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Sport and the media have long served as arenas for the development of national identity, both of which are examined in this study of the newspaper coverage of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. This article reports on the findings of a content analysis of newspaper coverage of the FIFA World Cup; the newspaper data collected included all major daily Australian newspapers. Following an in-depth analysis, five themes emerged: patriotism; dealing with loss; celebrity; national identity; and ethnicity. This paper examines the related themes of dealing with loss and national identity. Analysis revealed that during the pre-event phase, a clearly articulated national identity was constructed through the media; this was then used as a reference point for subsequent media coverage following Australia’s loss to Germany, a significant turning point for the Australian team. The aim of this article is to investigate the role played by the mass media in the representation, production and construction of Australian national identity within the context of sporting loss in an international competition. Media representation of Australian sporting nationalism is used as a lens through which to examine how elements of Australian national identity were represented, reproduced and reinforced by the media following the Australian soccer team’s poor performance.  相似文献   

In the annals of Australian soccer, Indigenous players are rare. They are hard to find in soccer’s past and they do not represent a sizeable grouping in the contemporary game. Given the contribution of Indigenous athletes to other sports, this is to be lamented. Yet, the Indigenous presence in Australian Soccer should not be underestimated. Five Aboriginal Socceroos and eight Matildas is a small but significant number. And there were periods and places in which Aboriginal participation was relatively high. The game’s future is inexorably bound with the need to understand this marginal past in order to embrace and nurture Indigenous football talent.  相似文献   

针对我国足球体制改革的现状及目前体制运行中存在的诸多矛盾,采用文献资料分析、社会调查和专家调查等方法,在对我国足球改革进程做简要回顾的基础上,确定现行体制运行中存在的十种矛盾关系,并综合地分析各种矛盾的根源及对我国足球事业发展的危害,为深化足球改革及制定发展对策提供参考。  相似文献   

"足球操"的创编与运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据徒手操的设计与编排的原则,遵循足球运动的规律和特点,对“足球操”的设计与编排进行研究,归纳总结出科学合理的一系列“足球操”,为足球教学训练提供专门性的徒手操,丰富足球教学训练的手段,从而推动足球教学训练水平的提高。  相似文献   

Football, or soccer as it is more commonly referred to in Australia and the US, is arguably the world’s most popular sport. It generates a proportionate volume of related writing. Within this landscape, works of novel-length fiction are seemingly rare. This paper establishes and maps a substantial body of football fiction works, explores elements and qualities exhibited individually and collectively. In bringing together current, limited surveys of the field, it presents the first rigorous definition of football fiction and captures the first historiography of the corpus. Drawing on distant reading methods developed in conjunction with closer textual analyses, the historiography and subsequent taxonomy represent the first articulation of relationships across the body of work, identify growth areas and establish a number of movements and trends. In advancing the understanding of football fiction as a collective body, the paper lays foundations for further research and consideration of the works in generic terms.  相似文献   

美国足球发展的历史回顾与现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国足球已经走过了近150年的历程,至上世纪末,美国足球经过了萌芽、成型、纷争、探索和转折等5个发展阶段。“足球战争”、北美职业足联的兴衰以及1994年世界杯是影响美国足球发展进程的3个重大事件。目前,随着足球大联盟部分球队开始盈利,职业联赛水平逐步提高,青少年足球广泛开展以及足球观众不断增加,美国足球运动已呈现出良好的发展态势。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a major blind spot in the history of Australian sport by investigating women's participation in sport with relation to social class. This is a question that has been largely overlooked in the current literature on the history of women's sport, but stands out as an issue deserving of further attention. The paper considers whether the obstacles faced by Australian sportswomen have been irrespective of social class and status, or if working-class women faced a double burden of both gender and economic barriers to sporting activity? Drawing upon an in-depth examination of sport and identities in an inner-city working-class Australian suburb, the paper examines and analyses the sporting experiences of local women in the early part of the twentieth century. Based on an extensive evaluation (and critique) of the local, city and sporting press and local histories, the paper argues that not only did working-class women have far fewer opportunities to participate in sport than their working-class male counterparts, but that they also had much less access to sport than middle- and upper-class women. It concludes that issues relating to class were the most significant deterrent to sporting involvement amongst local women.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对新世纪以来澳大利亚体育发展所面临的挑战及体育政策进行分析。研究认为澳大利亚在高水平竞技体育领域、大众体育领域、女子体育领域、土著居民体育领域和残疾人体育领域面临重要挑战,这也是新世纪以来澳大利亚体育政策制定的基本出发点。此外,澳大利亚体育政策的转型特征表现为:体育政策纲要的结构更富层次性和衔接性;体育政策的具体措施更加细化,并且更富针对性、明确性和可操作性。最后,指出了澳大体育发展的挑战及政策转型给予我国体育政策发展的一些启示。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法,结合心理学、社会学对中超赛场球迷越轨行为的成因进行深入分析,并对球迷越轨行为提出了针对性的预防对策。  相似文献   

