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大学生思想政治教育需要一支专业化、职业化的辅导员队伍。辅导员的生存和发展受到许多生态因子的影响与限制。高校辅导员发展的现实生态环境表现为:高校辅导员正在被边缘化,整体生态环境缺乏平衡,生态位受到挤压,且多种生态因子有成为限制因子的趋势。构建高校辅导员的和谐生态环境,应积极关注高校辅导员发展的生态环境,确立整体生态环境观,营造凸显人文关怀的制度生态环境,改善高校辅导员"边际人"群体的物质生态环境,并为其创设健康、豁达的心理生态环境。  相似文献   

Teaching philosophies are central to the approach of pedagogical strategies but there has been little examination of discipline-specific teaching philosophies. This study addresses a significant gap in the literature by discussing the teaching philosophies of 122 instructors of sexuality courses. Sexuality education is unique compared to most disciplines due to the personal nature of the content, thus being more difficult for students and instructors to distance themselves from the course content. The teaching philosophies in this study conveyed two overarching approaches to sexuality instruction: the instructor’s perspective of the course and the approach of the sexuality instruction. Although teaching philosophies typically inform one’s practice of teaching and course content, this study proposes that sexuality education is intrinsically different than other areas of instruction despite the interdisciplinary backgrounds of college instructors.  相似文献   

在对当代大学生多元化价值观分析的基础上,阐述了加强学校辅导员队伍建设的必要性,并提出了创建新型辅导员队伍建设的措施,指出要强化辅导员的教育功能,提高辅导员的自身素质,促进辅导员队伍职业化,改进辅导员工作方法,以便更好地开展学生工作。,  相似文献   

Teachers sometimes do things that negatively impact their own credibility in classroom settings. One way instructors maintain credibility among students is by keeping a veil between their personal and professional personas. The advent of Facebook presents new challenges for instructors seeking to keep their personal lives private in order to maintain credibility among students. In educational settings, Facebook communications can blur the personal and professional boundaries that students and professors are accustomed to. As such, instructors in higher education sometimes struggle with the implications of ‘friending’ students in the context of social networking. The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not educator usage of Facebook had any impact on student perceptions of instructor credibility. Facebook presence was examined in the context of teacher ‘misbehaviors’ (that is, actions by educators that negatively impact their credibility). A modified version of Teven and McCroskey’s (1997) Source Credibility Instrument was given to a sample of college students (N?=?187) to compare instructors that use Facebook with those who do not. While students appear to be generally accepting of instructor usage of the social tool, some findings suggest that there are probably ways to abuse it in a manner that could lead to negative perceptions of credibility. Ultimately, results from this study indicated that there were no significant differences among student perceptions of instructor credibility based on whether or not an educator used Facebook.  相似文献   

随着高等教育事业的蓬勃发展,辅导员的作用越来越重要。但是,由于受到工作压力大、工资待遇差、社会地位低、职业发展空间窄等因素的影响,民办高校辅导员社会流动性较高、人才流失严重;在此基础上探讨辅导员队伍激励机制的构建具有一定的现实意义。文章主要从马斯洛需要层次理论角度出发,探讨民办高校辅导员队伍激励机制构建的路径选择。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of aspects of naturally occurring instructor self-disclosure (intent, amount, positiveness, depth, and honesty) on students’ evaluations of their current instructor. Female college students (N?=?333) completed measures of their evaluation of their instructor and perceptions of the instructor's self-disclosure in the classroom. The findings partially replicate those from a study of hypothetical instructor self-disclosure (Sorensen, Communication Education, 38, 259–276, 1989) in that instructor self-disclosure that was perceived to be more honest, positive, and intentional was associated with more positive evaluations of the instructor. The disclosure-liking hypothesis which predicts that greater amounts of instructor self-disclosure would be positively associated with evaluations was not supported. These results may serve as a guideline for instructors’ classroom communication about themselves.  相似文献   

