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柳杰 《学周刊C版》2023,(24):157-159
体育与健康课走班制教学,打破了以班级为单位的教学形式,学生可以根据自己喜欢的体育项目进行选课,有利于提升学生的体育水平。在农村高中,走班制教学深受广大学生的喜爱,但走班制教学在课堂管理、教学内容、考核评价等方面依然存在诸多问题,需要引起教师的注意。文章主要分析了农村高中体育与健康课走班制教学中存在的问题,并对开展走班制教学的有效策略进行了探讨,旨在构建高效体育课堂,切实提升农村学生的体育素养。  相似文献   

高中是学生生长发育的最关键性阶段,因此教育界应加强对高中体育教学的重视,以有效促进学生身心健康良好发展。高中体育教学现状不容乐观,是以教师不断引进和创新教学方法提升高中体育教学质量。游戏教学法可在教师强化对其合理运用意识的基础上,在课前设计好相应的游戏方案,在游戏教学中制造良性竞争,并全面掌控整个游戏教学场面,使高中体育教学效果愈加理想化。此外,不断推广体育游戏教学在实际教学中的运用,不仅从体育教学内容和形式上对其进行丰富,还在一定程度上激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,从而进一步确保体育教学效率的有效上升。  相似文献   

高中体育教学是对学生进行素质教育的重要组成部分。目前,如何进行高效的体育教育是广大教育者需要探讨的一个重要话题。在现代新课标改革的形式下,高中体育的教学方法也要随之进行革新,通过创新高效的教育方法来提升高中体育教学的质量和效率,最终促进高中教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

由于高中体育教学的特殊性,提高高中体育教学,在应试教育向素质教育转变时期,要把对学生身体素质的培养作为素质教育的重要环节来抓。教师应针对农村教学现状,因地制宜地抓好农村体育教学,进一步完善素质教育。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国高中基础设施的不断完善,大家对高中体育教学的重视度不断加深,使得我国高中的体育教学有了很大的发展,包括普通高中田径运动特别是短跑运动也取得了很大的进步。高中体育教学中普通高校的体育课程形式单一,形式化、任务化,在这种背景下,高中  相似文献   

高考体育类加分政策对农村普通高中素质教育已然起到其导向和推动作用。在普及推广高考体育类加分项目时,农村普通高中依据自身特点、优势,积极探索体育课程的模块教学。本文基于一所省级示范性高中的调查,对高中体育课程模块教学实效性进行研究,以探索农村普通高中在高考体育类加分政策导引下实施素质教育的有效途径,也为高考体育加分政策的实施提供有利依据。  相似文献   

音乐、美术、体育因为是非高考科目,在高中教学中总是被边缘化。体育教师在教学过程中不愿意改进思路,特别是农村高中体育的教学,效率不高。本文结合多年的教学农村体育教学经验,谈谈小组合作在高中体育教学中的运用,旨在提高体育教学效率,提高学生的身体素质。  相似文献   

刘帅成 《教师》2013,(30):100-100
高中体育模块选项教学打破了传统的体育教学的组织形式,已经被教师广泛地应用到了教学实践中。体育模块选项教学是以学生为主体,以学生的发展为根本的教学形式,这也是高中课程改革的指导思想。高中体育模块选项教学在一定程度上调动了学生的积极性,提高了学生基本体育技能,扩宽了学生体育知识层面。但是随着体育教学实践的推进,高中体育模块选项教学中的一些问题开始显现出来。  相似文献   

体育课教学作为农村高中新课程改革的重要环节,在理论与实践上越来越受到人们的关注和重视。本文通过对高中体育课教学模式、教学目的、教学方式、教学评价的认识,探讨农村普通高中体育教学如何适应高中新课程改革的需要,提升体育教学的整体质量,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

高中体育教学承载了缓解学生学习压力,促进学生身心健康发展的重要教育职责。加强高中体育教学改革,发挥体育学科的教育作用,实现综合性教学目标,是让教育服务于当代学生的努力方向。在高中体育教学中,将体育教学与娱乐玩耍进行有效结合,会大大提高高中学生的体育学习兴趣,也会让体育教学内容与形式更加丰富,促进教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

