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国立法兰克福大学于2008年1月1日正式转制为基金会大学,这个高校体制改革的案例隐含着教育领导在德国的变革趋向.通过分析最具争议性的高校委员会,作者认为,构建一个既是"学者自治共和国"也是"学术服务性企业"的大学,可能:(一)以公共管理的"经营主义"理念而放弃公共利益;(二)以摆脱国家掌控而步入"学术资本主义"的陷阱;(三)以修正"学术个人主义"来牺牲"基本法"所规制的学术、科研、教学自由,从而终结作为"学者自治共和国"的大学.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,除了新技术革命带来的挑战之外,美国学术自由主要面临来自“新管理主义”以及学者群体内部因为价值取向的不同而带来的挑战.为此,美国学术界不得不重新思考捍卫学术自由的策略.  相似文献   

本文重点分析新管理主义改革在学术职业领域所引发的变革.作者认为改革使得学术身份处于重新锻造且冲突动荡的过程;学术职业群体内部分层加剧,且出现了管理阶层;学术人员丧失专业特权且面临权力再分配;学术科研体现出科研评估绩效化和科研活动商业化的明显趋势;学术劳动力市场的内部管制性明显增强,外部竞争性加剧;最后,在由外界赋予的传统学术自由大幅度减少的同时,学术人员也在主动争取新的学术自由.  相似文献   

当前在高等教育快速发展的背景下,大学教师群体发展不平衡、不充分的问题普遍存在,主要反映在职业角色、权利地位和经济收入等方面的分化。究其原因,这是大学教师群体对学术资本主义和新管理主义在我国高等教育领域渗透的适应性反应,与大学教师个体的禀赋差异有着内在的关联。  相似文献   

当前,在全球化、新公共管理运动和大学排名等因素的影响下,世界各国的学术职业均受到更强的管理控制.为了提高人才竞争力,芬兰许多高校陆续引入了美式终身教轨制度,通过强化绩效和竞争导向,详细规定教师在聘期内须完成的学术任务,同时鼓励他们进行国际发表和竞争外部经费,终身教轨制度成为大学管理层控制学术工作和提高学术产出的有效工具.终身教轨制度的引入既是机会也是挑战,一方面,它为学术人员提供了更具有国际可比性和可预测性的职业发展路径;另一方面,它也可能带来学术职业分化、大学多元使命单一化、学术工作指标化等一系列风险.如何平衡效率与公平、组织专业主义与职业专业主义、绩效竞争与职业安全,是各国学术职业变革过程中均面临的关键挑战.  相似文献   

西方学术职业的变迁主要经历了中世纪的形成、近代的发展及其现代的转型三个时期。其演变的过程中所形成的学术职业价值理念,即“以学术为生”和“在学术上追求卓越”,已成为西方大学教师学术职业的灵魂和指导大学教师建构自身学术职业生涯的根本原则。西方大学教师学术职业发展的规律性、经验及所面临的挑战,对我国大学教师学术职业的发展具有重要的学习和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

蔡元培的“悖论”——中国近代大学的学术诉求及其困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国近代大学的学术诉求,缺乏相应的外缘条件与学者内在的人格因素.蔡元培的大学理念,在实践中面临多重矛盾.这些矛盾在急剧动荡的近代中国变得异常尖锐,表现为诸多悖论.蔡元培的"不合作主义"正是各种矛盾激化的结果,显示了中国近代大学学术诉求所遭遇的困境.  相似文献   

“学术职业”是西方学者研究高等教育的一个重要领域所使用的专门术语。国内对学术职业的研究却刚刚起步,主要是对国外研究成果进行译介,以及从学术职业角度对中国大学教师的问题进行探索,但仍表现出对西方学术职业研究不系统、概念界定不明确、研究群体单薄等问题。  相似文献   

学术自由的缘起、变迁与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代以降,学术自由成为西方大学发展的金科玉律.但在现代性的"尾迹"中,今天学术自由的命运值得三思.其一,作为现代性的成年,在后现代性视野中,伴随着真理观的逐渐多元化以及学术研究中道德探究的兴起,价值不再中立,源于近代大学的学术自由理念面临挑战.其二;面对现代性逻辑诱惑与压制的双重策略,今天西方国家的大学里学术自由面临"温水煮青蛙"的可能.其三,在民族国家的框架下,当科学已成为国家的事业,当小科学为大科学所取代,在各类科学规划与基金资助的控制下,学者个体的学术自由面临着组织化的困境,洪堡模式的学术自由逐渐有被架空的危险.  相似文献   

