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英语教学系统法论纲   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
英语教学法的新趋势是走向综合,然而,研究表明,只有在系统论的指导下才能做到科学地综合,取得最佳教学效果,因此,作提出一种以“系统法”命名的新英语教学法。这种教学法,与其说是一种方法,不如说是多种方法的系统组合,即动态开放体系。它由三个层次的内容组成,其第一层次是总方法或方法论,第二层次是分方法,第三层次是各种具体的技巧性方法。系统教学法不仅对我国的英语教学,而且对世界各国的非本族语教学,都有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

乾嘉时期以戴震为代表的考据学派主张通过考据、训诂以见道.这种得道方式对不善考据的章学诚造成了极大的心理压力,如何开辟新的得道途径成为章学诚思考的重点.章学诚并不完全反对考据的得道方式,但其立足点主要在于对考据学派展开批评,并提出了"学于众人,斯为圣人"的求道主张.不过,这种得道方式恐怕和考据学派的方式一样缺乏足够的普遍性.  相似文献   

The debate surrounding assessment in education and the tensions it has caused is based upon conflicting ideologies in society. Enterprise in Higher Education and other initiatives have raised the awareness of staff to these issues and caused many of us to rethink the way in which we educate students. Changing the structure of assessment has enabled us to start adopting methods which are more student centred and appropriate to the demands of employers in particular and society as a whole more generally. There is a strong case for adopting a, more collaborative approach which breaks away from traditional norms and, while assessing students’ abilities in a summative sense, helps them to develop an awareness of their strengths and weaknesses in a formative way.  相似文献   

Systems biology     
Systems biology seeks to study biological systems as a whole, contrary to the reductionist approach that has dominated biology. Such a view of biological systems emanating from strong foundations of molecular level understanding of the individual components in terms of their form, function and interactions is promising to transform the level at which we understand biology. Systems are defined and abstracted at different levels, which are simulated and analysed using different types of mathematical and computational techniques. Insights obtained from systems level studies readily lend to their use in several applications in biotechnology and drug discovery, making it even more important to study systems as a whole.  相似文献   

目前,许多高校正在探索将思想教育融入专业教育这一新的思政教育模式,这一模式因其单向性导致实践中的实效性有待加强。本文旨在论证利用专业特色和地域优势实现专业教育与思想教育相融相长的可行性,并以个案剖析的形式介绍在这一新的教学方式上如何运用PBL教学理念。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是全社会共同关注的话题,受到民众的广泛认同。本文提出,法律机制是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键途径,法律机制应该以人为本,充分尊重个人的意愿,使其享有人之为人所应享有的基本权利,在法律允许的范围之内,享有广泛的行为自由。法律在和谐社会构建中的作用和功能发挥,应当通过法律各系统的和谐加以实现,以一种系统的整体协力共同推进中国社会主义和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

探索公有制同社会主义市场经济相适应的实现形式 ,对于搞好搞活包括国有经济在内的整个公有制经济 ,充分发挥公有制的优势和优越性 ,巩固公有制的主体地位 ,具有十分重要的作用和意义。探索公有制实现形式 ,要坚持“三个有利于”标准 ,正确把握公有制和公有制实现形式的科学涵义和相互关系。既要积极探索创新 ,又要大胆借鉴和利用资本主义国家反映社会化生产规律和现代市场经济要求的经营方式和企业组织形式  相似文献   

只有走出多媒体课件使用和制作中的误区,正确对待多媒体课件在教学中的作用,掌握多媒体课件制作的方法,才能充分发挥多媒体课件的优势,从而获得更佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

翻译学中长期占主导地位的是等值的概念,但是这一理论在翻译实践中往往无法实现。德国的学者提出的目的论和后期发展出来的功能主义为翻译提供了一条新路。通过广告翻译这一视角,指出传统的等值理论并不能完全指导翻译实践,而运用功能主义的方法却能在广告翻译中取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

