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完整的个性是创造的前提,给个性以自由的发展空间,是培养儿童完整个性的必由之路。有自由,就有个性发展的空间;有个性,就有创造的无限可能。  相似文献   

有个性才有创造性,现代教育理念鼓励学生个性发展。美术作品是每个小学生表现自己个性最直接的途径之一,也是培养小学生个性的重要手段与途径,美术课应当走出封闭,单调的课堂,创设开放的、充满活力的课堂,重视培养学生的个性,完善学生的个性,鼓励学生个性表现。  相似文献   

我们说得比较多的是培养学生的个性,我们关注的是让学生个性化地发展。那么,教师应不应该也有自己的个性呢?生动丰富的个性对教学、对育人有不有积极意义呢?答案当然是不言而喻的。有人说,没有教师的个性就没有学生的个性,可见,教师的个性尤显重要。  相似文献   

在张扬个性的时代,“有个性”往往被视作是“有创意、有发展潜质”的评语。有不少初涉职场者也被告诫:保持“独特个性”,无论是求职还是职业规划上都能有“先声夺人”的优势。可现实给他们的印象却截然相反——很多个性鲜明的人在职场上并不被看好,甚至是四处碰壁;而一些没有多少个性的人却如鱼得水,更容易获得成功。在飘扬着“个性”旗帜的职场上,同样也有适用于颇得“中庸之道”真传的“无个性”的生存法则的土壤,职场“无个性”时代已悄然到来……“无个性”就是“个性”各行各业的分工协作越来越紧密,竞争力更多的是来自有如军队般整齐…  相似文献   

个性是宝贵的,共性孕育个性,个性又超越共性,升华共性。个性使大自然千姿百态,神奇无比;个性使大人间千变万化,奥妙无穷。大自然有个性,故能产生天下奇观:奇花、异石、流泉、飞瀑、名山、大川……大人间有个性,故能造就天下奇才:独特的思维、独特的发现、独特的发明、独特的创造……个性即锋芒。没有锋芒的思想,是浅薄的思想。个性即风格。没有风格的艺术,是平庸的艺术。个性即神韵。没有神韵的作品,是苍白的作品。个性即创造。没有创造的生活,是贫乏的生活。泯灭个性的文化,不可能有文化的振兴;泯灭个性的科学,不可能有科…  相似文献   

<正>每个人都有自己的个性。个性是与众不同的个别性格,个性最主要的发展方向就是创新。正因为有别于共性的个性得到充分发展,才会有创新之举。那么怎样才能发展儿童的个性呢?一、"兴趣活动"显示个性兴趣是最好的老师,一旦少年儿童对某一事务产生兴  相似文献   

卢利霞 《快乐阅读》2011,(19):13-14
一、具备独立自主的教学个性教师的个性有益于创造语文教学的艺术。教师有个性,才有语文教学的艺术。个性意识强,个性教学主动性明显,就愈能有效地进行和指导  相似文献   

文章要有个性。然而现在中学生的作文中,有个性的作文太少了,陈旧老套、人云亦云、千人一面、似曾相识的作文太多,这恐怕与中学生不知如何写出有个性的文章,缺乏相应的写作技巧有关。怎样才能写出有个性的作文呢?最关键的是倒新,可以说创新是张扬作文个性的翅膀。作文创新的方法较多,下面着重从三个方面谈谈笔者的看法。  相似文献   

宋焱 《现代语文》2008,(6):101-102
《普通高中语文课程标准(实验)》对“表达与交流”明确提出了“力求有个性、有创意的表达”,即倡导“个性化作文”。思想个性是作文个性的内核,要想真正实现学生作文的个性化,首先还得以培养学生的个性人格为根本。只有培养有个性人格的人,才能真正写出个性化的作文。  相似文献   

个性是有效评价的土壤,没有个性就没有风格,没有个性就没有力量。小学美术评价有了不同的个性,就会变得有血有肉,色彩盎然。  相似文献   

根据学龄前儿童的生理和营养特点,以及学龄前儿童对各种营养素的需求特征及不同食物所含营养素情况,结合学龄前儿童饮食特点和营养现状,进行科学合理的营养配餐研究,从而设计出适合学龄前儿童的一日营养食谱,并根据食物交换份法编制一周营养食谱,使学龄前儿童摄入的各种营养素数量充足,比例合理,满足其营养需要。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between 34 personal, demographic, and environmental characteristics of community college transfer students and their academic performance over a 2‐year period. The subjects for the study were 267 transfer students admitted to a research university during a fall semester. Data on the characteristics were collected through a survey and analyzed in relation to first and second semester GPAs and second year GPAs. Five characteristics showed a consistent statistical relationship with three or more GPA measures. A multiple regression analysis was used to identify which of these characteristics were useful in predicting the GPAs of the transfer students based on their previous backgrounds and attitudes.  相似文献   

