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社会主义核心价值体系:大学生信仰教育的时代主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义核心价值体系作为大学生信仰教育的时代主题,对大学生信仰教育提出了明确的实践要求.在新形势下系统推进大学生信仰教育深入发展,必须坚持社会主义核心价值体系在大学生信仰教育中的时代主题地位,从高举旗帜、唱响主题、发展精髓、夯实基础四个层次推进大学生信仰教育的理念发展;从批判社会思潮、优化信仰教育环境,回应社会问题、强化信仰教育实践,创新教育方式、发展信仰教育模式和反思教育主题、完善信仰教育内容四个方面推进大学生信仰教育的路径优化.  相似文献   

面对当前部分大学生信仰迷失、信仰危机的现状,要将马克思主义大众化与大学生信仰教育相结合,在马克思主义大众化视域下加强大学生信仰教育,营造马克思主义信仰教育的良好氛围,创新马克思主义信仰教育的具体方式,开拓马克思主义信仰教育的新媒体阵地。  相似文献   

对大学生进行信仰导引是大学生思想政治教育的核心任务,也是提升大学生思想政治教育实效性的灵魂。信仰导引视域下,提升大学生思想政治教育实效性的对策包括三个方面:以基于信仰的教育理念指导大学生思想政治教育;以信仰导引作为大学生思想政治教育的主线;以信仰导引方法作为大学生思想政治教育的主要方法。  相似文献   

马克思主义信念是当前大学生信仰的主流,然而"90后"大学生则出现信仰危机现象,信仰呈现多元化、突出功利化、面临世俗化。文章通过对大学生信仰危机的成因分析,提出大学生信仰教育要坚定马克思主义信仰的主导地位,推进社会主义核心价值体系教育,营造信仰教育良好的网络文化氛围,提高马克思主义信仰教育的实效性。  相似文献   

信仰对大学生的行为有定向、调节和控制的作用。随着世界经济、科技的发展,高校信仰教育也面临着挑战。从心理认同的角度加强大学生信仰教育,可以激发大学生的信仰需求、提高其信仰接受水平、促使大学生将信仰内化并指导其行为。在大学生信仰教育中,应当遵循认知规律,引导大学生正确认知,把握大学生情感特点,促进大学生情感升华,针对大学生意志特点,进行正确的信念引导,依据大学生的行为特点,实现大学生知行合一。  相似文献   

汪永生 《文教资料》2011,(4):118-119
信仰教育是大学生思想政治教育的核心。当代大学生信仰的主流是积极健康的,但也逐渐出现了一些令人担忧的危机。本文从阐明当代大学生信仰现状入手,分析了当代大学生马克思主义信仰教育面临的危机和挑战,提出以马克思主义大众化推进当代大学生信仰的重塑。  相似文献   

由于“中国梦”是大学生信仰教育的主线“、中国梦”的本质要求与大学生的信仰教育内容一致、“中国梦”引领大学生为实现梦想努力奋斗“,中国梦”应当作为代大学生信仰教育的着力点。在“中国梦”语境下,大学生信仰教育要遵循理论性与实践性相结合、个体性与社会性相结合、理想性与现实性相结合的原则,要通过加强信仰环境的营造、信仰队伍的建设和教育体系的创新等途径对大学生进行信仰教育。  相似文献   

信仰教育是大学生思想政治教育的核心,是大学生人生观、世界观和价值观的集中体现,是人们的精神支柱和行动指南。毫无疑问,马克思主义信仰是当今社会的主流,但在全球多元文化的影响下,我国高职大学生信仰出现了多变性、多元性和务实性等新特点。传统的信仰教育方法已不能适应新形势下大学生信仰教育和时代的变化,在分析多元文化对我国大学生信仰教育影响的基础上,针对当前高职院校马克思主义信仰教育存在的主要问题,提出了多元文化背景下有效开展高职院校学生信仰教育的方法与途径。  相似文献   