建立一套合理、科学的课程平时考核模式是教师教学过程中一直探索的问题,既肯定平时考核方式的积极作用,也指出其存在的问题。因此,平时考核无论以何种方式执行,都必须互为条件,相辅相成,同时需要学校制订相关制度作为保障,最终才能有效地提升教学质量,达到理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

教育回归人性,指教育要基于与利用人性之真,达成人性之善,促成人完满的生命体验,实现真、善、美的统一。教育理论回归人性的基本方式,是在全面把握人性与教育的相互意义及其现实表现的基础上,给予教育根本性、基础性、总体性的理论指导与价值引领,让教育更加尊重人性、更好地利用人性、更合乎人性,让人性在教育的作用下尽可能地向某种理想状态发展。教育活动回归人性的基本方式,则是要踏上回归真实、走向至善、追寻智慧之路,尊重人的本性,贴近人性的真实存在——现实生活,以美善的方式实现对人性的改善与提升,让教育主体全面占有自身的智慧本质,成为理性智慧、价值智慧和实践智慧的统一体,达成完整的生命体验。  相似文献   

理解个性教育   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现代教育十分重视学生个性的培养。但怎样理解个性教育,妥善处理个性教育与集体教育之间的关系,这是教育理论研究与教育实践中深感困难的课题。个性与社会性、群体性是能够统一的,要从个性与群体性整合的角度理解个性教育,个性不是个人性、个别性,是个体独立自主性。因此,通过教育塑造人的主体意识,完善人的主体品质,增强人的主体能力,是个性教育的本质与意义。唯此,才能明晰个性教育实现的基本要求与路径。  相似文献   

整体语言方法旨在培养能够协商、构建并交流意义的语言学习者.整体语言方法认为语言必须整体教、整体学,教师必须鼓励学生在合作、互动中学习语言的多种技能.整体语言艺术为我们大学外语教学改革带来了新观念和新方法.  相似文献   

Mobile agent technology has drawn a tremendous amount of attention from researchers in distributed computing recently as it promises to provied an elegant and efficient way of solving complex distributed problems,as well as offering a new approach to human-computer-interaction.In mobile agent systems,the mobile agent travels autonomously from one computer to another within the agent enabled networks,executes itself in the agent execution environment,collects useful information and makes its own decision on behalf of its owner.This mobility nature of mobile agent demands its unique name in the whole network otherwise it gets lost or conflicts with other mobile agent having same name.This paper proposes a naming scheme which promises a unique name for a mobile agent within that network.  相似文献   

Summary To sum up, we have examined the various difficulties-mathematical, conceptual, and logical-involved in learning and teaching axiomatic geometry. Taking as a typical axiomatic approach one that couples Emil Artin's treatment of affine geometry with Choquet's handling of the basic order and orthogonality phenomena of Euclidean geometry, we have tried to identify these difficulties in some detail. We have noted that this particular approach isolates the graver difficulties, separating them from one another in such a way that they can be mastered by comparatively simple techniques. For both student and teacher the burden is shifted to the fuller understanding of certain fundamental concepts, such as that of a geometrical transformation, which permit making an early contact with algebra-specifically, with group theory-in the spirit of Descartes and Felix Klein. We have proposed an organization of the school program in geometry from grade K or grade 1 through grade 12 aimed at gradually acquainting the student with these basic concepts and their technical uses as they emerge from the persistent contemplation of the physical, mathematical, and logical facts. We have stated our conviction that by the 10th grade students should be prepared to understand the strategy and the significance of the axiomatic approach, and by the 11th and 12th grades to carry through that approach in adequate detail. We have taken explicitly into account the need to arrange the school geometry program in such a way that students can reach terminal points appropriate to their capacities, needs, and interests. We must emphasize that what has been presented here is no more than a rough outline, to be filled out on the basis of further psychological, mathematical and curricular investigations. I am confident that these suggestions can mature into a school geometry program not only far more significant intellectually and technically than those now commonly offered but also one easier to learn and to teach. This is not just a matter of personal belief, because many elements of the proposed program have actually been tried out in one form or another with success. What is now needed is a grand effort to assemble the tested and untested parts into an experimental whole.  相似文献   

