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In the past 15 years, numerous reforms and initiatives in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region have aimed to change education and promote new learning to prepare the new generation for the future. Unfortunately, despite good intentions and huge investments of resources, many of these reforms have been found to be ineffective and unsustainable—if they succeed at all. Reflecting on the trends and waves of educational reform in the Asia-Pacific region, this paper introduces an international lesson on the emerging syndrome of educational reform across the region and illustrates its negative impacts on teacher ecology and teacher management. Then, the paper outlines the implications of this lesson and of a study of the world’s best-performing educational systems, using them to develop a holistic approach to managing teachers and planning for their sustainable professional development. Finally, it highlights the paradigm shifts in teacher management, reviewing the three waves of educational reform in the last two decades, and draws further implications for formulating teacher management policies in ongoing and future educational reforms to support students’ new learning and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Higher education in the United States and elsewhere is beset by crises: crises of public confidence, questions of continuing relevance, doubts about continuing the emphasis on doctoral instruction, and a very real financial crisis. In response, governing boards and governmental agencies are devoting increasing attention to the management of higher education. Part of this response has been a heightened interest in formal planning-programming-budgeting-systems (PPBS); in fact, several states have legislated the adoption of PPBS for higher educational planning and decision making. Similar interest has been evidenced in other countries. Therefore, it is an appropriate time to reconsider the nature and role of PPBS and its potential impact on higher education. This paper describes the salient characteristics of PPBS and traces the development of PPBS and related analytical techniques in governmental agencies and institutions of higher education. A second paper will illustrate both the concepts and the implementation of PPBS by a detailed exposition of the University of California's experience with PPBS. Finally, in a third paper we suggest an alternative view of policy analysis for educational planning which is a departure from traditional PPBS. We conclude with general observations and specific recommendations to educational managers seeking to improve their resource allocation procedures.  相似文献   

The governance of basic schools (grades 1–10) in Iceland was transferred from state control to municipal control in 1995 with a new Basic School Act. This transfer was in line with the emphasis on school‐based management that was stressed in the Act. This policy was criticised by many, including teachers and their union representatives. Research indicates that basic principals are very pleased with their new working environment, but showed indication of dissatisfaction amongst teachers. Accordingly, it was of interest to investigate how this policy has influenced the working environment of basic school teachers: Has it facilitated increased autonomy of schools? Has it enhanced participative decision‐making and co‐operation amongst teachers? What kind of pressures and expectations has it generated from parents and municipal educational authorities? A questionnaire was sent to a sample of 750 teachers during the spring of 2005. The findings indicate that there seems to be a gap emerging between the perceived professional independence of schools and the professional independence of teachers. This study also indicates that the general teacher wants to be more involved in decision‐making in his/her school in areas such as development projects, in‐service planning and distribution of financial resources. The study also shows that external demands and pressures on teachers have increased considerably, particularly in urban areas.  相似文献   

This article provides a practical framework for the planning of educational projects. It is addressed to those new to project management looking for a step-by-step approach to planning which can be adopted in different circumstances. The article starts by highlighting the characteristics and advantages of projects. It then shows how by following six key stages of project design, the project administrator can confidently determine the goals, constraints, activities and resources for effective, pro-active project management. Each design step is supported by examples and diagrams and focuses on useful planning tools for establishing priorities, costing and time allocation.  相似文献   

广东商学院针对经济管理类专业本科传统教学方式的弊端,进行了以ERP实验教学为突破口,以模拟体验式教学为主要内容的经济管理本科人才培养方式创新。认识到:必须把实验室建设置于经济管理类专业教学条件建设的首要地位;经济管理类实验室建设必须与经济管理类人才培养方式改革配套进行;经济管理类实验室在教学中的作用正在逐渐凸现出来,必须积极主动地做好经济管理类实验室建设工作。  相似文献   

Management development is a relatively recent concern in Australian higher education. Historically, management of colleges was deemphasized; instead, a gentlemen's approach to academic governance has predominated. Recently, as a result of an emerging administrative crisis, colleges and universities have started experimenting with new approaches to management. This article explores the applicability of a general management development model to the Australian context. The model, which identifies a dynamic relationship between the structural characteristics of an institution and its management needs, was developed from research on American colleges and universities. Based on the analysis of three case studies the model appears applicable to the Australian setting, especially for large and complex institutions which confront simultaneous pressures to develop the planning and management capability in basic units, and to increase coordination and planning at the institutional level.  相似文献   

