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英国小说家哈代的代表作《还乡》集中反映了他的生态思想。对埃格敦荒原的描述体现了哈代的生态整体观:自然环境不再纯粹是人物活动的背景,而具有积极的生命形态和独立的生存意蕴,人物不再是世界的中心。只是生态体系的一个组成要素,与自然环境保持着相互依存的关系;对荒原动植物意象的刻画,表达了哈代对人与自然应该和谐共处的生态渴求及对非人类生物形式的同情与关怀。而哈代对主要人物与自然的三种不同关系(亲近自然,远离自然,回归自然)的对比述写则进一步加深了小说的生态主题:人类只有和大自然保持亲密和谐的关系,才能获得幸福生活。  相似文献   

1IntroductionInlinewiththeeconomicgrowthofHongKong,solidwastegenerationhasincreasedbytwofoldinthelastloyears.Anaverageof2oOoOtonnesofsolidwasteweredisPOsedofdailyin1993.Suchwasteisgeneratedbytheactivitiesof1.6milliondomestichouseholds,28oooocommercialandmanufacturingbusinesses,andsome44Oconstructionsitesintheterritory.Thisquantityamountstonearly3-5kgofwastedailyperheadofPOpulation(EPD,1994).Tomeetthegrowingdemandforwastedisposal,threeverylargestrategiclandfillsarebeingdevelopedinHongKong…  相似文献   

SU Huan 《海外英语》2014,(5):133-135
Mencius is composed of many long dialogues between Mencius and the kings,and some famous statements to show his viewpoints.There are many culture-loaded terms in this work which could reflect the Chinese traditional culture at that time.This thesis makes a comparative study on the application of domestication and foreignization in the translation of Ecological Culture-loaded Terms of two English versions of Mencius.And through this comparative study,this thesis would make its contribution on how to choose the appropriate translation strategy when dealing with such Culture-loaded Terms.  相似文献   

本论文旨在运用阿恩·奈斯的深生态理论分析休斯在《乌鸦》诗集中对人与自然关系的探究,以及他为乌鸦角色所建构的深生态的自我实现之路.休斯认为,人类只有摒弃以人类为中心的妄自尊大,并将深生态思想内在化,才有可能与所有其他生物建立牢固的身份认同.这种身份认同意味着人类精神世界与外在世界的重新统一,是唯一能解救当前西方文明正遭遇的环境与社会危机的出路.  相似文献   

While learning environment research has been growing in popularity over the past few decades, little attention has been given towards the learning environment of graduate students, and virtually no attention has been given specifically towards graduate counseling and related programs such as professional counseling, clinical and counseling psychology, and marriage and family therapy. In this paper we propose using Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1992) ecological theory as a model to conceptualize the training environment of such counselor preparation programs. Through the application of Bronfenbrenner’s theory, counselor educators and counseling trainees can better understand the systemic nature of the training environment that they create and where they train. Implications and recommendations for future research are provided to further advance the knowledge and awareness of the counseling training environment.  相似文献   

Homophobic bullying is a serious concern for students, parents, teachers, and school officials. This article reviews evidence on the status of this problem and how it may be addressed in a multilevel and multidisciplinary manner growing out of a social–ecological perspective on homophobic bullying as a social phenomenon. The ecological framework developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1977, 1979) is applied to organize this effort, which includes micro-, exo-, and macro-systems in which behavior and development are embedded. The inherent fluidity of experience postulated by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological approach offers hope that as practices and policy to promote diversity move forward, they will reshape the social ecology of sexual minority youth.  相似文献   

The sense of independence is the ability to stand by yourself, to do things on your own. You trust yourself. You know you are the necessary part, the important part that makes up1 the world.  Sometimes you may say to yourself, "Why, I can't stand on mys…  相似文献   

Investigating the effects of educational programmes on children’s environmental perceptions has been hampered by the lack of good theoretical models and valid instruments. In the present study, Bogner and Wiseman’s Model of Ecological Values provided a well‐developed theoretical model. A validated instrument based on Bogner’s Environmental Perception (ENV) scale was used to examine the effects of the Sunship Earth programme on the environmental perceptions of fifth and sixth grade students in the US. Paired sample t‐tests showed a statistically significant change toward more pro‐environmental perceptions for all factors described in the model for children who participated in Sunship Earth but not for a control group. Additionally, perceptions were shown to be stable over time for a smaller sample of students.  相似文献   

在马克思《资本论》里,资本不仅是个历史范畴、哲学和经济学范畴,资本也是一个生态学范畴。从生态学的角度看,资本在本质上既是能够带来剩余价值的价值,同时也是能够带来剩余产品的使用价值,是二者的辩证统一。资本不仅体现了人与人之间的经济关系,也体现了人与自然之间的生态关系。在人与人的经济关系上,资本的职能就是资本对劳动的利用和剥削;在人与自然的生态关系方面,资本的职能就是资本对自然的利用和剥夺。从长期来看,资本的本质和职能存在文明化的趋势。  相似文献   

