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More and more studies are examining the use of technology in the teaching of Mandarin Chinese as a second or foreign language (L2 Chinese). The current study involved a systematic review of the literature in the field published outside China from 2008 to 2018. A total of 33 studies met the inclusion criteria. The current review study aimed: (1) to examine the research topics and technologies used in the literature; (2) to identify the benefits of, and challenges involved in, the use of technologies in L2 Chinese teaching and learning; and (3) to suggest implications for practitioners and directions for further research. The review study provides educators and researchers with an overview of recent developments in this field, which could be helpful in informing teaching practice and further research.  相似文献   

随着社会发展对人才培养发展提出新要求,批判性思维能力这一热点问题也逐渐引起国内学者的重视。近年来,外语界针对英语学习者"思辨缺席症"进行了多方面的探讨和研究。本文以CNKI为数据库来源,精选了自2004至2013年十年间发表于国内外语专业核心刊物的30篇文章,从理论和实践层面进行综述,希望对读者了解批判性思维能力这一问题在国内近年的研究状况有所帮助。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学策略探究——以越南留学生为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国和越南在经济、文化领域合作的加强,来中国学习汉语的越南留学生也不断地增加,针对越南留学生的汉语教学研究也具有了重要的意义。文章以语言学理论和对外汉语教学理论为理论支撑,以160名越南留学生为调查对象,通过调查研究的方式,从汉语的学习主体———越南留学生本身的特点(学生对汉语语言的态度、学习动机、学习目的、学习策略等)来对越南留学生的学习特点及针对越南留学生的教学策略进行研究。  相似文献   

在世界性的汉语学习热潮中,汉字的学习依然成为学习者的巨大困扰,耗费学习者的宝贵时间和精力。汉字文化信息的系统性、复杂性、隐匿性和动态性,要求人们深入研究汉字文化信息的合成教学。充分利用现代信息技术和计算机汉字合成输入方法,对现代常用汉字的文化信息展开音形合成、字词合成、教学合成、学用合成,以及针对不同类型的汉字学习需求展开教学实验,形成了汉字文化信息合成教学的基本构想。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the research literature in the field of K-12 online learning to identify the leading scholars, journals, top cited articles, research methods, and topics in this field of inquiry. Our research process involved collecting a corpus of journal articles focused on K-12 online and distance learning; categorizing these articles according to their research methodologies; analyzing trends not only in methodologies employed but also in authorship, citations, journals, and topics addressed. We found the field of K-12 online learning to be growing rapidly in recent years with acceleration not only of new articles but especially of new authors. We also found the field began primarily with emphasizing theoretical articles but is now maturing and emphasizing increasingly more data-based articles. We found K-12 online learning scholarship is scattered among many journals, providing rich opportunities for scholars while also making it more difficult to discern trends across the discipline.  相似文献   

理论与实践脱节是我国远程教育领域面临的重大问题之一,立足典型远程教育机构的实践内容,有利于从实践出发完善我国远程教育领域研究的内容框架。基于中外学者从理论层面对远程教育领域研究内容框架的划分,结合2010年电大系统实践层面科研课题的统计数据,研究认为,远程教育领域研究内容框架应包括7个子领域及30个研究主题。7个子领域分别是理论研究、系统建设与运作、教学管理与质量保证、教学资源、远程教与学、学习支持服务和媒体技术。通过比较发现:学者视角的远程教育领域研究更加关注理论研究、教学管理与质量保证子领域;实践机构更加关注应用研究、远程教与学、教学资源子领域;两者在系统建设与运作、学习支持服务、媒体技术方面的关注度相当。  相似文献   

中介语,作为语言学习理论研究的突破口,从20世纪80年代初被介绍到中国到现在,国内众多专家和学者对其进行了多方面的研究,其研究成果对我国的外语教学产生了巨大的推动作用.然而他们大多从中介语的某一个方面的理论研究对外语教学的某一方面影响进行了研究讨论,而没有进行详细全面的综合研究.分析国内研究现状,对中介语的产生根源、特点和模式、发展规律、以及迁移作用进行较系统全面的研究,从而得出中介语对外语教学的启示和影响,希望对改进中国的外语教学和外语学习有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

