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Although it is a widely held belief that social capital facilitates knowledge sharing among individuals, there is little research that has deeply investigated the impacts of social capital at different levels on an individual's knowledge sharing behavior. To address this research gap, this study combines a multilevel approach and an optimal network configuration view to investigate the multilevel effects of social capital on individuals’ knowledge sharing in knowledge intensive work teams. This study makes a distinction between the social capital at the team-level and that of social capital at the individual level to examine their cross-level and direct effects on an individual's sharing of explicit and tacit knowledge. A survey involving 343 participants in 47 knowledge-intensive teams was conducted for testing the multilevel model. The results reveal that social capital at both levels jointly influences an individual's explicit and tacit knowledge sharing. Further, when individuals possess a moderate betweenness centrality and the whole team holds a moderate network density, team members’ knowledge sharing can be maximized. These findings offer a more comprehensive and precise understanding of the multilevel impacts of social capital on team members’ knowledge sharing behavior, thus contributing to the social capital theory, as well as knowledge management research and practices.  相似文献   

We employed the grounded theory method to construct a framework describing the distinctive mechanisms through which big-science centers generate industrial knowledge spillovers in the economy. Our focus is on large-scale big-science installations typically associated with experimental physics. We draw on social network, social capital, and inter-organizational learning theories to examine knowledge spillovers accruing to industrial partner companies in big-science-industry dyads. The context for the study is provided by CERN’s new particle accelerator project, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In addition to building a grounded theory framework for the study of industrial knowledge spillovers, our study demonstrates the distinctive potential that big-science centers offer as a source of knowledge spillovers in national innovation systems.  相似文献   

Climate adaptation research increasingly focuses on the socio-cultural dimensions of change. In this context, narrative research is often seen as a qualitative social science method used to frame adaptation communication. However, this perspective neglects an important insight provided by narrative theory as applied in the cognitive sciences and other practical fields: human cognition is organized around specific narrative structures. In adaptation, this means that how we ‘story’ the environment determines how we understand and practice adaptation, how risks are defined, who is authorized as actors in the change debate, and the range of policy options considered. Furthermore, relating an experience through story-telling is already doing ‘knowledge work’, or learning. In taking narrative beyond its use as an extractive social research methodology, we argue that narrative research offers an innovative, holistic approach to a better understanding of socio-ecological systems and the improved, participatory design of local adaptation policies. Beyond producing data on local knowledge(s) and socio-cultural and affective-emotive factors influencing adaptive capacity, it can significantly inform public engagement, deliberation and learning strategies–features of systemic adaptive governance. We critically discuss narrative as both a self-reflective methodology and as a paradigmatic shift in future adaptation research and practice. We explore the narrative approach as a basis for participatory learning in the governance of socio-ecological systems. Finally, we assemble arguments for investing in alternative governance approaches consistent with a shift to a ‘narrative paradigm’.  相似文献   

Most analyses of the relationship between spatial clustering and the technological learning of firms have emphasised the influence of the former on the latter, and have focused on intra-cluster learning as the driver of innovative performance. This paper reverses those perspectives. It examines the influence of individual firms’ absorptive capacities on both the functioning of the intra-cluster knowledge system and its interconnection with extra-cluster knowledge. It applies social network analysis to identify different cognitive roles played by cluster firms and the overall structure of the knowledge system of a wine cluster in Chile. The results show that knowledge is not diffused evenly ‘in the air’, but flows within a core group of firms characterised by advanced absorptive capacities. Firms’ different cognitive roles include some—as in the case of technological gatekeepers—that contribute actively to the acquisition, creation and diffusion of knowledge. Others remain cognitively isolated from the cluster, though in some cases strongly linked to extra-cluster knowledge. Possible implications for policy are noted.  相似文献   