Building upon a recent call to renew actor-network theory (ANT) for educational research, this article reconsiders relations between technology and educational theory. Taking cues from actor-network theorists, this discussion considers the technologically-mediated networks in which learning actors are situated, acted upon, and acting, and traces the novel positions of creative capacity and participation that emerging media may enable. Whereas traditional theories of educational technology tend to focus on the harmonization of new technologies with extant curricular goals and educational practices, an educational theory of technology looks to novel forms of technologically-mediated learning experience—from production pedagogies to role play in the virtual—to make visible the surprising relations, techniques, and opportunities that emerging media, and their attendant social contexts, may offer educational research.  相似文献   

This research concerns English-medium schools (EMSs), which are emerging as a popular new educational sector in Bangladesh. Because these schools have gained immense popularity, we seek to identify how these schools respond to parental demand and retain their clientele. In addition to English language demand, our findings reveal a symmetrical relationship between the supply of EMSs and parental demand. EMSs’ strategic business planning and market forces, which emphasise deficiencies in the supply chain of Bangla-medium schools (BMSs), have motivated parents to send their children to EMSs. We conclude that although English-medium education is a high-cost educational alternative, its introduction as a new educational initiative is based on its transnational quality and acceptance.  相似文献   

This article inveighs against the prevalent commodified discourse in Higher Education especially as it impacts on curriculum planning, quality assurance and learner typologies. It expresses a concern that educational research, in offering models drawn, but now divorced from, practice, may contribute to this negative impact. As an example, a polarised model distinguishing features of ‘traditional’ from ‘emerging’ curricula is criticised as contributing to this commodification; as diminishing the status of university teachers, as offering an instrument to reductive quality assurance systems and as militating against the disciplines operating as communities of practice. In contradistinction to this dichotomizing model, but extrapolating from the same article, a ‘both/and’ model outlining elements of process- and discipline community-based ‘transformational curricula’ is offered. It is perhaps impossible to write about the evils of externalised models and reductively abstract discourse without contribut ing to that very effect. The article therefore ends with two voices which are not those of educational researchers.  相似文献   

要有效地、可靠地实施与进行无痕合辙教育活动,就必须对其进行策划。要进行无痕合辙教育活动策划就必须搞清有关其策划的某些基本问题。研究这些基本问题是有效地、可靠地进行无痕合辙教育活动的基础与保障。由于无痕合辙教育活动的进行是不能脱离学校的管理范畴的,是隶属于学校的教育体系的。因此,我们必须把无痕合辙教育活动策划作为必须学校教育策划管理的一部分,让它根植于学校教育管理体系之中。  相似文献   

The emerging competitive environment of higher education, both within and between countries, is requiring universities in Europe and other pans of the world to emulate American institutions by becoming corporate entities with an independent capacity to make strategic choices among academic programmes and activities. A number of the leading American universities have developed comprehensive planning processes that offer suggestive guidance for managing in this new environment. These processes have emphasized: clarifying and articulating norms essential to the legimacy of planning; grouping and consolidating functions; promoting reciprocal communication; encouraging the development of a planning capacity within each strategic unit; and increasing direct communication and the sharing of information among members of the academic community. Essentially these universities have conceived of comprehensive planning as a problem of organizational design, systematically seeking means of promoting integration in a highly differentiated organization. The specific mechanisms by which this integration has been accomplished are reviewed.  相似文献   

制度主义中的制度同形与路径依赖理论是理解高等教育变革的有力工具。进入20世纪70年代以来,德国高等教育环境发生了巨大的改变,主要体现在高等教育系统扩张,高等教育日益国际化,民众对政府管理方式的质疑以及市场化办学意识盛行。为了面对新的高等教育环境,德国大学引入了新的治理手段,如签订目标协定、引入绩效拨款、加强大学校长权力、设立大学理事会等。综观德国大学治理制度改革,其存在着向新公共管理制度靠近的趋向,也存在着明显的改革路径依赖,即沿着传统的洪堡大学模式在缓慢前进,国家和教授的权力依旧在大学治理中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

