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东乡族女童教育水平直接关系着未来东乡地区经济社会全面发展。受诸种因素制约,东乡族女童教育现状仍不容乐观,需要政府、社会和民众携手努力,共同为东乡族女童教育事业发展创造良好条件。  相似文献   

我国基础教育发展的区域性差异十分明显,女童基础教育也是如此。甘肃省临夏回族自治州东乡县是全国唯一的以东乡族为主体的少数民族自治县。由于自然地理条件、历史文化传统、生产力水平等多方面的因素,当地的东乡族女童教育远远落后于全国平均发展水平。女童入学率低,仅占东乡族适龄女童的65%左右;辍学现象也十分严重,部分山区小学在校女童流失率高达50%以上。调查显示,东乡族女童入学率低、辍学率高的主要原因是受到教育收费因素的制约。  相似文献   

东乡族农村小学女童教育渗透职业教育的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃省东乡县农村小学教育课程内容缺乏实用性、缺乏吸引力是当地东乡族农村小学女童辍学率高的一个重要原因,对于贫困少数民族地区农村小学的女童而言,基础教育不仅应当提供给她们最基础的文化知识,还应当提供给他们能够体现当地特色和可运用于当地生产生活实践的实用技能。在东乡族女童小学阶段渗透职业教育内容,对于降低东乡族女童的辍学率、改变女童未来的生存状况是一项有益的探索。  相似文献   

西部女童小学课程应渗透职业教育内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年起,我们参与香港乐施会《甘肃省东乡族女童教育》研究项目,通过对大量相关文献的收集查阅、发放问卷、访谈和选取个案调查,我们发现,除了家庭经济困难、社会性别观念等影响因素外,小学教育课程内容缺乏实用性和适应性是当地东乡族小学女童辍学率高的一个重要原因。一、东乡族女童小学教育课程现状及存在的问题。从调查情况来看,东乡族女童小学教育课程和大部分汉族地区小学教育课程一样,以文化知识教育为主,让学生顺利升入初中是当地小学教育的主要目的。在课程设置上,东乡县的大部分农村小学和汉族地区没有什么分别,主要是语文、数学…  相似文献   

东乡族因居住在甘肃省临夏州东乡地区而得名。东乡族主要分布在甘肃省临夏回族自治州东乡族自治县境内,少数散居在甘肃省兰州市城关区和临夏州广河县、和政县、白银市会宁县及玉门市等县市及新疆、宁夏、青海等省区也有少量定居。东乡族居住地大多在偏远乡村,自然条件较差,传统经济以农耕经济为主,经济发展较为落后。随着市场经济的迅猛发展,部分不甘贫穷的东乡族男青年开始外出闯荡,"留守儿童"开始产生。因此,本文就东乡族留守女童教育现状及应对方法方面加以探讨,希望能引起对社会对东乡族女童教育的重视。  相似文献   

东乡族女童学习困难及其失辍学——学校跨个案质性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对甘肃省东乡族基础教育情况调查的基础上,本文通过质的研究对东乡族女童学习困难以及失辍学的原因进行了分析和探讨。结论是,语言因素是导致东乡族女童学习困难和失辍学的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

以西北民族大学的东乡族大学生为研究对象,应用统计分析、文献资料方法研究分析了他们的身体形态、身体机能、身体素质状况,结果发现:东乡族大学生体重偏低及营养不良学生比例相对较高,男学生身体素质水平良好,女生身体素质发展不平衡,建议重视东乡族大学生体质健康研究,加强体质健康教育,合理制定教学计划,有效提高东乡族大学生体质健康水平。  相似文献   

马以念:西北师范大学教授,曾参与指导教育部联合国儿童基金会合作的“幼儿园与小学衔接教育”以及“东乡族女童教育”等多项国际合作研究项目。主编及参编的著作有:《儿童文学教程》、《家庭教育十二讲》、《幼儿园与小学衔接教育》、《学前读写准备》、《西北回族幼儿教育研究  相似文献   

