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由宋斌延作词、尚德义作曲的《七月的草原》,是声乐表演专业(方向)本科高年级学生经常选用的教学曲目。演唱这首具有新疆地区哈萨克民族风格的花腔女高音歌曲,既需要良好的歌唱状态和相应的花腔演唱技巧,同时还需要恰当的艺术想象与表演处理。曲作家通过对歌词的二度创作,给音乐提供了驰骋的空间;歌曲鲜明的民族风格和花腔特点,对表演者提出了较高的演唱技术要求。  相似文献   

花腔女高音的演唱技巧在美声唱法中独具特色。拥有超人的极限音域使它需要具备极好的嗓音条件,同时还需把握住轻巧、灵活、均匀和流动的气息运用技巧。本文意从花腔女高音具体曲目的花腔唱段着手,通过对其演唱技巧练习的深入研究,总结出一些针对花腔女高音流动性技巧训练的行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

《鸟儿在风中歌唱》是由作曲家刘聪,以及词作家樊孝斌共同创作完成的一首声乐艺术歌曲.除此之外刘聪还创作了我们耳熟能详的《故园恋》、《在青翠的山谷里》、《淋湿的梦》等广为流传的艺术作品.《鸟儿在风中歌唱》是一首花腔女高音独唱声乐作品,它要求表演者在演唱过程中,既需要以良好的歌唱状态为基础,通过花腔演唱技巧来表现歌曲的音乐形象,同时还需要以恰当的艺术想象和情感处理来表达歌曲的艺术风格与审美追求.  相似文献   

《茶花女》中最为人们所熟悉的选段是第一幕中薇奥莉塔与阿尔弗莱德演唱的《饮酒歌》,这首歌节奏欢快,旋律优美,因此被广泛传唱。《饮酒歌》全曲高音比较多,演唱难度相对较大,通常大学阶段声乐专业的学生很难驾驭。本文在对歌剧《茶花女》选段《饮酒歌》多次现场观摩和聆听的情况下,结合自己的理解,对这首歌的演唱技巧,情感表达,曲式结构进行一些分析。  相似文献   

轻声唱法作为一种声音训练手段,对花腔演唱技能的掌握具有重要的意义。它贯穿花腔实践和教学历史,体现时代美学原则;它能够使声乐学习者较快掌握头腔共鸣的技巧,扩展音域,使嗓音逐步向全声发展,增强演唱者对于作品的表现和驾驭能力,是进入花腔演唱殿堂的重要路径。  相似文献   

本文作者想以莫扎特歌剧《魔笛》中的咏叹调《复仇的火焰》为例,运用音乐分析的方法,着重分析本首咏叹调的演唱技巧、核心人物夜后的人物性格表现及整首咏叹调的风格把握,通过对本首咏叹调的音乐结构形式及花腔音乐形态的分析,结合笔者平时学习声乐演唱过程中所出现的一些问题,教学实践中所了解的一些难点,为如何运用的歌唱时间中提供处理方案,来简单剖析本首咏叹调,已达到更深刻的理解本首咏叹调的理论知识,从而在以后的演唱当中能够更好地展现莫扎特这一经典之作。  相似文献   

通过对歌剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》创作背景、作曲家的风格以及人物性格的分析,探讨了这首咏叹调在演唱中人物情感表现和技术运用的方法,并着重对作品花腔部分的演唱技巧进行了阐释,从而为声乐学习者更好地演唱这首脍炙人口的咏叹调提供一些有益的帮助。  相似文献   

《春江花月夜》原名《夕阳箫鼓》,它是中国古代具有代表特色的琵琶曲,此曲不仅具有很高的创作价值,更具有极高的演唱价值,大量花腔的使用也成为此曲的一大特点。本文从这首歌曲的演唱版本来浅析此曲的演唱特点。  相似文献   

