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Media Production     
Bob Westmoreland's Teleproduction Shortcuts: A Manual for Low-Budget Television Production in a Small Studio (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974—$10.95)

Joseph F. Robinson's Videotape Recording.: Theory and Practice (New York: Hastings House, 1975– $18.50)

L. Bernard Happe's Your Film & the Lab (New York: Hastings House, 1974 —$11.50/6.50)  相似文献   

Vernon Stone and Bruce Hinson's Television Newsfilm Techniques (New York: Hastings House, 1974—$4.95, paper edition only)

Polly Carpenter-Huffman, Richard C. Metter, and Robert K. Yin's Cable Television: Developing CommunityServices (New York: Crane, Russak, 1974—$12.75)  相似文献   

Reese V. Jenkins' Images & Enterprise: Technology and the American Photographic Industry, 1839 to 1925 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975—$20.00)

R. C. Smith's Antique Cameras (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1976—$12.95)

Gerald Mast's A Short History Movies (Indianapolis: Bobbs- Merrill, 1976—$7.50, paper)

Lix-Anne Bawden's The Oxford Companion to Film (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976—$24.95)

John Brosnan's Marie Manic: The Story of Special Effects in the Cinema (New York: New American Library Plume Books, 1976—$3.95, paper)

Ronald Gottesman and Harry Geduld (eds.) The Girl in the Hairi Paw:King Kong as Mtyh, Magic, and Monster (New York: Avon Books, 1976—$5.95)

Guy Phelps' Film Censorship (London: Victor Gollancz, 1975—about $10.00)

James Robert Parish, et al. Film Directors Guide: Western Europe (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976—$11.00)

James Robert Parish and Don E. Stanke's The Swashbucklers (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1976—$19.95)

Andrew Sarris' The John Ford Movie Mystery (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1976—$8.95)

Laurence Goldstein and Jay Kaufman's Into Film (New York: Dutton, 1976—$19.95/12.95)

Daniel Arijon's Grammar of the Film Language (New York: Hastings House, 1976—$27.50)  相似文献   

William Hawes' The Performer in Mass Media in Media Professions and in the Community (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$15.75/8.95)

Robert L. Hilliard, ed. Television Broadcasting: An Introduction (New York: Hastings House, 1978— $15.75/7.95)

Charles Bensinger's The Video Guide (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Video-Info Publications (P.O. Box 1507), 1977— $11.95, paper)

Mike Wolverton's And Now the News (Houston, Tex.: Gulf Publishing Co., 1977— $10.95)

The WAFL Book: A Guide to Film and Video in the Washington, D.C. Area (Washington Area Filmmakers League, P.O. Box 6475, Washington, D.C. 20009 —$5.45, including postage, paper)

David E. Fear's Technical Writing (New York: Random House, 1978—price not given, paper)  相似文献   

Arthur Hezlet's Electronics and Sea Power (New York: Stein & Day, 1975—$15.00)

W.M. Dalton's The Story of Radio (London: Adam Hilger Ltd., 1975—about $9.00 for each of three volumes)

Anita Klever's Women in Television (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1975—$5.95)

Donald L. Guimary's Citizen's GrouRs and Broadcasting (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1975—$14.00)

John Blair & Co.'s Statistical-Trends in Broadcasting 1975: 11th Edition (New York: John Blair & Co., 1975—$2.50, paper)

Natan Katzman's Public Television Program Content: 1974 (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1975—price not given, paper)

James W. Brown (ed.) Educational Media Yearbook: 1975-76 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1975—$21.95)

Alan Bermingham et al. The Small TV Studio: Equipment and Facilities (New York: Hastings House, 1975—$7.95, paper)

John H. Barwick and Stewart Kranz's Profiles in Video: Who's Using Television and How (White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industries Publications, 1975— $27.50)  相似文献   

Millerson, Gerald. Effective TV Production (1976, 192 pp., $8.95, paper)

Robinson, J.F., and P.H. Beards. Using Videotape (1976, 163 pp., $7.95)

A. Arthur Englander and Paul Petzold's Filming for Television (New York: Hastings House, 1976—$19.50)

Dwight V. Swain's Film Scriptwriting: A Practical Manual (New York: Hastings House, 1976—$14.50/7.50)

