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陈世伟 《华章》2007,(10):128
高校的稳定发展,是社会和谐发展的重要基础.处于社会转型时期的高校,面临着来自社会因素、大学自身因素、具体利益冲突三大方面的挑战,影响着高校的安定,是诱发高校群体性事件的重要因素.防范和处置高校群体性事件,对于维护学校的正常教学、生活秩序,维护学校和社会稳定具有重要的意义.如何建立一套从群体性事件发生之前的预警和防范机制、群体性事件中的应急控制机制、群体性事件之后的善后处理机制,就成为社会、高校迫切需要解决的现实课题.  相似文献   

高职院校特殊的管理模式和学生自身的素质特征,特别是社会环境的变化,使得高职院校学生极容易发生群体性突发事件,给高校和社会秩序造成一定的破坏,影响社会的稳定。研究预防和处置高职院校学生群体性事件对于维护高校正常的教学和管理秩序及社会稳定具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的群体性事件数量不断上升、参与人数日益增多、规模逐步扩大、行为日趋激烈,严重影响了社会和谐稳定,干扰了人民群众正常的生产生活秩序。群体性事件的防控重要性得以进一步凸显。本文以依法治国为立足点,在依法治国的背景下对群体性事件的性质进行了分析,同时提出了防控群体性事件的几点对策。  相似文献   

高校群体性事件如果预防和处置不当,就可能波及到社会,不仅影响校园内部正常的教学科研和工作生活秩序,也会影响社会稳定,有的甚至造成严重后果。采取团体心理辅导可以有效地预防和处置高校群体性事件,避免或减少危害,切实维护好高校的稳定大局。  相似文献   

近年来,群体性事件频繁的发生扰乱了社会正常的生产和生活秩序,甚至在一定程度上威胁着社会的稳定和经济的发展,阻碍了和谐社会的构建。文章首先通过对群体性事件基本概念及发生机理的阐释,引出公众参与对当前社会管理的价值意义,最后从完善机制、加强政府建设、推动公民社会发展,增强公民主体意识等三个方面来探究群体性事件频发背景下公众参与治理的可行性路径。  相似文献   

蕾晓松 《铜仁学院学报》2011,13(4):76-78,92
群体性事件的发生是新时期人民内部矛盾的一种典型表现形式,它是一种由某些社会矛盾引发,一些特定或不特定的群体在没有合法依据的情况下规模性的集聚,其间多会发生语言或肢体上的冲突,对社会正常秩序和稳定造成诸多影响的群体性活动。在构建社会主义和谐社会的背景下,要防控群体性事件的发生,正确处理好人民内部矛盾,为社会主义现代化建设营造良好的环境氛围。  相似文献   

近几年,我国环境群体性事件频繁发生。公众参与在环境群体性事件中具有重要的意义。当前,环境群体性事件中的公众参与还存在许多问题。究其原因,主要有环境信息公开不到位,非政府环保组织参与作用未充分发挥,公众参与法律体系不够完善等。在我国环境群体性事件不断发生,规模日益扩大,矛盾愈演愈烈的境况下,完善公众参与机制对维护社会和谐稳定具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

校园突发事件是指发生在校园内外由本校师生员工实施或以其为侵害对象的涉及破坏社会和校园秩序并造成人身财产严重损害的突发公共事件,具有难以预见、处置紧迫、危害严重和影响广泛的特点。校园突发事件包括人为或自然因素引起,具有突发性,对师生人身安全、学校教学、工作和生活秩序、学校和社会稳定等造成或可能造成严重影响或严重危害的各类紧急情况,如:安全事故(火灾、公用设施故障中断、建筑物倒塌、师生集体活动中发生的挤踩压伤、交通事故等)、公共卫生事件(食物和职业中毒、传染性疾病、群体性不明原因疾病等)、群体性事件(闹事、游…  相似文献   

群体性事件的频繁发生会影响我国经济社会的发展,导致人民群众对政府的信任危机和对执政党执能力的怀疑。如何有效预防和应对群体性事件已成为当前社会必须研究的重大课题。充分分析群体性事件发生的各方面原因,正确看待群体性事件,从而提出有效的应对策略,维护群众的利益和社会的稳定。  相似文献   

2008年,我国发生了多起影响较大的群体性事件。群体性事件从发生数量、参与主体、发生原因、事件形式来看,都具有较鲜明的特.点。群体性事件的发生原因可以概括为三个方面,一是因社会资源的分布不公、利益格局变化产生的社会问题积累,二是一些地方政府和部分公务员不能依法行政、勤政爱民、廉洁自律,三是利益诉求渠道缺失。必须采取标本兼治的有效措施减少群体性事件的发生,维护人民群众的共同利益。  相似文献   

