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萨拉是英国小说家福尔斯《法国中尉的女人》里的女主人公。在这部小说中,莎拉是一个与维多利亚时代传统精神相悖,追求独立、自由的女性形象。她蔑视权威,视传统道德为粪土,颠覆男权为中心的社会秩序,否定维多利亚时代女性的行为准则。自由始终是萨拉的生命主题。为了自由,她背负骂名,放弃爱情和婚姻。在追求自由的道路上,萨拉大致经历了三个阶段:觉醒——反叛——自立。  相似文献   

<法国中尉的女人>是一部后现代主义的经典之作,小说中作者约翰·福尔斯描述了萨拉这位生于维多利亚时代却不为时代所容的神秘的女性形象,在时人的眼中她是个"悲剧",但对自由和独立人格的追求使她成为一位所处时代的颠覆者.  相似文献   

在保守、刻板、沉闷的维多利亚时代,《法国中尉的女人》中女主人公萨拉试图用身体反叛的方式冲破父权空间规训的樊笼,寻求独立与自由。利用福柯的权力空间和异质空间理论,解读萨拉的空间位移轨迹,即从马尔巴勒宅邸到韦尔康芒斯再到罗塞蒂的住所,萨拉终究没有逃离维多利亚时代强大的父权空间表征,其自由追寻之路最终以失败而告终。  相似文献   

程美林 《海外英语》2012,(2):185-186,199
《法国中尉的女人》是约翰·福尔斯的经典代表作,20世纪后现代主义的杰出代表。福尔斯创造的萨拉这一个性鲜明,行为独特的女性形象给读者留下了深刻的映像,引起了国内外学者的广泛关注和热切讨论。在维多利亚时代,萨拉似的新女性形象是不被接受的,是遭唾弃的、是病态的。是什么原因造成了萨拉的"病"呢?它将从萨拉勇于追求欲望,萨拉自制恶名和萨拉对查尔斯·斯密森的自我意识的启蒙三个方面来加以分析。  相似文献   

结合女性主义相关理论,对托马斯·哈代长篇小说中的边缘女性形象进行文本细读,揭示维多利亚时代努力追求独立、自由和快乐的女性所面临的悲剧,揭露男权社会对女性的压迫。  相似文献   

《贵妇画像》是19世纪晚期小说家亨利·詹姆斯的杰出代表作。通过对主人公伊莎贝尔与三位追求者———古德伍德,沃伯顿以及奥斯蒙德的情感纠葛分析,解读伊莎贝尔追求自由人生目标的人格特征,理解维多利亚时代部分觉醒的女性为争取自由所作的抗争和努力。  相似文献   

《法国中尉的女人》一直以来被广大学者定义为一部“理想的女权主义虚构作品”。研究者们认为萨拉作为福尔斯笔下的女主人公具有强烈的自主性,大胆摆脱了维多利亚时代对女性顺从、贞淑、柔弱形象的束缚,成为自由独立的典型女性人物,也由此证明了福尔斯是一位地道的女权主义者,是女性运动的旗手。然而细读文本发现,福尔斯笔下的萨拉虽然具有某种程度上的自主性,但实际上仍是男性视角下的失语者,是被男性拯救的他者及被男权话语赋予“疯狂”特质的欲望客体。《法国中尉的女人》表面上是女权主义的进步作品,实际上却宣誓男性权威,拥护父权主义。  相似文献   

作为一位在英国维多利亚时代生活了将近二十年的女性,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫深深体味到父权制的社会机制对女性的轻视和压制,为了摆脱时代遗留给她的桎梏,她态度坚决地主张要"杀死房中的天使",真实而自由地抒写女性的情感体验,创造女性话语,让女性"成为自己".她的开创性理论成为后现代女性主义勃兴之源.  相似文献   