大学生信仰教育主体能动性的发挥对于信仰教育效果的强弱至关重要,课题组选取天津市高校教育者群体为研究个案,探索信仰教育主体能动性与当前大学生信仰教育现实困境之间的相关性。调查发现信仰教育主体对大学生的印象、自我印象以及所处的社会环境、文化环境和工作环境的影响是导致当前大学生信仰教育陷入困境的重要原因。  相似文献   

当前,对大学生进行信仰教育非常重要,它关系到能否培养出合格建设者和可靠接班人,关系到国家、民族的前途命运,也关系到人的全面健康发展。进行信仰教育目标在于帮助大学生形成正确的“三观”,使之成为德才兼备的“四有”新人;内容主要是对大学生进行“五信”教育,即物质信仰、精神信仰、伦理信仰、国家社会信仰和宗教信仰。基础是做好大学生心理健康教育,重点是夯实大学生的法纪信仰和道德信仰,关键是弘扬主导信仰,根本是着眼最高信仰教育。  相似文献   

Xihe Zhu  Ang Chen 《教育心理学》2013,33(4):465-481
Expectancy value theory presumes that learners’ motivation is determined by their expectancy beliefs and task values associated with learning tasks. This study examined students’ cost and its relation to expectancy beliefs, other task value components in physical education. Middle school students (N?=?593) from 11 schools completed the expectancy-value questionnaire. Qualitative analysis of students’ responses to open-ended questions showed motivational cost originated from curriculum content, instructional conditions/elements, physical discomfort, lack of social support and competence and teacher factors. Chi-square analysis suggests that students’ motivational cost is associated with their hypothetical choices of attending physical education. Motivational cost was found to be negatively associated with other task value components, but not with expectancy beliefs.  相似文献   

Student satisfaction and the quality of education are of compelling interest to students, academic staff, policy-makers and higher education researchers internationally. There is a widespread belief in their ‘cause and effect’ relationship. This paper tests these beliefs and explores how the level of student satisfaction is linked with the perceived quality of PhD education. Using expectancy value theory as a framework and interview data from PhD students and their supervisors, this paper suggests that satisfaction is not necessarily perceived as an indicator of quality education. Levels of student satisfaction can be influenced by students’ expectations prior to their study and their preconceived beliefs regarding the value of a PhD education. Concern is raised that an overemphasis on student satisfaction may pose a threat to the quality of PhD programmes, making it increasingly difficult for universities to retain their integrity and reducing the intellectual challenges that PhD students need to experience.  相似文献   

教师的信念对课堂决策有着深刻的影响,教师是带着自己的信念,即对学生、学习和教育根深蒂固的看法走进课堂进行教学的。本文在对教师信念为主题的研究综述的基础上,对语言教学中教师信念的本质、特点、构成、来源及效性进行了系统性探讨,指出语言教师作为教学反思主体,其教学信念在基于学生行为和反馈的基础上可以得到了重塑和发展。  相似文献   

本研究采用整群抽样法抽取三年级师范生133名,运用ST—IAT方法探讨他们内隐的个体认识信念。研究发现,师范生内隐个体认识信念未表现出显著的建构主义取向。教师教育理论知识对其内隐个体认识信念影响较小,而学科的影响较大,文科师范生认为知识是离散的,知识来自个人探索。相对男性而言,女性师范生内隐个体认识信念更倾向于知识是离散的,知识来自个人探索,学习是快速的,学习是不可控的。  相似文献   