《玛纳斯》史诗在西方的流传和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《玛纳斯》史诗研究作为一个世界性课题,已经走过了150多年的历史。我国以及俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、英国、德国、法国、日本、土耳其、美国等国家都出现了很多著名的研究专家,有很多研究成果问世。其中,西方学者的研究成果尤其令人关注。对于西方学者的相关研究成果进行梳理和借鉴,对我们进一步推动和加深对《玛纳斯》史诗的研究,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The author, a polyglot and world traveler, who lives and breathes multiculturality, examines her own contextual and methodological reflexivity while conducting fieldwork to explore youth’s public Internet use (in Internet Cafés) in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Although the process of conducting (qualitative) research is known to be non-linear, messy, complex, and unpredictable, many published research articles still convey data collection, analysis, and even findings in an orderly and uncomplicated fashion. In this paper, the author joins other scholars to call for greater transparency about the “messiness” of the process, and the meaning-making across linguistic/cultural/social borders, and argues that there should be more acceptance toward the ambiguities inherent in our research “findings.” Drawing from the work of hermeneutic philosopher, Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002), the author claims that “fusion of (hermeneutic) horizons” in cross-linguistic/cultural research requires that researchers maintain an active, critical presence in the field and beyond, as well as continuous attention to contextual and methodological flexibility and reflexivity. Finally, the author offers some practical suggestions on conducting fieldwork to researchers planning to conduct cross-cultural/linguistic qualitative inquiry.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a review of 33 journal articles chosen from 87 empirical studies on learner identity in Chinese as a foreign/second language (CFL/CSL) education, published during the years 2005–2019. By analyzing the co-occurrence of keywords in these Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) journal articles, this review identifies the theoretical perspectives and topical trends of CFL/CSL education research on learner identity. The review shows that while such post-structuralist theories and notions as capital, identity and investment model have continued to play a predominant role in CFL/CSL identity research, interdisciplinary perspectives seem to also demonstrate their theoretical value and interpretive power. Furthermore, the review found that researchers explored a wide array of topical issues in relation to learner identity involved in the complex linguistic and social ecology of Chinese language learning. The review concludes with suggestions for future projects to consider that expand the thematic and theoretical scope by exploring intersections between different social categories and learner identities in societal contexts.  相似文献   

美国本土汉语教材比中国编对外汉语教材更受美国大学生欢迎,是由于其在教学理论、背景设置、文化传授等方面的特点。因此,我国编写对外汉语教材时,应该采众法之长,结合汉语特点,考虑大学生的知识结构和认知能力,注意强化英汉对比,并且形成"试用—出版—修订"动态编修过程。  相似文献   

刘庆委 《高教论坛》2007,(3):173-176
从中日学者在汉字研究方面的共同点中,我们可以看出汉字所蕴涵的丰富文化信息,汉字与汉民族、汉字与汉字文化圈的各种关系,汉字研究的种种方法以及中日两个民族间相互取长补短的学习过程,并意识到中日学界今后仍需进一步互相交流与切磋,深入开拓,共同发展,以此推动汉字学的不断向前发展。  相似文献   

来自教会内部与外部的师资需求压力是导致清末民初在华基督教师范教育产生与发展的直接原因,培养信教的中国教师以实现教会教育“更彻底的中国化,更有效的教育化,更切实的基督化”乃至在中国长久存在下去的目标则是基督教师范教育发展的根本动力;重视教育理论与教学方法,强调教学实践、教育研究与学用结合,重视中学、西学与宗教教育,是基督教师范教育的共同特点。  相似文献   

