to different institutional history and characteristics – including those between national and private universities in Japan, and old and new universities in the UK – as well as different government policies between Japan and the UK. The paper first proposes a theoretical model for the five types of entrepreneurial culture of the institutions. It then examines the model by using case studies: Nottingham Trent University (UK), University of Surrey (UK), University of Tokyo (Japan), and Waseda University (Japan).  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the incentives and disincentives for local school districts created by state bilingual education funding policies. The programmatic and management concerns important to assessing the effects of funding formulas include: (1) student eligibility for bilingual education, (2) the minimum number of eligible students in a school building or school district for which the state mandates programs, (3) appropriateness of the educational program, (4) student transition into regular classrooms, (5) instructional unit size, (6) record keeping requirements, and (7) program and fiscal planning effects. Through efforts to efficiently and equitably utilize scarce resources, account for their use, and control costs, however, policy makers necessarily confront many unresolved research questions and policy issues. The relationship between funding and bilingual education controversies centering around measuring language proficiency, establishing entrance and exit criteria, and determining effective instructional strategies are reviewed.  相似文献   

Diversity,specialisation and equity in education   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
School diversity in the UK is not a new phenomenon. However, recent reforms to ‘modernise’ the secondary school system towards greater diversity of provision, primarily in England, needs to be explored in more detail. The article begins by proposing three phases in the development of state‐funded school diversity and provision between 1944 and 1997. It then goes on to consider such reforms with the introduction of a Labour government in 1997. We argue that school diversity under New Labour represents a distinct fourth phase within this broad policy agenda. While there is some continuity in the expansion of school diversity this most recent phase is characterised by greater governmental intervention and a stronger commitment to provide greater resources for schools in disadvantaged communities. However, the paper then critically analyses the relationship between recent programmes of education diversity and equity. In particular, we go on to discuss the extent to which critics’ fears about the emergence of a two‐tier system are justified. We conclude that while the fourth phase in the UK school diversity agenda may aim to be more equitable, complementary and collaborative it perhaps fails to recognise that the education system today is more competitive and consumer‐led.  相似文献   

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