转变县中育人方式是适应新高考改革之需,促进县中振兴之要。通过对典型案例进行调研发现:M县中育人方式的积极变革十分有限,更多表现为变革阻滞,如学生被限制选科走班,生涯规划教育与综合素质评价活动走向形式化、表面化、功利化,学科教学总体没有改变;变革的过程经历了“不确定的响应”“基于反馈的调整”“对应试的巩固”三个阶段。阻碍M县中育人方式变革的因素包括宽松的政策执行要求、相对弱势的物质条件、集中统一的管理倾向等,但问题的实质在于县中的竞争型场域与行动者的应试性惯习。为促进县中育人方式变革,可以从县域环境、新高考形式、县中应试等多个层面着手,塑造利于变革的县域氛围,发挥集中统一的考试优势,促进分数应试向素养应试发展。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Path planning of mobile robots is one of the key issues in robotics research on the problem of a robot finding a collision-free path from beginning to goal in the presence of obstacles. Depending on the envi- ronment surrounding the robot, it can be classified as follows: (1) Path planning for static obstacles in com- pletely known environment; (2) Path planning for static obstacles in un- known or partially known environment; (3) Path planning for dynamic obstacles in com- p…  相似文献   

As long as educational expansion was considered to be decisive for achieving economic growth as well as social and political equality, the prospects and merits of educational planning were rarely questioned. However, the failure of educational expansion to produce the desired results, challenged the relevance of educational planning to such a degree that it is now suffering from an identity crisis. The author critically reviews traditional and contemporary technical approaches to educational planning, governmental planning activities, and the role of educational planning as a part of the political apparatus. Weighing up the possibilities and the limitations of educational planning, he stresses the need to build a new identity for it in order that it should be able to cope with the demographic, educational, economic and financial challenges of the 1980's.
Zusammenfassung Solange die Auffassung vorherrschte, die Expansion des Bildungswesens sei die entscheidende Voraussetzung für wirtschaftliches Wachstum, größere soziale Gerechtigkeit und mehr Demokratie, genoß die Bildungsplanung beträchtliches Ansehen und weckte große Erwartungen. Dies hat sich grundlegend geändert. Das Scheitern der anspruchsvollen Ziele expansionistischer Bildungspolitik verstrickte die Bildungsplanung in eine Identitätskrise. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich kritisch mit der Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen und politischen Bildungsplanung. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Wandel der Konzepte und Modelle der Planungsforschung. Die Überlegungen führen zu dem Fazit, daß eine Rekonstruktion der Bildungsplanung dringend geboten erscheint, um den Herausforderungen gewachsen zu sein, mit denen das Bildungswesen in der 80er Jahren konfrontiert wird.

Résumé Tant que l'on considéra l'expansion éducative comme le facteur décisif du développement économique, de l'égalité sociale et politique, les expectatives et les mérites de la planification éducative ne furent que rarement contestés. Cependant, l'échec de l'expansion éducative au niveau de la réalisation des résultats souhaités a tellement mis en cause l'importance de la planification éducative qu'elle souffre maintenant d'une crise d'identité. L'auteur procède à un examen critique des approches techniques nouvelles et traditionnelles de la planification éducative, des activités de planification du gouvernement et du rôle de la planification éducative en tant que partie de l'appareil politique. En évaluant les possibilités et les limitations de la planification éducative, il souligne le besoin pour la planification éducative de construire une nouvelle identité afin de pouvoir répondre aux exigences démographiques, économiques, éducatives et financières des années 80.


