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Last summer holidays,I went to Beijing.I had a good time there.However,what Icouldn‘t forget is that I met several foreigners there. How I hope to meet them again.  相似文献   

In the present period of change, the Spanish systems of secondary and higher education, too, are confronted with new challenges. People have realized that factors within and outside universities demand the development of effective helping services for students, particularly on the level of orientation. Two different models are described, one that relies on tutors, mainly; the other one employs orientation professionals. The article also describes the skills and the training experiences that are necessary for professionals in orientation services.Facultat de Psicologia i Pedagogia, Universitat Roman Llull  相似文献   

Research Findings: This longitudinal study investigated the Spanish vocabulary development of dual-language-learning (DLL) children (= 150) from Spanish-speaking, low-income, predominantly immigrant homes who were enrolled in a state-funded preschool program that provided instruction in Spanish. Children’s Spanish vocabulary trajectories were examined, as were patterns of co-occurring risk. In addition, the relation of individual and cumulative risk factors at preschool entry on Spanish vocabulary development was explored. Findings reveal that, on average, children’s receptive Spanish vocabulary skills, which started below age-level norms at the beginning of the preschool year, grew to surpass age-level norms by the end of the year. These gains were made despite children facing, on average, eight risk factors. The investigation of patterns of co-occurring risk and the effect of individual risk factors on Spanish vocabulary outcomes reveal that some social risk factors, such as having an unemployed parent, might function as a protective factor in this population. Practice or Policy: This study paves the way for future work in determining the role of native-language instruction for supporting language growth among DLL children. In addition, it expands the research literature on the nature and influence of social and economic risks in this population of children.  相似文献   

From individual longitudinal data for a full cohort of first-entering students who embarked on short programs in Spain and were observed over a 7-year period ending in 2003, we analyze the probability that an individual will drop out, transfer, or graduate from a university school program. The statistical analysis is carried out in a competing-risks framework. We find that the system’s internal efficiency is low, with dropout and completion rates averaging 50 and 36%, respectively. However, we find considerable variability in the probabilities of withdrawal, transfer, and graduation among students. In this regard, our results show that preenrollment academic ability, age at enrollment, family characteristics, and secondary educational experience are major influences on student progress.  相似文献   

This study analyses whether the primary school mathematics textbooks from two Spanish publishers show a varied instructional diet of addition and multiplication problems at different levels of complexity. To do so, it analyses the problems in all the primary grades by the publishers Santillana and SM according to two levels of complexity: (a) procedural (number of steps needed to solve the problem); and (b) semantic/mathematical (addition or multiplication structures, with their different subtypes). The results show that: (a) these problems are so simple that the books themselves cannot be regarded as a sufficient tool to teach students to solve the more complex problems; and (b) if we compare them with previous studies, the design of the problems has hardly changed in 10 years. These results show that the variety of problems in books should be expanded both procedurally and semantically/mathematically, and teachers should be given assistance to compensate for these shortcomings when using these textbooks in class.  相似文献   

我们常说的上午、下午用英文表示是a.m.和p.m.,这两个单词都是缩写形式,是由拉丁文转化而来的。a.m.=ante meridiem(=before noon)上午p.m.=post meridiem下午ante表示……前  相似文献   

The study compared the invented spelling of vowels in kindergarten native Spanish speaking children with that of English monolinguals. It examined whether, after receiving phonics instruction for short vowels, the spelling of native Spanish-speaking kindergartners would contain phonological errors that were influenced by their first language. Results showed no differences between the two groups on the number of correct short vowel spellings, even though the sounds for four of the five English short vowels do not exist in Spanish. By contrast, differences were observed in the representation of long vowels with a higher rate of error among ELLs. The students had not received explicit instruction in long vowels. ELLs appeared to be trying to represent the diphthongized nature of some English long vowels by spelling long vowels with more than one vowel. The results support the authors’ hypothesis that kindergarten phonics instruction had an impact on the invented spellings of new second language vowel phonemes.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the beliefs about science-technology-society, and other Nature of Science (NOS) themes, of a large sample (613) of Spanish pre- and in-service secondary education teachers through their responses to 30 items of the Questionnaire of Opinions on Science, Technology and Society. The data were processed by means of a multiple response model to generate the belief indices used as the bases for subsequent quantitative and qualitative analyses. Other studies have reported a negative profile of teachers’ understanding in this area, but the diagnosis emerging from the present work is more complex. There was a mix of appropriate beliefs coexisting with others that are inappropriate on the topics analyzed. The overall assessment, however, is negative since clearly teachers need to have a better understanding of these questions. There were scant differences between the pre- and in-service teachers, and hence no decisive evidence that the practice of teaching contributes to improving the in-service teachers’ understanding. These results suggest there is an urgent need to bring the initial and continuing education of science teachers up to date to improve their understanding of these topics of science curricula, and thus improve the teaching of science.  相似文献   

