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赵煦 《历史教学问题》2008,(4):56-58,85
伦敦城市人口变化是伦敦城市史的重要内容之一,它与转型时期伦敦和英国经济社会变化有着紧密的联系。反过来,又对伦敦和英国经济社会发展产生深远的影响。研究这些影响,对阐明伦敦与英国社会发展及两者重要联系颇有意义。  相似文献   

宋代是我国古代民间武术发展的一个重要时期,主要表现在农村武术的空前普及和城市市民武术的迅猛发展.在乡村,私人习武和教授武艺者渐成风俗.在城市,市民习武和娱乐表演相结合,对抗性的角抵、手搏、相扑有了较大的发展.在全民习武的基础上,武术体系基本形成.宋朝内忧外患的政治格局以及骑兵的缺乏,商品经济的发展,城市规模的扩大,市民阶层的形成是武术兴起的重要原因.  相似文献   

伦敦广场是英国精英阶层的家园,是英国城市化的一个显著特色。广场的功能最初以居住为主,称之为居住型广场,后来人们更注重广场的美学价值,出现了花园广场。随着广场空间逐渐私人化,花园广场最终走向了衰落。伦敦广场的演变历程在某种程度上展示了英国从农业社会向工业社会过渡的历史进程。十七八世纪伦敦贵族率先把乡村自然风景引入城市广场,并注重其建设的系统性和整体性,这种规划观念一直影响到今天世界各国的城市建设。  相似文献   

十四、十五世纪英国封建社会、经济发生了一系列大变动,一些西方学者把这一现象称之为“危机”。这个危机实际上意味着封建制度的衰落。这个变化有着深刻的历史前提。十一至十四世纪就是为封建制度的衰落准备前提的时期,而农民在这个过程中起了重要的作用。正是英国农民通过他们“静悄悄的劳动”同新兴市民阶层一起促成了城市和商品货币经济的发展以及自然经济的解体,又通过他们的各种形式的斗争促成了农奴制度和农村封建政  相似文献   

作为创意产业的发源地,英国创意产业的发展可圈可点.作为英国政治、经济、文化中心的首都伦敦,更是毋庸置疑地成为了英国创意产业的佼佼者,并在城市经济从“工业经济”向“服务经济”转型期,成功由“工业之城”蜕变成“创意之都”,成为城市经济转型的典范.从伦敦创意产业的发展背景、发展模式和对伦敦经济发展的贡献入手,分析伦敦创意产业的发展,并在此基础上探讨伦敦创意产业的发展,对我国城市创意产业的发展有重要启示.  相似文献   

11世纪在西欧出现了城市复兴,伦敦就是其中的重要代表。随着经济发展、人口的增长,城市规模也不断扩大,这使得城市的环境状况不断恶化,主要体现在城市的公共环境、居住环境和自然环境三个方面,为此伦敦市民与肮脏的城市环境也展开了斗争。而14世纪席卷整个西欧的黑死病在给伦敦带来灾难的同时,也给伦敦提供了一次重生的机会,清洁干净的伦敦城终于重新崛起。  相似文献   

明代中后期,随着经济的渐渐恢复和发展,城市商业繁荣,市民阶层空前壮大,统治集团的控制能力逐渐下降,这时候王阳明学说逐渐为广大知识阶层所接受,并为更广大的市民阶层所趋  相似文献   

乡绅阶层的兴起是英国由中世纪社会向近代社会转型的重要内容和体现.尝试从微观角度着手,探寻英国乡绅阶层的内涵,数量和历史发展轨迹,考察英国向近代社会转型过程中乡绅阶层在经济、政治等领域的主要活动及其历史作用.对社会转型时期英国乡绅阶层研究,看出乡绅阶层的形成表明英国封建社会内部已经孕育出了自我否定因素,其成长和壮大直接推动了英国社会向近代转型的进程.  相似文献   

两宋时期,江浙商品经济发展迅速,引发城市变革,市民阶层成为新兴力量介入城市社会;同时,文化下沉,雅俗合流,文化娱乐市场持续发展。市民阶层的文化需求,为新兴文艺形式的发生提供了充满生气的土壤。以宋室南迁为历史契机,南戏最终在商品经济繁荣的温州诞生,并以其综合性艺术的独特魅力与市民阶层共通的价值诉求,借助商业力量在江浙城镇体系中迅速风行,成为人们认识两宋时期社会生活的重要文化样式。  相似文献   

伦敦的人口迁入是伦敦人口史和城市史的重要内容之一。研究该方面在1550—1750年这一社会转型的重要过渡时期的变化发展,对阐明伦敦、英国经济社会的历史发展进程以及两者之间的重要联系颇有意义。  相似文献   

