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三点站位法指在网球实战中球员在网前的站位与球的落点及底线中点应符合三点同线的要求。这种方法对双打球员的责任区域进行了合理的划分,减轻了网前球员的心理压力,改善了网前球员站位过于靠边的问题,在网球双打教学中有良好的作用。  相似文献   

目的研究提高网球双打竞技水平和成绩的发展规律,为我国男子网球双打的未来发展提供相关的理论依据。方法通过文献资料法、访谈法、录像观察法等方法对ATP世界顶级男子双打运动员战术中的站位进行分析研究。结果与结论男子网球双打比赛是两对球员通过技战术实现控制与反控制、斗智斗勇的过程,所以控制这一要素成为了决定输赢的关键点,高水平的双打比赛是运用合理的站位来完成每一分之前制定的战术,从而控制比赛的主动权。  相似文献   

深泽 《网球天地》2013,(7):132-132
平行站位和前后站位,是网球双打中的两种基本站位。双打对阵的双方,有某位选手网前能力较弱时,这对组合往往会采取双底线站位。这样做当然可以,但也意味着会锚失大量的网前机会。随着技术水平提升,更应该采取前后站位。“七分吓唬三分打,这充分说明了双打网前人的重要性。网前人只要站在那里,除非对方机会特别好会直接进攻网前人,一般都会躲着网前人打,这样就压缩了对方的回球线路和角度,而且,让对方回球失误的可能性也增加了。而双上网能给对手施加更大的压力,进一步压缩对方的回球线路,  相似文献   

目的:为了发挥“澳式站位”在男子网球双打比赛中的优势,研究世界顶尖男子网球双打比赛中的应用“澳式站位”的成功率,以此提高我国男子网球双打比赛的竞技水平。方法:通过采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法等方法对网球双打比赛中使用澳式站位战术体系进行研究分析。结果:布莱恩兄弟在16场大满贯决赛中使用澳式站位战术的总次数为741次;发球线路选择反手位、中路、正手位分别为306、27、198次;一发使用效率为78.8%,而二发使用效率仅21.2%;发球线路选择反手位时,网前人向发球区移动、向非发球区移动、不动的次数分别为168次、92、46次;第三拍网前截击得分成功率为68.8%。结论:在不同时机选择应该根据对手的实际情况进行抉择,在一发球选择使用澳式站位战术的成功率与使用率上要远远高于二发球的时候;在网前人向不同区域的移动下,发球人应该更多地选择发向接发球方的反手位;在为网前人创造截击得分的机会下,发球人在一发上选择发向接发球方反手位得分成功率更高;在选择使用澳式站位时,发球尽量减少发向接发球方的正手位。  相似文献   

网球双打比赛中,站位是至关重要的。它不仅是战术的开始,而且也能赢得有利的进攻角度和最佳防守位置。谁能占据中前场,谁就掌握了比赛的主动权,这是网球双打比赛制胜的主要因素,合理的站位会创造更多的上网机会。运用文献资料法、调查访谈法、实战和录像观察法加以研究,对双打比赛中常见的四种站位---“澳大利亚式”、“双底线式”、“双上网式”、“一网一底式”,从站位的形成和运用以及应对等方面进行剖析,为运动员在比赛中合理的选择站位提供参考。网球双打比赛中的配合策略决定了双打战术成功与取胜,它包括站位、发球、接发球、抢网的配合策略和协同防守的配合策略,只有掌握好这些配合策略才能取得胜利。  相似文献   

一个好的双打组合,能够在基本站位的基础上进行适度变化,并最终先于对手控制网前。作为双打球员,要考虑同伴的位置、对手的位置和球的位置,进行站位上的变化,并和同伴保持一定的距离。雁行站位同伴之间的距离通常为3—3.5米。  相似文献   

在双打中,发球方的阵型主要有两种——双上网站位和一前一后站位。前后站位的关键是抢网截击,因此发球球员为了本方获得优势位置,发球时要尽量发出使网前同伴能够截击成功的路线。双打中,决定发球路线的不是发球人而是网前同伴,因为根据场上情况,在网前的他更清楚哪条线有利于自己抢截成功。如果发球发到边线,对方接回斜线球,网前同伴抢截容易成  相似文献   