裘江南  杨畅  王婧贤 《科研管理》2006,40(12):94-104
随着Web2.0的发展,知识建构呈现出新的特征:用户不再是单纯的知识“接收者”,还是知识“创造者”,知识建构由单向的认知建构向双向的认知和社会协同建构转变。文章在分析了Web2.0环境特征的基础上,结合认知建构主义与社会建构主义理论,提出Web2.0环境下的认知系统和知识系统协同建构模型,揭示了其中的认知与社会的协同建构机理。文章阐述了其中知识内化与知识外化的双向建构过程,个体的认知系统是通过内部同化拓展认知结构,通过内部顺应学习改变其认知结构,进而通过外部同化和和外部顺应建构知识系统。其中认知冲突是刺激认知系统与知识系统向前演化的主要驱动力,能够促进内部顺应与外部顺应的发生;而交流与沟通则是两个系统间相互作用的中介,也是解决个体之间和群体之间冲突的手段。最后,以维基百科为例对模型进行了进一步的解释。  相似文献   

Users of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, are facing two problems: (1) it is difficult for them to keep track of their social friendships and friends’ social activities scattered across different SNSs; and (2) they are often overwhelmed by the huge amount of social data (friends’ updates and other activities). To address these two problems, we propose a user-centric system called “SocConnect” (Social Connect) for aggregating social data from different SNSs and allowing users to create personalized social and semantic contexts for their social data. Users can blend and group friends on different SNSs, and rate the friends and their activities as favourite, neutral or disliked. SocConnect then provides personalized recommendation of friends’ activities that may be interesting to each user, using machine learning techniques. A prototype is also implemented to demonstrate these functionalities of SocConnect. Evaluation on real users confirms that users generally like the proposed functionalities of our system, and machine learning can be effectively applied to provide personalized recommendation of friends’ activities and help users deal with cognitive overload.  相似文献   

孙琪 《科教文汇》2013,(28):107-107,112
建构主义学习理论认为,知识不是通过教师的传授而获得的,而是通过学习者在一定的社会文化情境中,借助学习过程中其他人的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义构建的方式而获得的。建构主义学习理论为传统教学理论带来一场教学改革,教学的中心由教师向学生转移,也意味着教师和学生的作用的改变。在大学英语课堂教学中,要坚持以学习者为中心,积极创设出符合英语教学内容要求的相应情境,搭建新知识与旧知识间的相互联系,鼓励学生协作学习,从而引导学习者实现建构主义理论下的知识建构。建构主义学习理论对大学英语教学改革具有巨大的指导意义。  相似文献   

Due to the importance of knowledge in today's competitive world, an understanding of how to enhance employee knowledge sharing has become critical. This study develops an integrated model to understand key factors of employee knowledge sharing intentions through constructs prescribed by two established knowledge management research streams, namely, those concerning individual motivations and social capital. This study classifies employee knowledge sharing intentions as either tacit or explicit and investigates whether the level of the determinants and their influences differ between the two. The research model is tested with survey data collected from 2010 employees in multiple industries. Analysis results show that the proposed model significantly explains the variance of employees’ tacit and explicit knowledge sharing intentions. This finding indicates that the model's unified perspective enhances our knowledge of how to improve employee knowledge sharing. The new findings reveal that organizational rewards have a negative effect on employees’ tacit knowledge sharing intentions but a positive influence on their explicit knowledge sharing intentions. The analysis results confirm that reciprocity, enjoyment, and social capital contribute significantly to enhancing employees’ tacit and explicit knowledge sharing intentions. Additionally, these factors have more positive effects on tacit than on explicit knowledge intentions. The implications of the new findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The acquisition of information and the search interaction process is influenced strongly by a person’s use of their knowledge of the domain and the task. In this paper we show that a user’s level of domain knowledge can be inferred from their interactive search behaviors without considering the content of queries or documents. A technique is presented to model a user’s information acquisition process during search using only measurements of eye movement patterns. In a user study (n = 40) of search in the domain of genomics, a representation of the participant’s domain knowledge was constructed using self-ratings of knowledge of genomics-related terms (n = 409). Cognitive effort features associated with reading eye movement patterns were calculated for each reading instance during the search tasks. The results show correlations between the cognitive effort due to reading and an individual’s level of domain knowledge. We construct exploratory regression models that suggest it is possible to build models that can make predictions of the user’s level of knowledge based on real-time measurements of eye movement patterns during a task session.  相似文献   

