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地理学中文核心期刊优先数字出版情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭亿华 《出版科学》2016,24(3):87-91
分析中国地理学19种中文核心期刊优先数字出版情况,得出:(1)有14家期刊与中国知网签订优先数字出版协议,但做得好的期刊较少;(2)优先数字出版的各项要素标注存在不同程度的缺失,个别期刊重要信息缺失严重;(3)2015年论文优先出版占比较高的期刊仅有3家,其他期刊占比均较低;(4)实行优先数字出版时间在2年以上且2015仍在继续的期刊有6家;(5)仅有2家期刊优先提前时间较长,其他期刊优先出版提前时间普遍较短。针对问题提出以下建议:积极参与优先数字出版;重视优先数字出版的时效性和质量;重视优先数字网页界面信息标注的完整度;做好优先数字出版宣传。  相似文献   

通过中国知网数字出版平台,调查了50种学术期刊进行优先数字出版的文献编辑质量及发表时滞缩短情况.结果发现:优先数字出版的稿件所处阶段越早,发表时滞缩短越明显;但稿件的编辑质量较差,待正式出版时改动较大.由此可见,期刊优先数字出版应兼顾质量与速度,不断摸索并选择最恰当的优先出版模式.  相似文献   

袁兴玲  郭伟  王艳丽 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):565-567
为使优先数字出版在中国科技期刊中得到更好更广泛的实施,通过调查优先数字出版在科技期刊中的实施情况和《中国机械工程》部分作者的优先数字出版需求,分析优先数字出版推行过程中存在的问题.调查结果表明:优先数字出版在国内仍处于初级阶段,后续发展也并不是很理想;优先数字出版对期刊影响因子的影响不明显.提出根据不同编辑流程和编辑部规模选择适合自己的实施方案,可以使得优先数字出版工作量最小,为每篇4min.作为科技信息推广的媒介,科技期刊在认识到优先数字出版的工作量和作用后,有责任实施优先数字出版.  相似文献   

王雪萍 《编辑学报》2014,26(6):541-544
通过同方知网数字资源库,调查我国优先数字出版的科技期刊标注DOI的现状。结果显示,标注DOI的期刊比例低,DOI标注混乱,引用格式不规范。认为:优先数字出版的科技论文标注DOI,有利于快速检索、资源共享,有利于提升期刊的国际影响力;我国科技期刊应积极推广、普及DOI,规范DOI标注,推荐DOI的引用格式,使优先数字出版的科技论文快速融入全球链接系统。  相似文献   

杨郁霞 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):141-144
实行优先数字出版对于作者、读者、期刊出版方及国家科研发展都具有重要意义.我国实行优先数字出版的期刊越来越多,但与此同时出现了诸多乱象.对优先数字出版的认识不足、期刊出版方的管理制度不严、数据库的监管不严及行业标准的缺失是造成乱象的根源.期刊出版方在规范优先数字出版方面需要明确4 个要素: 概念、DOI 认证、版本的设置和优先出版文献的规范引用.此外,期刊出版方、数据库方和管理方应充分发挥自身力量推动优先数字出版有序、健康发展.  相似文献   

学术期刊推进优先数字出版的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
优先数字出版是学术期刊从传统出版向数字出版转型过程中面临的新浪潮,国内学术期刊界给予了广泛关注和不断实践。针对学术期刊推进优先数字出版中的一些问题和现象进行分析和讨论:推行优先数字出版的必要性,如何增进作者和读者对优先数字出版的认可,如何保护期刊优先版的版权,如何引用优先版文献及其对期刊评价有何影响,如何协调优先版本与...  相似文献   

学术期刊距离优先数字出版有多远   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 优先出版概念及其重要性 数字出版是内容提供商将著作权人的作品数字化,经过对内容的选择和编辑加工,再通过数字化的手段复制或传送到某种或多种载体上以满足受众需要的行为[1].只要使用二进制技术手段对出版的整个环节进行操作,都属于数字出版的范畴.期刊优先数字出版(以下简称优先出版)是数字出版的一部分,即以数字出版方式提前出版将在传统印刷版期刊出版的定稿论文.优先出版分为整期优先出版和单篇优先出版,强调电子版本要"优先"于纸质期刊的出版.优先出版的稿件都要经过三审三校,审稿流程与其他纸质印刷稿件无异.我国多数学术期刊已实现了数字出版(网络出版).但我国绝大多数学术期刊却未能实现优先出版,而优先出版是学术期刊最需要实现的一种出版形态.  相似文献   