The demands on mathematical problem-solving have increased in almost all school systems internationally and may constitute a barrier for children with special educational needs (SEN). This study explored the role of fluid reasoning (FR), working memory (WM) and complex executive function of planning (EF) in children (N = 62) referred for assessment of SEN, and specifically of risk for mathematical difficulties (MD). Performances on FR, WM and complex EF of planning were used to predict risk for MD. Results showed that planning ability predicted children at risk for MD, beyond FR or WM ability, when comparing with children not at risk for MD. It was concluded that assessing the complex EF of planning in addition to FR and WM ability is crucial in identifying children at risk for MD. The importance of understanding how planning ability affects children’s mathematical problem-solving is discussed, in relation to assessment and teaching practices.  相似文献   

Using the system in the UK as a case study, this paper begins by examining the relationship between the rise of the ‘new managerialism’ in the public services and the ideological framework that was provided for this by the convergence of key ideas emerging from the new right and new left. It looks then at the growth of the new educational bureaucracies to service this management culture and relates these to changes in the role of concepts of strategic management in the shift from the Cold War era to the present very different international configuration that has followed on from the demise of the Soviet Union and its satellite states. It provides a critique of the pervasive, supervisory, performance management culture that has emerged in the public services by using organization theory to question the applicability of these processes to education. Most critiques of the new managerialism in education have engaged with it on sociological or political grounds without attempting to examine how these particular approaches are accounted for within organization theory. It focuses on the work of one influential theorist in the field, arguing that his work offers rich critical insights which are particularly applicable to the organizational forms of educational management. Finally it evaluates the influence of this management environment on the quality of education arguing that its obsessive focus on quantitative outcomes and the ‘measurable’ has been a key factor in the narrowing of horizons and the impoverishment of educational policy discourse under the present Government and its immediate predecessors.  相似文献   

Since their inception, a dominant characteristic of higher education institutions has been their reliance on the advantages conferred by geographic and political boundaries. However, emerging technologies and growing consumer power are challenging the status quo. The application of Internet-based information and communication technologies in education—e-learning—is now making it possible for education to transcend space, time, and political boundaries. In e-learning, content and mode of delivery are increasingly defined by external groups: students as well as employers. The emergence of e-learning is weakening the dominance of traditional providers of higher and continuing education—nonprofit colleges and universities—and they are being challenged by a proliferation of alternative institutions and providers with the skills and attitudes required to succeed in the new educational marketplace. Partnerships will allow traditional suppliers and intermediaries to contribute from their respective comparative advantages. In a common emerging model, traditional universities provide the intellectual capital, content, and content support; evaluate student performance; and award appropriate degree credit or certification. Intermediaries contribute in such areas as hardware and software provision, instructional design for the Web, website and communication for maintenance, record keeping, teacher training, and technical support for courseware development and marketing. Although this trend is not yet well advanced in the Asia Pacific Region, there are already a few pioneers, and interest is strong and growing among the major stakeholder groups—traditional academic institutions, traditional students, emerging intermediaries, professionals with a need for continuing education, and private sector corporations with the need to provide educational opportunities for their workforce. The Asia Pacific Regional Technology Centre (APRTC) is an example of an emerging intermediary organization. Its primary focus is on providing continuing educational opportunities for agricultural professionals throughout the Asia Pacific. It relies almost exclusively on e-learning for educational delivery and carries out its work through multisectoral partnerships. Initial experience indicates that the approach works in the region and is cost effective and that all partners and the clients can and do benefit from the collaboration.  相似文献   

This editorial introduction to the special issue on planning suggests that much of the early optimism about educational planning has evaporated as a result of the burgeoning costs of higher education and the increasing difficulties graduates are having in finding suitable jobs. It is suggested that the reasons for this disillusion are partly that planners did not take political constraints sufficiently into account, and partly that the education system is far too complex for simplified models to deal with. Instead of treating educational planning as largely an exercise in long-term forecasting, we should be concerned much more with the efficient operation of the system and its orientation in the direction of objectives which are essentially political in nature and which are quite likely to change from one period to the next.  相似文献   

信息社会中虚拟现实技术的发展导致了区别于真实世界的虚拟社会环境的诞生, 虚拟环境下师生关系将出现一些新变化。教育活动的强制性决定了师生关系的本质特征是对 抗。虚拟环境下师生关系由传统的“人———人”关系转变为“人———机”关系,因机器与人的不同 导致了虚拟环境下师生间的对抗更趋缓和隐蔽,表现为一种轮回式的权力流动关系:控制对方的 力量也将使自己被控制,最终使双方缔结成一种更牢固的对抗关系。但对抗的目的不是造成双 方的分裂与疏离,而是促使双方达致和谐共生,使教育活动更富活力。  相似文献   

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