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蒲红  董婷 《今传媒》2013,(8):66-67,69
媒介竞争的激烈化,使媒体品牌建设的任务目标日趋急迫。如何确立媒体品牌建设原则,如何提高、强化媒体品牌经营的质效,已成为媒体提高自身竞争力与影响力的重要内容。本文通过对陕西广播电视台音乐频率品牌建设案例的事实分析,探讨广播品牌建设原则和方法,着重强调广播媒体品牌关系的强化,为广播媒介的品牌建设工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

蒲红  董婷 《报刊之友》2013,(8):66-67,69
媒介竞争的激烈化,使媒体品牌建设的任务目标日趋急迫。如何确立媒体品牌建设原则,如何提高、强化媒体品牌经营的质效,已成为媒体提高自身竞争力与影响力的重要内容。本文通过对陕西广播电视台音乐频率品牌建设案例的事实分析,探讨广播品牌建设原则和方法,着重强调广播媒体品牌关系的强化,为广播媒介的品牌建设工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

洪岩 《中国广播》2011,(3):53-55
近年来,具有交通信息资讯优势的交通广播在各类城市广播中脱颖而出,在收听率、市场份额、广告创收等方面傲视群雄。在这样的形势下,其他的广播频率该如何“绝处逢型”呢?本文从工作一线的实际经验出发,从树立良好公益形象、强化频率差异性定位、打造品牌栏目品牌主持人、创新整合、敬重和激情的力量等五个方面论述了厦门音乐广播面对竞争和压力的进取之道。  相似文献   

音乐是广播广告中重要的辅助手段。音乐如何添加才能使广告更加精彩,一直是业内不少人研究的课题。那么,音乐与广播广告究竟是什么关系呢?  相似文献   

洪岩 《东南传播》2010,(11):130-131
近年来,具有交通信息资讯优势的各地交通广播在各类城市广播中脱颖而出,在收听率、市场份额、广告创收等方面傲视群雄。在这样的形势下,其他的广播频率该如何“绝处逢生”呢?本文从工作一线的实际经验出发,从树立良好公益形象、强化频率差异性定位、打造品牌栏目和品牌主持人、创新整合、敬重和激情的力量等五个方面论述了厦门音乐广播面对竞争和压力的进取之道。  相似文献   

本文从广播广告音乐的意义、选择广播广告音乐使用以及广播广告音乐使用中应该注意的问题三个方面论述了音乐在广播广告中的运用。  相似文献   

广播音乐为广播撑起一片蓝天   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
走进新世纪 ,面临严峻挑战的广播业还有没有生命力?广播音乐如何进一步丰富大众精神文化生活和促进人类文明发挥应有的作用?这是我们从事广播音乐工作者共同关心、共同感兴趣的话题 ,同时也是摆在我们面前最重要的使命。多媒体时代 ,广播音乐生机无限曾有人认为 ,50年代是广播的全盛时期 ,而今面对各种传媒的激烈竞争 ,尤其是随着报纸时效性的不断增强 ,电视业的迅猛发展 ,加上号称“第四媒体”的网络的强烈冲击 ,广播这种曾在人们生活中发挥重大作用、给人们带来乐趣的媒体 ,由于其自身各种限制 ,仿佛有江河日下的衰微之势 ,使广播再也…  相似文献   

广播广告由于以声音为传播形式,因而它与平面媒体、图像媒体、网络媒体的广告相比,具有接受度较高、受众较少受文化素质的影响,投入成本低、回报较高,伴随性强, 收听时不受时间、空间的限制等优势。虽然,报纸广告可以传阅、留存,可以细细的品味;电视广告有声音,有图像, 能够听得着、看得见。但广播广告却可以利用播报的语言、气息、音响、音乐等多种声音表现手段,营造出一种广阔的想象空间。尤其声音中的情感色彩是广播媒体的重要特质, “感人心者,莫先乎情”,这也正是广播广告之魅力所在。所以,要做好广播广告,必须充分发挥语言、音乐、音响的特有优势,以达到“以声传情”、“以情动人”的艺术效果。  相似文献   

