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通过观察与比对中国、美国、德国、印度、澳大利亚、巴西等17个国家和地区儿童青少年P50和P90百分位的腰围数据,分析世界范围内儿童青少年腰围的分布特征,进而梳理儿童青少年腰围发展的总体趋势。综合各国家和地区儿童青少年腰围数据得出,腰围评价肥胖的界值点制定和百分位选取呈现明显的地域差别;腰围增长的幅度和明显开始增长的年龄不尽相同;各大洲整体腰围特征并不一致,国家间差异较大。各国家种族特征、经济水平、文化背景等因素多有不同,身体形态指标和生长发育特征的差异是一种必然存在,建议儿童青少年腰围标准的研制,应建立在大量、全面的调研基础上结合当地实际情况,以期制定出适合各自国家和地区的儿童青少年腰围超重与肥胖标准。  相似文献   

本文在较大样本的基础上证明了同性别、同年龄组中骨骼成熟度高的青少年儿童身体的成熟度也高,表现为形态发育早,机能与运动能力较强。同龄不同骨年龄群间的差异变化有由小至大再至小的特点,而且这样差异变化有明显的性别特点,女群间差异减小的时间较男子早2~3年。日本青少年在机能与运动能力方面优于中国,其骨骼成熟程度较中国高亦是因素之一。  相似文献   

G804.4 20014203世纪之交的我国运动形态学研究[刊,中,A]/常芸∥中国运动医学杂志.-2000.-19(4).-340-341(SML)运动解剖学∥理论∥研究G804.4 20014204中国高身材青少年的地域分布特点=Thegeographic distribution characteristics ofhigh-stature youth in China[刊,中,I]/季成叶∥体育科学.-2000.-20(1).-89-92表7参11(SML)  相似文献   

1前言我国地域辽阔,不同地域的自然环境和社会环境均存在着很大的差异,人口学和医学的研究显示:自然、经济等因素对人的健康水平、生存质量产生一定的影响。我国从1979年开始的儿童青少年学生体质调研,以及后续的若干次不同人群的体质调研中,均对体质的地域差异进行了不同程度的调研分析。其中重点是以淮河、秦岭为界将调查人群分为南北两大区,分别进行身体形态、机能、素质等各单项体质指标的比较分析。结果显示:南北方在形态、机能、素质等多数指标上均存在差异。为了更为准确地了解体质的地域分布特征,以及自然环境、经济环境与体质水平…  相似文献   

对北京市2656名青少年学生进行了问卷调查,分析了当前青少年学生身体自我满意度的现状和特点,探讨了体育锻炼对青少年学生身体自我的影响.结果显示,青少年学生对自己的身体自我满意度趋于正向,满意度由高到低依次是相貌特征、运动特征和身材特征,男生满意度普遍高于女生,体育锻炼对总的身体自我以及运动特征、身材特征、相貌特征有正面促进作用.  相似文献   

采用数理统计等研究方法,对第13届中国大学生田径锦标赛项目设置、组别划分、参赛人数、奖牌归属以及地区间高校竞技实力进行分析。主要结论:本届中国大学生田径锦标赛项目设置齐全,能体现出不同组别的竞技实力。奖牌分布具有明显的地域特征,中东部地区明显优于西部地区。专业类体育院校与综合类高校参赛成绩差异明显,部分非专业体育院校已经形成自己的优势与潜优势项目群,这些项目是他们参加重大赛事的主要得分点。  相似文献   

目的以社会认知理论(social cognitive theory,SCT)模型为视角,对青少年体力活动影响因素的文献进行系统性综述和元分析。方法检索国内外数据库,纳入符合要求的18篇文献,采用Stata 15.0软件合并效应量并进行亚组分析。结果①SCT模型总体能中等程度预测体力活动(R2=17%,P<0.01,z=7.59);②对包含自我效能、障碍自我效能、社会支持和社会状态因素在内的文献进行的元分析结果显示,这些因素与体力活动显著相关(N≥75%);③受不同地域、性别和统计方法的影响,研究结果间存在异质性。结论 SCT模型能中等程度预测青少年体力活动;自我效能、障碍自我效能、社会支持、社会状态是预测体力活动的关键指标;受不同地域、性别和文化环境等因素的影响,SCT模型对青少年体力活动的预测结果不同。  相似文献   

以“生态学模型”(Ecological Model)为理论依据,探讨不同文化背景下中美青少年体育习惯形成的因素与差异.调查发现:中美青少年在自然生态因子、个人心理因子、锻炼行为因子上存在极其显著差异.其中锻炼行为是影响中美青少年运动习惯形成的最大差异;影响中国青少年参加体育活动的主要因素是体育成就,而美国青少年参加体育活动的主要因素是体育乐趣.从中美不同文化的视角审视运动习惯形成差异的原因,为青少年体育习惯的研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