在网球双打比赛中,队友之间的默契配合是取得比赛胜利的关键;根据场上的变化制定正确的战术是取得比赛胜利的制胜法宝;在战术的布置中,选择准确的站位将自身的优势最大化的发挥是赢得比赛的重要因素;准确的站位它不仅是战术的开始,而且能赢得有利的进攻角度和好的防守位置.采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对网球双打技战术相关的文献进行查阅和收集,对“木桶定律”的概念进行阐述,结合双打技战术中的站位选择出现的问题进行分析,从而得出网球双打站位选择对网球比赛的影响,以期为网球运动员在双打比赛中选择合理的站位提供理论依据.  相似文献   

网球双打比赛中,好的球场站位至关重要,它不仅是战术的开始,而且能赢得有利的进攻角度和好的防守位置。谁能占据中、前场,谁就掌握比赛的主动权,这是网球双打比赛的一条制胜规律,而合理的站位会创造更多上网机会。本文运用文献资料、调查访谈、实战和录像观察等研究方法,对双打比赛中常见的4种站位——澳大利亚式、双底线式、双上网式、一网一底式,从站位的形成、运用和应对等方面进行剖析,旨为运动员在比赛中合理选择站位提供参考。  相似文献   

在网球运动中无论单打还是双打,其网球运动线路的多变性一直以来对运动员来说是最大挑战。运动员能否通过对对方球员的站位、握拍与挥拍的准确观察与预设判断,去把握球运动的线路,进而在其变化的过程中来把握其不变的落点,以实现成功击球转化攻守并得分,成为其较为关键的能力之一。  相似文献   

"网球肘",即肱骨外上髁炎,是一种以肘关节外侧疼痛为特征的肱骨外上髁部前臂伸肌总腱附着处的慢性损伤性肌筋膜炎,因网球运动员最易患此病而得名。"网球肘"的主要外在表现是肘部隐隐的酸痛感以及持拍击球时产生的强烈疼痛感。网球肘妨碍了运动员的日常生活、训练、比赛,严重者甚至影响运动员的职业生涯。本文从病理特征、致病原因、致病机理、诊疗标准、诊疗措施、预防等方面对"网球肘"这一职业病进行深入分析,以期对该病的治疗、网球运动员的正确训练起到指导作用。  相似文献   

A subject-specific angle-driven computer model of a tennis player, combined with a forward dynamics, equipment-specific computer model of tennis ball-racket impacts, was developed to determine the effect of ball-racket impacts on loading at the elbow for one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Matching subject-specific computer simulations of a typical topspin/slice one-handed backhand groundstroke performed by an elite tennis player were done with root mean square differences between performance and matching simulations of < 0.5 degrees over a 50 ms period starting from ball impact. Simulation results suggest that for similar ball-racket impact conditions, the difference in elbow loading for a topspin and slice one-handed backhand groundstroke is relatively small. In this study, the relatively small differences in elbow loading may be due to comparable angle-time histories at the wrist and elbow joints with the major kinematic differences occurring at the shoulder. Using a subject-specific angle-driven computer model combined with a forward dynamics, equipment-specific computer model of tennis ball-racket impacts allows peak internal loading, net impulse, and shock due to ball-racket impact to be calculated which would not otherwise be possible without impractical invasive techniques. This study provides a basis for further investigation of the factors that may increase elbow loading during tennis strokes.  相似文献   

乒乓球的旋转与速度存在着相对关系,是乒乓球技术中的普遍规律。在论证中提出了相对速度与球心速度之比作为特征准数,将点的运动轨迹分为三类,分别为“螺旋线”“波纹线”和“旋轮线”。从而将复杂的乒乓球技术划分为“旋转型”“速度型”和“综合型”三种基本类型。运动员击球的点在第二轨迹不同的位置上合成速度不相等。因此,运动员在第二轨迹的不同阶段击球手感旋转不相同,而且该点的合成速度矢量决守乒乓球技术的打法特征。根据高吊弧圈球与前冲弧圈球的特征准数不同,说明了运动员对这两种球型接球手感旋转不同的原因。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、统计分析等研究方法,对吴迪在2013年澳网比赛中相关数据进行统计分析,结果发现:发球速度慢、接发球质量低、打法单一、非受迫性失误多是吴迪输球的主要原因,建议今后要提高发球质量与发球速度的训练,加强底线与网前技战术的配合训练,加强心理素质的训练等。  相似文献   