陈景渝 《新闻界》2000,(6):53-53
多媒体时代的广播新形态,为广播开拓出新的发展领域。我们必须抓住机遇,加速新技术在广播中的应用,合理利用资源,构想和建立多媒体时代的广播新型采、编、制、播服务体系。 21世纪,将会是无线广播与有线广播、网络广播并行;广告型广播和收费型广播同步发展的时代,其中音乐广播将在这一发展过程中极大的获益。本文着重讨论新技术对音乐广播未来的影响。   1.全新的制作播出网络系统   从 90年代开始,人们就在开始研制基于电脑多媒体技术的全新制作播出系统。而多媒体技术的不断升级发展,使得新的制播服务体系不断在实践中得到发…  相似文献   

广播传播音乐,有近百年的历史。调幅、调频电台,综合、专业电台,广播传播音乐一直保持着独特优势:百年之后,众多现代媒体蜂拥而至,广播传播音乐是否还有着昔日的风采、新世纪的广播音乐将如何生存与发展,对上述问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

对广播音乐节目特征的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐是声音艺术、时间艺术、听觉艺术。这三点与广播媒体的基本特征是相通的。有人说,音乐主要是给人听的,听可以更好地引发听众的联想和想像。因此,音乐声源与广播传媒的结合会获得极富魅力的传播效果。  相似文献   

From 1936 to 1961, this jingle alerted listeners to the beginning of the most popular local radio show in the history of Knoxville, Tennessee. For it was during those years that radio station WNOX aired the "Mid-day Merry-Go-Round." During the period when radio was king, stations produced a variety of programs in addition to those available through network affiliation. These local programs connected radio with their audiences, but the influence of the "Mid-day Merry-Go-Round" extended far beyond the listeners in Knoxville. The purpose of this paper is to explore the evolution and influences of one such locally-produced show, the "Midday Merry-G0-Round."  相似文献   

Almost everyone knows Nashville, home of WSM Radio's "Grand Ole Opry" as "Music City U.S.A." However, Knoxville, nearly 200 miles east, also was important in the development of country music radio. Many of the early and contemporary "Opry" performers began their careers at one of KnoxvilIe's two early radio stations. Despite Knoxville's significant role as a "feeder" of talent to the "Grand ole Opry," Nashville today is the undisputed capital of country music. This paper explores the contributions of both cities to the country music industry of Tennessee, as well as reasons for Nashville's enduring prominence and Knoxville's present obscurity in this activity.  相似文献   

The author examines radio programs produced by women in the U.S. that feature music by women. Women's music programming offers a variety of music genres and presentation styles. Criteria of music selection also vary, with some programs concentrating solely on women's contributions and musical works, and others that play music by mixed-sex groups and even featuring a male vocal. However, the commonality of all these programs lies in their dedication to highlighting women artists and giving voice to those who would otherwise not be heard. As media artifacts, women's music radio programs offer multiple layers of feminist inquiry.  相似文献   

在新媒体时代,广播音乐节目受到了新媒体的强劲冲击。内容为王,广播音乐节目必须在内容上充分发掘自身的优势与不可替代性,提供独具观点、深度整合及可共享的音乐节目,方能在新旧媒体混战中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

This article examines the educational and social impact of an instructional radio program, called the Music Appreciation Hour (MAH), broadcast on the NBC network from the 1920s to the 1940s. Walter Damrosch, who came from a musical family and had previously conducted the New York Symphony, envisioned the possibility to use radio to teach music to American schoolchildren by tapping into its aural and emotional qualities. Through archival materials, including correspondence, teachers’ manuals, student notebooks, and program evaluations, it is argued that while Damrosch positioned himself with a new progressive movement that espoused student-centered education, he instead became an appealing on-air “personality” to student listeners and the network. This research serves as an important example of some of the ongoing tensions between education, entertainment, and the mass media.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess whether and how the CBC’s music radio programming reflects the corporation’s mandate of showcasing a diversity of music and culture. I argue that a program logic that privileges an international corporate music industry strategy persists (particularly during the peak morning and afternoon drive time programs) and limits the capacity for public radio to imagine and project alternative musical trajectories. My aspiration is to imagine CBC Music’s over-the-air radio as a residual broadcast service, one that presents novel opportunities at a time when digital and online streaming music is dominant.  相似文献   

In one experiment, listeners hear radio news delivered by a male or female anchor with either no background music or with music of differing complexity. Memory for and enjoyment of the news are assessed. Findings suggest that adding a simple beat makes the news more memorable and enjoyable, whereas highly complex music hinders both message processing and enjoyment. Anchor voice determines the results for moderate complexity. A second experiment further explores anchor voice and message processing and, together, the two experiments suggest that both pitch and number of auditory structural features should be considered when enhancing radio news with music.  相似文献   

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