科技期刊应重视优先数字出版   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技期刊社应加快期刊优先数字出版,普及优先数字出版.分析传统科技期刊出版模式的局限性,探讨科技期刊需利用现有的中国知网及万方数据库等优先数字出版平台,通过实现学术期刊稿件的即时数字出版,加快文献信息的出版速度.  相似文献   

期刊优先数字出版及出版时滞与科学发展的关系及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐会永 《编辑学报》2014,26(4):315-317
我国关于优先数字出版的研究和应用刚刚起步。对目前已发表的43篇文章进行调研和思考,从我国优先数字出版的编辑教育存在的问题、与国际期刊出版时滞的差距和原因分析、优先数字出版对出版时滞的影响、优先数字出版与科学发展的关系等几个方面阐述新的认识,并对未来优先数字出版进行展望。  相似文献   

郑雪洁 《今传媒》2016,(11):59-61
学术性期刊作为众多期刊类型中的一种,其编辑出版工作的先进与否,对于反映当前学术水平和发展动向以及开展学术交流具有重要的作用.而出版时滞是长期以来影响我国学术期刊发展的主要障碍.有效解决学术期刊出版时滞问题迫在眉睫.本文通过对比分析当前国内外学术期刊优先数字出版现状,指出我国学术期刊优先数字出版存在落实困难、认可度低、竞争力弱、引用混乱、系统不完善、专业人才缺乏等问题,提出着力推进学术期刊数字化改革以推进优先数字出版进程,加强行业规范以构建公平公正的学术质量评估体系,完善学术期刊优先数字出版系统,以构建优先数字出版知识产权管理体系等措施,以期推动和促进我国学术期刊的优先数字出版.  相似文献   

科技学术期刊的数字化媒体化转型是必然的发展方向。学术期刊数字出版的发展途径有2种:原生数字期刊和传统期刊的数字化媒体化转型。我们认为后者更能发挥传统期刊内容的优势,将成为学术期刊数字出版的主力军。分析了学术期刊数字化媒体化转型的特征和必然性,并以中国知网数字出版为例,介绍优先数字出版、独家出版等数字化、媒体化转型的途径与方法。  相似文献   

The journal impact factor (JIF) has been questioned considerably during its development in the past half-century because of its inconsistency with scholarly reputation evaluations of scientific journals. This paper proposes a publication delay adjusted impact factor (PDAIF) which takes publication delay into consideration to reduce the negative effect on the quality of the impact factor determination. Based on citation data collected from Journal Citation Reports and publication delay data extracted from the journals’ official websites, the PDAIFs for journals from business-related disciplines are calculated. The results show that PDAIF values are, on average, more than 50% higher than JIF results. Furthermore, journal ranking based on PDAIF shows very high consistency with reputation-based journal rankings. Moreover, based on a case study of journals published by ELSEVIER and INFORMS, we find that PDAIF will bring a greater impact factor increase for journals with longer publication delay because of reducing that negative influence. Finally, insightful and practical suggestions to shorten the publication delay are provided.  相似文献   

国内外土壤-植物营养学期刊论文发表时滞的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过比较国内外土壤一植物营养学主要期刊论文的发表时滞,发现国内期刊发表时滞相对较长,二者的差距主要体现在待发时滞上,在定稿时滞上差别不大.针对这一问题,并结合我国该领域科技期刊的现状,提出了切实可行的缩短发表时滞的措施.  相似文献   