Walter Herdeg's Film and TV Graphics 2: An International Survey of the Art of Film Animation (Zurich: The Graphis Press [New York: Hastings House], 1976—$28.00)  相似文献   

George Dessart's Television in the Real World: A Case Study Course in Broadcast Management (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$16.50/8.95)

Howard W. Coleman's Case Studies in Broadcast Management (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$10.75/4.95)

Joseph S. Johnson and Kenneth K. Jones' Modern Radio Station Practices (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1978—$12.95)

Charles Clift and Archie Greer, eds. Broadcast Programming: The Current Perspective (University Press of America, 4710 Auth Place, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20023— price not given, paper)

Rose K. Goldsen's The Show and Tell Machine: How Television Works and Works You Over (New York: Dial Press, 1978—$10.00)

Ben Logan, ed. Television Awareness Training for New Awareness, New Decisions, New Action (Media Action Research Center, Inc., 475 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. 10027—$8.50, paper, including mailing)

Lee Polk and Lda LeShan's The Incredible Television Machine (New York: Macmillan, 1977—$6.95)

Mary Livingstone Benny, Hilliard Marks and Marcia Borie's Jack Benny (New York: Doubleday, 1978—$10.00)  相似文献   

Gerald McConnell and Gene Light's Illustrators 19 (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$26.50)

Evelyn and Leo Farland's Posters by Painters (New York: Abrams, 1978—$8.95, paper)

Robert R. Hartmann's Graphics for Designers (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1976—price not given, spiral bound)

Peggy and Harold Samuels' The Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedia of Artists of the American West (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976—$25.00)

The Second Norman Rockwell Poster Book (New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 19777—$6.95, paper)  相似文献   

Motion Pictures     
Richard Bunce's Television in the Corporate Interest (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1976—price not given, but about $15.00).

Ralph M. Jennings and Veronica M. Jefferson's Television Station Employment Practices, 1975: The Status of Minorities and Women (New York: Office of Communication, United Church of Christ, 1976—price not given, but about $10.00, paper)

Horace Newcomb's Television: The Critical View (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976—$4.00, paper)

Asa Berger's The TV-Guided American (New York: Walker, 1976—$8.95)

Vincent Mosco's The Regulation of Innovations in the Broadcasting Market (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Program on Information Technologies and Public Policy, 1975—$3.00, paper)

James D. Scott's Cable Television: Strategy for Penetrating Key Urban Markets (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Graduate School of Business Administration, 1976—$5.50, paper)

R.W. Chandler's Sparks at Sea: The Experiences of a Ship's Radio Officer (North Pomfret, Vt.: David and Charles, 1973, but only recently released in the U.S.—$9.50)  相似文献   

Robert D. Singer and Robert M. Kaplan, eds. &;ldquo;Television and Social Behavior,&;rdquo; The Journal of Social Issues 32:4 (Fall 1976, $4.00 per copy from Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Publication Office, Box 1248, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106)

Jon Baggaley and Steve Duck's Dynamics of Television (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books [D.C. Heath] , 1977—$15.00

Symposium on Television Violence(Ottawa: Printing and Publishing Supply and Services Canada, 1976—$5.00 in Canada; $6.00 to other countries, paper [also available in the U.S. from Unipub in New York—for $9.25, paper] )

Toward a National Endowment for Children's Broadcasting (Center for Action Research, 20 Nassau St. [Suite 211] , Princeton, N.J. 08540—apparently free on request)

Maureen Harmonay, ed. ACT's Guide to TV Programming for Children— Promise and Performance: Children with Special Needs (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co. [Lippincott] , 1977—$1230/6.95)

Scott H. Robb's Television/ Radio Age Communications Coursebook (Communications Research Institute, 25 Central Park West [Suite 1B] , New York, N.Y. 10023—$14.50, looseleaf format).