叶圣陶教育思想,存在着三种来自不同方向的"遮蔽",这种"遮蔽"事实上影响了人们对其内涵、价值和意义的认读。叶圣陶教育思想的总纲,即"为人生"的教育本质观,从而形成自己的素质教育观、教学哲学观、学生主体观、全面发展观、语文教育观、师表风范观。清晰辨认叶圣陶教育思想的历史方位,对今天的教育改革和发展具有重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether science and non‐science major students have different scientific epistemological views (SEVs). A multidimensional instrument previously developed by the authors was used to assess differences in college students’ SEV of various aspects. A total of 220 freshmen (42% science and 58% non‐science majors) attending two public universities participated in this investigation. Results indicated that the science majors have less sophisticated beliefs in the theory‐laden and cultural‐dependent aspects of science than non‐science majors. Analysis of variance results further revealed significant differences in SEV dimensions among the three major fields: non‐science, pure science, and science education. Science education students gained the lowest scores on the entire scale among the groups. Findings of this study imply that science major (including science education) students might be involved longer in such an epistemic environment that described scientific knowledge as objective and universal. It is also possible that beliefs about certainty and objectivity lead these students to select science as their major field. Implications for future research and science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生具备正确的政治信仰,是大学生成为我国社会主义事业接班人的一个前提条件。关注在校大学生政治信仰实际状况,努力塑造在校大学生的马克思主义信仰,应是高校思想政治教育的重要任务之一。针对大学生政治信仰的现状及存在的问题进行探讨和研究,并就做好大学生马克思主义信仰教育工作提出建设性意见和建议,对提高大学生的思想政治教育成效,构建社会主义核心价值体系具有重要的基础性意义。  相似文献   

Educational reforms during the last decade have led to a more inclusive environment for students with different needs and have placed demands on teachers’ readiness to instruct diverse students in the general classroom. Previous research has ascertained that student achievement is correlated with teacher quality and teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Today, basic competence in mathematics is more important than ever for managing routine day‐to‐day activities and therefore, identifying and educationally supporting students with low performance in mathematics is necessary. The aim of the study was to investigate the perceived teacher efficacy beliefs of special education and mathematics teachers when teaching mathematics to low‐performing middle school students. Results indicated that special education teachers had higher teacher efficacy beliefs than mathematics teachers. Teacher experience, certification or gender had no effect on teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Furthermore, subject teachers reported high pedagogical knowledge for teaching low‐performing students, and special education teachers reported having moderate mathematical subject knowledge.  相似文献   

Whilst participation in higher education has increased dramatically over the last two decades, many universities are only now beginning to pay more attention to the learning experiences of first year students. It is important for universities to understand how first year students conceive of learning and knowing in order to promote effective approaches to learning. Even though an extensive body of research demonstrates that beliefs about learning and knowing influence student approaches to learning and learning outcomes, there has been no Australian research that has investigated this critical learner characteristic across first year university students. This paper reports on preliminary data from an ongoing longitudinal study designed to investigate first year students’ beliefs about knowing and learning (epistemological beliefs). Students from teacher education and creative industry faculties in two Australian universities completed the Epistemological Beliefs Survey (EBS) in the first week of their first semester of study. A series of one‐way ANOVA using key demographics as independent variables and the EBS factor scores as dependent variables showed that epistemological beliefs were related to the course of study, previous post‐school education experience, family experience at university, gender, and age. These data help us to understand students’ beliefs about learning and knowing with a view to informing effective learning in higher education.  相似文献   

Beliefs about mathematics education and their influences on teaching practices have been widely investigated in recent decades. There have been numerous empirical studies on the influences of religions on teachers’ and students’ beliefs about subjects such as sciences and language. However, the influences of worldviews in general and religions in particular, as one of the major sources of beliefs in relation to mathematics education, are under-researched. The current study is a first step to unpacking the relationship between teachers’ religions and their beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning. By means of semi-structured interviews with mathematics teachers of different religious backgrounds, teachers’ perceptions on the connection between their personal religious beliefs and their beliefs about teaching and learning are investigated. In-depth analyses of the perceptions of three mathematics teachers reveal the complex relationship between teachers’ religious beliefs and their teaching beliefs. First, there are some common values shared by different religions, which influence the beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning as well as education in general. Second, religion is a rich belief system, and the teachers appear to apply only a portion of their religious beliefs to guide their teaching. It is also possible that a teacher is influenced by more than one religion or cultural tradition. Despite its subtleties, our study provides evidence to support the alignment between teachers’ personal religious beliefs and their beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning.  相似文献   

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