论西部贫困地区女童教育公平问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育公平首先要考虑的是平等原则,即所有人都获得受教育的权利,其中最重要的是让处于最不利地位的人——西部贫困地区的女童都享有受教育的权利。就目前来讲教育公平的首要任务是保证女童的入学机会,特别是西部贫困地区女童的人学机会。但是现实不容乐观,西部地区女童在适龄儿童人学率指标、辍学率指标等方面显示出了严重的不公平现象,造成这种现象的原因主要存在三个作用机制,即外部作用机制。内部作用机制和历史作用机制。这三个机制都以一种恶性循环的方式存在,因此要解决西部贫困地区女童教育公平问题就要从打破恶性循环的方向上入手。  相似文献   

再论西部贫困少数民族地区女童教育的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
女童教育是普及西部初等教育的关键和难点。“八五”期间 ,在国际组织和我国政府的重视与第四届世界妇女大会的激励下 ,西部各级政府和教育部门下大力气为女童教育的发展创造了许多有利条件 ,取得了显著成效。女童受教育的数量、水平达到历史最高点 ,男女童受教育的差距逐渐缩小。但由于西部贫困地区自然条件、文化历史传统、生产力水平、教育发展水平等多方面的原因 ,女童教育仍然落后于全国平均发展水平 ,仍然是普及西部贫困地区初等教育的主要障碍。因此 ,如何使西部贫困地区女童受教育水平接近发达地区的水平 ,是当前及今后一个时期摆在…  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,在新一轮基础教育课程改革的推动下,关于东乡族教育的研究范围不断拓展,内容逐渐深化,取得了较大的成就。涉及教育与民族文化、辍学、教师、课程、双语教学等几个方面的问题。这些研究虽然在一定程度上推动了东乡教育实践的发展。然而东乡教育中存在的入学率低、辍学率高,教学效率低下等问题依然没有得到彻底的解决。真正影响东乡教育的问题没有得到深入的研究。东乡传统文化教育与现代学校教育的关系及其如何调适的问题是东乡教育所有问题的根源,也是今后东乡教育研究的重点。  相似文献   

Adolescent aspirations have been extensively researched, particularly in the contexts of higher education and the workforce. This paper extends research by exploring how the educational and career aspirations of rural adolescent girls relate to their other future goals. It demonstrates how exploring aspirations, both within and outside of the contexts of higher education and the workforce, enables a deeper understanding of various adolescent aspirations and the interconnections between them. This paper draws on a qualitative study with adolescent girls living in the Cradle Coast region of Tasmania-a rural and remote region where access to a wide range of educational resources and experiences is limited in comparison to those available in metropolitan centres. The paper responds to recent participation policy in Australia that implies young people from rural locations are lacking in aspiration. The article demonstrates that despite rurality, the girls in this study have many aspirations, including those for higher education. It discusses how having many and quite varied aspirations influences the girls’ decision making and planning around their futures. The paper shows that it is the balancing of many future goals that influences educational and career decision-making, rather than low aspirations.  相似文献   

东乡族自治县地方课程目标初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
地方课程为国家课程的重要补充,东乡族自治县以多元化教育理念为参照背景,从认同和冲突的视角剖析东乡族青少年的民族心理特点,以及从语言学和心理学的角度分析东乡语对学生汉语学习、认知发展的影响,确定地方课程的目标。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年后的今天,在我国56个民族中,东乡族的教育始终处于排名倒数的局面,文盲率仍居高不下,尤其是中等和高等教育更是不容乐观,新疆的东乡族也不例外。通过实地调查获得的相关资料,说明了新疆东乡族学校教育的状况,并分析了造成现状的原因。同时,针对东乡族学校教育方面存在的问题提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

甘肃省女童教育现状及改革措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘肃省历来非常重视基础教育,尤其是女童教育。新中国成立以来,甘肃省女童教育取得了长足发展,但也存在着许多不足。甘肃省各级教育部门应采取一切有力措施,切实地解决好女童入学接受义务教育的问题。  相似文献   