万昆  李建生  江毅 《现代情报》2017,37(12):154-161
通过收集国际知识建构研究领域的期刊文献,以研究机构、国家、关键词等作为关键变量,绘制出国际知识建构研究领域的知识图谱。结果发现,国际知识建构研究领域研究者主要分布在美国、中国和英国的大学;知识建构研究领域分别形成了以香港大学等4所大学为核心的研究机构凝聚子群;知识建构研究领域的热点主要集中在知识建构本质及其形式、知识建构模型、知识建构教学实践、知识建构环境4个方面;研究前沿主要包括计算机支持的协作学习/教学策略/辩论、工具/Web2.0/Wikis、社会建构/高等教育/科学教育等方面。  相似文献   

章亚钧 《科教文汇》2011,(12):55-56
通用技术课程中开展研究性活动具有十分重要的意义,不仅能提升学生的学习兴趣,提升学生参与知识学习的积极性,而且能使学生在研究性学习过程中构建知识。通用技术中开展研究性学习的方法和途径有:一是关注实现生活,从生活中提炼学习素材;二是关注社会热点,讨论创新技术。  相似文献   

In this paper, we distinguish between firm-level learning effects that result from ‘first-order’ and ‘second-order’ additionalities in innovation policy interventions. ‘First-order’ additionalities represent direct firm-level R&D subsidies, whereas ‘second-order’ additionalities result from knowledge spill-overs, horizontal knowledge exchanges between firms, and from other meso- or community-level effects. Analyzing data from collaborative R&D programs in Finland, we show that enhancing identification with a community of practice among R&D program participants (proxy for second-order additionality) enhances firm-level learning outcomes beyond those resulting from direct R&D subsidy (proxy for first-order additionality). Learning effects facilitated by second-order additionality are not confined to technological learning alone, encompassing also business and market learning. We also show that aspects of program implementation enhance identification with a community of practice, which then mediate the relationship between program implementation and firm-level learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Knowing in action: Beyond communities of practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper engages with the recent turn in the social sciences towards communities of practice as a driver of learning and knowledge generation across a variety of different working environments. While agreeing with the broad reinstatement of situated social practice in thinking on the dynamics of knowledge capitalism, the paper takes issue with the increasingly homogeneous and instrumentalist use of the term communities of practice to encapsulate ‘knowing in action’. On the basis of an extensive review of the available literature, the paper argues for the importance of differentiating between different varieties of knowing in action. The paper notes the differences - in organisation, spatial dynamics, innovation outcomes, and knowledge processes - between four modes: craft or task-based knowing; epistemic or high creativity knowing; professional knowing; and virtual knowing. The proposed typology is used to illustrate the insight gained from such analytical precision, through a discussion of the spatial configuration of knowing in action, long assumed to require spatial proximity. It is shown that spatial and relational proximity - which can be struck at a distance - should not be treated as one and the same.  相似文献   

戴靓  纪宇凡  王嵩  朱青  丁子军 《资源科学》2022,44(7):1494-1505
在开放式创新模式下,分析中国城市间知识合作创新的网络结构并探讨其背后的邻近性机制对提高城市创新效率、推进国家创新体系建设具有重要意义。本文基于中国285个地级及以上城市间论文合作发表和专利联合申请的截面数据,综合构建了2011年和2019年中国城市知识创新网络,分析其结构演化特征,并采用多元回归的二次指派程序(MRQAP)从邻近性视角探讨其演化机制。结果表明:①2011—2019年中国城市知识创新网络密度增强,择优链接弱化,呈现出多中心发展趋势,合作格局由北京和上海主导转变为北京上海引领与区域中心带动相结合,从而形成多个区域网。②城市间知识合作创新除了受城市经济水平、科教支持力度、行政等级的正向影响外,也受地理、组织、文化、社会、制度邻近的显著促进,邻近性机制对中国城市知识创新网络演化具有较强解释力。③不同维度邻近性对城市知识创新网络的影响是动态的和交互的,过度的地理、社会、认知邻近会阻碍城市间知识合作创新,认知邻近可弥补地理距离,而社会邻近往往伴随着地理邻近。在此基础上,针对中国创新型城市建设和城市协同创新发展提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

文章尝试引入社会网络的理论和方法构建一个组织学习的社会网络模型,包括绘制知识地图、社会网络的量化描述、网络分析与优化3个阶段,从而为组织有针对性地改进组织学习能力提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