中外优秀足球运动员年龄特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过查阅第17届世界杯足球赛参赛队员资料,运用文献法和数理统计法,在综合分析的基础上,对中国国家队参赛队员与17届世界杯足球赛8强球队以及韩国、日本国家队参赛队员从运动员平均年龄、位置年龄、主力运动员平均年龄的结构特征及足球运动员中各位置运动员高水平竞技能力持续的大致年龄范围等方面进行比较分析,寻求我国足球运动员与世界足球强国之间的差距所在。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the historiographical debate concerning the nature and evolution of an Australian national identity. It does so through the case study of cricket and, in particular, cricketing relations with Britain. It argues that the movement of cultural traffic – that is the two-way transmission of people, ideas and sports – between metropole and colony was central to the formation, definition and evolution of an Australian cricketing identity. Furthermore, it suggests that this sporting national identity acted as a rehearsal for a broader Australian identity.  相似文献   

李卫东 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(3):341-343,330
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和实地调研法对阳光体育运动的缘起与现状,校园足球活动产生背景、内涵、开展条件与要求以及与阳光体育运动的关系,校园足球开展的基本情况等方面的问题进行了深入剖析与阐述,并设计了阳光体育运动背景下校园足球推广模式:健全的组织机构、完善的竞赛体系、多元化的师资建设、准确的目标定位、优化的活动内容、丰富的活动形式、完善的保障体系和健全的评价体系。  相似文献   

对世界优秀男子足球运动员年龄特征的分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文运用文献法和数理统计法,对参加第16 届足球世界杯赛各名次段运动员年龄、位置年龄、主力运动员年龄以及各洲参赛运动员年龄的结构特征加以比较分析,划分了足球项目各位置高水平竞技阶段的时限范围。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法,录像观察法对足球裁判员的场上执裁工作进行了研究。结果表明:无论裁判员在场上怎样的努力,还是离不开“黑哨”的困扰。针对这些问题,笔者从《足球竞赛规则》和裁判管理制度的客观实际情况出发,提出相应的对策,使裁判员的判罚更加合理、准确。  相似文献   

从导引图与养生功法的流变探研中国健身气功的本质特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用文献资料调研、逻辑分析和现象学等方法探研导引图与中国传统养生功法,发现马王堆导引图功法涵盖后世所有养生功法类型;马王堆导引图功法为后世养生功法的原型,具有健身气功的本质特征;这一中国养生体系所代表的共同健身本质就是调神、理气、正形。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、实地调查、数理统计等研究方法,对福建省高校足球联赛的开展状况、联赛的资金状况、市场开发现状进行分析和探讨。发现福建省高校足球联赛市场开发程度较低,联赛发展资金严重不足。建议联赛发展所需资金应该通过市场进行开发,向社会要资金,从而形成多渠道、多形式的经费筹集体制。  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动员法律意识研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料调研、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对我国职业足球运动员的法律意识进行了研究。研究结果表明,职业足球运动员法律意识较低。开展普法教育,加强足球法规建设、强化公正司法、加强基层组织建设,是提高职业足球运动员法律意识的有效途径。  相似文献   

我国足球赛场球迷越轨行为分级及趋势探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对球迷越轨行为进行了等级分类,通过对近十年来我国足球赛场球迷越轨行为的特征分析,揭示了我国足球赛场球迷越轨行为的走向和发展趋势,结合社会学、心理学等因素解析了不同类别球迷越轨产生的成因,旨在为相关部门在宏观决策和指导上能够有效预防和控制球迷越轨行为的发生提供有益的理论参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对日本高中生足球锦标赛进行分析,其成功经验是:赛事包装宣传出色,重视与电视媒体的合作;赛事品牌效应显著,商务运营成熟;赛制残酷、赛程紧密、赛事质量高;“应援”文化极具特色;赛事的竞技性与教育并重。对我国打造代表性校园赛事的启示:加强与主流媒体合作,扩大赛事影响力;打造赛事品牌,完善自身造血功能;培育特色赛事文化;赛事开展要与校园体育文化建设相关联,要具有教育意义。  相似文献   

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