Claude and Barbara Hall's This Business of Radio Programming (Billboard Publications, 1515 Broadway, New York 10036—$15.95)

Frazier, Gross &; Clay Inc.'s Raio in 1985 (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1977—$10.00 to non-members; $5.00 to members, paper)

Traveling F.M. Radio Guide (And/or Press, P.O. Box 2246, Berkeley, Calif. 94702— $2.95, paper  相似文献   

Leon V. Sigal's Reporters and Officials: The Organization and Politics of Newsmaking (Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath Lexington Books, 1973—price not known but around 15.00)

Edward Jay Epstein's News from Nowhere: Television and the News (New York: Random House, 1973 —$7.95)

John Hohenberg's The Professional Journalist (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973— )  相似文献   

G.W.A. Dummer's Electronic Inventions: 1745-1976 (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1976—£5.50 or $10.00)

Carl Dreher's Sarnoff: An American Success (New York: Quadrangle/ New York Times Book Co., 1977—$12.50)

George W. Bartlett, ed. NAB Engineering Handbook (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1975—$45.00; $30.00 to NAB and BEA members)

Richard Veith's Talk-Back TV: Two-Way Cable Television (Blue Ridge Summit. Pa.: TAB Books, 1976—$9.95/5.95)

Dan Rather with Mickey Herskowitz' The Camera Never Blinks: Adventures of a TV Journalist (New York: Morros, 1977—$10.00)

F. Gifford's Tape: A Radio News Handbook (New York: Hastings House, 1977—$12.95/6.95)

F. Earle Barcus' Children's Television: An Analysis of Programming and Advertising (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1977—price not given, but likely around $18.00)

Douglas Davis and Allison Simmons' The New Television: A Public/Private Art (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977—$14.95)

The Videophile's Newsletter (Jim Lowe, 2014 South Magnolia Drive, Tallahassee, Fla. 32301—$7.50 for five issues)

Separations Procedures in the Telephone Industry: The Historical Origins of a Public Policy, by James W. Sichter (January 1977, Publication P-77-2, 146 pp. $23.40, paper)

The Communications Act Policy Toward Competition: The Sound of One Hand Clapping by Hamilton Loeb (March 1977, Working Paper W-77-1, 68 pp., $ 10.90)

Broadcasting: The Next Ten Years (New York: National Broadcasting Co., Department of Corporate Planning, 1977—apparently free on request, paper)

NFLCP Newsletter (P.O. Box 119, Cambridge, Mass. 02142—$7.50 annually, bimonthly; $15.00 to organizations)

Gary Gerani and Paul H. Schulman's Fantastic Television (New York: Harmony Books/Crown Publishers, 1977—$12.95/5.95)  相似文献   

R. Murray Schafer's The Tuning of the World (New York: Knopf, 1977—$12.95)

Garry E. Clarke's Essays on American Music (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1977—$16.95)

Walter Herdeg, ed. Graphis/Record Covers (New York: Hastings House, 1974—$21.50)

Northrop Moore's A Matter of Records (New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1977—$10.95)

Thomas Busby's A Grammar of Music (New York: Da Capo Press, 1976—$25.00)

Thomas Busby's A Musical Manual or Technical Directory (New York: Da Capo Press, 1976—$17.50)  相似文献   

Walter Herdeg Photographis 77: International Annual of Advertising and Editorial Photography (New York: Hastings House, 1977—$37.50)

Louis Stettner's Weegee (New York: Knopf, 1977—$15.00)

Shadow of Light: Photographs by Bill Brandt (New York: Da Capo Press, 1977—$14.50, paper)

Helmut Newton's White Women (New York: Stonehill, 1976—$25.00)

Roswell Angier's “...A Kind of Life,” Conversations in the Combat Zone (Danbury, N.H.: Addison House, 1976—$15.00)

Yvonne Kalmus, Rikki Ripp and Cheryl Wiesenfeld, eds. Women See Men (New York: McGraw- Hill, 1977.412.95/7.95)

Lew Thomas and Donna-Lee Phillips' Photography and Language (San Francisco: Camerawork Press, 1976—$6.95, paper)

Linda McCartney's Linda's Pictures: A Collection of Photographs (new York: Knopf, 1976-425.00, with a paperback edition now also available)  相似文献   

Pamela Jeffcott Parry's Photography Index: A Guide to Reproductions (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979–$25.00)

Hilary Evans' The Art of Picture Research: A Guide to Current Practice, Procedure, Techniques and Resources (Newton Abbot, Y.K.; and North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1979—$28.00)