探索公有制同社会主义市场经济相适应的实现形式,对于搞好搞活包括国有经济在内的整个公有制经济,充分发挥公有制的优势和优越性,巩固公有制的主体地位,具有十分重要的作用和意义。探索公有制实现形式,要坚持“三个有利于”标准,正确把握公有制和公有制实现形式的科学涵义和相互关系。既要积极探索创新,又要大胆借鉴和利用资本主义国家反映社会化生产规律和现代市场经济要求的经营方式和企业组织形式。  相似文献   

Human performance technology (HPT), like other concepts, models, and frameworks that we use to describe the world in which we live and the way we organize ourselves to accomplish valuable activities, is built from paradigms that were fresh and relevant at the time it was conceived and from the fields of study from which it grew. However, when the frameworks used by practitioners grow out of similar paradigms, important things can be missed when designing solutions in performance environments simply because of their practical limitations and exclusion of issues that may warrant our attention. This article looks at the paradigms most commonly used to explain performance environments, both within HPT and by those from other fields. From this a synthesized approach to solving perceived problems in performance environments is provided that introduces Soft Systems Methodology to the HPT practitioner, an approach built on premises very different from those commonly utilized in HPT frameworks.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of a teaching experiment on absolute value inequalities, whose aim was to identify characteristics of an approach that would realize the potential of the topic to develop theoretical thinking in students enrolled in prerequisite mathematics courses at a large, urban North American university. The potential is demonstrated in an epistemological analysis of the topic. It is also shown that this potential is not realized in the way the topic is presently taught in prerequisite mathematics courses. Three groups of students enrolled in such courses were each exposed to one of three approaches we conceived for teaching the topic, labeled the procedural (PA), the theoretical (TA), and the visual (VA) approaches. The design of the three lectures was constrained by institutional characteristics of college-level courses, and informed by epistemological and didactical analyses of the topic. It was found that following the VA lecture, which proposed two equally valid mathematical techniques (graphical and analytic), one of which could be used to test the validity of results obtained by the other, students were more likely to engage in some aspects of theoretical thinking. They displayed more reflective and systemic thinking than other groups, and dealt more effectively with the logical intricacies of absolute value inequalities. VA students appeared to have a synthetic grasp of the inequalities, and a flexibility of thought not displayed by PA and TA students. However, without sufficient attention to tasks not easily solved by graphical means, VA approach provided students with a way to avoid the challenges of systemic and analytic thinking, some of which were more apparent in TA students. PA students expectedly behaved more as procedural knowers, but we saw interesting examples of engagement with theoretical thinking while dealing with the procedures proposed in the PA lecture.  相似文献   

Non-government organisations (NGOs) are big players in international development, critical to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and constantly under pressure to ‘achieve more’. Scaling-up their initiatives successfully and sustainably can be an efficient and cost effective way for NGOs to increase their impact across a range of developmental outcomes, but relatively little attention has been paid in the education sector to how best this may be done and debates appear to have stalled. One approach to scaling-up is replication, on which this paper focuses. While there is no one universally applicable path through which an educational NGO can achieve successful replication, more can be done to support choice of the best path to follow, with respect to specific NGO circumstances and the context within which it operates – and hopes to operate in future. This paper presents four known paths to replication alongside new illustrative diagrams to explore their advantages and disadvantages, and highlights the need for a fifth approach that does not appear in current literature. ‘Network replication’ is proposed as new pathway that draws on known strengths of networks and offers a learning-oriented approach to scaling-up. While inevitably not without its potential problems, Network replication is a scaling-up option that deserves consideration.  相似文献   

在分析介绍了入侵检测系统和防火墙的基础上,设计一种入侵检测系统和防火墙联动的模式.利用两者的结合,入侵检测系统检测攻击行为后,通过与防火墙之间的公共语言发送通知给防火墙,防火墙生成动态规则对攻击行为实现控制和阻断.因此可以更有效地保护用户信息安全.  相似文献   

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