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研究一个大型在线社会网络形成过程中小世界特征及节点度相关性特征的动态演化过程,分析该过程中网络用户的行为特征变化,以及这些结构变量变化对口碑传播产生的影响,指出企业通过在线社会网络进行口碑营销时应注意的问题。并为企业应用于在线社会网络不同发展阶段的口碑传播策略提出建议,辅助企业进行口碑营销活动。  相似文献   

伍庆 《新闻世界》2012,(9):163-164
微博营销作为企业传统营销方式的有力补充,在口碑营销方面潜力巨大。本文主要讨论企业如何维护好自己的微博,增加粉丝粘度,扩大自己的影响和受关注度。  相似文献   

1利用豆瓣网进行图书网络口碑营销的可行性传统的口碑营销是指企业通过朋友、亲戚等人的相互交流将本企业的产品信息或者品牌传播开来。随着传播技术和现代网络的发展,"网络口碑"这一概念被提出,网络口碑营销发展起来。网络使人们不再被地域空间、时间所分割,而是人们  相似文献   

随着近年来自媒体的蓬勃发展,企业进入到一个全新的营销时代,信息传播不再是单向的自上而下的传播,而是变成了多点对多点的立体网状结构。自媒体的优势特征,促使口碑营销展现出前所未有的活力。本文以自媒体和口碑营销之间的联系为切入口,从四个方面简要分析了口碑营销在自媒体时代的独特魅力特征,希望企业能逐步认识到自媒体口碑营销正在用其独特的魅力为企业突破传统营销的瓶颈拓展出全新的思路。  相似文献   

程忠良 《编辑之友》2023,(10):21-28
伴随着移动互联网、大数据、AR/VR、算法等技术的广泛应用,线上场景越来越成为居主导地位的市场生态,图书出版营销如何直面数字经济时代数字阅读成为主导消费模式带来的挑战,成为业界和学界普遍关注的问题。文章从此视角出发,指出从某种程度上看,这一问题须回到产品和用户这两个产业营销的核心对象上、回到线上场景中,寻求建立线上口碑营销战略,通过线上各种平台尤其是社交平台评论、推荐、分享以及线上线下协同等方式,影响用户想法,改变其认知、情感、态度,使其产生购买行为,培养忠实用户。文章基于这个前提,从出版业为什么要构建线上口碑营销战略、如何确立线上口碑营销战略、确立线上口碑营销战略需要注意的问题等方面进行论述,以期为出版业确立网络口碑营销战略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

微博正式成为一种迅速流行的新型社会化媒体以来,越来越多的企业机构开始将微博作为企业营销工具,微博营销成为近年来成长最快的营销方式。微博营销的过程,是企业使消费者或意见领袖通过微博渠道分享对品牌、产品或服务的评价或讨论,从而树立网络口碑的过程。因此,网络口碑营销是微博营销的基础与实质。通过加强网络口碑营销,可以很好地提升微博营销效果,文章结合传播理论、文献资料与数据分析方法,建立了微博营销的5T模型,即Talkers(谈论者)、Topic(s话题)、Tool(s工具)、Taking Par(t参与)以及Tracking(跟踪),通过模型分析提升营销效果的相应策略,并以欧莱雅为实证研究对象,例证分析策略的应用价值。  相似文献   

网络口碑营销旨在应用互联网的信息传播技术与平台,通过网络用户以文字等表达方式为载体的口碑信息(包括企业与消费者之间的互动信息),为企业营销开辟新的渠道,获取更好的效益。网络口碑营销的受众是众多的网络用户,即潜在的消费者。普通网络用户普遍将搜索引擎作为检  相似文献   

"口碑"(Word of Mouth)本意是比喻"众人口头上的称颂",后来泛指众人的议论或群众的口头传说。口碑由于传播成功率高、可信度强而广泛应用于市场营销中,这就是"口碑营销"。传统的口碑营销是指企业通过朋友、亲戚的相互交流将自己的产品信息或  相似文献   