Melissa Milar, ed. 1980 Photographer's Market: Where to Sell Your Photographs (Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Rooks, 1979—$12.95)

Photographis '79 (New York: Hastings House, 1979–$49.50)

John Sander's Photography Year Book 1979 (New York: Fountain Press/Hastings House, 1979—$24.95)

Harold E. Edgerton and James R. Killian, Jr.'s Moments of Vision: The Stroboscopic Revolution in Photography (Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press, 1979—$20.00)

Deborah Turbeville's Wallflower (New York: Congreve Publishing Co, 1978—$27.50)

Robert L. Kerns' Photojournalism: Photography with a Purpose (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980—$14.95)

Focalguide to Slides by Graham Saxby (New York: Focal/Hastings House, 1979- 46.95, Paper)

Focalguide to Close-Ups by Sidney F. Ray (1978--$6.95, paper)  相似文献   

John Hohenberg's The Professional Journalist (New York: Holt, Rinehart CI Jinston, 1978—price not given)

Griffith, John L., and Edward G. Weston. Programmed Newswriting (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978—$4.50, paper)

Blanche G., and Wayne A. Danielson. Programmed News Style (Prentice Hall, 1978—$4.98, paper)

Lee, Robert, and Robert Misiorowski, Script Models: A Handbook for the Media Writer (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$8.95/4.50)

Hall, Mark W. Broadcast Journalism: An. Introduction to News Writing (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$7.95/4.95)

Bolch, Judith, and Kay Miller. Investigative and In-Depth Reporting (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$9.50)

Williams, Paul N. Investigative Reporting and Editing (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1978—price not given)

Kelley, Jerome E. Magazine Writing Today (Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest, 1978—$9.95)

Nelson, Roy Paul. Articles and Features (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1978—price not given)

Pearsall, Thomas E., and Donald H. Cunningham, How to Write for the World of Work (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston l978—price not given),

Mills, Gordon H., and John A. Walker, Technical Writing (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978—price not given)  相似文献   

Paul P. Ashley's Say it Safely: Legal Limits in Publishing, Radio, and Television (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976—$9.50)

David E. Price, The Commerce Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Commerce Committees ($16.50, 358 pp.)

Peter N. Schuck, The Judiciary Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees ($16.50, 446 pp.)

Harry R. Olsson, Jr.'s Legal and Business Problems of Television and Radio (Practicing Law Institute, 810 Seventh Ave., New York 10019—$20.00, paper)

Robert Agranoff's The Management of Election Campaigns (Boston: Holbrook Press, 1976—price not given)  相似文献   

Stanley Besen and Bridger Mitchell's Watergate and Television: An Economic Analysis (Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corp., 1975—$3.00, paper).

Edward W. Knappman's Government and the Media in Conflict: 1970-74 (New York: Facts on File, 1974—$4.50 1 paper)

Raymond A. Schroth's The Eagle and Brooklyn :A Community.. Newspaper,.1a41-1955 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1974—$12.95).

H.L. Mencken, A Gang of Pecksniffs and other Comments on Newspaper Publishers, Editors, and Reporters (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1975—$8.95)

George A. Hough's News Writing (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975—price not given)  相似文献   

John P. Dessauer's Book Publishing: What it Is What it Does (New York: R.R. Bowker Co., 1974—$11.95)

Charles A. Madison's Irving to Irving: Author-Publisher Relations 1800-1974 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1974– $19.95).

The American Film Institute Guide to College Courses in Film and Television (Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books, 1975—$6.95, paper)

Bert Cowlan and Dennis Foote's A Case Study of the ATS-6 Health Education and Telecommunications Projects (Washington: Office of Education and Human Resources, Bureau for Technical Assistance, Agency for International Development, 1975—no cost given, paper).

Charles S. Steinberg's The Creation of Consent: Public Relations in Practice (New York: Hastings House, 1975—$13.50/6.95).

Maxwell Sackheim's My First 65 Years in Advertising (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$9.95/5.95).

Sherman Briscoe's Black Press Information Handbook: 1974-75 (National Newspaper Publishers Association, 770 National Press Building, Washington D.C. 20004—$5.00, paper)  相似文献   

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