花腔是一种起源于17-18世纪意大利的一种声乐演唱技巧。花腔要求在声音与情感结合的基础上,又要求演唱者高度的技巧和丰富的表现力,并且演唱具有一定的华丽性、装饰性。随着西方演唱艺术在中国的传播发展,中华民族声乐逐渐吸收其精华,把花腔技巧融入其中。那么,花腔技巧在民族声乐是怎样运用与表现的呢?  相似文献   

声乐艺术是一种把演唱和表演有效的结合在一起的一种艺术,而花腔演唱艺术在美声唱法的基础又得到了进一步的发展和成熟.花腔演唱艺术其主要的特点是通过声音技巧、情感体现和演唱格调来进行表演,随着现代社会的发展,花腔的演唱艺术在现代的音乐艺术中显得更加的重要.本文主要是对花腔演唱在美声唱法中的审美价值进行分析.  相似文献   



The authors report on an ‘Interview about instances’ technique for the investigation of students’ concept understanding in science. The potential and limitations of this technique has been explored in relation to the concepts ‘work’ and ‘electric current’ in 50 trial interviews involving students over the age range seven to 18 years. Some of the findings are reported here and suggestions made for further studies using the ‘Interview about instances’ technique.  相似文献   

This paper draws on engagements with ‘voice’ in youth studies and ‘student voice’ work in order to interrogate the limits and opportunities of the call to ‘youth voice’ in HIV prevention discourses. Building on the limitations and opportunities within the debates of the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of speaking and the construction of the youth subject, the author argues that, unless there is commitment to working within the contradictions and instabilities inherent in these debates, ‘youth voice’ risks becoming a powerful discursive technique whereby the blame for failing to prevent HIV is put onto an essentalised category of ‘youth’ as ‘other,’ allowing ‘us’ (the researcher, international development practitioner, technical advisor, policy maker, donor) to escape blame. The author concludes by returning to the notion of an uncertain dialogue and ways in which ‘youth voice’ can begin to work productively within the discursive spaces of HIV prevention.  相似文献   

Starting from a theoretical model of concept development, three diagnostic techniques for investigating a pupil's understanding of selected concepts in science are described.

The first, and most basic technique involves the selection of specific ‘instances’ of each named concept from a 5 × 5 grid of numbered boxes. The second involves the gradual ‘homing‐in’ on the selected concept from a number of ‘clues’, presented one at a time. To start with, the ‘clues’ are not specific to one particular concept, but, as more ‘clues’ are provided, the selected concepts can be uniquely determined. The third, and most comprehensive technique involves the application of concepts to ‘problem solving’. Given a standard problem, the pupil selects, from a 3 × 4 grid of concept statements, those which are relevant to the given problem. The chosen statements are then arranged by the pupil in the order required to solve the given problem.  相似文献   

This paper explores ‘the 5 cm rule’, a regulation around student contact discovered during an investigation of the sexual culture of schooling with 16–19-year-olds in New Zealand. Implemented to stem ‘inappropriate and unwanted’ touching, it stipulates that students must maintain a physical distance of 5 cm at all times. It is argued this rule represents a contemporary type of biopower which forms part of the sexual culture of schooling. As a technique of corporeal regulation it is characterised by a ‘loose’ exercise of power, that allows for student resistance while producing subjects’ ‘docility-utility’ (Foucault, 1980). The paper contends that the rule contributes negatively to ‘the sexual culture of schooling’ by constituting student sexuality as ‘unruly’ and ‘problematic’. This stipulation also prescribes a set of gender relations that are inhibitive of mutually negotiated and pleasurable corporeal experience.  相似文献   


The growth in importance of performance assessment in education over recent years has been linked with a concern to ensure that the service represents ‘value for money’. To date the absence of a satisfactory analytical framework has meant that questions of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ have been kept separate. An additional problem has been that, whilst there are many different outcomes which are appropriate for education authorities to pursue, conventional models handle these only one at a time.

In this paper we use data on the 96 English LEAs to show how an underlying model allows authorities to be compared in terms of ‘efficiency’ when facing different environmental circumstances and utilising different resource inputs. The technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is first described in the context of an explanatory model, and then the results of applying this to the English LEAs are presented.