The idea of digital game-based learning (DGBL) is that students (or players) learn something by playing a computer or video game and that an educator can employ digital games to assist and boost both formal and informal learning. There is game software that is not specifically produced for educational use but which is nonetheless regularly implemented in educational settings by educators. These so-called COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) games are particularly effective in socialization processes. COTS sports computer and video games can be divided into three main categories: sports simulation games, sports arcade games and sports management games. After taking a closer look at these sports computer and video games, specifically sports simulation games, it is possible to posit dimensions of competencies that are developed by playing those games. Various examples for each dimension of competencies can be generated: motor competence, cognitive competence, meta-cognitive competence, social competence, emotional competence, personal competence and media competence. Furthermore, examples of implementing digital sports-games in physical education can easily be generated. After comparing the postulated dimensions of competencies of COTS digital sports-simulations with those of "real" sports, the following question arises: Are their respective educational results comparable?  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between the social adjustment in the classroom and the role of aggressor or victim, in school violence situations. Participants were 1,635 students (aged 14-18 years old), from a representative sample, with different levels (compulsory secondary education, specific/initial training courses and vocational programs). Students filled out a questionnaire that included measures of types of violence (exclusion, verbal violence, physical violence), from the point of view of the three roles that are implicated (aggressors, victims and observants), and a sociometric questionnaire. The variables measured were: frequency of school violence (exclusion, psychological violence and physical violence) and the peer status (rejected, controversial, neglected, average or popular). The statistic analyses used were χ^2- and F- tests. From the results we can point out the importance of these variables in the school violence situations. The implications of these findings and the relevance for preventive programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with 2 focal points of inclusive education, which is the integral segment of the current education reform in the Bosnia and Herzegovina: its position in various proclamations and in primary school teachers' reality, i.e., legislative aspects vs. everyday situation in primary schools. The survey research was carried out through the 5-level Liken scale, on the sample of 105 primary school teachers working in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (specific for its education reform implementation). The aim was to examine the attitudes of the direct implementators of the education reform and the inclusive education (2003-2009)--primary school teachers, with particular reference to: teachers' acquaintance with inclusive education requirements; their involvement in its designing, planning and organization; relevant professional education; school preparedness for inclusive education; level of partnership with relevant subjects; and evaluation of the inclusive education implementation. The results obtained have indicated exactly the lack of the mentioned as the main issues of the implementation of inclusive education within compulsory primary schools in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Therefore, this paper gives a kind of guidelines for the improvement of the inclusive education, derived directly from the teachers' everyday experiences, problems, proposals, notes and suggestions.  相似文献   

R. Inglehart (1990, 2005) considers values to be one's reactions to changes in the environment. According to his approach values develop in the socialisation process. Values can be divided into traditional, modernist and postmodernist. According to Rokeach (1973), values are an element of culture, an image of the desirable that might not be directly expressed in human behaviour. Kalmus and Vihalemm (2004) found, based on Rokeach's and Schwartz's (1992) questionnaires, that Estonians consider most important values to be health, strong family ties, peace in the world, clean environment, happiness and state security. Also, the results of the study “infants' and toddlers' intelligence and the impact of the growth environment” financed by Estonian Science Foundation, allow to conclude that parents consider most important that children are healthy, happy and smart (Veisson, 2001). In the framework of the state financed project of Tallinn University “school as developmental environment and students' coping” (2003-2007) questionnaires were administered to 3838 students, 2048 parents, 620 teachers and 120 school directors. According to the mean value a hierarchy of 14 values was formed. It appeared that students and parents think that the most important is academic success, whereas teachers place academic success on the 3rd-4th place and school directors even on the 8th place. Teachers and school directors consider the most important is their school students' security and the second is honesty. Also students and parents think that honesty is the 3rd most important value at school. Students consider politeness and parents discipline worth giving the second place among school values. Students' health is relatively highly valued by teachers and school directors (in case of both groups the 3rd place). Unfortunately, children themselves and their parents think that in their school health is not very highly valued (10th place). Joy of school came on the last place in the values hierarchy.  相似文献   