This research update includes a quantitative content analysis of 133 peer‐reviewed articles regarding teaching and learning published in 21 journals of the American Counseling Association and its divisions between January 2011 and December 2015. The authors discuss the focus areas, pedagogical foundations, and methodologies of the articles in comparison with the findings of the original 2001–2010 study.  相似文献   

This research study utilized bibliometric methods to analyze publication rates among female and male lead authors in six prominent, peer-reviewed journals in Educational Technology (ET) fields over the past 12 years. The aim of the inquiry was to determine if differences or trends exist in the number of articles published by each gender. Data analysis revealed notable differences in publication rates between genders, and key findings indicate that while women overall published less than half of the articles from all journals sampled, two journals with a focus on primary and secondary (P-12) educational contexts have consistently published more articles written by female lead authors than male authors. The findings of this study hold practical relevance in terms of addressing the (in)visibility of female scholars in ET fields and may be used to promote discussions and actions related to the intersections between gender, equity, and the culture of scholarly publishing.  相似文献   

英语已成为二十一世纪的国际语言,而中国的公共英语教学正面临着这一事实的严峻挑战。VOA的英语教育资源已在世界范围内受到英语教育人士越来越多的重视。如何能把中国的英语教学和VOA的英语教育资源合理地匹配,发挥出最佳效益,已引起国内专家、学者的关注。本文从高校英语教学的角度出发,做一些初步的阐述。  相似文献   

桂明妍 《科教导刊》2021,(1):119-120
任务教学法在20世纪80年代末由交际教学法发展而来,很快就为西班牙学者接受并应用在西班牙语作为外语的教学(ELE)中.但任务教学法在我国的运用以及研究都更多见于英语作为外语的教学当中.本文通过在西班牙语语法教学中尝试运用任务教学法,探讨如何在我国的西班牙语教学中运用任务教学法.  相似文献   

现代学徒制在年轻人从学校到工作的过渡准备中发挥着积极作用,这已成为国际教育界的共识。文章旨在对2009-2018年国际上发表的关于现代学徒制的论文进行分析,归纳总结出国际学术界近10年对现代学徒制的研究趋势。研究结果表明,在过去的10年中,国际上对现代学徒制的研究呈上升趋势,现代学徒制已受到全球范围的学者的关注,欧洲是学徒制的中心,其中英国的研究实力最强。现代学徒制主要受到教育领域,尤其是职业教育领域的关注,但很多学科采用了学徒制的模式对学生进行职业教育培训。近年来,国际上以质的研究方法研究学徒制的增长趋势显著。研究学徒制的学者们对于探索学徒制的影响因素以及学徒制培训效果评价最感兴趣。"学徒制""教育""职业教育培训""工作本位学习""学校到工作的过渡"为近10年关于学徒制研究的主要关键词。  相似文献   

In this opening commentary, we highlight the development of the teaching and learning of Chinese as a second or foreign language (CSL/CFL), which has attracted much attention from researchers, language educators, and other stakeholders worldwide. To contribute to this ongoing examination and discussion, this special issue documents the collective efforts of scholars in different educational contexts to review six critical issues in teaching and learning CSL/CFL: learning and instruction of reading Chinese as an additional language, Chinese character teaching and learning, learner identity in CSL/CFL education, teaching and learning Chinese through immersion, technology assisted CSL/CFL teaching and learning, and mobile assisted learning CFL. We contend that all efforts to address these critical issues require constant examination to facilitate further development in CSL/CFL education around the world.  相似文献   

对过去10年中(1996—2005)刊登在国内外语类主要期刊上有关英语自主学习研究的文章进行检索统计,通过对研究现状的分析发现,目前研究中存在着内容重复、实证性研究比例偏低、对学习主体研究相对薄弱等问题。预测未来自主学习研究将呈现如下趋势:研究范围更加广泛、多种研究方法结合并用、研究对象以学习者为主体、计算机软件和网络等手段将用于自主学习能力的培养。  相似文献   

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