Purpose: The net height in tennis (0.91 m) is approximately 50% of a professional tennis player’s height. Children are also expected to play with this net height, even though it is approximately 70% of the average 10-year-old’s height. This study examined the immediate effect of lowering net height on the performance characteristics of skilled junior tennis players aged 10 years and younger. Method: Sixteen players were matched in 8 pairs of even tennis ability and same sex. Each pair played 25-min singles matches in 4 conditions that varied in net height (0.91 m, 0.78 m, 0.65 m, and 0.52 m). Match-play characteristics were analyzed via video replay. Results: Results showed that lowering the net height to 0.65 m and 0.52 m led to players adopting a more attacking style of play, as evidenced by a significant increase in the number of winners without a commensurate increase in errors and more shots struck inside the baseline. Lower nets also led to a greater percentage of successful first serves. The lowest net (0.52 m), however, reduced rally length significantly and therefore decreased hitting opportunities. Conclusion: These results offer support for equipment scaling to enhance match-play performance for skilled junior tennis players. We propose that current net height recommendations for junior tennis should be revised.  相似文献   

A method is presented for assessing the serve speeds of tennis players based on their body height. The research involved a sample of top world players (221 males and 215 females) who participated in the Grand Slam tournaments in 2008 and 2012. The method is based on the linear regression analysis of the association between the player’s body height and the serve speed (fastest serve, average first-serve, and second-serve speed). The coefficient of serve speed (CSS) was calculated as the quotient of the measured and the theoretical value of the serve speed on a regression line relative to the player’s body height. The CSS of >1, 1 and <1 indicate above-average, average, and below-average serve speeds, respectively, relative to the top world tennis players with the same body height. The CSS adds a new element to the already existing statistics about a tennis match, and provides additional information about the performance of tennis players. The CSS can be utilised e.g. for setting the target serve speed of a given player to achieve based on his/her body height, choosing the most appropriate match strategy against a particular player, and a long-term monitoring of the effectiveness of training focused on the serve speed.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑归纳法等研究方法对中外20名优秀女子网球运动员的竞技年龄特征进行比较分析,发现:中外优秀女子网球运动员在启蒙训练年龄上的差异并不显著;但是外国优秀女子网球运动员转为职业选手的年龄较早,所以其成为职业选手的年限也较长。中国优秀女子网球运动员之间的现役年龄的分布较为离散,中国十名优秀女子网球运动员的现役年龄差异大于国外十名优秀女子网球运动员的现役年龄差异;并且中国优秀女子网球运动员达到最高竞技水平的年龄比国外优秀女子网球运动员达到最高竞技水平的年龄晚。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to develop an automated method for identifying and classifying change of direction (COD) movements in professional tennis using tracking data. Three sport science and strength and conditioning experts coded match-play footage of nineteen professional tennis players (9 male and 10 female) from the Australian Open Grand Slam for COD of medium and high intensity. A total of 1,494 changes were identified and aligned with 2D player position sampled at 25 Hz based on camera tracking data. Several machine learning classifiers were trained and tested on a set of 1,128 time-motion features. A random forest algorithm was found to have the best out-of-sample performance, classifying medium and high intensity changes with an F1-score of 0.729. This research offers a novel and applicable way for utilising player tracking data and machine learning techniques to automatically identify and classify COD movements in professional tennis.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省优秀男子乒乓球运动员 10项专项身体素质指标的测试 ,运用聚类分析找出影响运动员专项身体素质的典型指标。对典型指标进行单因素评价和多因素综合评价 ,进行评价模型研究 ,研制出 1套适合浙江省优秀男子乒乓球运动员的评价模型 ,为浙江省优秀男子乒乓球运动员的科学训练和选材评价提供了科学、客观的依据。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the impact of a male opponent's pre-match body language and clothing (general vs. sports-specific) on how his performances were judged by an observer. Forty male tennis players viewed videos of a male target tennis player warming up and then observed playing footage of the target. Each participant viewed the target player warming up displaying one of four combinations of body language and clothing (positive body language/tennis-specific clothing; positive body language/general sportswear; negative body language/tennis-specific clothing; negative body language/general sportswear). Participants rated the performance of the tennis player and gave their perceptions of the likely outcome of a tennis match with the target player. Analyses of variance indicated that clothing and body language had an interactive effect on both outcome expectations and ratings of performance. The findings support the contention that the initial impressions athletes form of their opponents can influence the way in which they judge the performances of opponents and their perceived likelihood of success against the same opponents.  相似文献   

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