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Recommendations for the design of interactive video materials are often based on the premise that interactive video may overcome learners' preconceptions of television as “easy.” This study investigated learner preconceptions of the difficulty of interactive video, instructional television, and television, and examined the effects of actively or covertly responding to practice questions on perceived mental effort, recall, and inferences. Seventy-one undergraduate students completed a questionnaire assessing their preconceptions of the difficulty of the three media, received their treatment, completed a questionnaire assessing perceived mental effort, then completed a recall and inference posttest. Before the lesson, the learners perceived it to be significantly easier to learn from interactive video than from instructional television and television, and significantly easier to learn from instructional television than from television. There were no significant differences in the mental effort ratings or inference scores among the three groups. The interactive video group recalled significantly more information than the television group. Possible reasons for findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although videotapes are a popular instructional medium in the training environment, viewers often adopt a passive stance toward learning from video. Viewers perceptions of video as a passive, “easy” medium may minimize the information they gain from video-based instruction. If instructional designers and trainers want to encourage the “couch potato” to process the content of a video-based lesson in an active manner, they should make sure that their lessons are designed to facilitate this process. This article discusses the relationship of mental effort to achievement, provides recommendations for designing video-based materials to increase the effort learners invest in the instruction, and presents a list of practical techniques for increasing learners' mental effort and achievement that can be incorporated into lessons that include video-based materials.  相似文献   

According to Salomon's (1981) model, children usually invest less effort in television viewing than in book reading, with the result that information from television is less deeply processed than information from books. The amount of invested mental effort, in its turn, is assumed to depend on the way a medium is perceived. Most children perceive television as an easy medium and books as a difficult one. In this article, Salomon's model and the research in which the model was tested are discussed, and a replication study is presented. The study determines the internal structure of the Dutch versions of Salomon's instruments and tests some predictions following from the model. Unlike their American peers, Dutch children do not unconditionally perceive television as an easy medium.  相似文献   


English: This study aims to examine the learners’ mental models of television in actual media classroom activity by which knowledge was constructed. It aims to clarify the formation of the Thai learners’ mental models of television related to their learning achievements using the topic of Pythagoras’ theorem in nindi‐grade mathematics as a case study. A qualitative approach was used to investigate the effects of using instructional television, especially as they facilitate learners in the construction of mental models for understanding the learning content. The findings revealed the learners’ mental models, which they constructed while learning through watching television. Specifically, they revealed how media capabilities and the instructional designs that employ them interact with the learners and the task characteristics to influence the formation of the learners’ mental models and their learning achievement.  相似文献   

It is argued that learning from different sources greatly depends on the differential way in which these sources are perceived, for these perceptions determine to an important extent the mental effort expended in the learning process. Two ideas are discussed in some detail: (a) amount of mental effort investment (AIME), defined as the number of nonautomatic elaborations applied to a unit of material, and measured by self reports; it is seen as capturing the essence of such constructs as depth of processing and mindful processing, and (b) the role played by perceptions, beliefs, and preconceptions which pertain to the nature of a particular class of materials and the effort it demands. Evidence is provided from studies that examined the ways in which TV is perceived, in comparison to print, and how these perceptions affect the actual ways of handling specific materials from each medium. The case is then generalized to other kinds of sources.  相似文献   

外语教学中的学生的理解活动非常重要 ,它与技能培训密切相关 ,从认知角度看 ,习得的价值在于人们理解信息所做的努力。理解活动中教师把握的原则是在教学设计时确定学生可以接受的难度以唤起学生在理解时的最大努力 ;让理解活动循序渐进并确定目标以利学生去理解 ;同时允许学生在进行理解时做出不同的努力。在教学形式上 ,教师可利用情景教学法、问题 -解决法和翻译写作训练法帮助学生去理解  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of prior knowledge (high vs. low; HPK and LPK) and concept-map structure (hierarchical vs. network; HS and NS) on disorientation, cognitive load, and learning from non-linear documents on “the infection process of a retrograde virus (HIV)”. Participants in the study were 24 adults. Overall subjective ratings of disorientation and cognitive load, as well as detailed analysis of eye movement and navigation data were used. The results showed that LPK learners gained equal factual knowledge from the HS and NS concept maps, gained more conceptual knowledge from the HS concept map, and had to invest less mental effort in the posttest after learning with the HS concept map. On the other hand, HPK learners gained more factual knowledge from the HS concept map than from the NS concept map, and gained equal conceptual knowledge from both concept-map structures. Also, LPK learners experienced higher disorientation during learning with the NS concept map than the HS map, whereas no differential effect of concept-map structure was found for HPK learners. Both LPK and HPK learners invested less mental effort in processing the HS concept map. The eye tracking and navigation data provided more detailed insight into these findings.  相似文献   

语块是约定俗成的复合物,是使用频率较高的短语词汇,它具有易提取性和预制性.运用语块理论对学习者进行大量的语块输入,可有效减少语言处理时问,符合人脑处理自然语言的规律和语言使用的原则,保证学习者顺利地进行英语口语交际,因此对学习者口语水平的提高大有裨益.但在具体的教学中教育者要重视对语块理论的一些相关因素——语境、词汇及语法等的深入探索和研究,以期使这一理论更为有效地发挥作用.  相似文献   

Information processing interpretation of errors in college science learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article begins with a brief summary of mental models from the information processing perspective. A model of prototypical college learning is then presented. Next, some of the links between mental models and cognitive errors are examined. Finally, studies of one category of cognitive errors, misconceptions and preconceptions of college science students are reviewed. Six factors contributing to error production are identified: four involve spontaneous cognitive mechanisms (strong word associations; non-verbal, intuitive knowledge; tendency to minimize mental effort; untimely triggering of natural language processing mechanisms) and two involve imperfect knowledge (alternative belief systems; fuzzy concepts).  相似文献   

