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我在北京的故事在必胜客享用晚餐之后,我们决定步行去参观。买了一张地图后,我们开始北京的探索之旅,但不幸的是,我们没有看懂这幅地图,所以我们只能依靠我们的直觉。我们想要去天安门广场。但是走了整整两个多小时,我们还是没有找到它。所以我们决定先回到一个朋友住的宾  相似文献   

Home advantage is quantitatively defined and calculated for each season since the start of the main professional sports in North America and England. Over 400,000 games are analysed. The leagues represented are the National League (1876?–?2002) and American League (1901?–?2002) for baseball, the National Hockey League (1917?–?2003) for ice hockey, the National Football League (1933?–?2002) for American football, the National Basketball Association (1946?–?2003) for basketball, and the four levels of professional football, formerly called the Football League, in England (1888?–?2003). Problems caused by unbalanced playing schedules are considered. The results are presented graphically to show long-term trends and sudden changes. The highest levels of home advantage for all sports were in their early years of existence. Home advantage in ice hockey, basketball and football in England has declined over the last two decades. In baseball there has been very little change over the last 100 years, with home advantage consistently lower than in other sports. There was a large drop in home advantage in football in England following the 7-year suspension of the league during the Second World War. The trends and changes provide some evidence that travel and familiarity contribute to home advantage, but little in support of crowd effects.  相似文献   

《Sport in Society》2012,15(1):88-102
This study examines whether a process of internationalization has affected the level of athletic performance amongst high-level athletes competing on the world stage. Top 100 International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) rankings were compared at two time points: 1984 and 2006, by event and by gender. We identified internationalization as a determinant of the level of athletic performances. This level increased more in events that witnessed more important shifts in market shares (dynamic internationalization or competitiveness) and where dominance by a subset of countries (static internationalization) decreased. This internationalization clearly affects performances in men's athletics (as the performance has clearly gone up since 1984), but not in women's athletics. Here the general level of women's athletics has actually decreased.  相似文献   

This study investigates the American presence and influences in the physical education press to understand the way in which that presence influenced and contributed to the production of a sports culture in the first half of the twentieth century. As historical sources, the study uses periodicals in the field that were published in the period 1932–1950. As a theoretical frame of reference, it uses the repertoire of the New Cultural History in terms of strategy, tactics and devices. It is written in a narrative way, following Ginzburg's style, presenting data and contextualizing them with the historic scene. Clues enabled us to infer that the American presence, which was catalysed by the Brazilian Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), sought to shape a sports culture from physical education and society. This effort reflected the yearning of Brazilian intellectuals for modernisation and an attempt at cultural colonisation by the government of the USA.  相似文献   

群星璀璨(一)、(二)  相似文献   

When Singapore surrendered to the Japanese, it was ironic that they promoted the British culture of sport. Sport became centralised and the political priority placed on sport by the Japanese government provided it with greater resources to develop than other cultural institutions. The direction and form of its development became more and more dictated by the state. Political function became the predetermining social force compared with such functions as class orcultural distinction. The increase in bureaucracy and complexity in the organisation of the institution of sport widened the network of interdependencies between the state and its subjects but, more significantly, the Japanese government also demonstrated the emotional quality of sport in facilitating political aggrandisement. Paradoxically, during this period of oppression the Japanese embraced the affective quality of sport in nationalising disparate social groups in Singapore. This article, embracing an Eliasian approach, investigates this critical phase in the development of sport in Singapore and reflects upon the notion the shifts in the governmental view of sport, physical education and physical fitness that emerged during the Japanese occupation were major preconditions and influences in the later development of the more centralised control of sport that emerged in independent Singapore.  相似文献   

This article aims at analysing how the government of Getúlio Vargas in Brazil, especially during the dictatorial period known as Estado Novo, used sport as a means of propaganda. In order to achieve this goal, I first examine how the government acted in uniting the Brazilian sport field, which was divided in factions representing different political groups, who struggled over the control of the organisation of sports in the country. Then, I analyse how this pacified sport field was used as a means of propaganda for the government. Finally, I look at the official intervention in the sport organisation with the creation of CND, assessing the objectives behind its creation.  相似文献   

As mountaineering was a non-Olympic sport and of no military relevance, it did not obtain any support of the socialist state. Consequently, it was very difficult for the mountaineers to obtain visas and financial or material resources. Invitations from the Soviet Union (SU), well-paid side jobs and self-made equipment were just some of the things necessary to be able to get into the highlands. From the end of the 1970s the emerging ‘hippie-generation’ brought new life into the scene of traditional alpinists. These young people travelled into the Soviet Union with the help of a so-called ‘Transitvisum’. They stayed in the SU illegally for several weeks or even months, always being weary of the police. Not having much financial possibilities, they travelled mostly by train or by hitchhiking and thus got into close contact with the Soviet people. Due to their experiences the alpinists were able to distance themselves from the official socialist discourse in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and to realise the possibility of liberty. They can be considered as an avant-garde of the massive exoduses or escapes of thousands of GDR citizens in 1989 through one or more eastern countries which initiated the collapse of the GDR.  相似文献   

This article discusses the preponderance of aesthetic aspects within the sport experience, especially as these are reflected in the dialogue between sport and cinema and in relations established via the use of images and the emergence of new ideas of the body at the beginning of the twentieth century. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part identifies points of connection between sport and cinema. The remaining parts interpret the meaning of these connections. The paper concludes that it is important to recognize that sport is not only a theme for art but also a language that establishes inter-semiotic dialogues, something that is deeply characteristic of sport and a source also of its aesthetic meaning.  相似文献   