章俊 《今传媒》2011,(8):64-65
2010年底《让子弹飞》在国产影片市场一炮而红。影片的成功来自诸多因素,其中重要原因之一来自于片方以精英人士和普通受众的分享为基础策划的口碑营销。本文认为目前在业界流行的口碑营销理论上来源于传播学上的两极传播理论,实践操作上则始于电通公司提出的AISAS消费模式。口碑营销的形成基础也因此决定了企业在操作口碑营销时要注意从意见领袖、口碑内容与渠道及良好的客户服务意识四个方面去突破。  相似文献   

图书网络口碑营销是通过电子商务网站的虚拟社会和博客等进行的口碑营销,具有传播速度快、覆盖范围广、成本低、易搜寻等优势,是图书营销的有效途径.为有效提高读者的网络口碑发布和传播行为,本文从传播者识别、外部激励、口碑话题设计、积极参与口碑传播和追踪口碑等几个方面,提出了图书网络口碑营销的策略.  相似文献   

National Public Radio (NPR) has built its reputation on in-depth analysis and unbiased reporting of information based on questions its reporters ask, the ways reporters tell their stories, and NPR's use of journalists as sources within their stories. This article focuses on understanding how these journalist-sources are used and how this practice contributes to the larger issues of source credibility facing media today. A content analysis of NPR's All Things Considered programming from 1999 to 2009 shows that NPR journalists are used as sources more often in stories about philosophical topics and significantly less often in stories that contain more hard data.  相似文献   

This study explored the television viewing habits of a cohort of Asian Indians who migrated to the US more than 40 years ago. This cohort eventually became acculturated into watching Indian television via the satellite dish. The study used the integrative communication theory and examined how two concepts of the theory relate to adaptation: enculturation and acculturation. The study produced findings that described how these Asian Indians used American television to acculturate to the US, but used American television as a filter through which they judged Indian television and distinguished between what they believed to be good and bad programming.  相似文献   

This research used a survey to examine how 9/11 television viewing, emotions, and parental conversation influenced current sociopolitical attitudes of young adults who were children in 2001. Young adults who watched more television coverage of the 9/11 attacks as children were found to exhibit lower levels of social trust and support for immigration now, whereas young adults who had more frequent conversations about 9/11 with their parents as children were found to have more confidence in U.S. political institutions and to exhibit more support for immigration. These results illustrate that, although the psychological distress from an event like 9/11 may fade for children not directly affected by the event, the influence of that event on how young people think about the world may remain, and that media coverage of and parental conversation about the event play significant roles in influencing these long-term effects.  相似文献   

As libraries offer more multi-dimensional study areas and online resources, it is important to understand how print books are being used. The reported decline in print book circulation has largely been based on books checked out of the library without recording in-house use (books used in the library but not checked out). Including in-house use gives a more accurate representation of book circulation, helping to demonstrate the value of the physical library and print collections, and informing collection development. To better understand how our print collections are being used, we analyze holdings, checkout data, and in-house use data by subject, as well as circulation in regard to patron group, library gate count and student enrollment. Our findings show declining use of all print collections with the steepest decline in reference books. The majority of books used in house were not checked out, affirming the need to include in-house use data to provide an accurate picture of print book use and inform collection development. We use our findings to inform the redesign of our reference collection and suggest ways to integrate print and digital formats and promote the value of books and reading.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(37):91-104
Organizing reference services to use paraprofessionals as information providers can help academic libraries adapt to new technology, provide staff support for resource sharing, and assist reference librarians in developing new and enhanced roles on campus. It is a staffing alternative that can facilitate the integration and use of electronic reference resources, such as Online Catalogs, CD-ROM databases and end user searching by providing more assistance to users. Placing responsibility for teaching library clients how to use document delivery with the same staff who help users identify needed materials makes access easier for requestors, and resource sharing more readily accepted by students and faculty. And by separating Information and Research Support activities and sharing the workload between staff at different levels, reference librarians can provide an advanced level of research assistance, spend more time on support for faculty research collection development, classroom instruction, and the development and improvement of programs. Training of the paraprofessional staff and practice of the referral process are essential to the librarian-paraprofessional partnership this model requires. This article describes how paraprofessionals have been used in reference at a new academic library, and how the role of the reference librarian has been redefined as a result.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):789-808
By developing model-based news articles and presenting them to audience focus groups, this research gauges reader response to “test stories” based on four models of science journalism: science literacy, contextual, lay-expertise, and public participation. This approach allows investigation of how to tie journalism theory to practice to audience reception, and back again. The results show how journalists and readers differently engage with various models of science journalism and used them to gain different knowledge and understanding. These differences show the need to articulate more clearly hybrid models of science journalism that make use of the overlapping positive features of the models investigated. Such hybrid science journalism models could provide new educational tools aimed at showing how to better understand who “the audience” is and exemplifying how to position audiences as active members in stories and as stakeholders in the scientific process.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(95-96):81-98