新建本科院校在重视教学质量的同时,特色强校逐渐成为学校变革的新取向。新建本科院校只有发挥自身的优势潜力,扬长避短,形成特色,以全新的教育理念指导应用型人才培养,科学定位人才培养目标,强化师资队伍建设,依托地方资源优势,以培养应用型人才为目标,构建特色鲜明的以能力培养为重心的理论教学体系和以提高技能为目标的实践教学体系以及学生综合素质提升体系,才能彰显特色,提高竞争力,才能更好地生存和发展。  相似文献   

迪金森是美国著名女诗人,李清照是中国著名的女词人。她们生活在不同的国家不同的时代,作品各具特色。通过分析她们诗歌主题及写作技巧,可以洞悉不同的生活经历和生存环境对原本相似的性格造成的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes of intercollegiate student athletes regarding their use of counseling services. The authors assessed student athletes’ perceived barriers to seeking counseling services and their preferred characteristics of a helping professional. Several barriers to counseling were identified. Results suggest student athletes have strong preferences for counselor characteristics, including familiarity with sports, gender, and age. Practical applications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Research suggests that children's motivation to read is influenced by their level of reading skill and reading self-concept. However, it is possible that characteristics unrelated to reading, such as underlying personality characteristics, may also influence children's motivation to read. The current study examined the extent to which children's intrinsic reading motivation was predicted by their reading skill, reading self-concept, and personality characteristics. Two hundred and ninety five children (aged 10–11) completed questionnaires measuring reading motivation, reading self-concept, personality characteristics, and also completed a reading assessment. It was found that personality explained significant variance in intrinsic reading motivation after accounting for reading skill and reading self-concept. Furthermore, personality factors accounted for similar amounts of variance in intrinsic reading motivation as reading self-concept and skill. The implications for improving children's motivation to read are discussed, in addition to the importance of tailoring educational and motivational strategies to individuals.  相似文献   

Students’ educational engagement is both an important predictor of study success and a key preventive factor for dropout. Vocational tracks in secondary education show high dropout rates. There is strong evidence that the solution to educational disengagement lies in student‐centred, powerful learning environments (PLEs). This study investigates characteristics of PLEs from the perspective of students in vocational secondary education. Students’ perspectives on a learning environment are crucial for their satisfaction and learning engagement. Therefore, we investigated whether the perceived learning environment meets the requirements of PLEs, and to what extent it meets students’ preferences. Additionally, it was investigated whether students who perceive their learning environment as more powerful, are also more engaged for school. Survey data of 532 students showed that student perceptions of their current learning environment were largely discrepant from the characteristics of PLEs. Students strongly asked for more challenging learning pathways, in combination with adaptive learning support. Students who perceived the characteristics of PLEs as being present, reported higher satisfaction and stronger engagement than students who perceived their education to be a less powerful environment. There is a need to redesign curricula in vocational education in such a way that these more intensely implement characteristics of PLEs.  相似文献   

Due to the speedy emergent investigation in self-directed learning (SDL) over the past 40 years, SDL is an education technique used progressively within tertiary institutions. SDL can be well-defined in terms of the amount of accountability the student accepts for his or her own learning. The self-directed students regarding learning take control and apply self-determination to learn what they view as imperative for themselves. The amount of control the students are keen to take over their own learning will depend on their assertiveness, aptitudes and personality characteristics. The article thus explores what individual features and characteristics can define the student who is involved in SDL; What capabilities and characteristics need to be grasped by the students who are involved in SDL? Therefore, the objective of the article was to identify characteristics of the self-directed learner in the context of teacher education. Based on our conclusion, it is clear that teacher-students should challenge themselves within this process of SDL development to participate in SDL opportunities. The characteristics of SDL teacher-students must be strengthened to promote their self-directedness with regard to learning and it is also the lecturer’s task to create a class atmosphere of SDl to inculcate and develop SDL characteristics in students.  相似文献   

Ryan AM 《Child development》2001,72(4):1135-1150
This study investigated the peer group as a context for the socialization of young adolescents' motivation and achievement in school. Social network analysis was used to identify peer groups of adolescents in middle school whose members regularly interacted with each other (N = 331). Actual reports from these peer group members were used to assess peer group characteristics. Multilevel analyses indicated that peer groups did socialize some academic characteristics, controlling for selection factors. Students' peer group context in the fall predicted changes in their liking and enjoyment of school (intrinsic value) and their achievement over the school year. Students' peer group context was unrelated to changes in their beliefs about the importance of school (utility value) or expectancies for success over the school year.  相似文献   

办学特色是学校声誉和教育教学质量的集中体现.高职院校办学历史较短,办学经验不足,办学条件和设施比较薄弱,凝练办学特色是高职院校急需探索的重大问题.在凝练办学特色时可扬长避短,瞄准市场,打造品牌经营特色;依托地方,在服务社会中培育特色;立足传统,强化学校比较优势;着眼未来,创新学科专业特色;积极合作,创建科学研究特色;狠抓机遇,发展规模效益特色,探索出一条适合自己的特色道路.  相似文献   

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