在中国武术的演进过程中,不同类型的地理环境特点对于相应地域武术文化风格的形成产生了重要影响,传统武术流行的“南拳北腿”之说形象地概括了由于地理环境因素而形成的南北武术差异.持续不断的军事战争对于中原、荆楚等地域武术发展起到了积极推动作用.各个历史时期的大规模移民促进了地域武术之间的交汇、融合,同时也产生了巴蜀、岭南等地域武术文化的相应特征.不同历史时期的社会风尚和时代特征对于地域武术的整体风格影响同样显著,齐鲁武术因为处于儒学创始人孔子的故乡而深蕴教化和德行内涵,吴越作为近代中华文化发展先行地区的特点则使得吴越武术应时而动,成为中国地域武术文化近代转型的先行者.中华民族和平崛起的时代背景,赋予了中国地域武术文化全新的战略主题与发展动力.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,分层随机抽取了辽宁省不同地域、不同性别的小学生、初中生和高中生4 628人,以调查辽宁省青少年的生活方式和体育锻炼行为,并对其成因进行分析。得出以下主要结论:辽宁省青少年没有养成健康的生活方式,学生校内外课余时间的行为选择均以功课为主,学习压力和课业负担较重,直接影响课余生活方式的选择和安排;辽宁省青少年校内外体育锻炼的参与度不高,学校体育教学与校外体育锻炼的契合性不强,体育锻炼的时间比较分散,长期坚持体育锻炼的学生较少;个体主观因素、家庭经济因素、社会导向因素是辽宁省青少年生活方式及体育锻炼行为的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

中国农村青少年生长发育地区差异的环境影响因素浅析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
本文利用因子分析方式,抽选男女各5个因子反映全国28个省、市自治区农村青少年形态发育不同方面的差异;通过相关研究,发现其中一些主要因子与许多反映各地地理自然环境、社会经济和生活水平的背景指标间存在显著相关。作者根据多元回归分析结果,比较衡量了不同背景指标在反映不同因子时所表现的相对重要性,并就回归分析结果的合理解释提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

中国城市青少年的生长发育特点及其环境影响因素分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
继对农村青少年的研究后,本文着重探讨28个省会市城区青少年的生长发育特点及其环境影响因素。首先自九项生长发育指标中抽取分别反映体格发育、体型特点和发育早晚的三个因子。然后利用相关和多重回归分析,初步确认城市青少年的体格发育水平及发育早晚是受地理自然、社会经济两类环境指标的综合影响的,而且各指标的相对重要性不一。最后通过逐步回归(后退法),从28项环境指标中筛选出日照时数、年均气温、地球纬度、工业产值、儿童负担率等指标,为反映我国城市青少年的生长地区差异初建一套指标体系。  相似文献   

通过分析与探讨汉族普通人群ACE基因I/D多态频率分布特征,试图为中国优秀耐力运动员的基因选材研究提供中国人相关人群ACE基因I/D多态频率分布的基础数据。选择18-22岁汉族学生216名作为研究对象,观察其ACE基因I/D多态频率分布。结果显示:北方汉族青年的ACE基因I/D多态频率分布,与国内相关研究结果一致,与欧美人群有非常显著差异。研究认为:从种族单一性、样本数量和年龄段的选择等因素考虑.研究结果不仅可以作为北方汉族青年ACE基因I/D多态频率分布的代表,而且对于杰出耐力的多态性标记研究来讲是理想的对照群体。  相似文献   

BackgroundEvidence on correlates relies on subjective metrics and fails to include correlates across all levels of the ecologic model. We determined which correlates best predict sensor-based physical activity (PA), sedentary time (ST), and self-reported cell phone screen time (CST) in a large sample of youth, while considering a multiplicity of correlates.MethodsUsing sensor-based accelerometry, we assessed the PA and ST of 2179 youths. A χ2 automatic interaction detection algorithm was used to hierarchize the correlates associated with too much ST (> 50th percentile), insufficient moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) (<60 min/day), and prolonged CST (≥2 h/day).ResultsAmong youth 10–14 years old, the correlates for being inactive consisted of being a girl, not having sport facilities in the neighborhood, and not perceiving the neighborhood as a safe place, whereas in the youth 15–18 years old, the correlate for being inactive was not performing sports (9.7% chance of being active). The correlates for predicting high ST in the younger group was not performing sports (55.8% chance for high ST), and in the older group, the correlates were not owning a pet, perceiving the neighborhood as safe, and having inactive parents (63.7% chance for high ST). In the younger group, the greatest chances of having high CST were among those who were in the last elementary school years, who were girls, and who did not have friends in the neighborhood (73.1% chance for high CST), whereas in the older group, the greatest chance for having high CST was among those who were girls and had a TV in the bedroom (74.3% chance for high CST).ConclusionTo counteract ST and boost MVPA among youths, a specific focus on girls, the promotion of sport participation and facilities, neighborhood safety, and involvement of family must be prioritized.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the role of sport in immigrant youths integration into a host society. The analyses are based on a survey of 454 first-generation immigrant youths from secondary, vocational, and pre-apprenticeship schools located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. In short, our results indicate that for most immigrant youth, sport is an important part of their free time, even though the proportion of female immigrant youth doing sport in sports clubs is twice as low as that of male immigrant youth. Our findings also illustrate that female and male immigrant youth who do sports in clubs have considerably more personal contact with Swiss peers during these sporting activities. Moreover, the young people who have frequent personal contact with Swiss peers during sporting activities reported having considerably more intercultural contacts in their free time and among their close friends. Finally, immigrant youths’ contacts with Swiss peers during sporting activities increase their feeling of being integrated in Switzerland.  相似文献   