Over the years, the number of journals indexed in Scopus has increased, although it varies significantly between countries. The increasing proportion of international journals of a country provides new venues for papers from that country to be seen by other researchers worldwide. In this work, we evaluate the relationship of a country’s scientific performance or publication success with both its journals’ quantity and quality. The specific objective of the study is to identify the relationship between the country’s publication success and the quantity and quality of those country’s journals indexed in Scopus during 2005–2014. The publication success of 102 individual countries, measured by their scientific productivity, impact and collaboration indicators, the quantity of country’s Scopus-indexed journals in 2014 (a total of 22,581 journals) as well as the quantity of its journals were investigated. Scopus-indexed journals are predominantly from Western Europe (48.9%) and North America (27.7%), with the United States and the United Kingdom dominate with a total 51%. The contribution from the peripheral countries is comparatively small, however there are a good number of contributions from the South-East Asian countries. Estonia is the fastest growing country in terms of having indexed journals in Scopus, following by Iran and Malaysia. Among the studied indices, it was found that publication success (total publications and total citations) of 102 countries are strongly correlated with quantity (number of indexed journals and number of documents published in indexed journals) and quality (citations per paper, SJR, h-index, CiteScore and SNIP) indicators of country’s journals. We can conclude that the scientific productivity of a country depend critically on the number of journals indexed from that country in citation databases. The study provides a context with which the relative success of publications can be assessed, yielding new insights into the scientific impact of individual countries and the performance of journals that they published.  相似文献   

刘飚 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):610-612
在互联网和媒体融合快速发展的今天,传统的编辑职能在科技期刊出版中仍然发挥着直接的、主要的作用.编辑工作者必须遵循科技期刊编辑出版工作的规律,以严肃的职业态度、严谨的科学精神、严格的用稿程序勤奋工作,并且在编辑工作实践中做到研究数据真实、标准规范落实、编校功力扎实,为社会提供高质量的科技期刊,为加快我国由出版大国迈向出版强国的步伐做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

变相重复发表--一种值得科技期刊界关注的现象   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
李万春 《编辑学报》2004,16(6):445-447
变相重复发表与传统意义的一稿两投和二次发表不同,由于来自期刊、编辑、审稿人、作者、版权、读者等诸多因素的影响,显得更加隐蔽.在总结变相重复发表的5种主要类型的基础上,分析其可能产生的危害,剖析产生此类现象的原因,提出了关于减少并杜绝此类现象发生的建议.  相似文献   

科技论文发表费收取的合理性及其规范   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:10  
赵大良  颜帅  陈浩元 《编辑学报》2006,18(4):249-251
从学术研究和论文出版的公益性、国际惯例和科研经费转移支付的角度,论述学术期刊收取论文发表费的合理性,提出了发表费收取的录用与收费分离、科研经费支付、用途特定和稿费不抵等4条原则.认为问题的关键不在于发表费的存废,而在于国家、社会、学术期刊和科研单位是否承担起各自的社会义务,建立起比较完善的学术期刊出版保障体系.  相似文献   

学位论文再次发表的版权与学术不端问题分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张小强  赵大良 《编辑学报》2011,23(5):377-379
指出学位论文的传统利用方式不是正式出版,但被收录进网络数据库是正式的网络出版。分析学位论文网络出版后再次发表可能存在的侵犯期刊版权、学位授予机构版权和数据库提供商版权的情况。以我国相关学术规范和国外期刊处理惯例为基础,分析学位论文网络出版后再次发表涉及的学术不端问题及其例外,并给出了期刊编辑的应对策略。  相似文献   

Since the emergence of the world’s first academic journal in 1665, numerous academic journals have been launched and ceased publication. At the turn of the twenty-first century, academic journals are experiencing a dramatic revolution amidst increasingly fierce competition. However, limited research has investigated the survival pattern and the reasons why some academic journals have survived and others have not. Drawing on the data of academic journals in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory from 1950 to 2013, this study examined the life cycle of academic journals and revealed contributing factors related to the survival probabilities of academic journals using a Kaplan-Meier estimator, log-rank statistics, Cox proportional hazards models and propensity score matching. The results show that (1) the average survival rate of all the academic journals presents a rising-decreasing-rising pattern; (2) the third year after commencement is a peak year for academic journals to cease publication; (3) academic journals published in the UK, China, India and Russia, those in the field of technology, and those published in a single language cease publication sooner than their counterparts; (4) academic journals that provide online formats at launch time have a higher probability of surviving than non-online ones and those that provide online formats after launch time; (5) academic journals that provide print versions at launch time are more likely to survive than those without print formats and those that provide print formats after launch time; (6) academic journals that have a peer-reviewed process and that are published in multiple languages have a higher chance of survival; (7) academic journals published in English in China and Japan suffer a higher risk of termination than those published in native languages; (8) academic journals in the field of technology are more likely to cease publication than journals in the field of natural science; and (9) academic journals published in China can survive with a relatively high probability.  相似文献   

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