英国作家简·奥斯汀生活时代的伦敦是当时欧洲最繁华的城市,她本人曾于1811年至1815年期间数次拜访伦敦,她的作品中不乏对伦敦的描写。迄今为止,国内的奥斯汀研究多涉及奥斯汀的婚姻观、爱情观与女性观,而对奥斯汀笔下的这个城市几乎无人提及。本文试图通过分析奥斯汀作品中关于伦敦的描述,揭示作家眼中乔治王朝晚期与摄政时代早期的惜敦。  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。想一想:你们国家旅游业兴盛吗?这一市场是否还在增长,为什么?你们国家主要的旅游景点有哪些?考试:本文有助于你备考各种主流英语考试。  相似文献   

<正>In this part,we mainly talk about British and American history in English Extensive Reading.There are some information related to the text"A Useful Stick".London ranks as one of the world’s oldest and most historic cities.It is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The city was founded about 43A.D.,when the armies of the Roman Empire conquered Britain.  相似文献   

This article examines the development of literary apartheid in post‐war English fiction. While Anglo‐English novelists have generally not included black or Asian characters, London novelists have been an exception to the prevailing little Englandism. Separate critical traditions have also played a role: Anglo‐English critics have shown little interest in race, while black and Asian critics have been engaged in the necessary task of tracing black and Asian British traditions. Drawing on key texts from the 1950s to the 1970s (Colin MacInnes and Barbara Pym) and from the 1980s to the present (Michael Moorcock and Maggie Gee), the essay discusses varied Anglo‐English responses to the development of London as a multicultural city.  相似文献   

对于中国共产党而言,新中国的成立意味着无论是在农村还是城市都必须一以贯之地进行政治社会化.翻身作为农村社会新气象的表征,在党树立合法性权威的过程中曾发挥过积极的作用.中国共产党接管上海之后,即着力营造市民的翻身感.通过政府的积极努力,城市民众获得了普遍的翻身,而承载于其上的感性体验,最终把上海民众引向对新政权的热爱与认同.事实证明:翻身这一命题对于上海这样的大城市同样具有重要作用.  相似文献   

明清之际,北京城市民俗在外在形式上虽然没有太大变化,但民俗承担者及其传承动机却大有不同。从585通北京内城碑刻来看,进入18世纪以后,北京内城不仅出现了立碑高峰,而且修庙立碑的主体也由明代的官员太监、清前期的汉族官员转为了普通市民,且碑阴题名中第一次出现了行会与商号的名称,具有自治色彩的民间组织层出不穷,女性组织开始出现,反映出社会转型的事实。如关帝圣诞、丫髻山进香等民俗活动虽与明代一脉相承,但民俗传承的主体与动因都发生了根本转变。这表明,将民俗作为资源而加以改造利用的行为,不仅存在于现代社会。碑刻资料有助于我们深入民俗的表面形式,发现其内在机制。  相似文献   

“一二八”事变是日本侵华的重要事件之一,之所以能够停战,主要是因为日本方面发动事变的目的已经达到,另外战争中日军受到沉重打击,美、英等国对日本态度强硬,国民党政府妥协退让都对停战起了一定作用。  相似文献   

It is common in the literature to refer to British colonial education policy as if it were ‘a settled course adopted and purposefully carried into action’, but in reality it was never like that. Contrary to popular belief, the size and diversity of the empire meant that no one really ruled it in any direct sense. Clearly some kind of authority had to be exercised from London but as Arthur Mayhew said of education policy in the Colonial Empire in 1938: ‘No Secretary of State for the Colonies … [is] anxious to adopt too definite a policy. He will be content with a few assumptions and a statement of general principles. And he will not be surprised if these principles in their local application are adapted with the utmost elasticity to local conditions.’ In the absence of any strong direction from the centre, this paper examines the factors that shaped twentieth century education policy in the 47 crown colonies, protectorates and mandates under the aegis of the Colonial Office in Whitehall. They included the all‐important attitudes of the governor and his senior administrative officers towards education; the status of the director of education; the influence of the Christian missions both in London and in the colonies; denominational rivalry; long‐standing British educational traditions based on social class; the state of the local economy; the attitudes of the European settlers; the advice and status of the London‐based Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies; the influence of the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the government of the day; the attitudes of key senior Colonial Office officials towards education; indigenous pressure groups; special reports and recommendations; war; national rivalry; the so‐called Cold War; post‐war constitutional changes, and the pressure of world opinion as reflected in the League of Nations after 1918 and the United Nations after 1945. Clearly there was great diversity in the ways in which education was developed from one territory to another but only detailed case studies can generate the data for broader and more historically accurate hypotheses about the development of British colonial education as a whole.  相似文献   

A public debate over the market provision of schooling and the possibilities of monitorial pedagogy raged in the city of Quebec during the second decade of the nineteenth century. Debate intensified when a group of small merchant manufacturers organised a school association in 1818. The group was denounced by private venture schoolmasters as attempting to create an unfair monopoly, in a debate in the pages of the Quebec Mercury newspaper. Others warned of the dangers to society of universal education for the ‘lower orders’. The School Association failed in its immediate objectives, but it was a precursor to the Quebec British and Canadian School Society, organised in 1823 and associated with the British and Foreign School Society in London.  相似文献   

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