大学教师职业是一种学术职业。随着大学职能的演进以及社会经济发展需求的变迁,大学教师学术职业在横向层面发生了功能性和类型的分化,即教师由原来"单一身份承担单一功能"发展为"单一身份承担双重功能"再到"多种身份承担单一功能或多元身份承担多元功能"。明确大学教师学术职业分化的概念与内涵,进而明晰大学教师学术职业分化的内在规定性,这是构建大学教师学术职业分化体系的理论逻辑,也是解决大学教师学术职业分化带来的教师学术职业管理实践问题的前提和基础。  相似文献   

Neo-liberal reforms in higher education have resulted in corporate managerial practices in universities and a drive for efficiency and productivity in teaching and research. As a result, there has been an intensification of academic work, increased stress for academics and an emphasis on accountability and performativity in universities. The paper proposes that while managerialism in modern universities is now the norm, corporate approaches have disempowered academics in their institutions and reduced productivity because they ignore the nature of academic work. Using Foucault’s conception of power relations in institutions, policies that directly affect academic work such as workload allocation and performance management are identified as key ways in which power is exercised in universities. The paper reports on a case study in one university which explored the relationship between the academic workload allocation and performance management policies and concludes that a more balanced power relationship is needed in which academics can have more influence over these key processes which control their work so they preserve the self-managed aspects of academic work and the intrinsic motivations driving their careers.  相似文献   

In changing times for higher education that are dominated by a neoliberal ideology, we set out to uncover how Heads of Departments (HoDs) perceive their role with respect to supporting their staff and their academic freedom. Freedom to pursue academic research is seen as key to the generation of new knowledge yet it is potentially constrained by funding regimes and university accountability systems. As HoDs operate at the interface between university systems and individual academic projects, how they perceive their role can have a profound influence on the working environment of their departmental staff. The research study is located in two successful departments in a research intensive university in England. The study shows that the HoDs were not captured by the neoliberal discourse and aimed to protect their staff so they could ‘get on with their work’. In so doing they interpreted university demands to the best advantage of their departments but were not active in challenging university driven changes, thus raising questions about the effects of accommodating to change, so risking incremental change, and of how less successful departments might be able to protect their staff and their academic freedom.  相似文献   

大学学术国际化是我国在全球发展大环境背景下的必然选择,也是大学教育自身发展的必然要求。目前我国大学学术国际化趋势明显,但对大学学术国际化过程的风险存在误解,其交流和传播还存在障碍。提高大学学术国际化水平的关键在于:要正确对待学术本土化与国际化问题;发挥好政府、学校、师生三方合力的作用;同时学校要积极组织在职教师的外语培训学习。  相似文献   

The modern university and the academic profession itself are facing new challenges: First, the increasing complexity of labor markets and globalization are undermining the structure of the academic profession, and secondly, the rise in cost of university research calls into question the autonomy of the university. The internationalization of the academic labor market encourages rethinking the structure of academic professions that have historically been focused on national (regional) contexts. The university is too expensive for the state and/or for students. One way to preserve the autonomy of the university is to offer society, the state, and businesses a wide range of services. This study seeks to answer the following questions: Can bureaucratic (self-)management effectively regulate the growing body of the university? Is it necessary to relinquish part of the university’s autonomy to a hired manager? Can “soft managerialism” and new economic instruments help unleash the modern university’s potential for society and sustain its autonomy?  相似文献   

大学学术不端行为问责作为新时代加快推进学术治理能力现代化的关键举措,是一种内省、内生性保障学术自由向善发展的规制方式。大学学术不端行为问责不同于一般意义上的行政问责,其具有惩罚性、报应性、互动性与救济性等特征;伦理学依据、事实依据以及法律依据是其在实践层面的依据指向。文章在论证问责逻辑构架分析标准的基础上,基于问责主体、问责客体、问责依据、问责程序以及责任类型构建大学学术不端行为问责的内容构架,这符合学术治理所要解决现实问题的事实逻辑与价值逻辑。  相似文献   