张娜娜  谢伟  臧树伟 《科研管理》2019,40(4):157-167
管理学习是能力提升的重要机制。但现有的学术文献主要探讨了技术学习,缺乏对管理学习的研究。为了填补这一文献差距,本文采用案例研究法,以上海汽车集团股份有限公司作为案例,研究了两个问题即管理学习的过程和来源。研究发现,管理学习的过程主要分为预热、制度建设、体系建设和落实与优化四个阶段;管理学习的来源主要有业务协同、人员流动、外部专业机构和内部学习中心四大来源。此外,本文还提出了可以促进企业管理学习的管理启示。  相似文献   

Greater understanding of how interdisciplinary research and education evolves is critical for identifying and implementing appropriate programme management strategies. In this paper a programme evaluation framework is presented. It is based on social learning processes (individual learning, interdisciplinary research practices, and interaction between researchers with different backgrounds); social capital outcomes (ability to interact, interpersonal connectivity, and shared understanding); and knowledge and human capital outcomes (new knowledge that integrates multiple research fields). The framework is illustrated on an established case study doctoral programme. Data are collected via mixed qualitative/quantitative methods to reveal several interesting findings about how interdisciplinary research evolves and can be supported. Firstly, different aspects of individual learning seem to contribute to a researcher's ability to interact with researchers from other research fields and work collaboratively. These include learning new material from different research fields, learning how to learn new material and learning how to integrate different material. Secondly, shared interdisciplinary research practices can be identified that may be common to other programmes and support interaction and shared understanding between different researchers. They include clarification and questioning, harnessing differences and setting defensible research boundaries. Thirdly, intensive interaction between researchers from different backgrounds support connectivity between the researchers, further enabling collaborative work. The case study data suggest that social learning processes and social capital outcomes precede new interdisciplinary research findings and are therefore a critical aspect to consider in interdisciplinary programme management.  相似文献   

刘海兵  杨磊 《科研管理》2022,43(11):111-123
本文基于华为公司的创新实践,运用案例研究方法,深入探讨了后发高新技术企业创新能力演化规律和提升机制。研究发现:(1)从资源管理的视角,后发高新技术企业在初级生产阶段、国际化开拓阶段、全球化扩张阶段、创新引领阶段发展历程中创新能力沿着资源建构能力——资源拼凑能力——资源整合能力——资源治理能力的轨迹演化;(2)战略对机会窗口的匹配性决策是后发高新技术企业创新能力能够实现提升的前提和基础,是创新能力提升的先导机制,战略决策对机会窗口的识别、拦截、预测、创造决定着整个组织的发展方向,也决定了创新能力发展;(3)后发高新技术企业创新能力提升的深层机制是,不同阶段的知识结构及学习模式形成一个螺旋递进的上升机制。初级生产阶段实现了积累性学习模式下的组织显性知识积累,国际化开拓阶段达到忘却性学习主导下的组织显性知识的质变,全球化扩张阶段实现积累性学习模式主导下的显隐性知识并重的知识体系,创新引领阶段在积累性学习与忘却性学习的平衡中实现知识的开发与创新。  相似文献   

以从事共建实体合作创新的210名知识员工为调研对象,对共建实体模式下企业合作创新中组织学习、协调机制、知识转移效果之间的关系进行了实证研究.研究结果表明,协调机制在学习能力和学习动机对知识转移效果的影响过程中起着中介作用,其中,协调机制对学习动机的中介作用远远大于学习能力.  相似文献   

郑江波  成芳  常家泰 《科研管理》2022,43(9):201-208
成员对研发任务相关内容形成一致理解往往需要彼此间进行以团队学习为核心的知识协调活动。为揭示微观视角下协调活动对知识异质性团队任务共识效率的具体作用过程,提炼了知识协调的基本原理及学习策略;借鉴Deffuant有界自信模型假设,构建了成员知识水平变化影响下的任务共识模型;运用仿真方法,研究了成员学习能力、信任阈值水平、知识学习策略及学习对象搜索半径对知识异质性团队研发任务共识效率的影响。研究发现:成员学习能力及其信任阈值水平与团队任务共识效率正向相关;成员知识学习策略及学习对象搜索半径对团队研发任务共识效率具有显著影响。  相似文献   

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