Women academics reportedly exhibit lower research productivity than males. This study first quantitatively explored gender differences in research output based on a survey among 309 Chinese academics teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). Qualitative data obtained through interviews with seven female respondents were analyzed from an ecological perspective. Results showed significant gender differences in domestic publication but no such differences in international publication. Women academics’ pursuit of research was influenced by many factors from and beyond the microsystems of workplace and family, and their coping strategies included soliciting help from seasoned colleagues, attending academic conferences, and joining online communities. The findings highlight the institutional supportive practices and familial environment that are equally important in promoting women academics’ professional development.  相似文献   

Some Pe0Ple(l)that seals are the fairies of the sea and日ho记d notbe killed.“In the kin酗om of the Seals,’15 12、English fairy sto钾byDonald A Machenzie.It tells of a seal huntel(3)wounds a seal.Theseal swims away(4、the hunter,5 knife still(5)baek.That  相似文献   

Assessment is a critical issue in the teaching andlearning of mathematics. For many students, theassessment is still one that is based on a behaviouristapproach where discrete facts and skills are tested,where grading and ranking are the primary goals.Kilpatrick argues that an alternative vision isnecessary for today's classrooms. The challenge is toproduce an assessment practice that does more thanmeasures a person's mind and then assign a mindtreatment. We need to understand how people cometo use mathematics in different social settings and  相似文献   

This article tries to make an analysis of the song"Touch of Love"sung by Jacky Cheung,the king of pop singer in Hong Kong,from three aspects:person system,mood system and cohesion system based on the theory of systematic-functional grammar so as to deepen the understanding of the lyrics of this English song and improve their connoisseurship of English songs by the features embodied in the process of the discourse analysis of this piece of the song.  相似文献   

《封神演义》是明朝中叶一部较优秀的神魔小说。作品包含了三教合流互相渗透的文化内涵,其文化内涵具有一定的模糊性。然深究其思想内涵,则其文化内涵的模糊性中,儒家传统的思想,特别是宋明理学是文本中的主导思想。文章试从社会文化基础、作者的文化心理及小说文化本身等层面,对造成这种现象的原因进行分析。  相似文献   

<正> English is spoken throughout the continent of North America,in the British Isles, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and is also the most important of the languages of colonization in Asia,Africa and Oceania. In addition it is the language of commerce,and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This study focused on the development and validation of a three-tier multiple-choice diagnostic instrument about the ecological footprint. Each question in the...  相似文献   

There is a tendency by scholars arguing for a more just and sustainable future to position the “ecological crisis” as a fundamental reason for major educational reforms. Relying on crisis-talk to fuel social and environmental justice and environmentalism reinforces the thinking of the past, which inadvertently perpetuates the acceptance of present cultural attitudes which frame our relationships with others and the natural world. To evaluate previous cultural thinking and associated traditions of Euro-West society, Chet Bowers asserts that we ought to analyze how assumptions are carried forward as metaphors, which are associated with attitudes towards science, technology, and nature. This pedagogy is called ecojustice education and serves to conserve and sustain cultural diversity and the biodiversity of Earth’s ecosystems, which are threatened and vulnerable. But, also carried forward in the language of ecojustice philosophy (and other ecological works) is a presumption that feeds into scientifically proving that a crisis exists, which is associated with organizing schools around an implicit shock doctrine of fear and urgency. This paper explores these assumptions and others associated with a supposition of ecological crisis. The ecological crisis has the potential to marginalize many diverse people who are needed during these times of increasing ecological awareness and uncertainties. Situating education (and the world) in the frenzy associated with crisis, versus the assertion that schools should increase awareness around the belief that a more sustainable lifestyle is beneficial for the individual, the community and the environment is a worthwhile debate and is rich with respect to research opportunities in education.
Michael P. MuellerEmail:

1.IntroductionInrecentyears,theNi-MHbattery,akindofnewtypesecondarybatterydevelopedonthebaseofrechargeableNi-Cdbattery,hasattractedtheattentionofmostcustomersintheworldduetotheirexcellentperformancessuchashighpowerdensity,verygoodcyclability,highspecificcapacityandlessenviron-mentalimpact.Currently,theNi-MHbatteryiswidelyusedasapowerforportableelectricdevices,electricvehicles,portablevideos,andsomeimportantsmallapplications[1-3].Nickelhydroxideiscommonlyusedastheactivematerialfornickelposit…  相似文献   

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