何琰 《甘肃教育》2011,(14):74-74
孔子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”培养学生学习数学的兴趣,引导他们自主发展,是培养学生具备各方面能力的需要。课堂上如果学生有了积极参与、合作交流的兴趣,就会有思维碰撞的火花.才会有发展和创新。教师只有顺应学生的心理特征,循序渐进,适时激发学生学习数学的兴趣,才能促进学生主动学习。通过近几年的教学研究,我认为,抓住“爱、境、争、动”四个字,就可以很好地培养学生学习数学的兴趣。具体做法如下。  相似文献   

坚定的目光中有一种感动叫执著,跳动的心脏里有一种信念叫希望。让我们在激昂的音符中和F.I.R.一起感受音乐!初听F.I.R.的歌,是自己在住院时那个百般无聊的下午。呆呆望着窗外并不灿烂的阳光和阴沉的建筑,幽幽地想逃离开来,不再呼吸着充斥浓烈消毒药水的空气。  相似文献   

大家都知道a.m.(或A.M.)和p.m.(或P.M.)分别表示“上午”和“下午”,但你们可知道它们从何而来吗?原来它们来自拉丁语,a.m.是ante meridian的缩写形式;p.m.是post meridian的缩写形式。这种形式多用于书面语。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to trace the evolution of elementary education in Spanish America during the last four decades, by way of a broad analysis that allows the principal problems to be placed in their historical context. Given the wide scope of the subject, this account is necessarily schematic and general, putting more emphasis on that which the countries have in common than on their differences. Among the questions dealt with is the changing direction of educational policies, the most representative features of the administrative bodies, and the development of schools and teachers. Finally, the quantitative evolution is analyzed through statistics covering such matters as literacy, enrolment and repetition.  相似文献   

★这注定是一次不平凡的访问,因为访问的对象注定是三位不平凡的人。Z.O.S.——中国第一个男生文学组合,在2006年第一场雪到来的时候,横空出世了。其实在成立这个组合之前,三个阳光帅气大男孩的头顶上就已经闪现了一大串夺目的光环,他们干练的身影和精彩的文字也频频出现在读者的视野之中。Z.是曾尹郁的“ZENG”第一个英文字母。这个1983年出生的男孩,现在还是湘潭大学三年级的学生,但他从中学时代起就在《美文》《少男少女》《少女》《好同学《》男生女生》等杂志报刊发表了十万余字的作品。一路高歌走到大学,春光灿烂走到现在,书架上…  相似文献   

F.I.R. 飞常爱     
开朗的飞,会搞笑的阿沁,沉稳的建宁老师,在和 F.I.R.乐团的采访中,个性迥异的3人,带来了始终轻松和欢乐的气氛。和他们聊音乐,你可以看到作为一个乐团,他们对于自己风格的执着和创新;和他们聊生活,现实中的他们亲近地如同身边的朋友,向你敞开心扉,侃侃而谈。  相似文献   

国际笔友会(INTERNATIONAL PEN FRIENDS 简称 I.P.F.)于1667年创立于欧洲爱尔兰(IRELAND)首府都柏林(DUBLIN),会员分布于188个国家和地区,目前会员已有600,000人之多,是公认的全球规模最大、会员数最多、声势最盛、分布最广的跨国性笔友联谊组织,有“日不落I.P.F.—THE SUN NEVEK SETS ON I.P.F。”之美誉,应当之无愧。  相似文献   

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