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章通过对新形势下“两课”教学现状的分析,寻求提高“两课”教学实效性的对策:把分层式教学法引入“两课”教学中;运用有效的教学手段和教学方法,提高课堂讲授效果;加强实践环节,延伸课堂教学;积极推进“两课”考试制度的改革。  相似文献   

将实践教学引入"两课"教学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“两课”教学和考核改革,直接影响到“两课”教学的实效性,直接影响其功能和作用的发挥。“两课”教学既要注重提升大学生的相关理论水平,拓展其人文和社会科学知识面,同时也要进一步加强学生对“两课”的实际参与和综合素质能力的培养。把实践教学引入“两课”教学的主要环节,是解决相关问题的一个重要突破口。  相似文献   

“两课”实践教学体系是“两课”教学体系的重要组成部分,“两课”实践教学体系可分为四种基本模式,“两课”实践教学体系的构建必须遵循与课堂理论教学相结合,与学生的思想实际相吻合的原则,实践教学基地选择的典型性、代表性原则以及评价体系的科学性原则。  相似文献   

由于“两课”的特殊性质,“两课”实践教学是“两课”教学中必不可少的环节,但由于各种各样的原因,“两课”的实践教学,或者被忽视、或者被轻视。目前的“两课”实践教学面临许多亟待解决的问题,只有采取切实有效的措施,才能使高校的“两课”实践教学走出困境,从而提高整个“两课”教学的实效性。  相似文献   

"两课"实践课程研究及其实施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“两课”实践课程是“两课”课程体系的重要组成部分,是指“两课”教学过程中的一个教学环节(另一个环节是理论传授),同时也是一种教学手段。1997年,我们开始对“两课”实践课程体系进行研究探索,至2000年,我们已建立了一整套较为科学的“两课”实践课程结构体系,并在全校“两课”教学中组织实施。经过6年的理论研究与实践推进,我校的“两课”实践课程体系已日臻完善,形成了有较强科学性、规范性和可操作性的运行机制,为实现“两课”的教学目标,推动“两课”教学改革做出了贡献。一、“两课”实践课程的现状及其意义分析根据国…  相似文献   

高等学校在“两课”教学中有重点的把“诚信教育”全面地渗透在“两课”教学中,并对它们的内在有机联系加以研究和实施,是高等学校“两课”教学的新的历史任务。因为,诚实守信是建设中国特色社会主义事业的要求,是树立马克思主义世界观的要求,是完善和发展社会主义市场经济体制的要求。  相似文献   

高校"两课"教学中社会实践环节之分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校“两课”以独特的性质和功能在大学生思想道德建设中起着重要作用。然而,传统的“两课”教学方法忽视了实践环节,致使其育人目的难以完整实现。解脱其困境的有效办法,即引入并强化社会实践环节,构建理论与实践协同的“两课”教学新模式。  相似文献   

高校"两课"实践教学环节探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着改革开放的深入发展和社会生活的巨大变革,高校“两课”教学遇到了挑战,“两课”教学在思想政治教育主渠道方面作用的发挥受到制约。对此,就高校近几年在“两课”教学方面缺乏实效性的原因和构建“两课”实践教学的依据进行了具体分析,提出了“两课”实践教学的措施与设想。  相似文献   

本的主要内容是探讨在新形势下开展“两课”实践教育的方法和途径。“两课”教学在电大远程开放教育中占有重要的位置,加强“两课”实践教育是新世纪国内外形势发展的需要,贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的需要、增强高校思想政治教育实效性的需要和推进“两课”教学改革的需要,“两课”实践教育应遵循目标性、多样性、实践性、长期性和双向性的原则,在教学实践中采用网络竞赛、青年志愿行动等多种形式,不断增强“两课”教学效果。  相似文献   

韩洁 《辽宁高职学报》2004,6(6):117-118,145
在高职院校“两课”教学中,学生普遍缺乏学习的积极性和主动性,要改变这种情况就要调动学生参与到“两课”教学中来。具体措施是提高“两课”教师思想认识和自身素质,创造宽松的课堂环境,鼓励学生参与教学活动;关心学生思想实际,加强教学针对性;突出实践环节,调动学生积极参与。  相似文献   

中日韩三国均朝着教师专业化方向发展而进行了高师课程的改革。在比较和分析中日韩三国高师通识教育课程和教育类课程的基础上,针对我国高师课程的现状,文章提出了适当下调思想政治理论课的比重、拓宽公共基础课的知识范围、加强和充实教育类课程、扩大高师生选择学习的幅度、延长教育实习与见习时间并分为多次、多年度进行等建议。  相似文献   

As the knowledge base in all disciplines continues to grow, professors face the problem of incorporating even more essential, difficult, technical material into their already content‐filled courses. Furthermore, companies are hiring more selectively than ever, requiring not only superior technical skills but also good writing skills of the people they hire. How can faculty add more technical material plus extra writing practice into already bulging courses?