对天津市19~22岁城市汉族大学生的坐高、身高、体重、胸围、肩宽、骨盆宽6项身体形态指标进行现场抽样测试,对身体形态现状、性别特征、年龄特征和形态发育6项派生指标进行综合分析研究。研究表明,天津市大学生形态发育具有显著的性别差异;其形态发育基本稳定,各年龄组之间无显著性差异。  相似文献   

Sport is widely recognised as having the potential to enhance the personal development of socially vulnerable youth, yet there is very limited knowledge on how community sports coaches can create optimal social conditions for life skill development and transferability. We adopt a salutogenic approach in order to study whether and how community sports coaches create these optimal social conditions. Based on the salutogenic framework, a thematic analysis was conducted of 15 in-depth interviews with community sports coaches providing sports lessons to socially vulnerable youth. As part of the interviews, the sports coaches were presented with several training scenarios and asked how they would respond in specific training situations. The results showed that the sports coaches aimed to create meaningful sporting experiences for youths. These meaningful sporting experiences were considered a precondition for keeping youths engaged in the sporting activities, as well as a precondition for life skill development. The sports coaches specifically focused on creating little moments of success and on making sure that the youths felt they belonged to a group. In order to ensure that the youths could experience moments of success, specific coaching strategies were implemented to increase the youths’ comprehensibility and manageability in specific sport situations. According to the sports coaches, experiencing little moments of success could contribute to an increase in socially vulnerable youths’ understanding of the everyday challenges that they face, as well as contribute to their ability to deal with these challenges. Creating meaningful sporting experiences may help youths ‘to learn to cope' – a skill that could be beneficial over their lifespan and in different societal domains.  相似文献   

运用访问调查、问卷调查研究方法对我国青少年足球运动员竞赛状态焦虑、运动动机和应对方式的关系进行了研究。结果表明:进入梯队年限短的青少年足球运动员在认知状态焦虑和躯体状态焦虑平均分低于年长的运动员,在状态自信心上相反;运动动机的认同调节和内投调节维度上存在非常显著性差异和显著性差异;在应对方式的集中解决问题的应对维度上存在显著性差异。3个年龄段竞赛状态焦虑上没有显著性差异;在运动动机的认同调节和内投调节两个维度上存在显著性差异;在应对方式上无显著性差异。不同运动等级青少年足球运动员的竞赛状态焦虑、运动动机、应对方式均无显著性差异。  相似文献   

通过对 1998年全国足球青年联赛一抢一技术统计 ,并将其结果与 1998年全国足球甲 A联赛一抢一技术数据进行对比 ,结果表明 :青年联赛一抢一技术明显低于甲级联赛水平。  相似文献   

Anthropometric and physiological predispositions for elite soccer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This review is focused on anthropometric and physiological characteristics of soccer players with a view to establishing their roles within talent detection, identification and development programmes. Top-class soccer players have to adapt to the physical demands of the game, which are multifactorial. Players may not need to have an extraordinary capacity within any of the areas of physical performance but must possess a reasonably high level within all areas. This explains why there are marked individual differences in anthropometric and physiological characteristics among top players. Various measurements have been used to evaluate specific aspects of the physical performance of both youth and adult soccer players. The positional role of a player is related to his or her physiological capacity. Thus, midfield players and full-backs have the highest maximal oxygen intakes ( > 60 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and perform best in intermittent exercise tests. On the other hand, midfield players tend to have the lowest muscle strength. Although these distinctions are evident in adult and elite youth players, their existence must be interpreted circumspectly in talent identification and development programmes. A range of relevant anthropometric and physiological factors can be considered which are subject to strong genetic influences (e.g. stature and maximal oxygen intake) or are largely environmentally determined and susceptible to training effects. Consequently, fitness profiling can generate a useful database against which talented groups may be compared. No single method allows for a representative assessment of a player's physical capabilities for soccer. We conclude that anthropometric and physiological criteria do have a role as part of a holistic monitoring of talented young players.  相似文献   

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