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怎样做才能成为一名优秀的职业学校班主任?职业学校班主任的职责是什么?抓学生的思想政治教育工作和日常管理工作,是否就尽到了班主任老师的责任?针对这些问题,本文提出班主任老师要——  相似文献   

学校发展的关键是人,"人能"就会"校兴",而要"人能",就要各安其位,各尽所长.怎样让教师有效地开展校本研究,从而促进学校的发展呢?  相似文献   

想开阔视野尽览世界风采,那么就去旅游吧!准备好了吗?乘坐着这趟充满魅力的时光列车,踏上一次神秘的异国之旅。  相似文献   

读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。"市总工会‘关口前靠,重心下沉’,更加关注民企、街道和机关的职工书屋建设,目前,职工书屋已悄然成为我们的‘精神粮仓’了。"这是广大职工对自贡市总工会近年职工书屋建设的总体评价。短短几年内职工书屋真的变化这么大?是否真正走进了职工心间?又发挥了怎样的作用?带着这样的问题,笔者走访了自贡市的几个职工书屋。  相似文献   

"大学语文"大家谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家"十一五"规划指出,要把《大学语文》这门课作为非中文专业大学生的必修课开设一学年。《大学语文》课,从开设到取消,到再次引起国家有关部门的重视,这中间有什么原因?开设《大学语文》的必要性在哪里?这门课是否应该实行全国统一考试?一套优秀的《大学语文》教材应具有哪些特点?编好一套《大学语文》教材,应该有怎样的一支编写队伍才比较合理?就此问题笔者采访了部分专家、教授(以姓氏拼音为序编排)。  相似文献   

日前,在一堂<论雷峰塔的倒掉>的教研课上,执教者就文章内容的理解,提了一连串问题:这篇文章具体写了哪些内容?这些内容是否显得很乱?作者小时候对雷峰塔怀有怎样的感情?塔倒掉后作者感受如何?鲁迅先生写这篇文章是为了表达对白蛇娘娘的同情吗?他还有何创作意图?教者通过提问,解决了文章的重点、难点,学生在高密度、高强度的提问解答下,被动地接受了许多知识.  相似文献   

1 知识回顾和引入课题(1)什么叫做功?怎样判断力是否做功了?(2)怎样正确测算功?功的单位是什么?问:在建筑工地上,需要把几百块砖全部送到楼顶,你能想出哪些办法?(生:思考讨论。)归纳:可以用人工直接搬,一次搬几块,需要  相似文献   

"菲佣"启示录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
很早就听说“菲佣”一词,“英国的管家、菲律宾的佣”,这在全世界都很有名气了。前段香港之旅更是印象尤深,在港24万外地佣工中,菲律宾人竟达18万,一个8000万人口的小国,在海外打工者竟占1?10,全世界193个国家和地区的家庭雇用了菲佣,温柔谦恭的岛国妇女每年把大量的“硬通货”寄回祖国,成了菲律宾政府重要而稳定的收入。这对于我们一个13亿人口的大国,当高等教育刚跨上“大众线”就面临毕业生就业难、高技能应用型人才缺乏,而职业教育面临着招生难的窘况,无疑会带来诸多的沉思与感想。对比之下我国的教育是否缺失了什么28年前,菲律宾总统马…  相似文献   

我今天讲的主题是,是否存在外星人?能否找到他?怎样与之建立联系?当然我在这里讲的只是我本人接受的一种观点,不一定正确.  相似文献   

在80后的热潮谈然以尽的时候.近日。两位最火热的青春网络写手——郭敬明与孙睿做客新浪聊天室.开始走出文字.浮出水面面对挚爱的读者去剖析最真实的自己,这两位新新写手将以怎样的语言让我们再一次感悟80后呢?让我们一起聆听……  相似文献   

Massoudi  Mehrdad 《Interchange》2008,39(4):443-468

In this essay the importance of spirituality (or ethics) in the life of a research scientist is explored. The following four questions are considered: a) Why should the problem be studied? What are the benefits? and For whom? b) How should we approach this problem? c) What if the results of this investigation contradict other theories? What should we do in case of disagreements? and, d) What are the consequences of this study? Who or what is going to be harmed? What are the effects on the environment?