The paper discusses an on-going research project that studies students' and teachers' conceptions and dispositions of mathematics. Conceptions are the views that students hold on a subject, and what they believe is required in learning and doing the subject. Dispositions are the beliefs or tendencies to exhibit a frequent, conscious and voluntary behavior directed towards learning a subject. The participants are high school students, higher education students and mathematics teachers. The study utilizes self-reporting tools as well as focus groups and interviews in a three-stage research model. This is a work on progress. Results to date are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing accountability and efficiency in the use of public and out-of-pocket financing in education are critical to realizing the maximum impact of the meager allocations to education in most developing countries. While broad estimates and numbers are routinely collected by most national ministries and state departments of education, the lack of accuracy and reliability as well as the obtuse nature of recording and presentation of the data does not facilitate any serious policy use. A major advance in this area has been brought about by the development of NEA (National Education Accounts), which is a new tool for measuring education expenditures in a systematic policy-~endly manner. In essence, NEAs measure the "financial pulse" of an education system, answering 4 key questions: Who is financing education? How much do they spend? How are funds distributed across different education providers, levels and activities? Who benefits from or receives the services? NEAs gather information on all spending from public, private and donor sources, and provide a snap-shot of all expenditures on education in the state or country. While not an auditing tool, it provides real time information on the flow of funds that can be used for evidence-based decision-making. It provides information to policy-makers, enabling them to discern systcm-wide inequities and identify areas that require changes in policy. In addition, the use of a standard classification of expenditures allows for data from NEAs to be comparable between and within countries. This paper provides an assessment of accountability and efficiency in the use of public and private resources in the education sector in 2 states of Nigeria. Using comparative data from implementation of education accounts in 2 states of Nigeria, it presents a breakdown of education spending by public and private sources as well as donor agencies, by types of providers, by geographical regions and by category of expenditures. It analyzes educational expenditures for the 2 states in the context of state government priorities for education, and proposes a novel way of tracking trends in education spending as a means for policy-makers to organize a strategic vision supported by resources and to evaluate the outcome of policies.  相似文献   

Ten teachers, from preschool to secondary school have tried out puppets as a stimulus in science lessons. Data were gathered by teachers answering a questionnaire and by interviewing the teachers. We report what teachers have experienced by using puppets in science classrooms and in science activities in preschools. Data indicate that the puppet can be used to stimulate science both in preschool, primary school and secondary school. Probably the puppet must be used in different ways in preschool and primary school than in secondary school to get the pupils to accept them. This pilot study has given us courage and ideas to start a following-up study in using puppets in science.  相似文献   

It is becoming more and more apparent that globalization processes represent, theoretically as well as practically, a challenge for educational sciences and therefore, it must be addressed within the sphere of education. Accordingly, educational conceptions have to adapt to globafization phenomena and focus more on alternative and innovative educational concepts. The observable phenomena that appear as part of globalization then lead to the following question: Is there still space for educational concepts like emancipation, self-determination, equal opportunities and fairness in distribution, democracy and common sense? The most indispensable tools for the development of equitable and peaceful contemporary education perspectives are a differentiated reflection on globalization phenomena and consequences, an intensive analysis and disclosure to address (global) conflict lines, the questioning of well-established concepts, the formation and embodiment of visions of the global future and the articulation of innovative education concepts. Modern social and political structures and practices have to be reoriented to combat the negative effects of globalization processes through the incorporation of more humane, socially fair and ecological principles. Educational science is sure to make an important contribution in making this a reality.  相似文献   

This article discusses the teaching of life skills to urban American youths who are highly fascinated with the hip-hop culture--songs, raps, miming, lyrics, dressing and musical rhythms, especially individuals with emotional disabilities in the public schools. This is an instructional curriculum strategy to encourage positive and active participation of these students, promote perfect school attendance, encourage good behaviors, deal with anger management and motivate committed learning in the classroom. The instructors' understanding of students' culture, learning needs and styles, and using such background knowledge to educate them become imperative in this setting. These urge for innovative and leadership projects in the author's special education classroom necessitated the application of hip-hop music to teach life skills, reading and other functional skills in the classroom. The outcome was positive and rewarding to both the teachers and students. There are recommendations for interested teachers to devise creative teaching methods, differentiated instruction and appropriate classroom management practices to attain student achievement.  相似文献   

组建专业学术型社团是培养电子信息专业学生的实践动手能力和创新能力的一种新途径。本文以中国地质大学(北京)虚拟仪器俱乐部和嵌入式创新实践俱乐部为例,介绍在高校学术性社团建设中遇到的问题及应对措施。实践证明,高校学术性社团对于培养学生的专业能力和创新精神,增强学生的沟通协调能力、组织管理能力,提升学生的社会责任感都有显著的效果。  相似文献   

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