As distinct from a league table’ analysis, DEA gives some indications of where improvements are to be sought. It allows for ‘trade‐offs’ between outputs of different types and provides a small but distinct peer group of ‘efficient’ authorities to which an ‘inefficient’ LEA can be compared.

The efficiency measure used is ‘relative efficiency’ which arises from comparing the actual performance of an inefficient authority with that of others which can be used to model its environmental circumstances and resource inputs.

A number of case studies are described. The limitations of the technique, and the caution required in interpretation, are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is written to outline our ideas on rituals and reflective places and how this thinking has emerged through our writing, facilitation and reflections around critical action learning and critical leadership. We attempt to show the conceptual framework that underpins our vision of Critical Leadership and how out of this work we have begun to develop new action learning techniques which we believe help to make the action learning we teach and practise, more critical. In describing these concepts of criticality we consider the tripartite elements of each of the three concepts we call Critical Leadership. That is ‘knowing, being, doing’; ‘space, place and pace’ and ‘thinking, feeling, willing’. We then go on to demonstrate how these three concepts helped us to shape our new action learning technique entitled ‘The Coliseum’. We believe that this new action learning technique enhances the likelihood of critical action learning taking place by underscoring key elements such as encouraging feedback, initiating deep listening, promoting challenge and, perhaps, in the end, precipitating enlightenment.  相似文献   

This paper advances an approach, ‘child as method’, as a resource for interrogating models of development in childhood and education. Kuan-Hsing Chen’s (2010) book Asia as method has generated interest across childhood and educational studies. Here ‘child as method’ is presented as a related intervention. Just as Asia as method (re)considers the status of the national and transnational, so ‘child as method’ helps explicate the ways ‘child’ and ‘development’ are linked across economic, sociocultural and individual trajectories. The example of translation is discussed in relation to sociocultural approaches and how together these might inform childhood and educational studies debates. The notion of ‘method’ at work (as framework, technique or narrative) is also clarified as informed by feminist and decolonisation approaches. It is argued that ‘child as method’ offers strategies for resisting abstraction and remaining attentive to forces and relations of (re)production at issue within adult–child and child-state-development relations.  相似文献   

This research aimed to uncover the teacher competences that are necessary to provide age-appropriate English language teaching to primary school students in Turkey. The Delphi technique was implemented to propose a list of competences created through consensus among a panel of experts that consisted of 15 teachers and 16 teacher educators. The data were collected by administering three questionnaires in three rounds. Central tendency and consensus were measured through median and inter-quartile range, respectively. The findings led to a list of 29 teacher competences which were categorised into five groups: ‘theoretical and practical knowledge’, ‘knowing the young learner’, ‘planning and organising teaching’, ‘managing teaching’, and ‘competence in English’. Implications were made for improving the effectiveness of English language teaching to young learners: these included the design of pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes to equip teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach English to young learners.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper compares the experiences of twenty‐two secondary teachers and twelve university tutors as they embark on a course of a ‘new’ in‐service professional development programme in Greece, in relation to adult learning. It harnesses a qualitative methodology and draws upon a set of ideas that cohere under the rubric programme development to build up a heuristic guiding research technique and analysis procedure. The analysis focuses on two key parameters of programme development for adults i.e. climate and planning, and on their associated elements. The findings identify the ‘them’ and ‘us’ image that continues to perpetuate the ‘new’ courses and indicate some tentative points that might have implications for the design of the in‐service training of teachers.  相似文献   

Anil Kumar  Ashok Ajoy 《Resonance》2016,21(8):741-747
G N Ramachandran made several remarkable contributions to biophysics and structural biology over the course of his celebrated career. In a pair of seminal papers in 1971, he also laid the foundation for the technique of ‘Projection Reconstruction’ that has come to revolutionize medical imaging. It is now routinely employed in modern CT (Computed Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans. In this article, we review the salient features of this technique, that allows the ‘reconstruction of an object from its shadows’.  相似文献   

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