As digital and chat reference services become established as another way to do business, many libraries juggle the delivery of consortial and local virtual reference services. Balancing services without overtaxing staff and resources presents a number of challenges. How, for example, do libraries staff more than one chat reference service in addition to traditional services? Or more critically, how are subject specialists used to their greatest advantage in a multi-type library service? This article explores the benefits and issues of offering service at the statewide and local level based on OSU's experience and describes how OSU responded to these issues.  相似文献   

Interactive museum exhibits have increasingly placed replicated and virtual objects alongside exhibited authentic objects. Yet little is known about how these three categories of objects impact learning. This study of family learning in a botanical garden specifically focuses on how 12 parent‐child family units used explanations as they engaged with three plant types: living, model, and virtual. Family conversations were videotaped, transcribed, and coded. Findings suggested that: 1) explanations of biological processes were more frequent than other types; 2) model and virtual plants supported more process explanations than did the living plants; 3) the model plant supported more references to school than did the living and virtual plants; and 4) the living plant supported more references to everyday experiences than did the virtual plant.  相似文献   

As the demand for library assessment grows, academic libraries are becoming more interested in Web analytics. Data are automatically gathered and provide information about a wide variety of online interactions. Libraries have long used simple counts such as visits and page views, but have more recently begun to choose strategic benchmarks, also known as key performance indicators (KPIs). Many common KPIs were created for commercial websites and are challenging to adapt for libraries. However, the underlying concepts are sufficiently valuable that libraries should explore their use. By evaluating the validity of web metrics, libraries can further the development of standards and benchmarks to support future investigations. This article discusses how commercial web metrics might be adapted for use in academic libraries. First, the limitations of web analytics are presented. Major key performance indicators used in the commercial sector are reviewed in the academic library context. Finally, the article discusses how the various indicators might support specific library website goals and decisions and uses local data to illustrate one example case. As libraries choose web analytic methods, they should deliberately evaluate their validity. Over time, this will slowly build the profession's ability to use web analytics more effectively for library assessment.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect on the use of library materials of various possible changes in library policy on circulation rules, for example, or on the buying of duplicate copies, one must estimate the potential demand for the material, not just the actual use under existing policy. Although the concept of the potential demand, for a book, for instance, is a rather vague one, this paper shows how it can be defined and evaluated in terms of the more definite and more easily measurable quantities of yearly circulation rate and mean loan period for borrowed books. The estimates are statistical ones, the average demand per book, the probability that a book that circulates m times a year has a demand, etc. Graphs and tables are given that show how these quantites can be evaluated once one knows the mean per-book circulation and the mean length of time a book is out of the library per circulation, for a portion of the library that is fairly homogenous in regard to use (such as all science books, or all biographies). The analysis is then used to show how one can, by the use of the tables and graphs, estimate how much a change in the allowed length of loan period will change the average per-book circulation, or what the quantitative effect would be if duplicate copies were bought for all books that circulated more than m times, as well as other measures of library utility that depend on demand rather than directly on past circulation.  相似文献   

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