相信去过游乐场的人,都会觉得旋转木马不刺激,早已提不起什么兴趣,但是谁也不能割舍那一份旋转木马的情结,因为几乎所有人的游乐场生涯都是从旋转木马开始的。科比·布莱恩特也不例外,即使他现在已经无所不能,即使他将来还会朝着神的方向继续前行,即使他的选秀和转会并没有太多动人曲折的故事,但是请记住他是从这里开始的。  相似文献   

1890年7月在seheveningen荷兰滑冰协会主持召开一个由各国对国际滑冰比赛感兴趣的代表们参加的会议;这就是第一届滑联大会。  相似文献   

摇 侧跑右腿左抬价高两地时原同二二、有砚劝l练付r找 第一节提.立第二节原地小跑第三节 预备 第四节 图从左至右①一②每拍高抬(成小跳)一次,两臂轮流大幅度直臂上下摆动各一次 第五节 ①立踵(乡落踵原地高抬腿两衡轮流上下摆①两臂右侧摆②两臂左侧摆法,‘了{如万穿少气③一④同样方法,但摆幅较少(在前举部位)完成2次原地小跑,两臂在各方位的交叉摆动,_界沂少芬夕一\{(一)1 1 又①一②体前交又向外摆向外摆3⑤一⑥上举 2③一④前举交交叉向外摆4⑦(二)12 1①一②两臂侧举摆动 32③一④两劈一⑧向侧分开下摆侧针下举向前摆动3⑤一⑧体前交…  相似文献   


After the Japanese Occupation ended in September 1945, Singapore experienced a brief period of British Military Administration. During the next three years of rehabilitation under civil administration, sport in Singapore became an instrument of identity creation. Administrators and stakeholders strove to establish an international profile. There was a desire to forge a Pan-Malayan sporting body and then the priority was to join the Olympic Movement. Tensions arose between interdependent organizations and the individuals representing interest groups. Civil administrators were predominantly British. The Chinese, who retained strong affiliations to nationalist China, represented the vast majority of the population. These two communities had their own ideas on how best to promote sport. A complicating factor was the growing threat of communism and the transition in political power in China. Two plans evolved that created a unique setting for representative sport in Singapore. Membership of the International Olympic Committee was the first step for athletes aspiring to represent the new Singapore Colony team itself. For the Chinese there was an alternative path. They became motivated to attend the China Games in Shanghai, with the hope that it would lead to selection for the China team at the Olympic Games in London.  相似文献   

穆紫 《篮球》1999,(19)
NBA充满了你死我活的斗争,哪一个球队的历史都是一部斗争史。战斗里成长的球员们个个争强好胜,在这斗争的夹缝里,却也顽强地生长着几个温良恭俭让的绅士。  相似文献   

The role of schools and physical education in promoting health, producing a ‘healthy nation’ and in tackling obesity has been increasingly recognised in recent years. In England this is evidenced by various policies, strategies and responses from government that have highlighted schools to be instrumental in addressing health broadly and obesity specifically. In addition, individual schools and teachers at the local level appear to be responding to the obesity issue in varied and different ways. However, we and other researchers feel that the discourse surrounding obesity and some of the reports, messages, policies and measures being taken to tackle it are misleading, misguided and could do more harm than good. At the same time, as physical educators committed to the health and development of young people, we feel unable to ignore the issue and compelled to act. We contend that ‘every child of every size matters’ and can benefit from regular engagement in physical education and physical activity and furthermore that, as a profession, we have a responsibility to provide all young people, of all sizes, with meaningful, relevant and positive physical education and physical activity experiences. Given this, we consider what role physical education can and should realistically, sensibly and safely play in addressing childhood overweight and obesity. Firstly, some of the key ‘facts’, issues and debates concerning obesity are explored and the way in which the issue appears to be being addressed in many schools is critiqued. We then briefly summarise some of the formal guidance and recommendations available to schools on obesity, before concluding with some practical recommendations to support physical education teachers in effectively engaging all children in physical activity both within and beyond physical education.  相似文献   

哲腾 《篮球》1999,(21)
与普通百姓相比,NBA球员都是大款。所以,从他们之中选出几个富翁并不算难事。我们本无意给他们的收入列个排行榜,更无意核实其经济效益的确切数字。只是他们之中有这么几位,在钱的问题上颇有些戏剧化表演,看起来也有点意思。  相似文献   

1、相三进五炮8平4过宫炮虽属先手布局,但用于后手应对飞相局也是较为常见的。其战略方针是:攻守兼备,伺机反击。2、兵七进一…………另一路常见着法是马二进三,马8进7,车一平二,卒进1,炮二平一。2、…………马8进73、马八进七车9平84、马七进六(图1)…………黑亮左车捉  相似文献   

A.车高兵胜双炮单缺象取胜要点:红兵从中路突进,换得双士后,黑方将难以坚守。1.兵四平五象5退3 2.车一平七象3进1 3.兵五进一士5退6 如改走炮4进2(如士5进6?车七平五,红方速胜),车七平二!炮8平9,兵五进一,红胜。4.车七平五炮4进1 5.兵五平六士6进5 6.兵六进一炮8平6  相似文献   

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