Academic development has had an approximately forty‐year history within Australian higher education, paralleling the major expansions and changes in the sector, both nationally and internationally. Its principal concerns have been the improvement of teaching and the professional development of the academics who teach. The history of academic development has gone largely undocumented and unexamined at a national level, in Australia and elsewhere. However, as university teaching has increasingly become important in relation to quality in higher education, academic development has become a central player in the work of universities. It becomes of particular importance at this time to garner a more thorough understanding of the continuities as well as the discontinuities in the meanings and practices of university teaching and in the work of those whose role has been to support its development. This article presents a discussion of two key themes identified from a set of oral history interviews conducted with early leaders in academic development in Australia. These themes offer different insights into issues and understandings of academic development in today’s university. The first concerns a perennial issue in academic development – the struggle to define academic development’s emerging ethos in relation to research and service to the broader university’s endeavour. The second theme represents an issue that has been forgotten or marginalised in the official accounts of academic development but which lives on in the ‘lore’ of the field – the role of activism in the shaping of university teaching and academic development.  相似文献   

绩效责任是美国高校为了提高管理效率和教学质量而提出来的。绩效责任是高校利益相关者之间的一种整体问责。绩效责任加深了学术自由和学术自治之间的张力,迫使大学努力寻找责任与自由之间的平衡。绩效责任指标体系难以评定,评价日益复杂,明确定位大学发展目标有利于绩效责任的实现。同时,绩效责任也改变了大学的管理模式,通过大学文化的塑造,整合协调大学内部各种人员的利益关系,从而达到共同治理的目的。  相似文献   

Alongside debates concerning managerialism, marketisation and performativity, the question of accountability in higher education has come to the fore in recent commentary. Discussion of the subject has tended to be divided into two distinct camps. On the one hand, there are strong calls for more accountability to the public purse – a desire to witness more productive returns and efficiency on investment in higher education. On the other, there are academics who rail against the oppressive, panoptican‐like nature of the audit culture, emphasising the debilitating effects of quality assurance mechanisms on academic life. The paper suggests that one way out of this impasse is to place the current accountability agenda – what Travers refers to as the ‘new bureaucracy’ – in the context of Max Weber's account of bureaucracy and rationality. Habermas' reconstructed version of Weber's work is identified as a possible means of delineating the reaches and limits of modern bureaucratic accountability.  相似文献   

This article draws from Stephen Ball’s work on markets, managerialism, and performativity to frame a comparative study that examines the reconstitution of the teacher–subject across a pivotal decade in which neoliberal standards and accountability reforms effected significant changes in US education. It juxtaposes two qualitative studies conducted during the implementation of successive standards and accountability movements. The first study of early career English teachers coincided with the implementation of the Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), and the second took place nearly a decade later as states began to implement value-added teacher assessments in conjunction with the Obama administration’s Race to the Top (RTTT). The juxtaposition of these two studies points to a paradigmatic shift in the construction of teachers’ professional knowledge and subjectivity. While teachers of the first accountability stage positioned NCLB’s (self-) disciplinary mechanisms as external intrusions on their autonomy, professionalism, and practice, the second group positioned RTTT’s accountability mechanisms as the very modes by which they knew themselves and their quality. Thus, these studies show a collapse between the governed (i.e. teachers) and the government (i.e. accountability mechanisms) and the normalization of the marketized teacher, the managed teacher, and the performative teacher.  相似文献   

This paper draws on a study of academic chairpersons’ experiences in one research‐intensive university in New Zealand. The research goal was see if there were recurring threads in chairpersons’ narratives about their experience and management of conflict and challenge. The research revealed that one of the most pervasive stories concerned a set of beliefs about the nature of academia. This tale that was interpreted in a variety of different even contradictory ways was the notion that academia was or should be based on collegiality. This idea was often presented in conjunction with other stories about academia such as autonomy and professionalism and in opposition to the concept of managerialism. A second significant thread was a range of perspectives about the expectation that chairpersons should be managers of resources. This paper discusses these findings in relation to the literature and argues that we need to find new ways of expressing and enacting the values that the term collegiality attempts to capture and a means of integrating them into the current demand for performance, stringent resource management and accountability.  相似文献   

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