本文采用中介语对比分析方法比较了中国英语学习者语料库中2000多篇大学英语四六级考试作文(COLEC,474511字符)及朗漫英语本族学习者语料库(LOCNESS,181879字符)中I THINK的用法,发现在语义方面,中国英语学习者对I THINK的义项使用明显多于本族英语学习者;在语用方面,中国英语学习者I THINK的滥用造成了许多晦暗语境的产生,并且引起了指示中心的转移。为客观研究中国英语学习者及英语本族语学习者I THINK用法特点,本文分四步进行:第一,对两个语料库分别检索包含I THINK及其所有曲折变化形式的索引行;第二,再次筛选索引行得到确定的目标索引行;第三,观察并分析索引行形成假设;第四,检验并修改假设。  相似文献   

中国远程学习者学习风格特征的三维模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
测量远程学习的学习风格,可以帮助学生选择适合自身学习风格的学习策略,进而提高远程学习的质量。该的研究目的在于建构符合我国远程学习学习风格特征的三维模型,以此作为测量和鉴别我国远程学习学习风格特征的理论基础。该研究以学习的信息加工理论、科尔布的经验学习理论、荣格的人格特征类型理论等三大学习风格理论模型为基础,综合了生理、社会、心理三层面上的学习风格特征。研究结果形成了中国远程学习学习风格的三维模型。该模型分三个维度:1)生理维度:从视觉、听觉、动觉三个角度描述远程学习在感觉通道偏好上的学习风格特征;2)经验维度:描述远程学习与其社会性有关的四种学习方式偏好。即原理型、经验型、实践型、思考型;3)心理维度:主要涵盖了与远程学习风格相关的人格心理特征类型,即内向与外向、现实与幻想、理性与感性、计划与随意。作希望该模型能全面概括我国远程学习的学习风格类型特点,并能作为我国远程学习学习风格测量工具开发的理论基础。  相似文献   

文章运用定量方法研究了以图片形式提供给学生的内容图式对学生阅读理解的促进作用。研究结果表明:为受试提供图片提示后,他们能够主动应用预测、联系先前知识等阅读策略,从而弥补了二语阅读的语言障碍,较好的理解了高于他们英语水平的文章。因此图式提示对学生的阅读理解具有良好的促进作用,并且可以有效引导学生阅读策略的使用。  相似文献   

基于远程学习者个体需求的教学策略探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
远程教学是建立在信息技术和学习者学习需求基础上的教学,在具体的教学过程中采用什么样的教学策略,不仅要看技术条件和学科特点,更重要的是要看学习者的实际需求。本文在分析了远程学习者特征和学习需求的基础上,着力探讨了网络环境下基于学习者个体需求的教学策略。在宏观上提出了三种比较可行的教学策略,即资源性教学策略、非系统性教学策略和服务性教学策略。  相似文献   

网络课程建设的质量不高是影响现代远程教育发展的一个重要因素。目前,造成网络课程建设质量偏低的主要原因是忽视对远程学习者特征的深入分析,开发的网络课程不能满足远程学习者的多样化需求。本文以上海电视大学教育管理专业的远程学习者为研究对象,综合采用文献研究、问卷调查、深度访谈等研究方法,对远程学习者的一般特点和学习特征进行了详细分析,提出了基于远程学习者特征的网络课程建设模式。  相似文献   

实验结果表明,英语阅读中虽然上下文在一定程度上能帮助英语学习者猜测词义,但它仍具有一定的局限性。一方面上下文本身具有的一些特点使得学习者不可能单纯依赖上下文获得生词词义,原因是有些单词与上下文联系并不紧密和上下文本身具有模糊性。另一方面,英语学习者自身在阅读水平和阅读习惯上有差异。实验还表明,英语学习者的词汇量与猜测词义能力并不成正相关。  相似文献   

林岚 《南平师专学报》2006,25(1):109-111
学习感知倾向是学习者个体差异因素之一,而学习的感知模式是学习风格的分类之一。由于个体通过不同的方式对信息进行感知和处理,所以,在安排教学方法时,学习风格是需要考虑的一个重要因素。而学生对自己在什么情况下能达到最好学习效果的分析不准确也可能导致事倍功半。因此,本文中作者主要对大学生在英语学习过程中所表现出来的感知倾向结果进行讨论,分析其特点,同时提出促进英语学习的建议。  相似文献   

The propensity of learners for autonomous learning is a function of the development of cognitive and metacognitive abilities for (a) processing, planning, and regulating learning activities; and (b) controlling and regulating affect and motivation. The development of these latter capabilities depends on the development of self-system structures and self-system processes. If learners are to apply processes necessary for autonomous learning, they must generate positive affect and motivation toward the learning task and toward applying the mental effort required. In turn, for positive affect and motivation to be generated, students must believe that their effort will lead to learning success and will contribute to meaningful personal goals. They must also be able to positively evaluate their personal competency and ability to take personal control over the demands of the learning task. A causal model based on these relationships is described, and instructional implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

第一语言获得与第二语言获得本质上无异,都是一种把外在知识内化为自身能力的心理或心智表现过程。而由于第二语言获得过程以获得者先已建立的第一语言为初始状态,这一过程不可能走第一语言获得过程那种以经验触发为获得方式的自然生长与发展之路,它要把第二语言获得者设计在一定的教学程序之中,同时把第二语言作为知识加以灌输;而获得者本人则要接受警告;时时注意排除来自第一语言的负面干扰,调节并克服因为学习动机上的功利主义所造成的表现为急于求成的焦躁情绪,以使第二语言获得过程尽可能地减少曲折。  相似文献   

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