在男权至上的维多利亚时代,简爱超前的女性意识挑战了男性的权威,在简爱这本小说中,夏洛蒂.勃朗特塑造了简爱自尊、倔强的性格和追求平等和幸福的精神;安娜则是一个大胆追求爱情自由和婚姻幸福的新女性.本文通过这两个女性人物的命运分析了女性意识的觉醒.  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对莎拉形象的解读,揭示在黑暗的压抑人性的维多利亚时代,女性冲破世俗和宗教的束缚,追求平等自由、自我价值、爱情价值的意识觉醒.  相似文献   

French Lieutenant's Woman written by John Fowles mainly talks about the developing relationship between Sarah Woodruff and Charles Smithson.Sarah Woodruff known as"Tragedy",or "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is caught between the Victorian and modern ages.Rumors spread around that she stands by the sea to wait for the French Lieutenant who seduced her to return.And Charles is a young,lazy but intelligent English gentleman,who breaks off his engagement to a traditional young woman Tina to pursue Sarah.The novel is very special and attractive in many ways,so my purpose of the paper is to analyze how characters' desire and postmodern environment wind through the story.  相似文献   

从处女作《收藏家》到抗鼎之作《法国中尉的女人》,福尔斯作品中女性的形象发生了巨大的变化。这两位女主人公的人物塑造变化真实地反映了福尔斯女性观的变化。从米兰达面对有形的地下室禁锢到萨拉面临无形的社会道德禁锢,米兰达是一位被男性虐待的受虐者而萨拉成为救赎男性的智慧女人,从米兰达香消玉殒到萨拉最终得到自由,福尔斯对女性自由和女性解放的理解变得更为彻底和深刻。福尔斯也深化了读者对女性自由的理解。  相似文献   

Violin Lessons     
亲爱的同学们,本栏目选编了一系列妙趣横生的故事,其目的在于帮助你们提高英语阅读理解能力,增加词汇量,增进对西方幽默感的理解。每篇故事均附有生词表及阅读自测题,加油吧!  相似文献   

This study is an interpretive investigation of Sarah, a first-time teacher of middle- and high-school science who, because of high levels of disruption, was unable to establish and maintain environments favorable to learning. Sarah reflected on her roles as a teacher and identified facilitating learning, management, and assessment as salient, each being associated with defining metaphors and belief sets. Sarah's efforts to improve her teaching began with the construction of a new metaphor, the social director, for her role as manager. She developed coherence between the new metaphor and beliefs about constructivism, teaching, and learning. Sarah then managed her class in accordance with the social director metaphor and, although improvements were apparent, some students were uncooperative. Sarah then changed her metaphor for assessment from the teacher being a fair judge to the teacher looking through a window into a student's mind, an opportunity for students to show what is known. When this metaphor guided Sarah's assessment practices the learning environment improved appreciably. Although the development of new metaphors was a significant part of the process of reconceptualizing her roles as a science teacher, Sarah could not have improved the quality of teaching and learning without substantial assistance from her colleagues and school administrators.  相似文献   

M. Sarah Smedman teaches children's literature and other literature courses at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is the author of many articles and reviews in children's literature and is the recipient of the Children's Literature Association's Scholarship Award.  相似文献   

《法国中尉的女人》这部小说通过对维多利亚社会典型人物的塑造,展示了一幅关于维多利亚社会道德风尚的真实画面,同时尖锐地批判了维多利亚社会对人性的压抑和控制。在当时的时代背景下,从道德角度剖析其中主要角色的不同追求和他们为此付出的代价,旨在体现对自由的歌颂和对虚伪的批判。  相似文献   

Love is a notable and significant aspect that shows the conflicts and coexistence of transitional Victorian Age.Three modes of love,namely sacrificed love,materialized love and unconstrained love,respectively represent traditional feature,present worries and future promises.These three modes of love demonstrate the conflicts and coexistence of love in transitional Victorian age and provide an insight into John Fowles' idea of love and freedom.  相似文献   

Her published articles include pieces on Victorian boys' books, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Frederick Marryat, Thomas Mayne Reid, as well as others on narratives of the American West. She is currently at work on a booklength study of women adventure writers.  相似文献   

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