This paper aims to study the various forms of education to be found amongst the Kisongo Maasai, a pastoral population in Tanzania, both in their own right and in terms of what their encounter with one another implies. The late and rather limited development of schooling in that remote area and educational policies, as well as the pastoral way of life of this population, combine to produce a low rate of schooling: around 33% of children enrolled in primary schools versus a national rate that was twice as high in the 1990s. Few of these pupils go on to secondary schooling. The paper attempts to show the impact of primary schooling on educational practices and, more generally, on the Maasai way of life. Although they coexist side by side to a large extent, formal schooling and ‘traditional’ education—offering conflicting forms of knowledge that are conveyed in widely different fashions—usually tend to be in competition with each other, especially when it comes to pastoral education. Whereas in school all pupils are given the same instruction in a single classroom, in their communities young Maasai receive distinct kinds of education from different persons and in different places, depending on gender and age. Education for girls, non-circumcised boys and warriors is therefore orientated towards domestic labour, pastoral activities and practices associated with warriorhood. After highlighting the dynamics of interaction amongst the various forms of education, the paper focuses on Maasai perceptions of school and on the various educational strategies such perceptions generate.  相似文献   

This article explores how gender is threaded through the expansion and privatization of higher education in Jordan. Due to the justified current concern with the educational deficit of Muslim girls, it is easy to overlook the educational advances made by girls in some Islamic countries. In Jordan, girls have profited more than boys from the expansion of higher education. Economic or political reasons cannot explain this change, so explanations for the advancement of girls in the universities have to be sought elsewhere. I argue here that, for Jordan, this female advancement is linked to the commercialization of education set in motion by the early mission schools, the re‐Islamization of society, and the prestige system of ‘culturedness’. For this article, I have drawn upon qualitative anthropological data gathered through interviews with students, staff and parents in Jordan and from an analysis of higher education statistics.  相似文献   


The child‐centred theme of natural development in Rousseau's Emile has exercised a powerful and benign influence on education. Rousseau's proposed curriculum for girls, however, seems extraordinarily illiberal, requiring as it does a rigorous preparation for playing the traditional female role in a male‐dominated society.

It is argued here that such a conservative policy on the education of girls is inevitable in an educational theory which makes a virtue of its empirical foundations. Observational studies of the female's nature and of her needs and interests portray her as society permits or requires her to be rather than as she could or should be. This is a dangerous weakness in influential twentieth‐century versions of child‐centred theory which have embraced a scientific approach in the hope of enhancing their credibility. The full educational development of girls, however, requires a distinctive vision of how things ought to be, a willingness to defend such value judgments, and a determination to intervene positively in the classroom.  相似文献   

This article examines petitions submitted to the Egyptian state by students and parents over the span of a century. These sources reveal that Egyptians from across the economic spectrum were shifting their construction of schooling in response to changing political and educational policies and evolving conceptions of educational need. Over the course of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, parents and students were increasingly appealing to discourses concerning education, girls’ schooling and nationalism as a way to frame their personal pursuits as an extension of national advancement. As a result, petitioners saw education not as a matter of charity or luxury, but rather as a fundamental way to prevent ‘losing’ a brighter future. Ultimately, this shift in the concept of educational need underwrote the development of mass educational systems of the twentieth century as a cornerstone of the relationship between even the poorest of citizens and the Egyptian state.  相似文献   

This article looks at how far educational approaches to gender equity can be packaged and exported to developing countries. I analyze current discourses on women's education at international, national and local levels. Drawing on detailed ethnographic data from Nepal, I argue that issues around gender and education need to be addressed as ideological in nature, rather than a technical matter of tackling ‘drop out’ from women's literacy classes or getting more girls into school. From talking about ‘change’, ‘transformation’ and ‘access’, we need to think more about what is being changed to what and whose values underlie specific educational approaches.  相似文献   

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