The current study utilizes the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211 Ajzen 1991) to examine an instructor confirmation-interaction model in the instructional communication context to discover a means by which instructors might cultivate positive student attitudes and increase beliefs that interactions with instructors would be beneficial in the future. Specifically, the model examines how teacher confirmation (Ellis 2000) influences students’ behavioral intention to communicate with instructors. Surveys were distributed to 343 college students (41.7% male and 58.1% female) in a basic communication course. Results were primarily consistent with the proposed model; teacher confirmation was significantly related to attitudes toward communicating with an instructor, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were also positively related to students’ behavioral intention to communicate with the instructor. However, results reveal attitudes toward communicating do not predict students’ behavioral intention to communicate with instructors. It is recommended that future models examine a more contemporary, hi-tech representation of attitude toward student-instructor interactions as it may produce a significant association with students’ behavioral intent to communicate with them. The study concludes with theoretical and practical implications to examine student classroom communication via the confirmation-interaction model and the theory of planned behavior.  相似文献   

This study examined some of the factors which influence college students’ evaluations of their instructors. Data were collected from 557 students enrolled in a basic speech communication course. Overall, a student's relationship with the instructor was the best predictor of the student's evaluation of the instructor. This study lends partial support to the idea that students evaluate male and female instructors differently. The variables examined in this study were better predictors of student evaluation of female than male instructors.  相似文献   

A total of 232 college students in six different courses in three departments participated in a study to examine the effect of perceived course mean on course and instructor evaluations. Following a midsemester exam, students were given their actual earned exam scores and a manipulated class mean that was either ten percentage points higher or lower than the actual class average on the exam. Participants then completed an evaluation of the course and instructor. It was hypothesized that students scoring above the manipulated mean would rate the course and instructor more highly than students scoring below the manipulated mean. It was further hypothesized that students who were told that the class mean was higher would rate the course and instructor more highly than students who were told that the mean was lower. Results supported the first hypothesis. However, hypothesis two was not supported. Students receiving the lower manipulated class mean rated instructors more favorably. Results suggest the need to consider both individual exam scores and class averages in understanding the grade-teaching evaluation relationship.  相似文献   

浅论高职辅导员与大学生的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确处理高职院校辅导员与大学生的关系,是高职院校德育教育的基础,是学生管理工作的前提,是提高教学质量的保证。正确处理辅导员与大学生的关系,即要求辅导员当好高职学生的思想导师、心理咨询师、专业引路人以及就业规划者,做高职学生的良师益友,唯有如此,辅导员工作才能在培养高素质技能型人才的过程中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study explores issues related to the tutor’s role when initiating tutoring as an institutional strategy at a conventional university. Based on a pilot tutoring program implemented in four college courses, we investigated the perceptions of instructors, tutors and students regarding the role of tutoring and whether it affected the psychological distance between the different types of participants. The results indicated that instructors’ perceptions of the tutor’s primary role and the psychological distance from the students and the tutors differed from the perceptions of the tutors and the students, perhaps because the instructors perceived tutors as a source of instructor support rather than student support. Implications and suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

中国高等教育在由"精英教育"向"大众教育"转型的过程中,大学生的教育与管理变得更加复杂,高校辅导员工作理念和方法需要有所创新、发展和完善。从社会工作的专业视角来看,高校辅导员社会工作服务技能的培养与运用,是提升高校辅导员队伍素质和专业化水平的一种专业路径和行动模式。  相似文献   

This study explores the impact that instructional technology use, course design, and sex differences have on students’ initial perceptions of instructors’ credibility (i.e., competence, trustworthiness, and perceived caring). Participants included 864 students from two Midwestern universities who were randomly assigned to one of 16 experimental conditions (i.e., scenarios) manipulating the use of technology across two types of courses and across two types of instructors (i.e., male and female instructors). Multivariate analyses revealed a two-way interaction effect of technology use by student sex on perceptions of instructor credibility. Follow-up procedures revealed both a curvilinear and a linear effect for technology use on students’ perceptions of instructor competence. In terms of instructor trustworthiness, however, only a curvilinear effect emerged. Finally, the results suggested that technology use has both a curvilinear and a linear effect on perceptions of perceived caring, though the linear effect size was marginal at best. Among the most important implications of this research is the fact that technology use produced the strongest effect size for the perceived caring dimension of instructor credibility.  相似文献   