In the United States, controversy persists regarding what it means for heterosexuality to be the norm, or more pointedly, what it means for those not strictly heterosexual to be outside the norm. It is important that consultants in schools be aware of the current state of research bearing on homosexuality. Consultation provides a viable approach to assist educators with the questions that students, parents, teachers, and administrators themselves may be asking: What is homosexuality? Is heterosexuality the only natural sexual orientation? Can lesbian, gay, and bisexual people be psychologically healthy? Are the children of lesbian and gay parents “at risk”? Can one become ungay? What about a gay or lesbian teacher? This article explores these questions with particular attention to how consultation may be used to promote educational practices that foster positive school environments for all students.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper data were presented about the differences in performance of several learners on a problem solving task. The nature of these differences was explored in terms of the learners' strategies and approach to the task. It was argued that the pattern of strategy application should be interpreted in relation to the way in which the learner engaged in the task. Furthermore, the pattern of strategy application was found to be most meaningful when interpreted within the framework of the learners' approach to the task. Success on the task appeared to be more strongly linked to the learners' approach than to the strategiesper se. This paper has provided further insight into what is meant by a deep and surface approach to a task. Evidence has been presented which shows that the learners' approach may be implemented in practice in different ways. It is hoped that the paper will stimulate many questions relating to learning on other tasks and in different contexts. For example, do learners have a characteristic learning approach? Does their approach vary according to the task or context? What factors influence the learning approach which is adopted? What implications does the notion of approach to learning have for classroom teaching?  相似文献   

当代终身学习概念的本质特征及其理论发展的国际动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来终身学习的概念逐渐受到社会各界的关注,那么何谓终身学习?终身教育和终身学习理念所蕴藏的基本内涵又有什么不同?为什么围绕同一个概念会出现两种不同的表述?终身教育的地位又为何有逐渐被终身学习所取代的趋向?关于这一问题目前仍还处在一种较为模糊的认识状态。而对基本概念的理解和认识不清,则将在很大程度上影响了上述理念对实践所产生的指导作用。因此对终身学习与终身教育的关系及其蕴涵于概念之中的本质特征作一番梳理和研究则实属必要。  相似文献   

The human factors approach (HFA) is proposed as a valid, reliable, and cost‐effective method for generating and selecting job performance elements (JPEs) to be rated in employee performance appraisals. One basic set of JPEs can and should be used to appraise all employees' performance. The HFA is based principally on a simple question: What are the most critical or important things humans can produce/do at work that maximize employee and organizational performance?  相似文献   

职业中学教师进修的意义何在?国家为职业中学教师的进修提供了怎样的可能、途径与保障?职业中学教师进修的内容有什么特点?本文对此进行浅显探究。  相似文献   

How can focus groups be used to examine issues of consequential validity in large-scale assessment? In relation to a new large-scale assessment, what are teacher concerns, and how do these concerns differ by type of school district? What are the strengths and weaknesses in this approach to looking at consequential validity?  相似文献   

企业究竟需要什么样的人才?——中日比较的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业在劳动市场究竟需要什么样的人才?这个问题不仅关系到高等教育究竟如何来应对产业界的人才需求,而且还关系到大学应该进行怎样的教育这一根本问题.本文拟通过对大学毕业生就业调查数据的分析来尝试解答这些问题.  相似文献   

香港高校源源不断地培养大量德才兼备的高素质人才,其中通识教育功不可没。香港高校坚持"通识为本,专识为末"的培养理念,通识教育与德育融会贯通,利用通识教育的形式对学生进行人文精神和道德修养熏陶,对香港市民素质提升乃至社会的稳定发展起着很大的作用。  相似文献   

School innovating involves risks for teachers; professional risks, but also personal risks. So, the implantation and the diffusion of schools innovations are only possible if certain facilitating conditions are fulfilled.

Considering a specific innovation developed for 15 years in Belgium (peer‐tutoring), the authors are trying to answer the following questions: ? What conditions have to be fulfilled for an innovation to take shape and to expand?

? What are the most important factors which determine the success or the failure of an innovation?

? Even though the effects on pupils remain the justification of an innovation, how can we take into account the questions the teachers ask themselves at the different stages of the innovation? What are those questions? How can all the actors of the project find what they expected?


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