网络群体性事件是网络时代政府面临的一场新的危机与挑战。网络群体性事件作为群体性事件的特殊形态,因其具有信息传播迅速、虚实相互作用、事发难以预料等特质,如果政府应对失策不仅会使其在短时间内影响数百万群众心目中党和政府的形象,而且可能发展为现实中的群体性事件。因此,搭建网络沟通平台、树立网络话语权威、推进政治体制改革、建立公民自律意识是应对网络群体性事件的策略之选。  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper is based on an exploration of the ways in which student teachers learn about the issues and concerns that shape their own professional learning. Shulman’s process of pedagogical reasoning and action was used as a conceptual framework to systematically elucidate different critical incidents that student teachers experienced and to then apply it as an analytic framework for developing deeper understandings of the complex task of learning to teach primary science. Primary science student teacher participants (n = 22) were stimulated to reflect upon critical incidents in order to facilitate identifying their teaching concerns and teaching needs. The results indicate that by helping student teachers to focus on critical incidents in their learning to teach, they come to question their practice more deeply and, through such reflection, gain new insights into teaching as being problematic.  相似文献   

This study approaches teacher learning from a dialogical viewpoint where lecturers’ voices used in a training course context reflect how lecturers generated new professional discourse. The design of the training course considered the analysis of several critical incidents (CIs) in online teaching. An analytical framework based on lecturers’ discourse and ways of thinking about teaching was used to identify types of renaming teaching practice. The empirical element of the study analysed the written utterances about teaching provided by 12 online instructors in order to determine what kinds of new discourse emerged during the analysis of 15 CIs in online teaching. Results showed that local discourse is the lecturers’ most commonly used discourse, prototypical incidents generated more professional discourse than personal and real CIs, and professional discourse can be created by means of at least nine different ways of articulating discourse. On the basis of these results, some pedagogical implications for lecturer learning are discussed.  相似文献   

随着在校学习的未成年学生遭受人身损害案件的频频发生,学校面临学生人身损害赔偿的风险不断增加。本文阐述了学校在不同类型的校园伤害事件中过错确定的几种责任原则(即过错推定责任、过错责任和补充责任)以及学校应当承担的证明义务,归纳了审判实践中常见的过错情形和学校可以采用的抗辩方式,对学生伤害事故中多个过错责任人的追加和责任比例的界定,从而提高学校争取较好诉讼结果的可能性.避免校园伤害事故的发生。  相似文献   

Twenty-six college and university presidents, 12 new and 14 experienced, were interviewed and asked to report at least four incidents which they felt had been critical to their effectiveness as presidents. One hundred and twelve incidents were collected and then analyzed using a modification of the Critical Incident Technique. The great majority of the incidents (94.6%) were found to involve the internal affairs of the institution. Students were found to be involved in more incidents than any other group, followed by the faculty and then the administration. Finances and campus unrest led the list of factors precipitating the incidents, followed by staffing-related concerns and governance issues. Implications for new and experienced presidents are discussed.  相似文献   

However good a school's home–school relations may be, there may still be incidents when difficult or distraught parents act in aggressive and threatening ways towards staff, particularly staff acting in a pastoral role. How likely this is to happen will in part depend on circumstances beyond the school's control. However, there are ways that the likelihood of such incidents can be decreased and where they do occur, they can be more effectively handled. David Kibble suggests a number of ways that schools can decrease the likelihood of such situations developing and also the best way to handle interviews where there is a possibility of a parent becoming aggressive. He explains how his school has developed a policy to support and protect staff where they may potentially or actually be involved in such confrontations.  相似文献   

Policy sociologists typically research at large scale. This paper presents an example of a policy analysis which illuminates how policy is embedded in single incidents, lives and places. The case in point concerns the policy fetish for ‘closing the gap and raising the bar’. This rhetoric is taken to mean improving the learning of all students, while at the same time producing a more equitable, quality education system. In the case in point, we mobilise an ethnographic fragment and the spatial theory of Henri Lefebvre in order to examine the ways in which the policy technology of transforming students into measurable data plays out in the life of one group of Year 10 girls in a struggling English comprehensive school. We argue that our analysis demonstrates that in this very particular case, the pedagogies intended to promote attainment actually accomplished the reverse. We suggest that, following this example, policy sociologists might gain from further research at the micro/vernacular levels of schooling.  相似文献   

大学生突发性群体事件的社会关注程度高,网络传播扩散快,且容易向社会波及。网络舆情常直接引发群体性事件,或间接推动群体性事件的恶性发展。健全网络舆情长效监控机制,建立相对完善的应急预案,促进大学生的自我教育,提高网络部门的技术支持是处理网络环境下大学生突发性群体事件的有效对策。  相似文献   

因社会因素、学校教育管理因素、学生自身因素等原因,高校大学生群体性突发事件时有发生,严重影响了高校的安全稳定。高校应增强危机意识,建立大学生群体性突发事件的识别、研判等机制,加强教育,提高管理水平,建立通畅的学生群体利益表达渠道,努力构建和谐校园文化,有效预防大学生群体性突发事件的发生。  相似文献   

教师作为一个特殊的职业群体,面临着巨大的工作压力。过度的压力使教师焦虑、烦躁、抑郁,甚至改变对整个外部世界的看法。形成教师职业压力的主要内在因素有教师较强的感知力、责任感和使命感、教师的个性特征等。教师可以通过有计划地锻炼身体、增加社会交往、改变认知方式、改变行为习惯等方法缓解过度的职业压力。  相似文献   

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