辅导员是大学生思想政治工作的主力军, 配好辅导员是高校人力资源配置的一个重要环节。高校必  相似文献   

"思想政治导师制"是高职院校"导师"对学生思想道德、政治修养、学习生活、职业素质等诸多方面进行个别辅导的人才培养制度。"思想政治导师制"是传统班主任制、辅导员制与学工处、团委相结合的传统大学生思想政治工作的重要补充。  相似文献   

This study tested a series of hypotheses linking college support and quality of student?Cinstructor relations with outcomes including student efficacy, social connectedness with peers, expectancies and academic performance. Early quality of exchanges with the instructor using Leader?CMember Exchange theory was found to be a key indicator of academic outcomes. In addition, perceived organisational support was linked to ratings of instructor?Cstudent quality of exchanges, and the quality of exchanges between instructors and students served as an antecedent to social integration and academic self-concept. Academic self-concept was found to correlate with early perceptions of academic performance which, in turn, predicted students?? actual academic performance. Implications of this research include support for individualised rather than universal communication and interactions between instructors and students, development of relationships at the dyadic rather than group levels, and leadership as a means to develop student performance in a classroom setting.  相似文献   

对于当前规模越来越大、个性越来越鲜明的大学生群体来说,辅导员能否采用最科学、最合理的讲话方式,将直接影响着大学生对辅导员讲话的接受效果。影响辅导员在集体场合讲话效果的,不仅包括讲话的内容和形式,还包括辅导员的公正、平等、真诚、言行一致等话语外因素。辅导员要让讲话有说服力,有吸引力,就不仅需要斟酌讲话内容,还必须合理地使用各种修辞方法,才能最终取得良好的教育管理效果。  相似文献   

大学生是民族的希望,祖国的未来;辅导员是大学生健康成长的指导者、引路人和知心朋友。辅导员的工作实效状况如何,关系到大学生的整体素质,关系到国家的前途和民族的命运。因而,不断加强辅导员队伍建设,增强辅导员工作实效,历来受到党和政府的高度重视。考察当前高校辅导员工作实效不足的主要问题,分析辅导员自身存在的原因,以增强高校辅导员工作实效。  相似文献   

目前,高校辅导员队伍中存在诸多问题,影响了大学生日常学习生活的有序进行,在一定程度上妨碍了大学生思想政治素养的提升。因此,必须加强高校辅导员队伍专业化建设,并在制度层面予以保障。制度化是高校辅导员队伍建设的基础,也是从整体上提升铺导员队伍素质的有效手段。要构建一套行之有效的保障机制,打造一支高素质专业化的辅导员队伍,确保大学生日常学习生活的有效管理,提升高等教育人才培养的整体水平。  相似文献   

The relationships among college student science achievement, engaged time (observed and perceived), and personal characteristics of academic aptitude, reasoning ability, attitude toward science, and locus of control were investigated. Measures of personal characteristics were obtained from the subjects (N= 76) of a private, liberal arts junior college before observations began in the lecture classes for the quarter. Instruments used to measure personal characteristics were Scholastic Aptitude Test, Test of Logical Thinking, Test of Scientific Attitude, and Leven-son's Multidimensional View of Locus of Control. Based on a random selection procedure, student engaged time was observed at least ten times for 11 lectures. Achievement tests were constructed and validated for the biology classes. Data were analyzed by multiple regression procedures. The average achievement scores were positively related to academic aptitude and reasoning ability. Positive relationships were found between observed engaged time and academic aptitude and a negative relationship was found between observed engaged time and reasoning ability. Also a positive relationship was found between perceived engaged time and achievement. Pearson product-moment correlations between achievement and observed engaged time were significant as were the correlations between perceived engaged time and achievement. Measure of engaged time (observed and perceived) were also related to each other. The study's data indicate that students who were observed to be engaged were low in reasoning ability or high in academic aptitude. Those who perceived themselves as being engaged achieved more. College instructors who have knowledge of student academic aptitude and reasoning ability may use this knowledge to improve achievement. Engaged time measures were significantly related to achievement, which indicates an instructor should endeavor to keep the students as engaged as possible to enhance achievement. Students who are engaged or pay attention or perceived they are engaged or paying attention during lecture classes achieve more than students who are observed as nonengaged or perceive themselves as nonengaged.  相似文献   

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