One solution may be to supplement typical homework problems with daily written journals. In using these journals, the students would think about and better understand difficult concepts that are not being fully understood through homework problems. Also, a byproduct of writing in daily journals would be extra writing practice and, presumably, better writing skills.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the results of research done in the Collin County Community College District in which four Principles of Accounting classes were used in an experiment involving writing to learn. Two classes were conducted in the traditional accounting class format in which student participation was through homework problems. The other two classes also wrote in daily journals, using a few minutes of class time to individually summarize difficult concepts presented during that class. Final grades and attrition rates of the experimental groups were compared at the end of the semester with promising results.  相似文献   

职校生心理健康教育的途径很多,其中开设独立的具有职校特色的心理健康教育课程是主要途径,在各科教学中渗透心理健康教育是基本途径,开展心理健康辅导和心理咨询是特殊途径,在班主任、共青团和学生会开展的活动中渗透心理健康教育是重要途径,优化学校和班集体的文化心理环境是有效途径,开展网络心理健康教育是新途径,家庭、社会协同开展心理健康教育是支持性途径。  相似文献   

高职院校传统实训方式存在实训资源同时段的承载能力与大班教学方式不匹配、实训资源的整体利用率不高、实现能力目标的教学设计比较落后、学生实训成绩的评价方法不科学等问题。对实训课程根据"基于工作过程,以能力目标为核心,用项目驱动任务导向,体现学生主体"的职业教育教学改革新理念进行重新设计,通过对实训课程的教学计划、教学组织、教学方法及教学评价方式的调整与重构,建立一个满足高职教育要求的开放式实训教学模式。  相似文献   

高师声乐大课与音乐新课程理念的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校扩招后,师资力量的不足,使高校声乐教学出现了多种教学组织形式。声乐大课的出现,并在实践中不断完善和发展,解决了一定的实际问题。高师声乐大课的要求与特点主要有:一对众的授课组织形式;多学科综合的教学内容;点线面发展的教学思路;利用声乐大课的自身优势,调动学生的积极性,充分挖掘学生的声乐演唱表演意识。高师声乐大课应体现音乐新课程理念:突出课程的人文性,关注高师生作为“整体的人”的发展;遵循视听艺术规律,倡导个性化的知识生成方式;凸现课程综合化,聚焦新课程的基础性和普及性;重视艺术实践,营造浓厚的“艺术环境文化”。  相似文献   

Providing students with supplementary course materials such as audio podcasts, enhanced podcasts, video podcasts and other forms of lecture-capture video files after a lecture is now a common occurrence in many post-secondary courses. We used an online questionnaire to ask students how helpful enhanced podcasts were for a variety of course activities and how important having access to the enhanced podcasts was in their decision to miss classes. Student responses from two courses, one introductory and one advanced, were compared. Students in the introductory Genetics course reported that having access to enhanced podcasts was “very important” in their decision to miss class more often (39%) than those in the advanced Microbiology course (20%). They also reported missing more classes than students in the advanced course. Students in both courses found the enhanced podcasts helpful for a range of learning activities. First year students who missed just a few classes and those who missed many classes both found the enhanced podcasts to be very helpful for learning activities. We argue that creating these resources is a good choice for instructors irrespective of the level of the course they teach and that the potential value of these resources, particularly for first year students, outweighs any impact that having access to supplementary enhanced podcasts of the lectures may have on class attendance.  相似文献   

坚持教育改革培养"五强"地学创新人才   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
本文抓住学生创新意识和能力培养这个核心,以教育部“地质学专业国家理科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地班”和国土资源部“地质工科基地班”教改实践为基础,通过学习和吸收国内外先进的高等教育新理念和新思想,精心制定和实施新的课程体系和教学计划,并辅之以学生综合素质及创新能力培养方案和计划,就地学类创新人才培养方法、途径、模式以及配套的教育教学管理制度改革进行理论和实践上的探索,取得了一系列成果。  相似文献   

音乐专业蒙语授课教学改革应以邓小平提出的教育要坚持“三个面向”的战略思想为指导,加强基础课教学、调整课程结构,根据社会需要增设新课程;抓好教育实习,开展教师技能大赛,加强艺术实践,以培养学生组织文艺活动、丰富校园文化的能力;努力提高学生的汉语和外语水平;为21世纪培养一批适应新时期需要、一专多能、蒙汉兼通的音乐师资和艺术人才。  相似文献   


In this study, the consequences of allowing course compensation in a higher education academic dismissal policy are evaluated by examining performance on a second-year follow-up (i.e. sequel) course that builds on material from a first-year precursor course. Up to now, differences in the consequences of compensation on student performance across groups of students who portray different unobserved study processes were not considered. In this study we used a latent class regression model to distinguish latent groups of students. Data from two undergraduate curricula were used and latent classes were formed based on similar patterns in averages, variability in grades, the number of compensated courses, and the number of retakes in the first year. Results show that students can be distinguished by three latent classes. Although the first-year precursor course is compensated in each of these latent classes, low performance on the precursor course results in low performance on the second-year sequel course for psychology students who belong to a class in which the average across first-year courses is low and the average number of compensated courses and retakes are high. For these students, compensation on a precursor course seems more likely to relate to insufficient performance on a sequel course.  相似文献   

Class size is a first-order consideration in the study of education cost and effectiveness. Yet little is known about the effects of class size on student outcomes in online college classes, even though online courses have become commonplace in many institutions of higher education. We study a field experiment in which college students were quasi-randomly assigned to either regular sized classes or slightly larger classes. Regular classes had, on average, 31 students and treatment classes were, on average, ten percent larger. The experiment was conducted at DeVry University, one of the nation's largest for-profit postsecondary institutions, and included over 100,000 student course enrollments in nearly 4,000 classes across 111 different undergraduate and graduate courses. We examine class size effects on student success in the course and subsequent persistence in college. We find little evidence of effects on average or for a range of course types. Given the large sample, our estimates are precise, suggesting that small class size changes have little impact in online settings.  相似文献   

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